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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Fallen of the ketosis wagon a bit in saturday (diet cola I've drank turned out to be just "half calories" :(), so I got pissed and ate some ice cream and bread :D Back on the saddle though. Today was a good day. 10 km march, P90x chest and back and about to do T25. Feels good :)

I'm checking ketosticks each morning. Curious to see how long it will take to go into ketosis again.


Fallen of the ketosis wagon a bit in saturday (diet cola I've drank turned out to be just "half calories" :(), so I got pissed and ate some ice cream and bread :D Back on the saddle though. Today was a good day. 10 km march, P90x chest and back and about to do T25. Feels good :)

I'm checking ketosticks each morning. Curious to see how long it will take to go into ketosis again.

How are you mixing ketosis and p90x though? Dont you need some carbs after workout to let the muscles regain their energy from there? I ask because I'm interested in p90 right now and later p90x and I'm not on ketosis but still low carb.


How are you mixing ketosis and p90x though? Dont you need some carbs after workout to let the muscles regain their energy from there? I ask because I'm interested in p90 right now and later p90x and I'm not on ketosis but still low carb.

Nope. Don't have any problem with it. I've heard some people do on ketosis, but I've never experienced any increased fatigue and the strenght is regularly growing, so everything seems to be going fine.

That said, I have very weird body in many ways and one of them is permanent sugar levels a little below what's considered healthy . So maybe I'm just adapted. It's hilarious. At my heaviest I was like 145 kgs, went to doctor to see if I'm not diabetic, he looked at my results and said "boy, you should consider eating candy bars from time to time" :D

My friend did weight loss on ketosis too while weight lifting and for him it was tougher, But even he adapted pretty nicely and after a while he had all the energy he needed. After few months he switched to one a week 6hours long carb refeeds tough.
Hey guys! I have posted in this thread before and had success for 10-15 pounds then I always fail. My wife is joining me this time and we started our low carb journey yesterday.

wish us luck.

you guys are all awesome btw.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Hey guys! I have posted in this thread before and had success for 10-15 pounds then I always fail. My wife is joining me this time and we started our low carb journey yesterday.

wish us luck.

you guys are all awesome btw.

Good luck! Here's something that might motivate you and others.


Same shirt


the piano man
you know, if the people around me were an indication, then I'd thought nobody ever losses weight. Plenty of people always being and staying forever overweight in spite of knowing every diet in the book.

but this thread shows there are a lot of guys who pull it off amazingly,

this gives me faith in humanity, congrats to everyone here.


Got a kind of conundrum for tonight. I've been on a paleo diet since Monday and things have been going well, but last night I was invited to go out today. Up until now, I was planning on just finding something on the menu wherever we are that I can eat and sticking with that. Well, I looked up the menu for the place we're going to and they literally don't have a single thing I can eat. It's a pizza place, and they don't even have salads on their menu. Every single item has some sort of bread involved, it's ridiculous.

So I thought about possibly just fasting for the day and then just eating whatever tonight, or should I just eat normal today and then fast possibly tomorrow or Sunday? Just not sure what I should do. It worries me because in the past when I've tried dieting, when I started doing cheat meals is when I started to mess up. It would always screw with my concentration and I would start thinking about all the food I can't have again. It's also only my first week, and don't know if I should start this early. Any ideas?


Got a kind of conundrum for tonight. I've been on a paleo diet since Monday and things have been going well, but last night I was invited to go out today. Up until now, I was planning on just finding something on the menu wherever we are that I can eat and sticking with that. Well, I looked up the menu for the place we're going to and they literally don't have a single thing I can eat. It's a pizza place, and they don't even have salads on their menu. Every single item has some sort of bread involved, it's ridiculous.

So I thought about possibly just fasting for the day and then just eating whatever tonight, or should I just eat normal today and then fast possibly tomorrow or Sunday? Just not sure what I should do. It worries me because in the past when I've tried dieting, when I started doing cheat meals is when I started to mess up. It would always screw with my concentration and I would start thinking about all the food I can't have again. It's also only my first week, and don't know if I should start this early. Any ideas?

I think going out and eating whatever suits you is a very good thing as long as it's done infrequently and not used as an excuse to gorge yourself. However, when I first started trying to stick to a paleo diet I did go for three months or so without deviating and I do think it was beneficial. Building that pattern and seeing the results were a big motivator for me to keep on the right track.

The most important thing to remember though is that even if you do go out and eat something off your diet, hell even if you go out and gorge yourself, it's never an excuse to continue eating that way the next day. Eating a bunch of crap isn't failing and it only takes a day or two of eating clean again to regain that rhythm.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Got a kind of conundrum for tonight. I've been on a paleo diet since Monday and things have been going well, but last night I was invited to go out today. Up until now, I was planning on just finding something on the menu wherever we are that I can eat and sticking with that. Well, I looked up the menu for the place we're going to and they literally don't have a single thing I can eat. It's a pizza place, and they don't even have salads on their menu. Every single item has some sort of bread involved, it's ridiculous.

So I thought about possibly just fasting for the day and then just eating whatever tonight, or should I just eat normal today and then fast possibly tomorrow or Sunday? Just not sure what I should do. It worries me because in the past when I've tried dieting, when I started doing cheat meals is when I started to mess up. It would always screw with my concentration and I would start thinking about all the food I can't have again. It's also only my first week, and don't know if I should start this early. Any ideas?
Do you have a link to the place's menu I could peak at?

If you have any control in changing where you go, I'd offer that up first. If they'd dead set on going to that place for some reason, you can just be a picky eater-person. Order double hamburger and not eat the bun...something like that.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Thanks everyone! Now go do the same!

How much did you weigh at your biggest Tashi and how much do you weigh now?

About 350. I'm 238 atm. Although that was a couple weeks ago and I've stopped using the scale since then. I feel like I could be a little lighter than that.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν

Should I be nervous that the link you sent is the one that shows you were checking out the desserts?! :)

You could go for the hot wings and see if it's possible to go light on the sauce or even get no sauce, perhaps?

You could also maybe go for the Hot Dog with Chili and just not eat the buns?

...you're right though, that place is pretty damn limited :lol


I guess I should start spending more time in this thread again.

I'd rather be fit and healthy with a shit tonne of loose skin, than obese, right?

Here we go again, round 6...


Should I be nervous that the link you sent is the one that shows you were checking out the desserts?! :)

You could go for the hot wings and see if it's possible to go light on the sauce or even get no sauce, perhaps?

You could also maybe go for the Hot Dog with Chili and just not eat the buns?

...you're right though, that place is pretty damn limited :lol

Just a coincidence. I was clicking through everything and desserts was the last one. Didn't even actually look at them. Well it turns out we may be doing something different, but I guess we'll see how it goes. I'm just going to convince myself it's a one time thing and move on.


I guess I should start spending more time in this thread again.

I'd rather be fit and healthy with a shit tonne of loose skin, than obese, right?

Here we go again, round 6...

You can help combat that(as much as possible) by weightlifting.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Just a coincidence. I was clicking through everything and desserts was the last one. Didn't even actually look at them. Well it turns out we may be doing something different, but I guess we'll see how it goes. I'm just going to convince myself it's a one time thing and move on.

Given your history, what is your confidence that you can contain this to a "one time thing"? It'd be better to not eat anything at all if you think it's going to get you to fall off the wagon.

Think of it like you're a heroin addict. If you just shoot up one more time, are you going to be in control enough to really not go in for more?

...not trying to be a dick, but I seem to remember you having a lot of ups and downs in terms of your diet adherence in the past because of just these kinds of things.


Given your history, what is your confidence that you can contain this to a "one time thing"? It'd be better to not eat anything at all if you think it's going to get you to fall off the wagon.

Think of it like you're a heroin addict. If you just shoot up one more time, are you going to be in control enough to really not go in for more?

...not trying to be a dick, but I seem to remember you having a lot of ups and downs in terms of your diet adherence in the past because of just these kinds of things.

You would be correct. I've gone off and on a diet for about 3 years now. I've always ended up failing because I finally succumbed to my inhibitions. The best I've ever done has happened twice now, and it was while I wasn't working. I had a few months off and found it easy to stick to my diet because I didn't have any money to be buying out all the time and was eating a lot better. After that time I would always do well for a little bit and then would gradually come back off as I would give in to cheating and it would just happen more and more.

Now the more I think about it, the more I know that cheating probably isn't a good idea :\


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
You would be correct. I've gone off and on a diet for about 3 years now. I've always ended up failing because I finally succumbed to my inhibitions. The best I've ever done has happened twice now, and it was while I wasn't working. I had a few months off and found it easy to stick to my diet because I didn't have any money to be buying out all the time and was eating a lot better. After that time I would always do well for a little bit and then would gradually come back off as I would give in to cheating and it would just happen more and more.

Now the more I think about it, the more I know that cheating probably isn't a good idea :\
I just want you to succeed!


I just want you to succeed!

I'm glad for your advice. I've always had issues with self control, and it shows in how I eat and how I spend money. It's why I've always had a hard time losing weight and keeping it off. The two times I did lose weight I quickly gained it all back. It's not really something I'm proud of and keeping myself motivated is tough.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I'm glad for your advice. I've always had issues with self control, and it shows in how I eat and how I spend money. It's why I've always had a hard time losing weight and keeping it off. The two times I did lose weight I quickly gained it all back. It's not really something I'm proud of and keeping myself motivated is tough.

A tactic I used when I lost all my weight was to think of all foods that contain shitty carbs as straight up candy.

I'd see a piece of bread and treat it as if I was looking at a Snickers. It's much easier to convince yourself that you shouldn't be eating a Snickers than it is to convince yourself that you shouldn't have a piece of bread.

Sounds dumb, but that mental association just helped reinforce my goals.

Social situations are easily the biggest problem with diet adherence, since you're often not in control of what is being put in front of you.

At the end of the day, a bit of social awkwardness due to rejecting or adjusting food is worth the health and visual goals you've set for yourself.

Once you've achieved your goals, it's much easier to stay there because you're so satisfied with what you've become...and likely because you've had to keep up good habits for long periods of time to get there, meaning it's more natural for you.

You never fully get over the temptation, but it does get easier the more experience you have rejecting it.


is this thread already dead or do we have an OT2? just asking^^... i think fulltime work took another bite out of me.. it was a little shock seeing the scale nearly at 70kg(155lbs)-keeping in mind, i was at 130 kg last january-i think a good frame for me would be at 80kg(176) with an height of 6'1''... 3 times a week i am going to the gym for a mix of light cardio and lifting. I think i really should look into the protein shake stuff, but i still have a inner barrier against that stuff in some weird way. feels artificial to me.


How do you guys feel about artificial sweeteners? I'm starting to low-carb again and I've given up diet soda in favor of water, which is a decision I don't regret. But I'm still getting major carb cravings a week in. I bought some ingredients to make low carb pancakes (including Splenda and zero-calorie syrup), but I'm afraid it's just going to make my sweet cravings worse. Maybe I should avoid the Splenda and just use peanut butter on my pancakes...

You would be correct. I've gone off and on a diet for about 3 years now. I've always ended up failing because I finally succumbed to my inhibitions. The best I've ever done has happened twice now, and it was while I wasn't working. I had a few months off and found it easy to stick to my diet because I didn't have any money to be buying out all the time and was eating a lot better. After that time I would always do well for a little bit and then would gradually come back off as I would give in to cheating and it would just happen more and more.

Now the more I think about it, the more I know that cheating probably isn't a good idea :\

Same here. I've low-carbed the past two Summers and both times I fell off the wagon, it was the same thing: cheating with increasing frequency. I think if you cheat you need to make it a hard rule: 1 cheat day a week, and do not be flexible on this at all.
How do you guys feel about artificial sweeteners? I'm starting to low-carb again and I've given up diet soda in favor of water, which is a decision I don't regret. But I'm still getting major carb cravings a week in. I bought some ingredients to make low carb pancakes (including Splenda and zero-calorie syrup), but I'm afraid it's just going to make my sweet cravings worse. Maybe I should avoid the Splenda and just use peanut butter on my pancakes...

Personally, I could never have survived without them. Though to each their own.

My sweet tooth never went away, but diet soda fills it very nicely.


I'll give it a shot tonight and see how I react. As long as it satisfies my craving and doesn't push me to eating stuff I shouldn't.

On that note, what are good ideas for guilt/worry-free snacks? Something I can eat forever without worrying about the impact...like cucumbers.


Peppers are a pretty good snack.

As far as sweet tooth satisfying goes, I will continue to sing the praises for Quest protein bars. I don't think I'll ever not have them in my house again, because when I get the urge for something sweet and they're not around it usually involves me making a trip to the grocery store for some cheap and plentiful cookies to demolish, which aren't terribly satiating in comparison. Diet soda never bothered me too much from a weight loss or craving inducing perspective, but my stomach didn't feel so great when drinking it so I gave it up.
hey guys, i want to start a diet and start losing weight. i checked op for any tips or links, but there are none. im about to turn 30 and am tired of being out of shape. where is a good place to start? i tried google, but cant really find anything that will help me. im at 220lbs right now, want to get rid of about 15-20lbs.


hey guys, i want to start a diet and start losing weight. i checked op for any tips or links, but there are none. im about to turn 30 and am tired of being out of shape. where is a good place to start? i tried google, but cant really find anything that will help me. im at 220lbs right now, want to get rid of about 15-20lbs.

If you want results, you can look into the Atkin's diet. That's a bit too extreme for me though, so I'm okay with just doing low-carb.

What I'm doing: cut out bread, potatoes, pasta, and all sugar (certainly cut out sugary beverages). Drink lots of water. Focus on eating lots of meat and veggies. Fruit in smaller quantities. Stop eating when you're full.


The Light of El Cantare

Back again on this subject. For anyone who's experienced this phenomenon, is it possible to eventually get stuck in a cycle where your weight loss primarily takes the form of an alternating series of stalls and whooshes? I ended up dropping six pounds (195 to 189) in a week approximately three weeks ago after a ~three week stall, and since then I've found the scales completely resistant again. I'm still definitely eating under maintenance and doing 30 minutes of intense cardio per day, so I don't know what to write this off as.

I'll give it another week and might go the diet break route that I was planning on going before my last whoosh if I don't have a breakthrough before then. Honestly, through the course of this whole diet, I've never stopped feeling incredibly hungry and I've never stopped intensely craving the foods that I can no longer eat. Eight months of this has really taken a psychological toll on me to the point that food is all I can think about a lot of days, and the thought of just going on maintenance for a while sounds really good in my current moment of weakness. I suppose I could at least use the increased carbs to have more energy for building muscle mass. I'm finally trying to tone my arms and abdomen, but I feel pathetically weak whenever I try to do it and I only have the energy for a few minutes at a time.

Kind of unrelated, but does anyone else find that their body image issues have gotten worse after losing weight? This is going to sound stupid, but I feel less satisfied with my body now than I ever did when I was actually overweight. The scales say one thing, but then I look at myself and can only see what I have left to go instead of what I've lost. I'm stuck in that middle-ground where I'm no longer overweight but I still don't look in shape at all and that's been the worst part of this so far for me.


Sigh. I can never stick to a diet. I'm back on low-carb. :( Any mistakes are my fault of course, but goddamn if I don't tell my family what low-carb means and they're like OMG HAS THIS RICE. FUCK MANG I'M ON A DIET.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Lost 7-8 kilograms with just avoiding eating rice and doing routine walk each morning starting from 4.30 A.M. for about 30-45 minutes.

I'll post my pic, but I am still ashamed to tell you the truth, hahaha.

I am now currently at 103 kg (before I was like 110-111 kg.)

Let's see if I can continue losing my weight.... hopefully I have all you guys' support :)


I've lost 15lbs/6,8kg now in 5 weeks. 1 week of IF (lost 1lbs) and 4 weeks of PSMF (lost the rest). I can still continue this for two weeks if I want to before taking a diet break. Probably going to continue unless something major happens which I don't think will.


Sigh. I can never stick to a diet. I'm back on low-carb. :( Any mistakes are my fault of course, but goddamn if I don't tell my family what low-carb means and they're like OMG HAS THIS RICE. FUCK MANG I'M ON A DIET.
This is what keeps me from going back to diet. My family likes unhealthy mexican food and I can't really go on if they keep doing that, considering that on weekdays I barely have time to eat so I can't cook
Since January 1st I've lost weight every week but one, where I was flat. Dropped from 336 to 249. This week I was 250. Sucks to have a bump up but I knew it had to happen sooner or later. Just going to plow through it, redouble my efforts to keep my diet healthy and light. Hoping to hit 210s / 220s (I'm 6'5") and stabilize, maybe a little lower. I've just got to stick with the program.
If you want results, you can look into the Atkin's diet. That's a bit too extreme for me though, so I'm okay with just doing low-carb.

What I'm doing: cut out bread, potatoes, pasta, and all sugar (certainly cut out sugary beverages). Drink lots of water. Focus on eating lots of meat and veggies. Fruit in smaller quantities. Stop eating when you're full.

thanks for the tips. i have to go grocery shopping soon, so i'll change it up a bit.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Since January 1st I've lost weight every week but one, where I was flat. Dropped from 336 to 249. This week I was 250. Sucks to have a bump up but I knew it had to happen sooner or later. Just going to plow through it, redouble my efforts to keep my diet healthy and light. Hoping to hit 210s / 220s (I'm 6'5") and stabilize, maybe a little lower. I've just got to stick with the program.
If this becomes one of those dreaded plateaus that hit just about everyone, just remember that sometimes shaking things up a bit helps you push through them.

Change your workouts to something new for a couple weeks, introduce or stop intermittent fasting, change when you eat...etc etc etc.

If your body gets used to the new pattern of things and stalls out, there are things you can do to try and get it going in the right direction again.

Eventually you'll go back to losing weight anyways, but it can take many weeks to finally see progress again.
If this becomes one of those dreaded plateaus that hit just about everyone, just remember that sometimes shaking things up a bit helps you push through them.

Change your workouts to something new for a couple weeks, introduce or stop intermittent fasting, change when you eat...etc etc etc.

If your body gets used to the new pattern of things and stalls out, there are things you can do to try and get it going in the right direction again.

Eventually you'll go back to losing weight anyways, but it can take many weeks to finally see progress again.

Yeah, that may be what this is -- I'll mix it up a bit and see if it can jog it loose and get back to losing (no matter how little). You are right that doubling-down on what I'm doing may not be the best approach. Thanks!
For sweets, my favorite is dark chocolate. Dark chocolate covered almonds in particular are a weakness.

Yeah, mine too. One 60% Ghiradelli (sp?) square is only 50 calories and really kills the sweet tooth for me (and dark chocolate isn't *that* bad as far as sweets go).


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Seems I always either eat well or exercise well. Lately the former has been going well, the later took a hit. Currently I'm trying to run 12K in 50 minutes, closest I've come is 56 minutes, last week. Don't know if I'm setting a realistic goal but aiming for it and running 24 to 36K every week (with one set on the beach) should burn some fat!


Ok, I'm in keto mode.

I tried something last night. Plain, unsweeted almond milk, mixed with truvia and then cocoa powder (which has like no sugar or carbs). Made a delicious shake. Didn't seem to affect me. WIN

Edit: In addition, I made the shake as an experiment because initially I would mix the powder with the milk as if it was quik. Yeah, cocoa powder does not dissolve well.


Would you guys recommend intermittent fasting? 1, 1,500 calorie meal at the same time each day, water or tea the rest of the time? Or 2, 750 calorie meals?

For some reason I feel like this would be easier for me, as a routine, than a traditional diet. Anything less than a large meal doesn't fill me up.
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