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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

ccbfan said:
Posted this like a few days ago and never got a reply.

I've currently started to go on a diet about a month ago.

I was like 6 feet weighing like 190.

I'm about 175 now. My goal is 160, pretty much in the middle of the BMI scale for normal. So I'm halfway there.

I'm not doing any special diet just cutting my portions by to 75 percent I eat the same stuff as I've always eaten. I can't give up carbs for pasta, white bread, potatoes and rice are some of my favorite foods. Plus I have a sweet tooth.

I'm also going to the gym a lot more, 5 days a week. I run/elliptical like 5-6 miles and do weights and abs for like 30-40 minutes. I also try to do sit ups at night before I head to bed. I definitely notice some results from this. My arms are getting bigger and my stomach and chest harder. Still can't seem to get rid of a little man boob and my lower abs are still kinda soft.

I've kinda hit a wall though. I used to be losing like 3-4 pounds a week and it slowing down quite a bit. I'm doing the same thing as before and even working out a bit more adding more weights to my rotations. And of course the issues with the bit of man boob and soft lower ab.

Anyway advice to remedy this situation?

6ft 160 is pretty skinny for most people. The BMI index is stupid and messed up. Get some calipers and use BF%, especially if you are lifting some real weight.

You need to mix it up, do different types of cardio etc. Your body is becoming efficient at the cardio you do so it burns less calories, you also weigh less so your body doesnt need as many calories to maintain.

I find that HIIT works really well. Basically you go for 90sec at 90%+ effort and another 90 seconds at a lower effort, then do it again. If you go hard, you will be dripping in sweat in less than 30 mins easily. Great for cardio and conditioning too. Your metabolism is elevated.


I started July 13th at 284. Today I'm 266. This was with one month in Germany eating terribly, including lots of Doners and some soda. I'm back to my regular routine today and want to keep losing weight.
Well guys, here we go.


Me a few months back, around 266lbs and about 5'6

Cutting out all of the junk that I eat. I eat when I am not even hungry, really what is the point of that?

I've not got a precise diet plan but I know whats good for me. Tomorrow I shall have the following.

1 bowl of Porridge with 200ml of semi skimmed milk.

Bowl of Minestrone soup. 81 cals.

Have not bought yet but I was thinking Grilled chicken breast with some hot sauce and green beans? Any suggestions?

I shall be going to the gym tomrrow evening after work/ I am planning on doing around an hours cardio. This will consist of the treadmill, cross trainer, rowing machine and bike.

I'm planning on doing the gym 3 times per week. On the days I don't go the gym, I'm planning on walking home from work, this is a 5 mile journey.

I also have access to a 16kg kettlebell at home, should I want to use it.

Any tips/comments on the above would be much appreciated.

Thanks guys.


jamieson87 said:
1 bowl of Porridge with 200ml of semi skimmed milk.

Bown of Minestrone soup. 81 cals.

Have not bought yet but I was thinking Grilled chicken breast with some hot sauce and green beans? Any suggestions?

Any tips/comments on the above would be much appreciated.

Thanks guys.

That is less than 500 calories, aka anorexia. You need at least 1,500 calories and way more protein if you want to healthily lose weight.
Srsly said:
That is less than 500 calories, aka anorexia. You need at least 1,500 calories and way more protein if you want to healthily lose weight.

What and where can I fit in this extra protein and calories?

Scrambled egg with breakfast? Tuna with Lunch? Cottage cheese post workout?

I can snack on nuts throughout the day?

Sorry for the ignorance, I know whats good to eat, just not very good at planning meals. :lol
jamieson87 said:
What and where can I fit in this extra protein and calories?

Scrambled egg with breakfast? Tuna with Lunch? Cottage cheese post workout?

I can snack on nuts throughout the day?

Sorry for the ignorance, I know whats good to eat, just not very good at planning meals. :lol
yes, all of those things. But make it Scrambled egg FOR breakfast, tuna FOR lunch, etc. Eat almonds all day.


jamieson87 said:
What and where can I fit in this extra protein and calories?

Scrambled egg with breakfast? Tuna with Lunch? Cottage cheese post workout?

I can snack on nuts throughout the day?

Sorry for the ignorance, I know whats good to eat, just not very good at planning meals. :lol

Nuts, lean meats such as fish or chicken, cheeses. Don't cut out all your fat, you need fat to process certain vitamins. Starving yourself, and THEN trying a grueling exercise regimine will lead to hurting yourself.


jamieson87 said:
What and where can I fit in this extra protein and calories?

Scrambled egg with breakfast? Tuna with Lunch? Cottage cheese post workout?

I can snack on nuts throughout the day?

Sorry for the ignorance, I know whats good to eat, just not very good at planning meals. :lol

Well, drink more milk to start. Eat a normal-sized lunch.


When I started six weeks ago I was (6'2)285, now I'm 260. I go to the gym six days a week and do 4 to 5 miles daily on an elliptical with some weight training three days a week. I try to eat 4-6 times a day.. so far so good.

Drinks: Mostly water and sometimes some V8.
Breakfast: Whole Grain Cereal/w Skim Milk.
Lunch: Apple or Orange, Almonds and half a Chicken breast.
Dinner: Chicken or Fish with steamed mixed vegetables, broccoli, mushrooms, Brown Rice and 1 egg.
Snack: Apple or Orange.

I probably need to refine my diet a bit but it seems to be working out pretty well.


jamieson87 said:
Is there any good sites out there that offer meal plans? I'd like to just have a set plan and go out and buy it.

The first decent site that came up on google was: http://www.mealsforyou.com/

Alternatively, if you're somewhat well off financially, there are food delivery services that will get you cooked, delicious food, that fits within your nutritional needs. I haven't done that before, so I don't know how pricey they are.

jfoul said:
Drinks: Mostly water and sometimes some V8.
Breakfast: Whole Grain Cereal/w Skim Milk.
Lunch: Apple or Orange, Almonds and half a Chicken breast.
Dinner: Chicken or Fish with steamed mixed vegetables, broccoli, mushrooms, Brown Rice and 1 egg.
Snack: Apple or Orange.

If that meal structure works for you, and you aren't outrageously hungry, go for it. That sounds like not enough food for me, but everyone is different. You may want to add some leafy greens into your diet, so maybe a salad with lunch?


jamieson87 said:
Is there any good sites out there that offer meal plans? I'd like to just have a set plan and go out and buy it.

Its a meal plan for the lazy but Nutrisystem is one. I've been doing it with the wife since mid June and lost over 30lbs already.

(I'm only 5"7 - 5"8)
Mid-June Weight: 242
Today Weight: 210
Bear with me, this is sort of long...sorry guys :(

I'm 5 feet 6 inches, and about 190lbs. I am pretty stocky and muscular (I played football, basketball and wrestled in HS, and played sports regularly in my adult life to date), so I don't look fat or obese like my BMI would suggest with those figures, but I have some gut and some flab I want to get rid of, and some pecs to tighten up - or at least lessen, since I know you can't spot reduce.

I want to cut weight, and I know in order to do so, I must change my diet, and exercise regularly - if not frequently. I am currently auditing my schedule and eating habits/caloric intake to help, and I am looking to find ways to do it - but it seems daunting, because I feel like I don't have the free time necessary to do it right.

My schedule is incredibly busy; it's generally something like this:

- wake up @ 5:45am
- get out of bed @ 6:30am to shower/brush teeth/wash hair
- get dressed and get out of the door by 7:15am
- ride cab to subway station between 7:30/7:40am
- ride subway and arrive at work 8:30/8:40am
- work until 5:30pm
- ride subway to school @ 7:00pm
- attend class until 8:30pm
- ride subway and arrive home @ 10:00pm
- talk to girlfriend until 11ish
- go to sleep/repeat cycle

On Saturdays, I have classes from 12pm to 4pm as well.

Somewhere in this daily schedule, I may find ways to go out with a friend/my girlfriend (usually after work, either in lieu of class or after class). If I have homework to do, I do it during the commutes to/from work, or if it's a big paper I can do it on the weekend. However, I find it hard to find time to do things that I need to do to cut weight, like get to the gym or cook the kind of food I need to start a legit diet.

My eating habits are pretty poor; I usually have 2 donuts (or a small bowl of cereal, buttered bagel, or breakfast sandwich and coffee or apple juice) for breakfast, some kind of sandwich (usually roast beef) or fast food for lunch, and some kind of fast food/bar food/restaurant dish for dinner - unless I get lucky and get to my folks' house for some real food I can eat. During the day, I snack on bullshit; a typical day would see me eat a typical 25-cent bag of pretzels/potato chips/popcorn and a package of fruit snacks as a snack with or after my lunch. As for drinks, I almost always drink water (I have a refillable 26oz canteen that I drink 2+ bottles of a day). If I get something to eat somewhere, I may have a beer or an iced tea with that meal. I absolutely never drink soda, ever...not even diet.

On a weekend, if I go to a bar or something, I will have several beers/vodka tonics and share buffalo wings or similar bar food with friends. I don't binge eat or binge drink or anything, but I know you probably can't do legit weight losing if a Saturday night meal at 11pm is 10 wings, 3 Hoegaardens and a vodka tonic :lol

How do people fit their lifestyle changes into their schedules?

If I were to try to cook the foods necessary for a low-carb/glycemic index diet thingy, I'd have to prep things so I could eat for the entire week, and I don't have the cooking prowess or the interest in epic bulk cooking - especially since my only free time is about 1.5 days of the weekend, and I'd rather use that for the gym and then to maybe enjoy some down time. Can you get food that is premade somewhere, or that is ultra-easy to prepare? Also, how do people incorporate the gym into their busy schedules? I really just want to try following something - even if it's repetitive, if I can get some results out of it I will stick with it with iron resolve!

Thanks for whatever help you can give, everyone!


Breakfast: Instant Oatmeal w/ 2% Milk (95% of the time) or Honey Bunches of Oats w/ 2% Milk. Every Saturday I made fake eggs and a few turkey sausage links. (~300 calories)

Lunch: Some form of Lean Cuisine (270-300 calories) + Some kind of vegetable (~50-100 calories), or Ham and Turkey Subway Sandwhich (Light Mayo, Mustard, Tomatos, Lettuce, American Cheese) + Jalepeno Chips (I believe this is ~500ish calories) or a home made sandwich of some kind.

Dinner: 1 modest serving of Chicken, Porkchops, Fish and occasionally steak + Pasta or Rice + Some form of vegetable. Sometimes I make a recipe from a low calorie magazine but my meals are typically between 500-600 calories. Or if I'm in a hurry, I'll eat out at a place called Wasabi and get a Korean bowl which is basically grilled white chicken, tofu, vegetables, rice and a spicy Korean type of sauce.

I drank nothing but Water, Crystal Light Lemonade and Diet Pepsi. Completely cut out regular sodas and fruit juices. I would also eat fruits and occasionally some nuts through out the day, I even went through a phase where I'd make my own fruit smoothies w/ low fat frozen yogurt almost daily. If I went out with friends to a restaurant or movie, I'd relax my diet a bit. I would take complete days off on Holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and 4th of July, or if I was on some type of vacation with friends/family.

I basically took up the attitude that it's perfectly fine to be on a diet 95% of the time, but when I was dieting faithfully, I ate around 1600-1800 calories/day. It wasn't the most scientific diet and I'm sure there were plenty of faults with it, but it worked for me. I was 6' 2" and 341 pounds in the beginning and am now somewhere around 170, it took me roughly 2 years to get to this weight and I did little to no exercise for the first 100 or so pounds of weight loss.

I'd post pictures but I don't have any pictures of myself at my biggest on me :(


captmcblack said:
- wake up @ 5:45am
- get out of bed @ 6:30am to shower/brush teeth/wash hair

Sounds like you have some time in here.

I would focus more on getting your diet right before worrying about working out. That's where you'll see the bulk of your weight loss.


Fireye said:
Starting a low/reduced carb diet today. Aiming at <100g carbs, if possible. Dr Connely's speech combined with stuff I learned from other speeches has convinced me that reducing carbohydrate load is a way to a healthier body (and also reducing my weight). Will be doing resistance lifting 3x a week and hopefully biking 3x a week as well.

4 days in, and going pretty good. Average of 96g carbs/day (ranging from 64-125g), and I've lost about 7 pounds. That sounds fast, but I'm sure it'll slow down as my body gets used to this. I've found that I'm lower in fiber than I want to be, have to find a good way to increase fiber without increasing carbs.

Edit: And, this is with eating ~2000-2800 calories per day. I do feel hungry, but when I do, I snack on nuts or something. Unsaturated fat is my new friend.
Fireye said:
have to find a good way to increase fiber without increasing carbs.

Veggies help with that, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts just to name a few.

I take Metamucil pills (Psyllium Fiber) daily as well to help stay regular.
Zoe said:
I would focus more on getting your diet right before worrying about working out. That's where you'll see the bulk of your weight loss.

This. I never knew how important this was until it happened to me. I started being more active LAST YEAR. I worked out but did not change my diet. (I did take in smaller portions.) The whole of last year, I must have only lost 20 lbs that was unnoticeable. (I probably lost more since I stopped working out for about a month and probably gained some lbs back.)

Now, this year, I've lost nearly 50 lbs due to the combination of working out and changing my diet. Oddly the bulk of the weight loss happened during the summer, where I've really followed the diet which is good. I'm now almost the same size as I was since my senior year of highschool 3 years ago. I have so many clothes that fit that I've avoided! Oddly, I don't want to wear them anymore and want to get a new style for this newfound confidence. :D Hoping to lose about another 10 lbs before my birthday next month. If I don't, I'm still content, for I promised myself I wanted to be atleast 30 lbs lighter than I was when I was at 250, and now today I'm 226lbs.

You can do it guys. Like I said before, this thread is a huge motivation. If lazy me can do it, ANYONE can. Just get up off of your ass, stop watching porn and do something. :D

For more weight loss before/after pics, go here: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/before-after-between/

Hopefully, by the end of December, I'll be even slimmer and post my progress pictures. No stoppin' me now. I'll tell you what though, I hated taking pictures of my self at my full weight, 270lbs. Now? I love how I look when pictures are taken of me and I'm still pretty chubby. Moving from XXL shirts to XLs and a 42 sized pants to 40 was a big motivation boost. L and 38s here I come, motherfucker. :lol


Fireye said:
4 days in, and going pretty good. Average of 96g carbs/day (ranging from 64-125g), and I've lost about 7 pounds. That sounds fast, but I'm sure it'll slow down as my body gets used to this. I've found that I'm lower in fiber than I want to be, have to find a good way to increase fiber without increasing carbs.

Edit: And, this is with eating ~2000-2800 calories per day. I do feel hungry, but when I do, I snack on nuts or something. Unsaturated fat is my new friend.

not to dismiss your progress but 7 lb in 4 days is impossible and is most likely water weight and daily weight fluctuations... however don't be dissuaded. I only mention this because there will be times that you seemingly aren't losing anything or even gaining a little weight. Just keep it up and you'll be just fine.

I personally fluctuate between 158-163 on a daily basis.


Man, I thought I discovered something amazing: Greek yogurt with melted 78% chocolate. A nice size dessert with only a few grams of carbs...

But that stuff is constipating! For two days I had to use all my strength in the bathroom. If labor feels anything like this I feel sorry for all moms D:

Before I didn't have to go as much, but it was always smooth sailing.

I'm gonna munch on lots of broccoli the upcoming days. Any other ways to keep things going? Do almonds work? I don't want to use unnatural stuff like laxatives, but I still want to keep the carb count to a minimum.


Soneet, broccoli and almonds should do the trick! :D

weekly update:

start: 215 lbs june 8
sep 3: 184.5 lbs! that's a total of 30.5lbs thus far :D

edit: 24.5 lbs to go til my goal


Sarye said:
not to dismiss your progress but 7 lb in 4 days is impossible and is most likely water weight and daily weight fluctuations... however don't be dissuaded.

I totally agree, it's impossible to lose 7lbs non-water mass in 4 days. However, seeing any negative drop on the scale while eating well and not starving myself is a huge conviction boost. I'm not depriving myself too much of anything (hell, if I get the munchies, popcorn is ok once in a while), and I'm losing weight.

RE: fiber & veggies, I usually have brocolli with lunch (I absolutely love brocolli), but I think I'll look at incorporating it into my dinners as well. Will see what the local grocery has in the way of fiber supplements - I've heard that some supplements contain psyllium, which can ferment in your bowels and cause gas.
Sarye said:
not to dismiss your progress but 7 lb in 4 days is impossible and is most likely water weight and daily weight fluctuations... however don't be dissuaded. I only mention this because there will be times that you seemingly aren't losing anything or even gaining a little weight. Just keep it up and you'll be just fine.

I personally fluctuate between 158-163 on a daily basis.
It's not impossible. What you might be trying to say is that losing 7 pounds of fat is impossible in that time, and that's probably right, but when losing and especially changing your diet, releasing the water retained in your muscles by the glycogen is a real part of weight loss. Saying it doesn't count or isn't real isn't accurate, because it's actual weight that you won't be carrying around anymore, and is generally always with you when you're overeating bad things that cause you to retain it.
Yea its all water weight, glycogen, poop, etc.

I have days where I eat <2000 calories of stuff and gain 2 lbs.

Used to it now though.


Only a few weeks in, but I'm already seeing pretty noticeable results. I'm flexing a bit in the 2nd pick:)lol ), but its not a totally unfair comparison pic. Just feeling a bit proud of myself. :D


Seanspeed said:
Only a few weeks in, but I'm already seeing pretty noticeable results. I'm flexing a bit in the 2nd pick:)lol ), but its not a totally unfair comparison pic. Just feeling a bit proud of myself. :D



Nice job, now just work on that farmers tan ;)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I'm adding Vitamin D deficiency to the list of likely causes of obesity. Vitamin D regulates the immune system TH-1 (attacker) & TH-2 (identifier) portions. When TH-1 is in excess, the body attacks it's own tissue that resembles any recent invaders (example: gluten looks like thyroid) until TH-2 comes along and determines that the target is body tissue.

It's the same sort of thing that Prince Dalton linked to in regards to omega6:eek:mega3 ratio being greater than 4:1, except vitamin D seems to regulate this. High omega 6 makes TH-1 dominant, and the stuff I'm reading implies that the severity is much higher when vitamin D is low.

When you have your immune system imbalanced, you're going to develop lots of autoimmune disorders. Rashes, hypothyroid (hashimotos), arthritis, MS, dementia (gradually over decades). If the hypothalamus is inflamed, it responds less to leptin, making you hungrier than you should be and less energetic. This is especially true if you have increased intestinal permeability, because that will allow all sorts of undigested food and junk into your bloodstream for your immune system to attack. Something is bound to be chemically similar to body tissue.

The scientific community is finding that our minimum vitamin D levels are grossly low, we need about 10-20x more per day.


I become increasingly suspicious now of any health recommendation that is in conflict with the habits of our paleo ancestors. I think this "sun causes cancer" stuff is overblown and ignores the importance of vitamin D.

The more I think about it, vitamin D levels are probably critically important to human health. I think this because look at how highly correlated skin pigmentation is of natives of their local UV index. The correlation is very high. Humans left Africa just 50,000 years ago. It means that vitamin D level is so important to health that natural selection was able to select skin pigmentation in a short amount of time. If not vitamin D, then something else in the body that is triggered by UV rays.
teh_pwn said:
I'm adding Vitamin D deficiency to the list of likely causes of obesity. Vitamin D regulates the immune system TH-1 (attacker) & TH-2 (identifier) portions. When TH-1 is in excess, the body attacks it's own tissue that resembles any recent invaders (example: gluten looks like thyroid) until TH-2 comes along and determines that the target is body tissue.

It's the same sort of thing that Prince Dalton linked to in regards to omega6:eek:mega3 ratio being greater than 4:1, except vitamin D seems to regulate this. High omega 6 makes TH-1 dominant, and the stuff I'm reading implies that the severity is much higher when vitamin D is low.

When you have your immune system imbalanced, you're going to develop lots of autoimmune disorders. Rashes, hypothyroid (hashimotos), arthritis, MS, dementia (gradually over decades). If the hypothalamus is inflamed, it responds less to leptin, making you hungrier than you should be and less energetic. This is especially true if you have increased intestinal permeability, because that will allow all sorts of undigested food and junk into your bloodstream for your immune system to attack. Something is bound to be chemically similar to body tissue.

The scientific community is finding that our minimum vitamin D levels are grossly low, we need about 10-20x more per day.


I become increasingly suspicious now of any health recommendation that is in conflict with the habits of our paleo ancestors. I think this "sun causes cancer" stuff is overblown and ignores the importance of vitamin D.

The more I think about it, vitamin D levels are probably critically important to human health. I think this because look at how highly correlated skin pigmentation is of natives of their local UV index. The correlation is very high. Humans left Africa just 50,000 years ago. It means that vitamin D level is so important to health that natural selection was able to select skin pigmentation in a short amount of time. If not vitamin D, then something else in the body that is triggered by UV rays.

You're ticking off all of the paleo bullets. Not that I disagree :lol
teh_pwn said:
I'm adding Vitamin D deficiency to the list of likely causes of obesity. Vitamin D regulates the immune system TH-1 (attacker) & TH-2 (identifier) portions. When TH-1 is in excess, the body attacks it's own tissue that resembles any recent invaders (example: gluten looks like thyroid) until TH-2 comes along and determines that the target is body tissue.

It's the same sort of thing that Prince Dalton linked to in regards to omega6:eek:mega3 ratio being greater than 4:1, except vitamin D seems to regulate this. High omega 6 makes TH-1 dominant, and the stuff I'm reading implies that the severity is much higher when vitamin D is low.

When you have your immune system imbalanced, you're going to develop lots of autoimmune disorders. Rashes, hypothyroid (hashimotos), arthritis, MS, dementia (gradually over decades). If the hypothalamus is inflamed, it responds less to leptin, making you hungrier than you should be and less energetic. This is especially true if you have increased intestinal permeability, because that will allow all sorts of undigested food and junk into your bloodstream for your immune system to attack. Something is bound to be chemically similar to body tissue.

The scientific community is finding that our minimum vitamin D levels are grossly low, we need about 10-20x more per day.


I become increasingly suspicious now of any health recommendation that is in conflict with the habits of our paleo ancestors. I think this "sun causes cancer" stuff is overblown and ignores the importance of vitamin D.

The more I think about it, vitamin D levels are probably critically important to human health. I think this because look at how highly correlated skin pigmentation is of natives of their local UV index. The correlation is very high. Humans left Africa just 50,000 years ago. It means that vitamin D level is so important to health that natural selection was able to select skin pigmentation in a short amount of time. If not vitamin D, then something else in the body that is triggered by UV rays.

From my schooling I was informed humans really only need 15 minutes or UV ray exposure per day to make the necessary Vitamin-D


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
elrechazao said:
You're ticking off all of the paleo bullets. Not that I disagree :lol

Yeah, unintentionally.

I recently read "Why do I still have hypothyroid symptoms when my tests are normal?". The author goes into detail about how the immune system works, how autoimmune conditions crop up, and while there are a dozen causes of hypothyroid most are autoimmune and in every case he recommends 5,000-20,000 IU vitamin D.

When the author described the immune system, I remembered IL-2 from omega6:eek:mega3, and later in the book he even recommended more omega3.

That got me interested in vitamin D, googled it and found a ton of material.

infiniteloop said:
Do you think it's worth taking a Vitamin D supplement?

Yeah, probably. For weight loss, I'd try it out. You can get 5,000 IU 100 caps at walgreens for $10 (I did so today).

I'm also taking it for chronic inflammation of my knee. I've had a couple of other problems (skin rashes) that are autoimmune in the past 2 years that coincided with my fat gain. I took strong antibiotics 2 years ago just before I gained 20 lbs.

Probably a coincidence and placebo effect, but I had lots of inflammation this morning and yesterday, went away within hours of taking the vitamin D. I'm going to wait at least 1 month before I make any connections, as this inflammation has gone away for weeks at a time on its own. Otherwise I'm going to find an immunologist or whatever the field of med science is to get antibody tests because something is up.
infiniteloop said:
Do you think it's worth taking a Vitamin D supplement?

you make vitamin d naturally by direct exposure to sunlight. Unless you like never go outside(or live in a place that has very low amounts of sunlight during the day), you probably most likely aren't deficient since you are also able to get small amounts from your daily food intake
PandaPandaPanda said:
you make vitamin d naturally by direct exposure to sunlight. Unless you like never go outside(or live in a place that has very low amounts of sunlight during the day), you probably most likely aren't deficient since you are also able to get small amounts from your daily food intake
What with the rampant heliophobia, incessant sunscreen use for any activity involving the outdoors, and sedentary indoor lifestyle, it's likely that a good portion are deficient. Also, experts are beginning to increase their recommedations for what constitutes sufficient. A good level to shoot for is 50-60 ng/mL. I believe current recommendations are around 20 or 30.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
PandaPandaPanda said:
you make vitamin d naturally by direct exposure to sunlight. Unless you like never go outside(or live in a place that has very low amounts of sunlight during the day), you probably most likely aren't deficient since you are also able to get small amounts from your daily food intake

Yes, that's the conventional thinking. But several things the UC Berkley doctor/research talked about:
-North of Texas or so in the winter your body cannot get enough UV B to make vitamin D.
-Serum vitamin D levels are decreasing. They're not entirely sure why.
-They're upping the minimum dosage of vitamin D by a factor greater than 10x. Considerably more than 15 minutes now.
-SPF 15 blocks virtually all vitamin D production
-Clothing, staying indoors decreases absorption.


PandaPandaPanda said:
you make vitamin d naturally by direct exposure to sunlight. Unless you like never go outside(or live in a place that has very low amounts of sunlight during the day), you probably most likely aren't deficient since you are also able to get small amounts from your daily food intake

Actually, most people are deficient. It's a significant issue.


I'm not familiar with Vitamin D's weight loss research, but there's no question that it's an important compound to have enough of in the diet. If you drink lots of vitamin D-enriched milk or live somewhere really sunny you're probably fine, but otherwise take a supplement.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
NomarTyme said:

Guy makes it sound like the government is conspiring to keep people out of the sun. He gives them too much credit. They're just incompetent in following the scientific method.

But generally agreed. Especially with darker pigmentation skin, you probably need to supplement, unless you're outdoors in high UV index parts of the world (Africa, Australia).

What's odd is how this is a total reversal of the 1900s-1940s. The government used to encourage parents to get their kids in the sun because rickets was so rampant.


teh_pwn said:
Guy makes it sound like the government is conspiring to keep people out of the sun. He gives them too much credit. They're just incompetent in following the scientific method.

But generally agreed. Especially with darker pigmentation skin, you probably need to supplement, unless you're outdoors in high UV index parts of the world (Africa, Australia).
:lol I can't disagree with you there. You should visit there site....

Been trying to get my parents to take it, but they won't listen to me. They think its dangerous.


I currently weigh 82kilos, and and 5"10. I would like to weigh roughly between 60-65 kilos, would running say 4 times a week in the early morning before i go to work help?


Alright Gaf, I need some help. Im trying to lose about 20-30 pounds but nothing seems to be working.

Im 6'4 , 260. Used to play football in high school but now that I graduated, I want to lose some of the extra weight. I go to the gym regularly and still lift (4-5 days a week, 1 hour 15 minutes a day), eat three meals a day, sometimes four, but nothing seems to be working. What should I do to try to speed up my metabolism?

Backround: My sophomore year I was 280, then by the end of the year I dropped down to 215 (I dont know how the hell I did that lol, no diet). Then I slowly creeped back up to 260 by the end of my senior year.

Helpppp :( If you guys have some diet suggestions, feel free to do so.
This is what I usually eat:

Breakfast: 2 Eggs, 2 pieces whole wheat toast.
Lunch: Turkey Sandwich on whole wheat
Dinner: This is the bad part.. I have school until 7 and by the time it ends im to lazy so I usually pick something up. Sometimes its a sandwich from subway, but once in a while I get a burger =/
Did a side-by-side comparison:

I'm actually only doing strength training and taking protein and creatine. I haven't lost much weight but as you can tell from the photos I've lost a bit of fat. Hopefully in another year's time I look like I wanted over two years ago when I started working out, haha. I'd be happy with a flat stomach and not any sort of abs, we'll see about that though. Does anyone else see a face being made by my titties and stomach?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
asdad123 said:
Alright Gaf, I need some help. Im trying to lose about 20-30 pounds but nothing seems to be working.

Im 6'4 , 260. Used to play football in high school but now that I graduated, I want to lose some of the extra weight. I go to the gym regularly and still lift (4-5 days a week, 1 hour 15 minutes a day), eat three meals a day, sometimes four, but nothing seems to be working. What should I do to try to speed up my metabolism?

Backround: My sophomore year I was 280, then by the end of the year I dropped down to 215 (I dont know how the hell I did that lol, no diet). Then I slowly creeped back up to 260 by the end of my senior year.

Helpppp :( If you guys have some diet suggestions, feel free to do so.
This is what I usually eat:

Breakfast: 2 Eggs, 2 pieces whole wheat toast.
Lunch: Turkey Sandwich on whole wheat
Dinner: This is the bad part.. I have school until 7 and by the time it ends im to lazy so I usually pick something up. Sometimes its a sandwich from subway, but once in a while I get a burger =/

You can look up some of my older posts to see my opinion, but to summarize here are the things that I think are what cause obesity in most people:

1. Sugar/fructose. Fructose metabolism causes the liver to be insulin resistant. That causes chronic high levels of triglycerides which block leptin from getting across the blood brain barrier.

2. Autoimmune of the hypothalamus. Can be caused due to:
-Leaky Gut (antibiotics + low fiber diet destroys symbiotic bacteria that keeps intestinal villi healthy)
-Low vitamin D
-Gluten grains
-Too little omega 3 fats

3. Mineral deficiencies due to phytates in grains inhibiting magnesium absorption.

Once you become leptin and insulin resistant, too much glucose and starches can cause problems. But I don't think they are the original cause of leptin/insulin resistance.

So in your case, cut down the bread. Eat more vegetables and meat. Do some exercise to increase insulin sensitivity. Eat some fermented food or take probiotic supplements.


teh_pwn said:
You can look up some of my older posts to see my opinion, but to summarize here are the things that I think are what cause obesity in most people:

1. Sugar/fructose. Fructose metabolism causes the liver to be insulin resistant. That causes chronic high levels of triglycerides which block leptin from getting across the blood brain barrier.

2. Autoimmune of the hypothalamus. Can be caused due to:
-Leaky Gut (antibiotics + low fiber diet destroys symbiotic bacteria that keeps intestinal villi healthy)
-Low vitamin D
-Gluten grains
-Too little omega 3 fats

3. Mineral deficiencies due to phytates in grains inhibiting magnesium absorption.

Once you become leptin and insulin resistant, too much glucose and starches can cause problems. But I don't think they are the original cause of leptin/insulin resistance.

So in your case, cut down the bread. Eat more vegetables and meat. Do some exercise to increase insulin sensitivity. Eat some fermented food or take probiotic supplements.

Sounds good Ill try that.
What do you recommend my diet be? Im thinking
Breakfast: Just 3 eggs instead of 2 eggs with bread
Lunch: Im lost?
Dinner: Grilled chicken with brocolli or other vegis


Hey guys, I was wondering if I could get some criticism on what I'm eating. Today I had...

1/2 cup of oats w/ 1 tbsp of brown sugar
1 banana
1 glass of 1% milk
1 apple
2 fried eggs
1 chicken breast w/ green veggies
1 cup of brown rice

I think I might be eating too many carbs.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
asdad123 said:
Sounds good Ill try that.
What do you recommend my diet be? Im thinking
Breakfast: Just 3 eggs instead of 2 eggs with bread
Lunch: Im lost?
Dinner: Grilled chicken with brocolli or other vegis

Lunches are hard because you're at work. I'm too lazy to make my own lunch, so I usually get work cafeteria food. I get a meaty sandwich with bacon, but I have them remove the bread and use spinach instead. That way I still get a good 600 calorie meal with vegetables, meat and fat to keep me full.

Generally my meals are basically traditional foods without the flour/grains/sugar. For example, today I had mexican. Stir fry lean beef, taco seasoning, peppers, onions, coconut oil. Top it with refried beans, cheese, guacamole, pico de gallo. Absolutely delicious and it lasts for a couple of days at least.

Now I say lean beef because I haven't found a good source of grass fed beef. Whole foods has grass fed but it's low fat, sort of misses the point. I get conventional lean beef because conventional cattle are mass fed grains, so their body fat is primarily omega6. If you can get grass fed, get full fat because the omega3:eek:mega6 is about what you want.
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