don't know if you are exercising or not, but that's pretty much my story. as many know in this thread I'm am most definitely not low carb.. so it's have a few drinks over the weekend, maybe some actually heavy carbs once or something in there, then eat probably in the ballpark of 1900-2100 calories (with added protein/carbs on workout days) and maintained my same weight now (156-159) for umm.. I'd have to check my last post in here but it really has to be around 2-3 months now.
Even crazier is I have pretty much eliminated intense cardio from my routine.. I used to run probably 30+ miles a week at a sub-8' pace.. I did it to supplement a pretty standard old school lifting workout (3x10 exercises on one or two muscle groups a day, four times a week). Since then I've moved to starting out on a Crossfit program instead (usually WOD, air squats to get my form into shape, situps to keep my abs active, and working here and there to get my pullups up to snuff) and have very little cardio and...... weight still keeps off.
I know the same doesn't work for everyone, but I LOVE not being constrained in diet or activity and knowing my days of weight gain are behind me. Keep active, don't pig out, and keep sugar and bad fats to a minimum. Hell, I don't even restrain myself on other non-sugar simple carbs. Potatoes, rice, bread, etc. I do try to do as much whole grains where possible, but obviously on starchy vegetables that's impossible, and in the case of rice and breads, I care more about what goes with the food/meal than what's going into my body in those instances.
the big thing in all of this though is to make it a lifestyle change. I will NEVER not be active again. NEVER. I'm enjoying the variety in both workout days and motions with crossfit, while still at the same time looking for strength or time PRs. I will NEVER pig out like I used to. It wouldn't be unusual for me to grab a bacon egg and cheese biscuit value meal (with hashbrown and diet soda) for breakfast, a nachos bellgrande and two tacos for lunch, and then half a medium pizza hut pan pizza for supper. heh.. I mean that really wouldn't be unusual, and as I type that out now I'm like "WTF??????" That's gotta be somewhere in the ballpark of 3000 calories for a guy who was leading a pretty sedentary lifestyle with an office job.
Whatever ends up working for you, stick to it and make it a lifestyle, not a weight loss diet. That's the biggest reason I can't do low carb. Could I have done it to lose weight? Probably. Would I ever want to do that for a lifestyle? Definitely not, in the same way I would never do vegetarianism or eat blood soup or head cheese. I like what I like so it was important to find a system for my life that let me continue with that. Of course I do miss some of the junk, and do indulge occasionally, but really... that's exactly what it is. junk. not "oh yeah, I know it's bad for me.. haha.." but really "umm.. no, that's bad for you. in the same way that swallowing paint that tastes like cotton candy would be bad for you". that helps fend off most desires to go back to eating any of the stuff loaded with crazy amounts of sugar and/or bad fats.