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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Alright, expect some pictures from me in six months! If not, ban my account! (Do we still do ban bets? Is that allowed?)

Basically my weight has been an up and down roller-coaster ever since puberty. I go from being fat to working out and getting lean, and back again. A mix of MMOs, alcohol, boxing, and weightlifting has lead to a yo-yo fitness cycle that I want to finally put an end to.

I'm currently weighing close to 400 lbs. The highest I've ever weighed in my life. My goal is a muscular, but not ripped/cut 280 (I guess what you'd call 'Bear mode'). I'm a little over 6 feet tall, and have a very hard time losing fat, but I put on muscle very easily. Luckily this isn't my first rodeo, so I know it can be done. Plus, having a close friend who is also a personal trainer helps.

I'm starting a workout and diet plan tomorrow.

Wish me luck, GAF.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Well, I'm about an hour away from the starting gun to my first ever
marathon. I've gone from winded just walking across the parking lot to my desk and 55 lbs overweight to looking at running 26 miles in under 4 hours. I've pretty much taken all major cardio from my routine switching to Crossfit, but I'm thinking of still keeping this annual event in my life just to know how far I've come from where I was. Wish me luck! I'll post with times from the finish line.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
YagizY said:
Has anyone ever done weight watchers? I was thinking about signing up for it. I've done the whole low carb thing in the pass but I had trouble sticking with it.

I did it a while ago with my mum just so she had someone to go with. Lost like 15kg or 33 pounds or something. It will help you stick i guess, they will guilt you into it :lol

I'd say you would get the same results from it by sticking with low carb diet and posting pictures and details on here every week so we could tsk and brow bash you into staying on track :lol

Good luck Angelo!


time to take my meds
shim said:
Whey does get expensive, but it's the best substitute if you can't eat tons of chicken, eggs, turkey, etc.
I try to eat a lean protein source with each meal.

Sample Day
breakfast - 1/2 cup Oatmeal + can of tuna ( or protein shake)
lunch - 6" turkey or chicken breast sub from subway (no mayo or cheese) + diet coke + baked/light chips
dinner - baked/grilled chicken breast or other lean protein (lightly salted, or marinated) + veggies (broccoli, asparagus) etc.
Before bed - Caesin protein or 1/2 cup cottage cheese with fruit (tastes nasty, but it's important to have slow digesting caesin protein feeding your body through the night)
That's pretty much it, had an occasional cheat meal on the weekends.

The guy I'm working out with sounds like you, he can't gain weight not matter what he eats. What kind of workouts are you doing? Are you doing cardio? Are you incorporating compound exercises (bench/deadlift/squat/etc)?
But the solution is the most simple. Eat eat eat. Lift lift lift.
1. Calculate your maintenance caloric intake.
2. Eat +500 calories (clean food) of that amount
3. Do that for a week and see if you see any mass gains.
good luck.
I eat like a monster, about 3-4 large meals a day. (not always healthy meals admittedly). But I never gain weight.

I have no "traditional" workout, but I work at UPS. 5 days a week. Which is lifting boxes 5 hours a day from 3lbs to 150. Non stop. I've been there almost 8 months and I still get sore every week. I've lost about 10lbs, and my whole body is toned. I used to just be skinny, but now i have muscle and ab definition.

I know people who have lost 50lbs working there in the same amount of time. I was just already skinny I guess. I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life, i just still look small.

I'm going to try to eat more milk, tuna and eggs. I don't really like chicken that much.
Umm cheat day! I got 4 of my abs showing, V taper is there, dropped a lot of weight, kept my muscle mass too and sitting at about 14 stones/ 196 pounds, 6ft and a good amount of clean muscle. I probably have about another 1 stone/14 pounds to drop before I'll get to my physical goal, then start bulking again. Being off the carbohydrates has done wonders, but my cheat days feel like cheat weeks, it really makes me a bit sad, but I know I have to do it as I will fuck up more often during the week. My cheat days are currently once a fortnight, so not too excessive

But yeah, pizza or chinese? :D


When I'm at home and want to do some quick cardio but its too cold outside to run I usually jog up and down staircases in my apartment building, is this sufficient? Or should I just go outside and jog with a lot of warm clothes on?


Mecha_Infantry said:
Umm cheat day! I got 4 of my abs showing, V taper is there, dropped a lot of weight, kept my muscle mass too and sitting at about 14 stones/ 196 pounds, 6ft and a good amount of clean muscle. I probably have about another 1 stone/14 pounds to drop before I'll get to my physical goal, then start bulking again. Being off the carbohydrates has done wonders, but my cheat days feel like cheat weeks, it really makes me a bit sad, but I know I have to do it as I will fuck up more often during the week. My cheat days are currently once a fortnight, so not too excessive

But yeah, pizza or chinese? :D


started remodeling my kitchen yesterday. new appliances and all. so i ate out for lunch, dinner, and lunch again =( i gotta get at least my stove and microwave up and running later today! and to think i used to eat out for the majority of my meals. i really do feel bad right now, not sick, just disappointed. but, oh well. not much damage done.


SuperAngelo64 said:
Alright, expect some pictures from me in six months! If not, ban my account! (Do we still do ban bets? Is that allowed?)

Basically my weight has been an up and down roller-coaster ever since puberty. I go from being fat to working out and getting lean, and back again. A mix of MMOs, alcohol, boxing, and weightlifting has lead to a yo-yo fitness cycle that I want to finally put an end to.

I'm currently weighing close to 400 lbs. The highest I've ever weighed in my life. My goal is a muscular, but not ripped/cut 280 (I guess what you'd call 'Bear mode'). I'm a little over 6 feet tall, and have a very hard time losing fat, but I put on muscle very easily. Luckily this isn't my first rodeo, so I know it can be done. Plus, having a close friend who is also a personal trainer helps.

I'm starting a workout and diet plan tomorrow.

Wish me luck, GAF.
Already banned? That was quick...


borghe said:
Well, I'm about an hour away from the starting gun to my first ever
marathon. I've gone from winded just walking across the parking lot to my desk and 55 lbs overweight to looking at running 26 miles in under 4 hours. I've pretty much taken all major cardio from my routine switching to Crossfit, but I'm thinking of still keeping this annual event in my life just to know how far I've come from where I was. Wish me luck! I'll post with times from the finish line.

Good stuff, I did my first marathon a few weeks ago and it was a great sense of accomplishment. Post your time!
Alright, i apologize for no the no pics (didnt take a before photo so im pretty hooped there lol) but started a 10 week challenge with a buddy 3 weeks ago.

Im 25, 6'1 and was 300lbs on the nose in May. When we started the challenge I was down to 274. Basically all I was going to do was exercise everyday (I bike 10.5km in about 27 minutes in the park) and eat healthier and smaller portions. Totally cut out pop and fast food, and started eating breakfast.

Well holy jesus, this is easier then i thought it would be lol. Lost 13lbs the first week (that kind of freaked me out im not going to lie lol) and have since lost 20lbs in total in 3 weeks. my thighs went from no muscle tone to really tight, i feel awesome, and have way more energy. Im a little worried though, as its going to start getting cold outside (though this week has been about 25c which is crazy) and that means im going to have to join a gym. I put on muscle fairly easily (im built way bigger then most people) so im worried that the muscle i put on is going to outweigh what i lose, and i may lose motivation.

My end goal is to stand on the scale and have it read <240 as i can honestly say i have never stood on a scale and seen it less then that in the past 10 years or so. But i feel way better then i have in a long long time, ive gone in like 4 belt notches, and I think i look way better (losing the man boobs and gut lol).

God, I dont know why I didnt do this sooner.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Anyone know of any low-carb cookies/cake recipes that don't require any flour? I've managed to find Hershey's Unsweetend Cocoa and Truvia (both of which are highly recommended for recipes from the LC mega-thread at SA) and was hoping that those and the other usual ingredients (besides flour) are good enough to make something, right?

Also, is Almond Flour more low-carb or Bob's Red Mill Low Carb Baking Mix?
I am dreading tomorrow's weight in.

Birthday week, well has been a bad week.

Thursday Indian Buffet, although I still stick to Grilled Tandoori Chicken for most of the meal. But I stole in a Mango Lassi.

Friday, Chicken Philly. And I Forgot to tell them No Mayo, Easy on the Cheese. And as boss was paying for group lunch, I couldn't just go and get a new one and give this to someone else.

Saturday was my actual Birthday celebration at a good friend's house. Her mom made homemade grilled Pizza which was delicious. Also, her husband bought me a Single Barrel Jack, so had some of that and some of Woodfard Reserve. Finished the night with a Choclate Cake (my favorite). Even before that for lunch I grabbed half a Chicken Manchurian Panini and Chaat.

Then Sunday, morning was good, but dinner was 2nd half of Chix Manchurian Panini and another dish of Chaat. And then I bought a Choclate Moose cake for work folks and had a small piece.



[KoRp]Jazzman said:
Alright, i apologize for no the no pics (didnt take a before photo so im pretty hooped there lol) but started a 10 week challenge with a buddy 3 weeks ago.

Im 25, 6'1 and was 300lbs on the nose in May. When we started the challenge I was down to 274. Basically all I was going to do was exercise everyday (I bike 10.5km in about 27 minutes in the park) and eat healthier and smaller portions. Totally cut out pop and fast food, and started eating breakfast.

Well holy jesus, this is easier then i thought it would be lol. Lost 13lbs the first week (that kind of freaked me out im not going to lie lol) and have since lost 20lbs in total in 3 weeks. my thighs went from no muscle tone to really tight, i feel awesome, and have way more energy. Im a little worried though, as its going to start getting cold outside (though this week has been about 25c which is crazy) and that means im going to have to join a gym. I put on muscle fairly easily (im built way bigger then most people) so im worried that the muscle i put on is going to outweigh what i lose, and i may lose motivation.

My end goal is to stand on the scale and have it read <240 as i can honestly say i have never stood on a scale and seen it less then that in the past 10 years or so. But i feel way better then i have in a long long time, ive gone in like 4 belt notches, and I think i look way better (losing the man boobs and gut lol).

God, I dont know why I didnt do this sooner.

Well, it depends on what your idea of 'winning' is. Is it a number on the scale or is it having a healthy, attractive body? If it's the latter, then it's the mirror you should be looking at moreso than the scale.

Building muscle is usually a very good idea. It does a few great things:

1. It means that when you're losing weight, more of it is fat
2. The act of lifting weights itself burns calories (as or more effectively than cardio!)
3. The increased muscle mass and fitness level requires more calories
4. When you lose the fat, you have a fit, muscular body to show
5. You have increased fitness levels, which translate to a better quality of life

It's also very unlikely that any muscle mass you gain will keep you from hitting your <240 goal-line. You should lose weight quickly even if you weight train at your current weight. If however you start to see the scale stop moving but the mirror gets better and better then it's probably working out pretty well for you.
cartoon_soldier said:
I am dreading tomorrow's weight in.

Birthday week, well has been a bad week.

Thursday Indian Buffet, although I still stick to Grilled Tandoori Chicken for most of the meal. But I stole in a Mango Lassi.

Friday, Chicken Philly. And I Forgot to tell them No Mayo, Easy on the Cheese. And as boss was paying for group lunch, I couldn't just go and get a new one and give this to someone else.

Saturday was my actual Birthday celebration at a good friend's house. Her mom made homemade grilled Pizza which was delicious. Also, her husband bought me a Single Barrel Jack, so had some of that and some of Woodfard Reserve. Finished the night with a Choclate Cake (my favorite). Even before that for lunch I grabbed half a Chicken Manchurian Panini and Chaat.

Then Sunday, morning was good, but dinner was 2nd half of Chix Manchurian Panini and another dish of Chaat. And then I bought a Choclate Moose cake for work folks and had a small piece.


Weigh in shows a 1.8 lb loss.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Rubenov said:
Good stuff, I did my first marathon a few weeks ago and it was a great sense of accomplishment. Post your time!
well, I didn't finish.. I made it to mile 16 at my pace group (8:24) without any problem, and by 16 my legs started cramping up a bit.. I made it to about mile 19 with a combination of walking and running, but by 19 my legs were totally cramped up. I walked to 20 but at that point even walking my left leg would cramp up all the way to my toes (literally EVERY muscle in my legs was cramping). I was told by a friend of mine (after the fact) that I needed to have salt tablets/packs with me, which I didn't realize. Apparently the gatorade and gel simply weren't enough.

FWIW I felt great at my wall (about 13-14 miles).. I mean it was obvious, but once I changed gears psychologically I was fine.. and even at 20 miles I felt great and was still trying to jog, but every time my foot hit the pavement it would essentially collapse, or I guess retract, from the cramping..

so 16 miles in under 2:16 and the remaining 4 miles in about.. umm.. 50 minutes?

most disappointing part for me was that had I been able to get my cramping sorted out, I could have easily cleared that remaining 6 miles in under an hour giving me a sub-4:00 time (which I would have been happy with my first time out). and to be honest, hell.. I would have been happy just hobbling across the finish line.. but my legs couldn't support for literally one step more. :\

So a bit bummed, and yesterday not really sure if I wanted to deal with it again being on crossfit and not really having any goals of being a long term long distance runner.. but not wanting to leave things unfinished, this morning I resolved to sign up again next year, put crossfit on a two month restricted duty around august, and do a two month build up properly and complete with a sub-3:40 time.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Before/after for me. First pic is from last November at ~225 lbs. Not sure exactly how much I weighed.


Second pic is from Saturday, Oct. 1, at 168 lbs.


I would like to be 160, but I don't know think it's going to happen. I've been plateaued at just under 170 for about a month. I am 5'8''.
Nice transformation, Guileless. Big inspiration since that's around my target weight where you are right now -- and we're practically the same height. How was your diet/working out routine?

It's true diet is 90% the factor in losing weight. This whole week I've not exercised as much as usual but kept my diet and I still lost weight according to my scale. But, my scale is inaccurate so I'll measure myself with the good scale in my school and report in tomorrow.

REMEMBER EAT RIGHT. I was such a picky eater at my full weight. For example: I picked out lettuce and tomatoes from sandwiches and now I love those two things.


Damn good work dude.

In other news, I recently when through the transformations thread on bodybuilding.com. Lots of amazing hard work, and way too many uses of the word "Bro" in all it's forms.


borghe said:
well, I didn't finish.. I made it to mile 16 at my pace group (8:24) without any problem, and by 16 my legs started cramping up a bit.. I made it to about mile 19 with a combination of walking and running, but by 19 my legs were totally cramped up. I walked to 20 but at that point even walking my left leg would cramp up all the way to my toes (literally EVERY muscle in my legs was cramping). I was told by a friend of mine (after the fact) that I needed to have salt tablets/packs with me, which I didn't realize. Apparently the gatorade and gel simply weren't enough.

FWIW I felt great at my wall (about 13-14 miles).. I mean it was obvious, but once I changed gears psychologically I was fine.. and even at 20 miles I felt great and was still trying to jog, but every time my foot hit the pavement it would essentially collapse, or I guess retract, from the cramping..

so 16 miles in under 2:16 and the remaining 4 miles in about.. umm.. 50 minutes?

most disappointing part for me was that had I been able to get my cramping sorted out, I could have easily cleared that remaining 6 miles in under an hour giving me a sub-4:00 time (which I would have been happy with my first time out). and to be honest, hell.. I would have been happy just hobbling across the finish line.. but my legs couldn't support for literally one step more. :\

So a bit bummed, and yesterday not really sure if I wanted to deal with it again being on crossfit and not really having any goals of being a long term long distance runner.. but not wanting to leave things unfinished, this morning I resolved to sign up again next year, put crossfit on a two month restricted duty around august, and do a two month build up properly and complete with a sub-3:40 time.

Seems like you needed to train for longer distances. Usually you would run the marathon as far as you practiced. My longest practice run was ~22 miles. Come marathon day, at around 21 - 22 miles was when I hit the cramping / can't take it anymore sort of feeling. I gutted my way out to the finish line under intense pain. Next time, I would try to go as far as 30 miles during practice so the marathon itself would be a cake.


borghe said:
well, I didn't finish.. I made it to mile 16 at my pace group (8:24) without any problem, and by 16 my legs started cramping up a bit.. I made it to about mile 19 with a combination of walking and running, but by 19 my legs were totally cramped up. I walked to 20 but at that point even walking my left leg would cramp up all the way to my toes (literally EVERY muscle in my legs was cramping). I was told by a friend of mine (after the fact) that I needed to have salt tablets/packs with me, which I didn't realize. Apparently the gatorade and gel simply weren't enough.

FWIW I felt great at my wall (about 13-14 miles).. I mean it was obvious, but once I changed gears psychologically I was fine.. and even at 20 miles I felt great and was still trying to jog, but every time my foot hit the pavement it would essentially collapse, or I guess retract, from the cramping..

so 16 miles in under 2:16 and the remaining 4 miles in about.. umm.. 50 minutes?

most disappointing part for me was that had I been able to get my cramping sorted out, I could have easily cleared that remaining 6 miles in under an hour giving me a sub-4:00 time (which I would have been happy with my first time out). and to be honest, hell.. I would have been happy just hobbling across the finish line.. but my legs couldn't support for literally one step more. :\

So a bit bummed, and yesterday not really sure if I wanted to deal with it again being on crossfit and not really having any goals of being a long term long distance runner.. but not wanting to leave things unfinished, this morning I resolved to sign up again next year, put crossfit on a two month restricted duty around august, and do a two month build up properly and complete with a sub-3:40 time.

Out of curiosity, did you carb-load so you wouldn't bonk?


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
spindashing said:
Nice transformation, Guileless. Big inspiration since that's around my target weight where you are right now -- and we're practically the same height. How was your diet/working out routine?

It's true diet is 90% the factor in losing weight.

Thanks. Agree on diet. I think people underestimate how much exercise stimulates appetite.

I read and followed The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson after becoming interested in the effects of insulin by reading teh_pwn's posts in this thread. Everyone should read the chapter contrasting the lives of a modern Westerner and a prehistoric human.

I didn't drink for 6 months, especially beer. For exercise, I mostly do sprints, ride my bike, and do push-ups. I do long runs twice a week because I enjoy it. It has worked for me.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
grumble said:
Out of curiosity, did you carb-load so you wouldn't bonk?
like I said, I feel that carbs and hydration were fine.. and a buddy of mine, where this was his third (finished at 3:20) seems to agree that based on what I told him that that stuff was fine. of course this was my first marathon so who knows, but my energy levels were decent, I carb loaded the night before, and at the 7th mile I had two packs of gel and again at the 14th mile along with good amounts of gatorade/water along the way (probably every 3-5 miles or so). even jogging near the end of my time around 17-18 or so my legs felt fine, until the cramping would come on.. that was why we are more inclined to think it was salt more than anything.

AFAIK, cramping is lack of electrolytes in the muscles which are carried by bonding to the salt in your blood. being that I shouldn't have been lacking in electrolytes from gel and gatorade (and carb loading the night before), and I should have been decently hydrated (was sweating through to the end of my run), the most reasonable cause to us seemed the lack of salt (being it is the only ingredient missing there).

like I said, I'll give it a better go next year.

oh, rubenov - my longest run was over 21 miles.. so I definitely ran longer than this.. however that was also probably a month and a half ago before I really started focusing on crossfit.. I definitely hit a big wall on that run, but not the crazy ass cramping like this.. just the pretty usual "omg this sucks" around 14-15 or so, after which I stopped at 21 just because it beat my previous long run by around 2 miles. I've been exercising intensely since that run, but didn't do long runs after that to focus on Crossfit. If the issue here was salt, I would be REALLY curious as to how I would have done removing that issue.. But next year isn't the year to try that experiment as I will be much more solely focused on just completing.

edit - and for those wondering why I'm talking about this in the weight loss thread, it's because earlier this year in participating in this thread I lost 55 lbs (still gone) and just tried my god damndest to run a marathon.. didn't complete this year, but as time is going on here, still happy that I went from 210lbs to keeping an 8:24 pace all the way for 16 miles in less than a year at 55lbs less. :)
Well I finally somehow dipped into the 160 range. I now range from 169 to 168. Was stuck at 172-174 forever. Started walking more during the day on my lunch hours. Also just recently signed up at a local gym and do group kick and tackling some spinning tonight. I am looking at keep me in this fitness lifestyle permenatly in some respect. I've worked too hard to get to where I am now... can't let it slip now. Decided to cut out alchohol almost completly. One drink if that... but really trying to stay away from it in general, its just bad for me and doesn't help my progress whatsoever.


What's the best way to lose neck/face fat? I'm not big at all, but those are the 2 main things that annoy me about my body.


So today was the start of my first day of weight watchers.

Weight: 232.0
Height: 6'4
Age: 23

I always was a pretty big kid and a couple of years ago I had a weight loss breakthrough. I went from 265 down to 216. It felt great and ideally I would love to get back around to something like 205.

The problem with me is that I feel I am psychologically dependent on food. If things don't go my way, I try to eat myself to happiness. I recognize that it's fucked up. After being sidelined for about 3/4 of a year on crutches of some sort (I had two foot surgeries that involved some tendons) I was very unhappy. I continued to have pain even after the surgeries and finally the doctors learned that I had a form of rheumatoid arthritis. I'm taking some bi-weekly injections and weekly pills now and I feel fucking fantastic. After almost 2 years of constant pain I feel relieved.

So yeah, I'll be updating every week with my progress as far as weight goes. I figured healthy eating coupled with 4 gym sessions a week should help me lose some weight.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Domino Theory said:
Damn it, I'm pretty sure I've hit a wall on my low-carb diet. Been stuck at 247-248 for the past month. :(

Low carb isn't a total solution to every cause of obesity. In particular, you want to:
1. Eliminate Fructose.
2. Get sun or supplement 10k IU vitamin D3.
3. Reduce omega 6 fat intake. Get about 15 grams of quality omega 3 daily (animal based for DHA/EPA - Carlson's fish oil is good).
4. Supplement probiotics.
5. Lift weights, do interval cardio. And rest. Don't overtrain and bathe in cortisol.
6. Sleep 8-9 hours per night in a dark room. If you're drinking coffee or taking stim meds, adjust. This can be a deal breaker for some people.
7. Seeing how you're asking for cake substitutes, you may want to get some Paleo recipes. Ditch the grain/sugar culture completely and don't look back. Get some big ass salad and salad dressing recipes, vegetable/meat stir fries, etc.

Mark Sisson's "The Primal Blueprint" or Robb Wolf's "The Paleo Solution" may be good starting points for you.
Guileless said:
Before/after for me. First pic is from last November at ~225 lbs. Not sure exactly how much I weighed.


Second pic is from Saturday, Oct. 1, at 168 lbs.


I would like to be 160, but I don't know think it's going to happen. I've been plateaued at just under 170 for about a month. I am 5'8''.

You've plateaued because 168 is a perfectly fine weight to be at.

Work on building muscle


Akim said:
do intense face exercises

But yea, you cant target areas to lose fat in. Your body will lose overall body fat percentage in its own way and everybody is different. Some people are lucky and lose it in all the right places and others get fucked and are left with moobs, chubby faces or beer guts or whatever even after a good amount of fat loss.

Meanwhile, I've been very bad this past week and have gone up a few pounds, ruining about a week or two's progress. :(

Thats alright, though. Two steps forward and one step back isn't gonna kill me, but I can definitely do better.


Found this interesting...


When participants got 8.5 hours of sleep, more than half of their weight loss came from shedding fat; when they got 5.5 of sleep, only one-quarter of their weight loss came from fat -- translating to a 55 percent reduction in fat loss.

Instead, the majority of people's weight loss during the sleep-restricted period came from lean body tissue, which refers to muscle and any other body tissue that is not fat.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
BronzeWolf said:
You've plateaued because 168 is a perfectly fine weight to be at.

Work on building muscle

It's at the upper end of the height/weight charts for men at my height of 5'8''. I was 160 in high school, and I would like to be there again. The goal might not be attainable for a while though.

Sisson argues that sleep is very important for weight loss because of hormones. I made sure I got 8 hours a day as much as I could. That meant a lot less videogame playing unfortunately.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Lee N said:
Not as bad as it could've been, but yeah. You can definitely tell I've been fat.

I like how your shirts slowly progress from nerdy to less nerdy as you update
Guileless said:
It's at the upper end of the height/weight charts for men at my height of 5'8''. I was 160 in high school, and I would like to be there again. The goal might not be attainable for a while though.

Sisson argues that sleep is very important for weight loss because of hormones. I made sure I got 8 hours a day as much as I could. That meant a lot less videogame playing unfortunately.

The charts are rubbish.

Get some muscle, be a healthy strong dude


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Lee N said:
Time for an update, down to 77 kilos (~170 lbs) now.


Congrats mate. That must have took a lot of effort/focus/discipline. Well done.


I'm gonna put together another before/after post, I came upon a bunch of old pictures of mine and had to step back and take a deep breathe. It's amazing how much I've changed over the past few years,

also good job Lee!


Seanspeed said:
Only a few weeks in, but I'm already seeing pretty noticeable results. I'm flexing a bit in the 2nd pick:)lol ), but its not a totally unfair comparison pic. Just feeling a bit proud of myself. :D


Another month gone by:


Could have actually made more progress if I didn't have friends dragging me out to the bars all the time, but still.......slow and steady and I'm pretty happy with the changes so far.


Just got back from my health screening, my LDL dropped 11 points over last year... but my HDL dropped the same amount. Triglycerides were almost exactly the same as last year as well, not very happy about the results.


Haven't posted in awhile, but I've settled in around 185 after starting at 240 in March. Starting to slow way down, think I have another 10 or so to go. That sleep study is interesting, I definitely need to get more. Maybe that'll help finish the job.
Fireye said:
Just got back from my health screening, my LDL dropped 11 points over last year... but my HDL dropped the same amount. Triglycerides were almost exactly the same as last year as well, not very happy about the results.

How did your VLDL go?


BronzeWolf said:
How did your VLDL go?

Sadly I don't have a VLDL result in this list. It was a fingerprick test, got the results back in about a minute. Color me amazed, I didn't think they could do cholesterol counts like that!

HDL: 19
LDL: 79
Triglyceride: 192
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