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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Fireye said:
Just got back from my health screening, my LDL dropped 11 points over last year... but my HDL dropped the same amount. Triglycerides were almost exactly the same as last year as well, not very happy about the results.
You taking any fish oils?


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cyberheater said:
It's 0.6 pounds in the right direction.

Inspirational thread. I keep coming back to it when I start to weaken.

I've gone from around 225lb to 200lb in about 6 weeks. It's been tough. I want to get to around 196lb. I'm 6ft 5inches so that should be reasonable for me.

I've got to 196lb now so have lost another 4lbs in the last 2 and half weeks. I'm quite happy about that.

I'm going to keep going. I want to loose another 4 - 6lbs or so or until the six pack starts to appear. Another couple of weeks to go I guess.

I've just realized that I've lost around 30lbs in 8 weeks or so. That's pretty good going.


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Akim said:
Well, I weighed in again today.

September 15: 253
October 1: 244

Still losing pretty steadily. I decided to cheat today as a reward. I ate 2 big pieces of stuffed garlic pizza. I don't even know why I cheat, it's almost not worth it as I feel so fucking guilty afterward :(

Yep. I feel the same way. You kinda realise that you're only cheating yourself. I'm getting sick of this diet so I'm going full steam ahead until I've lost the weight that I want. I don't want to be on this diet a day longer then I really need to be.
Fireye said:
Sadly I don't have a VLDL result in this list. It was a fingerprick test, got the results back in about a minute. Color me amazed, I didn't think they could do cholesterol counts like that!

HDL: 19
LDL: 79
Triglyceride: 192

Fish oil. A ton

Triglycerides are high.

But without knowing your VLDL, we are missing a vital piece of information.


I just started taking fish oil, in addition to the flax oil I was already using for salads at lunch. Hopefully the situation improves, I'm sure it will as I continue to lose weight.

They did give me a Total Cholesterol (137), would the VLDL be Total - (HDL+LDL)?
If so, then I'd have 39 for my VLDL.


Fireye said:
I just started taking fish oil, in addition to the flax oil I was already using for salads at lunch. Hopefully the situation improves, I'm sure it will as I continue to lose weight.

They did give me a Total Cholesterol (137), would the VLDL be Total - (HDL+LDL)?
If so, then I'd have 39 for my VLDL.
What is the DHA/EPA levels for the fish oil you're taking?


NomarTyme said:
What is the DHA/EPA levels for the fish oil you're taking?

I don't think they're huge, I picked up some capsules (since I'm still iffy on the idea of liquid fish oil), and plan on taking two in the morning, two in the evening. Will post when I get home and figure it out.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
NomarTyme said:
What is the DHA/EPA levels for the fish oil you're taking?

I take 3 softgels of GNC's Triple Strength Omega 3 a day. I used to take 2, but bumped it up to 3 starting today.

Each softgel has 900mg of Omega 3 (650mg EPA, 250mg DHA).


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Fireye said:
Sadly I don't have a VLDL result in this list. It was a fingerprick test, got the results back in about a minute. Color me amazed, I didn't think they could do cholesterol counts like that!

HDL: 19
LDL: 79
Triglyceride: 192

Those are pretty alarming numbers. I'd get a nurse/doctor to get a better measurement, and if it's the same get some consultation on what they mean. You could have something going on.

If I remember the basics of blood lipids, your HDL is low, your cholesterol is very low, and your triglycerides are very high. This suggests high VLDL...you're at high risk of both stroke and heart disease.

But then again it is a finger prick test. I'd get a better test to be sure and talk to a good MD that doesn't just push statins and believe that low cholesterol is good.

But assuming these numbers are correct and you don't have a condition, I'd supplement fish oil, eat plenty of good fats (coconut, beef/butter/lard, olive), plenty of meat, and cut all sugar and all non-vegetable carbs out.
Question about Ketosis:

Is it harmful to be in it for extended periods? I ask cause i've been in Ketosis since Aug 1st, and people are saying it's bad for the liver.

I'm still losing weight, with 30lbs left so I want to keep the forward momentum.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Is taking too many supplements bad for your liver/overall health?

Everyday I take:

3 Fish Oil softgels
1 Multi-Vitamin

I'm going to add these to my daily dosage:

10,000IU Vitamin D3
Lutein (I have really shitty eyes)

And on days that I workout, I take 3 ZMA capsules 30 minutes before bedtime and plan to take Melatonin every now and then to help with my shitty sleep.

Is this all too much for my liver/body to handle?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Domino Theory said:
Is taking too many supplements bad for your liver/overall health?

Everyday I take:

3 Fish Oil softgels
1 Multi-Vitamin

I'm going to add these to my daily dosage:

10,000IU Vitamin D3
Lutein (I have really shitty eyes)

And on days that I workout, I take 3 ZMA capsules 30 minutes before bedtime and plan to take Melatonin every now and then to help with my shitty sleep.

Is this all too much for my liver/body to handle?

Not sure about the ZMA, but your liver can handle this easy. The body makes about 10k-20k IU of vitamin D until it inhibits productions, so supplementing 10k is fine. In one of the lectures about vitamin D from UC/Stanford, they talked about the single case of vitamin D toxicity recorded. It was because the supplement maker forgot to dilute it, and the guy was taking over 1 million IU daily for years until he got some sort of tumor (he was treated successfully, body cleared up after a month of no supplementation or sunlight).

Our ancestors got nearly 1:1 omega3:eek:mega6. You're taking less than that. You'd have to take absurd amounts of fish oil to get an excessive amount of omega3:eek:mega6, which can cause a weak immune system.

This is all cake for your liver, except for well cake. Cake in excess is hard on the liver.

Don't rely too heavily on supplementation. Not that what you're doing is bad for you, it's just you'll get better returns on your health with real food. Vitamin D and omega3s make sense as it's hard to get it naturally. But for minerals, nutrients, you're better off buying a cookbook and using meat, vegetables, spices, healthy oils. Mark Sisson's cook book is good.


teh_pwn said:
Our ancestors got nearly 1:1 omega3:eek:mega6.

Do we really have good information on this? While we can speculate on a fair portion of their diets, without a historic poo sample it's quite tough to be certain, I'd imagine. Also, how ancient are the ancestors you're referring to?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Fireye said:
Do we really have good information on this? While we can speculate on a fair portion of their diets, without a historic poo sample it's quite tough to be certain, I'd imagine. Also, how ancient are the ancestors you're referring to?

I don't have a good reference bookmarked. I got this from Loren Cordain, who wrote the Paleo Diet book and is a professor/researcher that's focused on the diet/environment/health of paleolithic man (10,000 years or older) and the evolutionary implicaitons.

Some of the evidence we have for this is in examining skeletons and teeth. You can tell a lot about someone's diet from this. I don't know all of the details, I may review this and give you some better references later today/tomorrow.

Other evidence we have is in analyzing the fatty acid content of grass fed beef and wild game/fish today compared to grain fed meat. And by grass fed I mean 100% grass fed. Lots of "grass fed" beef is grain finished, which can be comparable to conventional beef that's finished at feedlots - sort of what grain finished means.

I'd also like to reiterate that it is possible to get too much omega3s. Most recently they found that colon cancer increases in rats fed absurd amounts of omega3s in a lab. Omega6 is also an essential fat, but due to grains being all over the food supply we get plenty.

I think I got it from here:

Yep, it's that video.


Here he compares the teeth of homosapiens from the Paleolithic period to Neanderthal and to herbivore/carnivore animals. Neanderthals were mostly carnivores, humans were omnivores. If you extrapolate what kinds of meats and vegetables that were available to humans during this time, you can estimate the omega3:eek:mega6 ratio.

He continues in part 2 with lots of evidence that man evolved to depend on animal foods (B12, increased brain:gut size, human migrations to areas low in plant food, fossils of tools used to extract bone marrow with etchings on the bones, analysis of living tribes - not a single vegetarian one):


And it goes on. But basically if you know what people ate, and the the composition of those foods (meat of animal on natural diet vs grain fed) you can estimate the omega3 content.
Yeah, just try to imagine where paleolithic man was getting his Omega 6 fats.

There was no corn oil, no soybean oil, no factory farmed meat. It simply wasn't available in massive, unlimited quantities, whereas it's nearly unavoidable in modern food. Hell, it was even relatively rare a hundred years ago. Back then, animal fat was used by everyone. Now, restaurants fry and cook everything in it. Most processed foods utilize it, since it's cheaper and supposedly healthier than animal fat.

The amount of Omega 6 fat we get is historically unprecedented, and our physiology hasn't evolved to deal with such large amounts.

Take a look at the latest dissection of the China Study raw data.

Heart disease in multiple provinces is most strongly correlated with (omega 6) vegetable oil and wheat intake. Negative correlations exist with saturated fat and animal product intake. It doesn't prove causation, but it certainly corroborates the controlled animal studies that show dietary omega 6 fats cause fatty liver, increase oxidized LDL, and promote inflammation.

Even babies are getting a raw deal these days.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Price Dalton said:
Yeah, just try to imagine where paleolithic man was getting his Omega 6 fats.

There was no corn oil, no soybean oil, no factory farmed meat. It simply wasn't available in massive, unlimited quantities, whereas it's nearly unavoidable in modern food. Hell, it was even relatively rare a hundred years ago. Back then, animal fat was used by everyone. Now, restaurants fry and cook everything in it. Most processed foods utilize it, since it's cheaper and supposedly healthier than animal fat.

The amount of Omega 6 fat we get is historically unprecedented, and our physiology hasn't evolved to deal with such large amounts.

Take a look at the latest dissection of the China Study raw data.

Heart disease in multiple provinces is most strongly correlated with (omega 6) vegetable oil and wheat intake. Negative correlations exist with saturated fat and animal product intake. It doesn't prove causation, but it certainly corroborates the controlled animal studies that show dietary omega 6 fats cause fatty liver, increase oxidized LDL, and promote inflammation.

Even babies are getting a raw deal these days.

Denise is amazing.

If healthcare costs are uncontrollable now (efficiency of payment system aside), just imagine what it will be like when the next generation of formula fed kids grow up. Soybean oil and sugar in the cradle, messing up the liver in two very powerful ways.
thread is inspiring me
I'm not badly over-weight but I have gained weight this summer after I changed jobs and gotten back onto BAD habits again;

I will refocus and ban certain elements than are guaranteed to get me 10 LBS off again
(quit Soft Drinks + quit fries = 10LBS off in a few weeks)

now for the hard part; exercise fuuuuck.... I will get back on the wagon soon; I just got fix my sleeping pattern so i get enough time during the day to do stuff

discipline in food is not the only thing,,, discipline in time too because time factors in lazy habits


Seanspeed said:
Another month gone by:


Could have actually made more progress if I didn't have friends dragging me out to the bars all the time, but still.......slow and steady and I'm pretty happy with the changes so far.

Not to sound like a complete creep, but did you grow up in Virginia Beach?

You look like I guy that grew up near me.
teh_pwn said:
Denise is amazing.

If healthcare costs are uncontrollable now (efficiency of payment system aside), just imagine what it will be like when the next generation of formula fed kids grow up. Soybean oil and sugar in the cradle, messing up the liver in two very powerful ways.

Plus they're not getting the good bacteria via breastmilk. That's how babies develop immune systems - by the introduction of flora from the mother. Sad and scary.

I look forward to butter taxes and vat-grown meat with zero saturated fat!


Man, does anyone ever get depressed doing this weight loss thing. I'm down almost 50 pounds, and when I take off my shirt I still have a huge gut and moobs. My top half still looks the same as when I first started. It's a bummer.

In other news, I bought some new pants today. I went from 42x32 in Levi's Regular Fit to 38x32 in Levi's Slim Fit, so I'm feeling pretty good about that.
Akim said:
Man, does anyone ever get depressed doing this weight loss thing. I'm down almost 50 pounds, and when I take off my shirt I still have a huge gut and moobs. My top half still looks the same as when I first started. It's a bummer.

In other news, I bought some new pants today. I went from 42x32 in Levi's Regular Fit to 38x32 in Levi's Slim Fit, so I'm feeling pretty good about that.

Until you start a real muscle building routine, you'll probably always have the moobs and gut.
Then they start to tighten up.
Akim said:
Man, does anyone ever get depressed doing this weight loss thing. I'm down almost 50 pounds, and when I take off my shirt I still have a huge gut and moobs. My top half still looks the same as when I first started. It's a bummer.

In other news, I bought some new pants today. I went from 42x32 in Levi's Regular Fit to 38x32 in Levi's Slim Fit, so I'm feeling pretty good about that.

Time to start pumping Iron


Jangocube said:
Not to sound like a complete creep, but did you grow up in Virginia Beach?

You look like I guy that grew up near me.
:eek: I've been found out!

Yea, thats probably me. :lol

Can I ask who ya are? Send me a PM or something?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Seanspeed said:
:eek: I've been found out!

Yea, thats probably me. :lol

Can I ask who ya are? Send me a PM or something?

Heh. And just like that, half of the people that were on the fence about posting pics won't.
Akim said:
Man, does anyone ever get depressed doing this weight loss thing. I'm down almost 50 pounds, and when I take off my shirt I still have a huge gut and moobs.

I hear ya man. The scale says i'm down 50 lbs, but I only LOOK a bit different, none of my friends notice, which is frustrating.

Besides weight training, do the last few pounds really make the most difference?


Neo Member
Hey all just found this thread and I'm still reading through but wow at all these people who lost so much weight! They are a real inspiration especially for someone who has struggled with their weight for almost all their life.

Basically I live in an Asian society where being stick thin is a common affliction and it doesn't help that my best friend is a skeleton with a lion appetite. Like she can outeat most guys when it comes it food quantity, and I can match her if I try, which I often do. =\

I'm always going in and out of dieting plans and suffering from burnout. I think I'll try what one of the earlier posters mentioned, just eating smaller portions and walking a bit more. Oh and I absolutely adore dessert :(


AceBandage said:
I'm always afraid someone will recognize me on the internet.
It's not as big as people think.
I've never understood why some people insist on being so anonymous on the internet. I mean, to a degree, sure, but I sometimes think it'd be better if we all just used our regular names and had faces of ourselves as avatars so we'd be a bit more conscious of the fact that we're talking to other real human beings.

betweenthewheels said:
I hear ya man. The scale says i'm down 50 lbs, but I only LOOK a bit different, none of my friends notice, which is frustrating.

Besides weight training, do the last few pounds really make the most difference?
If you're down 50lbs, there's no way your friends dont notice. Maybe they dont say anything, and thats a shame, but it HAS to be a pretty noticeable difference. I get quite a few comments from friends and my regular customers and whatnot, and I'm only down 30lbs.

You sound like you're doing great, so please dont get discouraged. And dont forget that you should be doing this for yourself more than anything. Keep it up!


Seanspeed said:
I've never understood why some people insist on being so anonymous on the internet. I mean, to a degree, sure, but I sometimes think it'd be better if we all just used our regular names and had faces of ourselves as avatars so we'd be a bit more conscious of the fact that we're talking to other real human beings.

Online we can't fully control who sees what we write, and it's an easy access for people who want to make your life miserable to make it miserable. Anonymity also lets you say what you really think without risk of repercussion. As conversations tend to be saved, it's a good idea.

You lose out on people not acting like assholes, but it's got its upsides too.
Started at 260 and now the needle hovers around 249-250. Losing 10-11 lbs in a month isn't too bad. Probably would have been 12 if I didn't have so many family parties to go in the past week. Probably could have lost even more if I actually went on a more restrictive diet. Although with the amount of calories I burn during my elliptical sessions, I probably shouldn't make my total caloric intake too low.


As I said before I'm attempting to lose my face/neck fat (I'm not obese). I've pretty much replaced all fizzy drinks with water now, I've started to eat bananas, and I'm also cutting down on cheese heavily. I've also started to exercise more. But what's the best way to lose cravings? Do they eventually just go? It's hard to resist but I've managed to do so today.
Xun said:
As I said before I'm attempting to lose my face/neck fat (I'm not obese). I've pretty much replaced all fizzy drinks with water now, I've started to eat bananas, and I'm also cutting down on cheese heavily. I've also started to exercise more. But what's the best way to lose cravings? Do they eventually just go? It's hard to resist but I've managed to do so today.

Drink more water.
Quick question for you guys, is there an exercise i can do that like mainly targets the inside part of my thigh area?

As i said earlier, ive been biking each day for the past month and a half, and its done wonders for my calves and the "front and outside" part of my thighs (even my cankles are pretty much gone. Unfortunately, the inside part of my thigh has seen zero improvement, and it almost looks worse then before as the rest is pretty well toned.

I know i cant target weight loss to an area, but is there something i can do to target primarily just that area that i can do in tandem with the biking?

Google search has not helped much, so im wondering if any of you have tried anything.


Edit - Sorry should have said an exercise to target the inside thigh area muscle... if there even is one there :D


Neo Member
A question for the low carbs people: are fruits acceptable? They seem to be high in carbs but I really love them :(

My family buys a lot of fruits so we have bananas, strawberries, blueberries, kiwis, mangos, random exotic fruits and the usual pears and apples. Are these fruits ok or is their GI too high? I heard bananas are pretty good for the brain...
Fruits Lowest in Sugar

* Small Amounts of Lemon or Lime

* Rhubarb

* Raspberries (more about berries on low carb diets)

* Blackberries

* Cranberries

Fruits Low to Medium in Sugar

* Strawberries

* Casaba Melon

* Papaya

* Watermelon

* Peaches

* Nectarines

* Blueberries

* Cantaloupes

* Honeydew Melons

* Apples

* Guavas - Pineapple Guavas (Feijoa) and Strawberry Guavas are probably similar, but information that directly compares them is not available

* Apricots

* Grapefruit

Fruits Fairly High in Sugar

* Plums

* Oranges

* Kiwifruit

* Pears

* Pineapple

Fruits Very High in Sugar

* Tangerines

* Cherries

* Grapes

* Pomegranates

* Mangos

* Figs

* Bananas

* Dried Fruit, such as

o Dates

o Raisins

o Dried Apricots

o Prunes
So all of my sisters and mum want to know about low carb diet, they can see the huge improvement with my weight. They have been fad dieters all their life and so are jealous of the weight loss I have experienced considering this is the first real diet I have been on.

They have some questions/queries however:

1. They think they need to drink milk to get calcium. I am taking supplements and vitamin D3 but they want a natural source and think milk is the best way to get it. What are some other sources but not high in carbs? Cutting out milk was one of the triggers to my weight loss I reckon (cause of the amount of coffee lattes I was drinking).

2. they think eating an egg a day is bad for you. I have been eating 1 egg with bacon and tomato and mushroom for breakfast. Then a salad wholemeal roll for lunch. Then a steak or chicken with no sides for dinner. I have also been taking fish oil caplets (4 a day) and have tried to tell them my cholesterol will be fine. They find that hard to believe so I need an answer for them.

I dont think they will adopt the diet however, once I told them that milk, bread, and fruit were out for me they thought they would be starving. Funnily enough, my sweet cravings are pretty much gone and I eat only three meals a day.


I'm pretty sure Milk is good for your body, even if you're on a low carb diet. Something about how the fat in Milk promotes fat burning or something. Anyway, the pros of milk outweigh the cons.

Also, get your one serving of fruit per day, I'd recommend. A lot of good stuff in fruit, despite all the sugars.


SmokeMaxX said:
I'm pretty sure Milk is good for your body, even if you're on a low carb diet. Something about how the fat in Milk promotes fat burning or something. Anyway, the pros of milk outweigh the cons.

Also, get your one serving of fruit per day, I'd recommend. A lot of good stuff in fruit, despite all the sugars.

I don't think any of that is a good idea if you are on a carb restricted diet


Neo Member
The idea of not eating fruits at all is gonna be a huge struggle, I have internalized completely that fruits = good. Think I'll stock up on raspberries and blackberries. Heck even the mark's daily plate site seems to suggest that 1 serving is ok. I'm not aiming for 0g of carbs but something slightly less than 100g. Thanks for all the info guys!


I recently read an interesting article on how weight loss and sleep are interconnected.
http://www.abnehm1mal1.de/abnehmen-im-schlaf.php (It's in German, but I know there are some German speaking folks in here)
It's interesting because it confirms something I have always suspected: If you don't sleep enough, you'll be hungry all day. It's got something to do with hormones affecting your hunger being produced differently. Look up Ghrelin and Leptin.
So what I do now is to make sure I get enough sleep and voila. I don't eat as much anymore.


Akim said:
I don't think any of that is a good idea if you are on a carb restricted diet
Eh, you sure? I eat pretty much low carbs (1 serving a day ish according to the P90X diet), but they also say get two servings of Dairy and drink a protein shake. Dairy = carbs and protein shake is much better with milk.

EDIT: Not directly related to carb intake, but for fat loss:

From http://www.whymilk.com/healthy_weight_article/milk_burn_fat
The goal of the study was to examine the mechanism behind dairy's reported role in enhancing fat loss. A growing body of evidence has shown that higher intakes of calcium and dairy are associated with greater fat loss, but little is known about how and why it works.

The researchers found that increasing dairy intake appears to suppress a hormone in the body, which may help increase fat oxidation, or the amount of fat that's burned. From the results of this study, the researchers put together a rough calculation based on the increased fat burned from a meal that suggests a high-dairy diet followed over a year could potentially result in the loss of 10 pounds of fat.

Which makes sense since babies have a high amount of fat that needs to be burned off.


sundrenched said:
The idea of not eating fruits at all is gonna be a huge struggle, I have internalized completely that fruits = good. Think I'll stock up on raspberries and blackberries. Heck even the mark's daily plate site seems to suggest that 1 serving is ok. I'm not aiming for 0g of carbs but something slightly less than 100g. Thanks for all the info guys!
Eh, one serving of fruit a day isn't anything close to bad for you. With all the nutrients in it, I think you miss out more by taking out the fruit from the diet. From a "no carb standpoint" then sure, take out all fruit. However, in terms of weight loss, one fruit isn't gonna do much. Just exercise it off.
SmokeMaxX said:
Eh, you sure? I eat pretty much low carbs (1 serving a day ish according to the P90X diet), but they also say get two servings of Dairy and drink a protein shake. Dairy = carbs and protein shake is much better with milk.

EDIT: Not directly related to carb intake, but for fat loss:

From http://www.whymilk.com/healthy_weight_article/milk_burn_fat

Which makes sense since babies have a high amount of fat that needs to be burned off.

thats it, my morning latte is back on the menu for a week and I'll see how I go.
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