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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
DeadRockstar said:
That's exactly the point Lustig was making in the part of the video Zefah referenced.

The truth is though, all of his argument can only be backed up with the use of studies that use ridiculous dosages that are irrelevant to a regular human diet, or by selectively interpreting the data. I'm not going to debate every single one of his points. I've done that plenty offline.

The point is, none of his research is relevant to the average dieter because they will never meet the conditions that he's suggesting will have a negative impact on them and having them worry about things like that will do nothing for their progress or mindset, which is surely the aim of this thread. I don't know why Lustig decided to single out fructose and demonise it, but he's completely missed the forest for the trees.

What about his conclusion that fructose is processed like a poison and can have major adverse effects on a person's body?

You said this:

DeadRockstar said:
You're saying to avoid sugar, but all carbs you consume are converted to blood glucose anyway. Metabolically it's all the same. I don't see how you can be better off when there will literally be no difference.

Lustig's premise was that, metabolically, fructose and glucose couldn't be more different. He goes as far as to call fructose a poison and glucose "the energy of life". He illustrated that 120 calories worth of carbs (white bread) and 120 calories worth of fructose (fruit juice) are processed in completely different ways. Do you disagree with this?

DeadRockstar said:
This fruit hate needs to stop. People thinking fructose make you fat is scaring people away from perfectly legitimate, healthy diet foods that taste great. Fruit is one of the best ways to get great taste without artificial sweeteners.

What you said here is kind of started this whole debate. I completely disagree that fructose doesn't make you fat, and that anything containing lots of fructose can be considered a healthy diet food. Sure, any responsible dieter will be able to consume fructose in moderation and still lose weight. However, they will have to offset that consumption by doing something else. I don't see how that is any defense for fructose. Fructose, by itself, provides no inherit benefit to the body. It, in fact, can harm the body, and I see no reason why it shouldn't be avoided whenever possible. The vitamins and what not you can get from fruit are great and all, but it's not like they can't be got elsewhere.


wow, i cannot win against this binge eating. i just want to kill myself. i keep binging every day now for the past few weeks and there's no one who can help me. shit.


cryptic said:
wow, i cannot win against this binge eating. i just want to kill myself. i keep binging every day now for the past few weeks and there's no one who can help me. shit.
What are you binging on?


NomarTyme said:
What are you binging on?

peanut butter and wasa/ kavita rye thins with bananas, nuts, whole wheat peanut butter sandwiches with peanut butter,bananas, and honey, a few chips, deep fried sweet potato fries, a bagel with egg and sausages, and some nasty white flour desserts with the last bit probable totaling 600 calories plus

it's always carbs and desserts where i end up losing control. i do fine until after i'm done with work then i get hit with this insatiable hunger


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
DeadRockstar said:
I said in my first post that fructose preferentially fills hepatic glycogen. Also in the video Lustig is talking about chronic fructose intake, which has no relevance to any healthy diet.

He makes the point that fructose will increase appetite. There is literally one study that backs up this claim and the subjects used to test it were given 30% of their intake for the day as fructose. Which worked out to 135 grams. Unless you drink soda sweetened with HFCS like it's going out of style, you're not getting anywhere near 135 grams. If you have to cherry pick studies to support your claim, it's gotta be weak.

Since that video lots of research has been done concerning the topic and all the studies found fructose actually has a positive affect on appetite and most certainly does stimulate the production of insulin just like glucose.

The fact is that the majority of research isn't on Lustig's side. He's clearly an intelligent man with a noble pursuit. He wants to fight obesity. Demonizing fructose without paying attention to any kind of relevant context isn't the way to do that.

On the one hand I do think 2-3 servings of fruit are perfectly fine in a healthy person, things get fuzzy when the person is already obese due to fructose induced fatty liver disease. It might be beneficial to abstain from even whole fruit short term. But yeah, long term eating some berries, a small orange during an average day isn't going to cause trouble.

DeadRockstar said:
That's exactly the point Lustig was making in the part of the video Zefah referenced.

The truth is though, all of his argument can only be backed up with the use of studies that use ridiculous dosages that are irrelevant to a regular human diet, or by selectively interpreting the data. I'm not going to debate every single one of his points. I've done that plenty offline.

The point is, none of his research is relevant to the average dieter because they will never meet the conditions that he's suggesting will have a negative impact on them and having them worry about things like that will do nothing for their progress or mindset, which is surely the aim of this thread. I don't know why Lustig decided to single out fructose and demonise it, but he's completely missed the forest for the trees.

I disagree. The first 30 minutes our so Lustig talks about how the average American is reaching those "ridiculous dosages". Through juice, soda, and added HFCS to everything due to subsidies.

If someone abstains from all liquid sugar, gets real food without added sugars, then I agree whole fruit is fine.

cryptic said:
wow, i cannot win against this binge eating. i just want to kill myself. i keep binging every day now for the past few weeks and there's no one who can help me. shit.

It's probably conditioned, like a drug addiction. Seriously:

You need to avoid sight, smell, and topics about the foods that put you into cravings.
Zefah said:
Lustig's premise was that, metabolically, fructose and glucose couldn't be more different. He goes as far as to call fructose a poison and glucose "the energy of life". He illustrated that 120 calories worth of carbs (white bread) and 120 calories worth of fructose (fruit juice) are processed in completely different ways. Do you disagree with this?

He's absolutely right about the potential for a negative effect. Like I mentioned though it's entirely dose and context dependant. He makes incredibly extremist claims suggesting that fructose is toxic under all circumstances but that's just not true.

Fructose doesn't utilize just one metabolic pathway through the liver, and the path that it takes is dependent on the current level of liver glycogen. The negative effect Lustig references is the production of VLDL/visceral fat. The pathway that leads to VLDL formation is only utilized in the event that liver glycogen is full, meaning you're in an energy surplus. You have to be overeating for this to even be an issue in the first place. This is why I mentioned that it's important to take context and relevance into account.

Here is a study that shows even in diabetics it takes an intake of 60 grams+ before raised triglycerides become an issue.

This is why I mentioned earlier about 50g being an intelligent limit that's very easy to stay under.

Zefah said:
I completely disagree that fructose doesn't make you fat, and that anything containing lots of fructose can be considered a healthy diet food. Sure, any responsible dieter will be able to consume fructose in moderation and still lose weight. However, they will have to offset that consumption by doing something else.

The thing is, fruit doesn't contain lots of fructose. Google the fructose table that shows how much fructose is contained in 100g of most fruits. Not all of the sugar in fruit is fructose to begin with. It's a split of fructose and sucrose. Sucrose is made of fructose and glucose.

Nobody needs to do anything to offset the consumption if they consume a moderate amount which is really my point in all of this. Everything in moderation. If you over-consume any food you'll cause problems in the body. So demonizing anything in particular for the potential negative effect of over-consuming it makes no sense.

Lots of foods provide benefits when consumed in moderation and produce a negative effect when over-consumed. Even alcohol!

Edit: Just to answer this quickly:

teh_pwn said:
I disagree. The first 30 minutes our so Lustig talks about how the average American is reaching those "ridiculous dosages". Through juice, soda, and added HFCS to everything due to subsidies.

The average American and the average dieter or person interested in health/fat loss are two entirely different things. This is the reason I don't think his claims apply to this thread.

I won't derail the thread with this any further. Apologies to anybody who isn't interested in this type of discussion.
cryptic said:
it's always carbs and desserts where i end up losing control. i do fine until after i'm done with work then i get hit with this insatiable hunger

Do you restrict these foods a lot during regular dieting? I've noticed that people tend to crave things they restrict during their diet. In my opinion it's better to include these foods occasionally while keeping your calories in check, rather than restricting them completely and ending up binging.

If it's not craving and just genuine hunger. Take a look at your protein intake. It's the most satiating of all the macro-nutrients and the body's protein requirement is elevated during diet conditions.

Anyway it's 00:09 AM here, so I'm out.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
DeadRockstar said:
The thing is, fruit doesn't contain lots of fructose. Google the fructose table that shows how much fructose is contained in 100g of most fruits. Not all of the sugar in fruit is fructose to begin with. It's a split of fructose and sucrose. Sucrose is made of fructose and glucose.

Half of whatever sucrose exists in fruit is fructose. Combine that with any fructose in the fruit and the majority of the sugar in a piece of fruit is fructose.

Again, pretty much anything is "fine" in moderation, but for obese people, I don't see why it should ever be recommended that they consume fructose in any amount if it can be avoided. Obviously eating an orange is better than eating a piece of cake, but eating neither is best!
The point is, I've trained people that enjoyed fruit and the taste of it helped them adhere to the diet. Keep in mind that for successful fat loss, adherence is the most important thing to get results for the average person, and telling them "no sorry you can't even have an apple," is just one more thing stacked against them mentally. The psychology is just as import as the physiology when it comes to dieting. Restricting things too much is asking for them to fall off the wagon.

If we're talking about an obese person that had no interest in consuming fruit, I wouldn't coach them into it. That aint most people though. A lot of people turn to fruit when beginning a diet because is tastes great and has health benefits. I wouldn't deny them that.

This time I'm out for real. Fuck I need sleep.


Regarding fruit: yeah sure it's harmless in normal quantities and part of a healthy diet, but for weight loss I don't think it's preferred.

fadetoblack said:
So I've never quite understood how water weight works and I was wondering whether or not you (or somebody) might explain the basics of it (except the obvious that the weight is water rather than fat or muscle). I've always imagined that an active person is either going to a) absorb the water into the body and use it up during bodily processes, b) secrete the water during physical activity, or c) expel the water in waste. How much water does the body routinely store and is this something I should be aware of or accounting for during weigh ins to get an accurate number?

P.S. I'm with you on the bandwagon against fruit hate. Not sure if that came through in my post. I had just finished eating yogurt and bran cereal mixed in with a sliced peach and a large banana before I typed that post :D

On the side note, what's the consensus on soy milk vs moo juice in the morning, gaf? I'm inclined to say cow's milk (I usually by 2% but if they are out by the time I get there I split the difference and buy skimmed+whole milk), but I've recently enjoyed getting soy when I grab a coffee and it tastes really good and am inclined to use it more often in combination with regular milk.

Low carb diets empty your muscles/liver etc of stored glycogen. Every molecule of glycogen comes with 4 water molecules. So if you store 200g (I think you can store around 450-500g normally) glycogen, that also comes with about 800g water. That's why when you start low carb you drop very quickly initially, and why you gain when you stop.

teh_pwn said:
It's probably conditioned, like a drug addiction. Seriously:

You need to avoid sight, smell, and topics about the foods that put you into cravings.

:lol :lol

I work 2 nights at a convenience store. Breaking the habit was really, really hard, but now I can walk past all that stuff and not look twice.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
elrechazao said:
anyone have a good buying source for coconut oil in bulk? Don't need 50 gallons, but i'd like more than the tiny jars you usually see.

I'd like to know this as well...I've been buying stuff at the market, but if there's yet another way to have amazon do my chores for me, I'm all for it. Looks like they sell 104 ounces for $40, primed.
I got two questions:

One, what is the GAF consensus on Gary Taubes's Good Calories, Bad Calories? It looks like an interesting read, so could use some opinions. Also, any other food industry books like the Eric Schlosser Fast Food Nation book that are any good?

Second, looking for a good alternative to chips for some of my cravings. I've been eating these fennel siced bread sticks which are great but not the best as they are full of carbs and I'm trying to watch my intake as much as possible. Anything that emulates that sort of satisfy crunch that you could recommend (no thanks on the celery and carrots here, although I do like them, they aren't what I'm looking for).

Edit: would help if I got the title right.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
fadetoblack said:
I got two questions:

One, what is the GAF consensus on Gary Taubes's Good Calories, Bad Calories? It looks like an interesting read, so could use some opinions.

It's come up several times in the past 40 pages or so. Some people think it's nonsense, others think he gets some things right unrelated to weight loss - like the lipid hypothesis, people like me think it's a component to the big picture of obesity etiology, and others think it's spot on.

What the book misses:
-Just assumes that hyperinsulinemia is the result of chronic spiking of insulin from dietary carbohydrates. We know this isn't the case as tribes like the Kitavans eat 60% of their food as tubers and fruit, yet are thin.
-Totally ignores leptin resistance (fructose, lectins, rancid lipid induced systemic inflammation as the 3 primary causes) and how combining this with the inefficient ways of fat accumulation independent of insulin can lead to obesity.

Does a good job with:
-Putting Ancel Keys in his correct place in history - an egotistic charlatan
-Debunking overeating as a root cause of obesity. Taubes gives something like 40+ examples of caloric restriction trials failing over 60 years after the patient is allowed to use hunger as their guide to portion sizes. Then he gives examples of tribes getting fat on a western diet, and then reverse migration to their old diet and lose it all. Both diets didn't count calories, yet one results in a good physique.
-Debunking that overeating is a disease of affluence. Pima was a fantastic example.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
DeadRockstar said:
I won't derail the thread with this any further. Apologies to anybody who isn't interested in this type of discussion.

You didn't derail. Differing opinions are great so long as we're all civil.

Derailing is when you say "I'm right, you're wrong, I lost 10,000 pounds and farthered 100 babies, stop giving fatties excuses, screw you guys imma going home".

These sorts of threads should not be a consensus "discussion" or cable news tv shouting matches.
teh_pwn said:
I'd like to know this as well...I've been buying stuff at the market, but if there's yet another way to have amazon do my chores for me, I'm all for it. Looks like they sell 104 ounces for $40, primed.

That's a quality coconut oil right there. I've ordered that very package a couple times.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Price Dalton said:
That's a quality coconut oil right there. I've ordered that very package a couple times.

What kinds of recipes do you use it with?

I use it with meat and low heat stir fries. With all of the talk about too much PUFA causing issues - even n-3 and n-9 I've gotten concerned as I eat tons of salads with olive oil. Didn't you say you have a dressing that uses lard/bacon fat or cream or something?

I need to up my stable fat intake. I think I've got pastured butter and cream covered, but I think i need more salad dressing recipes.

And I just amazon primed that shit. I'll try out some friday or saturday. I'm addicted to amazon. And elrechazao: amazon carries 1 gallon sizes.
teh_pwn said:
What kinds of recipes do you use it with?

I use it with meat and low heat stir fries. With all of the talk about too much PUFA causing issues - even n-3 and n-9 I've gotten concerned as I eat tons of salads with olive oil. Didn't you say you have a dressing that uses lard/bacon fat or cream or something?

I need to up my stable fat intake. I think I've got pastured butter and cream covered, but I think i need more salad dressing recipes.

And I just amazon primed that shit. I'll try out some friday or saturday. I'm addicted to amazon. And elrechazao: amazon carries 1 gallon sizes.

Any Asian-ish stir fry dish, curries, scrambled eggs w/ cinnamon. I sometimes pop popcorn with it. But mostly I add it to baked sweet potatoes along with some salt and a bit of cinnamon. Tastes like pumpkin pie.

I've made mayonnaise with bacon grease that turned out pretty well. Not sure what you're referring to exactly... I do often cook a big piece of animal and put it directly on a bed of greens/spinach/kale, juice/grease and all, then add a dash of vinegar. It becomes a kind of dressing.

Olive oil is good stuff though. I eat it pretty often. Just make sure to get the good, green stuff that stings the back of the throat. That's a sign of polyphenol content.


Can't remember if I've posted in this thread or not.

Height :6'4

January 1 I weight in at 230lbs, today weighed in at 197. 33 pounds in basically 2 months. Mostly all diet, I know my body pretty well so I know how to drop fast. 7 more lbs to target. Originally my goal was to lose 40lbs in 4 months and so far I am way ahead of schedule.

Even better, today my wife hit her target weight (losing baby fat) and got down to her high school weight again. 125lbs! Almost bathing suit shopping time.
alphaNoid said:
Can't remember if I've posted in this thread or not.

Height :6'4

January 1 I weight in at 230lbs, today weighed in at 197. 33 pounds in basically 2 months. Mostly all diet, I know my body pretty well so I know how to drop fast. 7 more lbs to target. Originally my goal was to lose 40lbs in 4 months and so far I am way ahead of schedule.

Even better, today my wife hit her target weight (losing baby fat) and got down to her high school weight again. 125lbs! Almost bathing suit shopping time.

Congrats! What have you been doing to shed the weight?



Started 8/2010 @290lbs. (42 inch waste)
Present 3/2011 @216lbs. (36 inch waste)

Build: 6'2 , 52 inch shoulders, 42 inch chest.

I've been stuck at 215-218 for a couple months and I was worried I hit a "plateau". I just didn't let it bother me and kept at it, but I scaled back from 6 days a week to 4 days. I feel a lot better going 4 days a week and overuse injuries are way down.

Even though my weight stayed the same over the last two months my waste dropped from a 38in to a 36in. I have a pretty good build right now, but I still keep pushing for more. I dont think I've fully accepted my transformation yet or I'm just not used to it.

During this time I met an amazing girl and have taken the discipline from this transformation and have applied it to other parts of my life. I can honestly say this is the happiest I have ever been in my life, everything is just going very well.


Quick post before my laptop dies.

I currently weigh 195-200~ or so. My appetite pattern is SHIT because i take adderall, which makes it so i don't want to eat until 6:00 PM. I'm almost positive this isn't healthy, but any opinions would be great!

I want to lose around 20 pounds or replace it with muscle, i'm tired of being a little flabby and i want to get a little sculpted.

I'm 19 Male 6'1 195-200, Not man boobish just a little flabby. I'd like to fit into my medium size shirts better.


...hate me...
DeadRockstar said:
7lbs gain in 3 days means a lot of that will be water. It'll go down quite quickly when you get back on track. No worries man.
Thanks. Also, you were right. I did lose all that weight in 3 days too. And then some. At 85,8kg right now. Shame I have a dinner tonight, will probably postpone my way to under 85kg for a couple of days. No biggie though.


fadetoblack said:
Congrats! What have you been doing to shed the weight?
Mainly diet, I'm cutting pretty hard and and it didn't help that I was sick with a stomach flu for 4 days and barely ate. I'm back on track now but I basically eat every 2.5 hours starting from when I wake up until 730pm at night, then just water.

Lean meats, protein shakes, nuts, cottage cheese, turkey pepperoni, and mainly home cooked meals for dinner. lately lots of ground turkey tacos, with lettuce in place of tortillas and a few other healthy choices my wife cooks.

I'm really not following any plan or guild line just eating right and doing it the old fashioned way. My goal is to trim up for summer on the colorado river and fit into my older 'fit' clothes. Impressing females or guys is something I'm not interested in, its the feel good, feel super awesome feeling you get addicting to when you wake up in the morning in the best shape of your life.

Muscles, and all that were something I did in the past but I'm all about lean these days, so right now I'm focusing on cutting and consuming as much amino acids as possible to retain muscle along the way.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Yeah, the Nutiva coconut oil is great. Smells like fresh coconuts whereas my old Spectrum oil smells half rancid.
Watched a fun documentary on Netflix called Fat Head. Anyone else watch this?


I almost ordered a bunch of flax seeds from Amazon (I want to add to yogurt and stuff for Omega 3s), but then I googled and read a bunch of stuff about how men shouldn't eat flax seeds, or it's controversial or whatever. I'm confused and hoping a NeoGAF expert can "weigh" in.

EDIT: So I'm probably going to not order flax seeds... what would be the best fish oil tablet, preferably on Amazon. Shit I don't want to smell like a fish though. Man, going healthy is not easy to figure out.


I almost ordered a bunch of flax seeds from Amazon (I want to add to yogurt and stuff for Omega 3s), but then I googled and read a bunch of stuff about how men shouldn't eat flax seeds, or it's controversial or whatever. I'm confused and hoping a NeoGAF expert can "weigh" in.

EDIT: So I'm probably going to not order flax seeds... what would be the best fish oil tablet, preferably on Amazon. Shit I don't want to smell like a fish though. Man, going healthy is not easy to figure out.

Don't know about flax but I know you can get odorless fish oil.
Just noticed the yogurt I've been consuming has 14.1g of sugar per 100g serving. It's real sugar and not HFCS but still, fuck that noise etc. etc.

I'll be stirring in a ton of the fiber powder to help combat all that crap in it. Last container and then I find an alternative.


Well got my next set of bloodwork done and got the results on Friday.

Everything is in FUCKAWESOME shape:)

Each time I go I get worried that some random thing will show up. But my numbers PRE-Atkins were fucking sick scary. And now after years everything is on the low end the age bracket almost 7 years younger than me or low for my age bracket. Got a couple high five from the doc on the way out.

Gotta love it.

Came off Atkins for 2 months late last year due to helping my wife get here diet into working order and some of my stuff she either can't eat, is allergic too, or has other issues with. I gotta say. I felt like rolled shit. Didn't gain an ounce but man it was like getting kicked in the fucking batteries for 2 months. I am not sure what it was, balanced the hell out of the diet but for some strange reason the energy difference between the two was night and day.

Now at 202, down from my all time high of 290. Best part is I actually went up a bit on most of my own personal high lifts. I was a bit worried about that.

Good luck and keep it up to everyone else here as well!


OH and pics I have. I just have to find old ones. I hated taking pics then.


i was down to 166 a few weeks ago. then i had this massive craving for peanut butter with either ice cream or cheerios. i gave in and ate tons of it everyday for 2 weeks. back to 175 now, but it was so good =(
Domino Theory said:
<3 IF. I've been losing 3 pounds every week like clock-work. I'm no longer categorized as obese! I've been obese since I was like 10 years old. I'm now 'clinically overweight'. :D

Congratulations. 3lbs a week is awesome progress! Just make sure you're doing it right which if you're in this thread i assume you are! Keep it up!


Shaneus said:
If you're low-carbing, peanut butter isn't actually that bad (in smallish doses).

yea, i've been doing low carb, but i ate about 6lbs of pb in 2 weeks >< plus mixing it with ice cream and cereal wasn't helping much.


If you need a fix like that, try peanut butter with really, really, really dark chocolate. It's strong as fuck but it'll get you through :)
I've got a little question about supplements. I went to GNC and they recommended I take a thermogenic. Only the second day taking it before my workout (doing P90X + some benching a couple times a week), but I hate the way it makes me feel after the workout.

Does it take time for the body to adapt to it? Is it even important?
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