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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Shaneus said:
Ah, damn. I thought I'd found some kind of low-carb, all-you-can-eat superfood. Damn.

I haven't consumed that many this week but now I know for the weekend. Cheers :)

Actually, I might be wrong. Almonds have more Monounsaturated fat than Polyunsaturated fat which is good (I think Mono = Omega 3).
I think almonds are alright but just like anything else, I wouldn't eat a whole bag of them. Have a handful to satiate you and then give it a rest.

Today's weigh in tells me I'm at my lowest weight since high school. I've lost 6lbs and change since I started getting serious about eliminating most carbs (still have oatmeal in the morning, and fruit) and working out regularly (3 or more 1hr+ sessions a week). I'm on the last notch on my belt now and have been this way for about a week now. Going to have to go shopping soon. :D


Shaneus said:
I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to almonds. I suppose there are much worse things to binge on.

Would it be possible to have too many in one day, though? I'm almost all the way through a 150g bag today alone :/
It will stall your weight loss.

I recommend to eat more meat to combat the your nutty craving!


Harder to snack on meat :(

I don't think it's stalled it *that* much (may have slowed it down though) but I'm still in keto, not hungry and going to the bathroom regularly, so maybe just in smaller doses next time!


Domino Theory said:
Actually, I might be wrong. Almonds have more Monounsaturated fat than Polyunsaturated fat which is good (I think Mono = Omega 3).

Sure, but almonds are very high calorie foods. 150g has 850+ calories. That's a lot of energy your body has to deal with, and it'd be pretty easy to get out of a deficit if you eat heaps of them.


I'm finally back on track have been for the last month an a half.Before I started at 183 last time I posted here but I got down to around 164 and my goal was 150. I hit a huge snag though got run down with stuff and fell off the wagon. I shot back up to 172 which wasn't good, started drinking pop and sugar again.The pop was the worst at time I was downing 2 bottles a day sometimes more which I know is ridiculous but it was such a craving and then it became addicting.

Kind of scary I was crabby if I didn't have it and I would wake up and start drinking it till I went to bed.I grabbed a case of water one day and said screw it time to stop it and man it was horrible lol.I had massive headaches, cravings ,sweats at night and in general felt soo bad. Luckily I have been off sugar pretty much in general for the past month and a half.

Started running abit now the weather is changing and I also walk to classes which is half hour back and fourth so I get a good amount of that in each day.I have manged to get myself down to 165 which isn't too bad 7 pounds in a month and a half (probably from all the sugar as well) and I certainly notice a difference.

Meal wise I have been eating light which is ok now but at first it was tough I felt hungry at times but my body has adjusted to the amounts I eat now so it is not so bad.I need to keep this going thinking of upping my cardio and once I am under 160 I would like to start introducing light weights till I hit 155 then increase weights.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
idwl said:
Is making porridge with low fat milk and sweetner fine for weight loss?

I think you're missing the point. You've got a meal that's high in carbs and you're talking about adding sugar to it. Oh, but it's low in fat! The fat is the one thing you shouldn't be worrying about if you ask me.

If you want to lose weight, go low-carb/slow-carb and cut out sugar. Sure you can lose weight in other ways, but it won't be as fast and you won't feel as good.
idwl said:
Is making porridge with low fat milk and sweetner fine for weight loss?

In the morning after my workout, for breakfast I take a small aluminum bowl over medium heat and put in some milk (I use 2%) and generally put in a sliced banana (optional if you're going really low-carb, but I'd say its fine), and I constantly stir to prevent scalding. There is enough sugar in the milk (and more than enough if you add the banana) to give the oatmeal the sweetness I want. Then I add some rolled oats (plain or original or whatever), stir in some additional fibre powder, and once it cools a bit I dig in. No added sugar, no added sweetner. If you want something to give it an extra kick, go buy a nutmeg nut and grate a little in there on a microplane, or some cinnamon maybe.


fadetoblack said:
In the morning after my workout, for breakfast I take a small aluminum bowl over medium heat and put in some milk (I use 2%) and generally put in a sliced banana (optional if you're going really low-carb, but I'd say its fine), and I constantly stir to prevent scalding. There is enough sugar in the milk (and more than enough if you add the banana) to give the oatmeal the sweetness I want. Then I add some rolled oats (plain or original or whatever), stir in some additional fibre powder, and once it cools a bit I dig in. No added sugar, no added sweetner. If you want something to give it an extra kick, go buy a nutmeg nut and grate a little in there on a microplane, or some cinnamon maybe.
Thanks :) I made some last night, I added a little sweetner and sliced up some banana's. I need it sweet because I'm already depriving myself of what I love most in life- cheesy foods, and fries :( And If I take away even a little sweetness in porridge I'll go mad and end up in Mcdonalds. :p So i'll ease myself into it. I'll try it with nutmeg next time, And cinnamon the time after that, and I'll have different variations of fruit to see what goes best.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Jeans I had ordered finally came in. I ordered 1 pair the normal size I wear and a pair 1 size smaller. They're both too big. Feels good man. It's almost always been the opposite. Looks like I dropped 2 sizes on my waist. I just gotta wait a long ass time until I get them exchanged now LOL.
Tashi0106 said:
Jeans I had ordered finally came in. I ordered 1 pair the normal size I wear and a pair 1 size smaller. They're both too big. Feels good man. It's almost always been the opposite. Looks like I dropped 2 sizes on my waist. I just gotta wait a long ass time until I get them exchanged now LOL.

Congratulations man, it feels good when you can fit into things you haven't been able to in years.


get some go again
i started a low carb diet yesterday. got about 15 lbs i want to lose but i don't want to lose any of the muscle mass i have gained so i'm going to be eating lots of protein.


So, I posted in this thread a while ago when I went from 190 pounds to about 163ish. I eventually dropped down to around 157 but then winter break rolled around and I totally fucked up my workout routine and eating habits.

Took me up until 2 weeks ago to finally get off my ass and get back to working out. I was too afraid to check my weight on the scale in fear of a nervous break down and it became a cycle of not having the willpower to start up again, eating shitty, and then feeling sorry for myself. Fortunately, I didn't really gain too much weight (probably went from 157 to like 165 or something) but I still felt awful about myself and my body for the entirety of my break from exercise.

I think I have slight body dysmorphic disorder, my mood literally reflects how I see myself in the mirror. It's hard to admit, but I'm obsessed with my appearance. It's habitual for me to look at myself in the mirror, in car window reflections... fucking anything. It's really frustrating, I can't help myself. My friends and family assure me that I don't look different from how I looked at around 160, but regardless of the encouraging remarks I still see myself as overweight and kind of chubby. It's kind of creepy and very strange how I can be in a bad mood and see myself as I was at 180 pounds in the mirror when in reality I'm still closer to the 160 side. Sometimes when I'm in a good mood I'll look at myself in the mirror and see a skinny dude, it's really trippy. Does anyone else experience this? I'm a little worried about forming an eating disorder like I kind of did over summer due to this issue. My mom is, ironically, the head nurse of an anorexic clinic and she told me that body dysmorphia is very real and it's one of the psychological problems that many anorexics experience.

But anyways, It feels so damn good to finally be back into the swing of things, I forgot how amazing your mood gets when you exercise regularly :D. It's kind of shitty seeing how much my stamina took a blow, but I know that I can work my way back up to where I was eventually. I can't believe I let myself stop working out, such a damn shame. I can't help but think about where I'd be in terms of fitness had I not taken off so much time from working out. However, at least I've learned a lesson and know that I'll try even harder to keep the workout routine going!
idwl said:
Is making porridge with low fat milk and sweetner fine for weight loss?

I wasn't really sure what porridge was exactly, so I looked it up. I guess it's pretty much just like oatmeal, however it can use other grains besides oats.

It sounds like it should be OK for weight loss, but I can't be certain. Oatmeal, on the other hand, I can say for sure is an excellent source of complex carbs, and therefore is helpful for weight loss. Use Splenda or something similar to sweeten it (whatever you do, don't use real sugar), and have some eggs with it to add some more protein. The oatmeal is a complex carb that also has a good deal of fiber, and therefore will not cause an insulin spike, like, say, a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios would do. Just make sure you're not using the instant oatmeal, as that is usally loaded with sugar.

You can use milk in it, but water would be a better choice. Milk does have some simple sugars...so I would keep it to a minimum.

jax (old)

Got a tad pudgy from the good life.

On Atkins. 3rd week induction, nominal carbs. Lost 7kg/15pounds(?) .... Can button jeans top button easily now.

Happy I did it. Works
smurfx said:
i started a low carb diet yesterday. got about 15 lbs i want to lose but i don't want to lose any of the muscle mass i have gained so i'm going to be eating lots of protein.

I am curious to see how this works for you. I've done very low carbs/high protein diets before, and I'm pretty sure I lost mostly muscle. I lost a lot of weight very quickly, but even after getting down to a very low weight, I was still fat. I am not trying to discourage you in any way, and I truly hope it works for you. I am just curious if it does, because I wouldn't mind trying it again if I could ensure that I am losing only (or mostly) fat.
Starting next week as I needed money to buy food and plan. So The stat

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190lbs.
Waist: 35-36" ("34" on a good day)
Goal: 160-165lbs (Used to be that weight a year or 2 ago and have way too much clothes for that size to give up)
3 Month Period.

Want to have a nice beach body. heh.


Neo Member
smurfx said:
i started a low carb diet yesterday. got about 15 lbs i want to lose but i don't want to lose any of the muscle mass i have gained so i'm going to be eating lots of protein.

Just make sure you're being consistent with lifting heavily while you're cutting, that'll do wonders for keeping your muscle.
ArachosiA 78 said:
I am curious to see how this works for you. I've done very low carbs/high protein diets before, and I'm pretty sure I lost mostly muscle. I lost a lot of weight very quickly, but even after getting down to a very low weight, I was still fat. I am not trying to discourage you in any way, and I truly hope it works for you. I am just curious if it does, because I wouldn't mind trying it again if I could ensure that I am losing only (or mostly) fat.

agentxricky said:
Just make sure you're being consistent with lifting heavily while you're cutting, that'll do wonders for keeping your muscle.

This is what I think happened to you ArachosiA. Were you still lifting heavy and hard? While you may not lift as hard as you can while on an excess, you should still try to keep the weights high.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
DMPrince said:
Starting next week as I needed money to buy food and plan. So The stat

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190lbs.
Waist: 35-36" ("34" on a good day)
Goal: 160-165lbs (Used to be that weight a year or 2 ago and have way too much clothes for that size to give up)
3 Month Period.

Want to have a nice beach body. heh.

Wow, you have the same stats as me with the same goal! I actually started in early February at around 220lbs. but I'm down to 194lbs. as of this morning.

Feels great to lose weight at a good pace!
Zefah said:
Wow, you have the same stats as me with the same goal! I actually started in early February at around 220lbs. but I'm down to 194lbs. as of this morning.

Feels great to lose weight at a good pace!
congrats. hopefully i can do it. I tend to eat too much on Friday because it's like my bear instinct to eat a lot and sleep all weekend haha.


Neo Member
Back in highschool (2006) I was weighing in at about 320 lbs.



about 260 or so here.

Here I am nao! Fluctuating between 155-160.





DMPrince said:
Starting next week as I needed money to buy food and plan. So The stat

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190lbs.
Waist: 35-36" ("34" on a good day)
Goal: 160-165lbs (Used to be that weight a year or 2 ago and have way too much clothes for that size to give up)
3 Month Period.

Want to have a nice beach body. heh.

I dropped from 190 pounds to 165ish in about 3 months, totally doable with enough determination :)

Edit: I'm 5'10'' if that matters


...hate me...
Hi guys. 83.9kg atm. My lowest figure yet. That's about 185lbs.

Today's my 77th day (began 1JAN, although started dieting on the 6th). Averaging 0.456lbs/207grams lost per day. Starting weight 100kg/220lbs.

Goal is 70kg, currently predicted for the end of May.

Made this really nice spreadsheet with a graph, my average daily weight loss at each day and when I'll reach the goal weight at that average. The goal is dynamic, I can put there whatever I want and it will give me a prediction. Also I included a more stable prediction for my weight at each day in front of me, based on the average of those daily averages so far.

I will polish it up over the weekend, including adding a sheet for lbs, and I'll give it you.

One more thing, intermittent fasting 4 lyfe :p

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
on about day 30 of p90x and my 'rest week' of the program was 2 weeks in USA skydiving everyday, packing a chute and lugging around 10kg of gear to/from plane plus jumping is apparently great.

went from

80kg - 176.3lbs
21% bodyfat
25.0 - BMI


179cm tall (duh) - 5 ft 11 or so
75kg - 165.3
18.5% Bodyfat
23.4 - BMI

feel/look noticeably thinner and now kicking in to phase 2 of p90x. Looking forward to getting this nightmare program finished, hate it but I love it etc. Pretty happy, I've never been a fatty, but last couple of years of office job plus no steady sport + turning 30. My old man warned me once he said 'watch out for 30. that's when it happens' he was a pretty round fella at 50+ so looking to get a good start on avoiding this.


jts said:
Hi guys. 83.9kg atm. My lowest figure yet. That's about 185lbs.

Today's my 77th day (began 1JAN, although started dieting on the 6th). Averaging 0.456lbs/207grams lost per day. Starting weight 100kg/220lbs.

Goal is 70kg, currently predicted for the end of May.

Made this really nice spreadsheet with a graph, my average daily weight loss at each day and when I'll reach the goal weight at that average. The goal is dynamic, I can put there whatever I want and it will give me a prediction. Also I included a more stable prediction for my weight at each day in front of me, based on the average of those daily averages so far.

I will polish it up over the weekend, including adding a sheet for lbs, and I'll give it you.

One more thing, intermittent fasting 4 lyfe :p
What IF plan are you following? I'm curious as the low-carb thing is yielding less and less for me once I hit around 78-79kg (I'm around 6'3"). Might be time to shock my body into something different (that's easy to stick to).


...hate me...
Shaneus said:
What IF plan are you following? I'm curious as the low-carb thing is yielding less and less for me once I hit around 78-79kg (I'm around 6'3"). Might be time to shock my body into something different (that's easy to stick to).
Alternate day fasting on weekdays.

And on the weekdays I actually eat I usually stop eating early, like 5pm tops. But sometimes I actually have to eat a late dinner, when that happens I try to keep it very light.

Of course, this might be a little too drastic, but it's working for me and I'm addicted to the results. It's just amazing to step on the scale and a hit a magical number every now and then and write it down. I think I'll cry when I get under 80 hehe.

I go silly (but not stupid) on saturdays and sundays though, which is also helping me going steady.


^^ Yeah, when I hit 79kg purely on low-carb I fair square lost my shit. I'm back up to about 81 after dropping out of keto but it's too damn hard to avoid even the smallest amounts of breads/grains. Sugar is piss easy to stay away from though... love that about the LC stuff.

BTW That's with very little exercise, too. Goodness knows what'll happen when I hit the gym again.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Made my mother take 1 TB of Carlson's Fish Oil almost every day for the past 3-4 months.

She did her latest blood test a couple weeks ago and got the results back today.

Her HDL (good) cholesterol shot up from 59 to 99. Unbelieveable.
Aleczandur89 said:
Back in highschool (2006) I was weighing in at about 320 lbs.

Here I am nao! Fluctuating between 155-160.
That's a really impressive transformation, you were a big dude. It must be crazy when you run into an old friend from High School and they realize you're the same person. Congratulations man!

I tried to post pics in this thread before but they were all screwed up. I'm at work now so all I have are pictures of me that are already online - excuse the eye-fucking in the newest one, it's from a dating site.

Just after graduating college [June 2009] about 200 lbs

About two and a half weeks ago [March 2011] about 165 lbs


good stuff man!

We share almost the same weight loss, i was 225 and went down to 160. I already posted this shot but figured I'd do it again to encourage some more people that it IS possible :)



This was me in January 2009



This is me now.



I started my weight loss by eating low carb and jogging 3 days a week. That turned into running a 5k five days a week while eating a paleo diet. After I had lost 90 lbs I switched from running to doing crossfit 4-5 days a week and I still eat a paleo diet with about one cheat meal a week. I also fast during the week by skipping breakfast. I do eat at least three meals a day on the weekend though. I've now been the same weight for around 16 months but I am much stronger than I was before and my waist has shrunk another size.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Everybody here needs to watch Food Matters. Holy fucking shit.

From Food Matters to Fat Head, it's amazing how much BULLSHIT the government has fed us. God help us all.

Going to drink a litre of water every morning as soon as waking up from now on and it won't affect my intermittent fasting. :)
thewhiterabbit said:
Starting weight ~ 400lbs
7/31 276lbs
8/25 268lbs
9/21 251lbs
2/16/2011 211lbs
3/07/2011 206lbs

Max waist size 56"
Current waist size 36"

Passed my first Army Physical Fitness Test. My 2 mile time was 14:50 and I was not even running all out. 2 minutes of push ups were 51 and 2 minutes of sit ups were 49. Scored 221 points. passing is 160. My goal is to max out the test by time I finish basic training. I need 13:23 2 mile time. 77 push ups and 82 sit ups.

I also volunteered to ship earlier. I now leave in 3 weeks and will be gone for a lil over 6 months.

Updated pics. Enjoy




Wow mad props dude.
In February I was at about 6'2" 250lbs. Currently at about 220lbs. I had always wanted to lose the weight and drop down to about 175lbs, but this sort've started by mistake. :-|

I was depressed and just didn't care to eat as I was before. I just started eating for fuel rather than pleasure. Weighed myself two days ago and thought to myself, "I've already lost 30lbs in a little over a month with NO EXERCISE! Imagine what I could do if I started!". Been running and lifting daily as well as making it a point to properly plan out my meals now.

My meals generally consist of a small handful of food. Some fruit, vegetables, and a lean meat such as grilled chicken breast. I've also substituted nearly all of my liquid intake with water. I don't expect to lose another 30lbs in a month, but I'm hopeful that I can lose another 30 within 2 months.


Gaf, why is it that I can't seem to get enough energy and more importantly will to exercise unless I eat a bunch of bad food or just a little? I can't seem to get the will to do my typical weights or running alternation every other day after starting a low carb diet.

My details: I work eight hour shifts as the head dishwasher at a hospital M-F 7-3. This includes doing pots, sending them through a dish amchine, taking out trash, deliering food trucks throughout the hospital,sweeping,mopping,etc. and then once I get home I try to do about 9 mph in 60 mins. or weights nonstop no resting periods for 1 hour every other day. If I binge eat I usually do weights, abs for 60 mins, followed by running for 60 or 90 mins. at that speed; about three hours of exercise. How can I keep this up on a low carb diet as I feel guilty if I can't perform like usual.


cryptic said:
Gaf, why is it that I can't seem to get enough energy and more importantly will to exercise unless I eat a bunch of bad food or just a little? I can't seem to get the will to do my typical weights or running alternation every other day after starting a low carb diet.

My details: I work eight hour shifts as the head dishwasher at a hospital M-F 7-3. This includes doing pots, sending them through a dish amchine, taking out trash, deliering food trucks throughout the hospital,sweeping,mopping,etc. and then once I get home I try to do about 9 mph in 60 mins. or weights nonstop no resting periods for 1 hour every other day. If I binge eat I usually do weights, abs for 60 mins, followed by running for 60 or 90 mins. at that speed; about three hours of exercise. How can I keep this up on a low carb diet as I feel guilty if I can't perform like usual.
Probably not eating enough. What kind of carbs are you eating? I recommend tubular carbs like sweet potatoes.


My bench press progresses so much slower than with my squat and my deadlift.

I've been lifting and eating a ton for two months, I started out as 135lbs. (5' 10", so skinny and weak) and now I'm 145lbs (still skinny and weak but it's progress). For all my lifts I started out barely being able to lift anything at all, but each week I've been able to add 5 or 10lbs to my squat and deadlift (gone from 100lbs to 165lbs on squat, 115 to 180lbs on deadlift). But most weeks I'm lucky if I add 5lbs to my bench press. I've gone from 90lbs to 110lbs in two months. And each time I add weight it feels like my form suffers (my 5th rep takes like 4-5 full seconds since I push up so slowly).

I read about what correct form should look like, and I practice with an empty bar each time I work out to try to make sure I'm doing it right... I allow four days of rest between bench press workouts, try to get plenty of sleep, eat a ton of food, but it still progresses so slow. So much slower than my other lifts, at least.

My overhead press progresses slow as well, but I read to expect that.

Is this normal and I'm just impatient? Maybe since I'm so weak to start off with I need to work harder to get some muscle on me first before I can start really progressing?


I have the same problem, my overhead and bench press progress so slowly, I think it's a given that your squat and deadlift progress much faster. :p
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