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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Neo Member
Jibber Hack said:
I've got a little question about supplements. I went to GNC and they recommended I take a thermogenic. Only the second day taking it before my workout (doing P90X + some benching a couple times a week), but I hate the way it makes me feel after the workout.

Does it take time for the body to adapt to it? Is it even important?

It depends on the person. I was on one for several weeks and it always made me feel terrible during and after my workouts. The difference in fat burned and weight loss is negligent if your diet and workouts are on point anyways.

Take it if you feel that you have to, or want to, but you can drop it and not think twice.


Shaneus said:
If you need a fix like that, try peanut butter with really, really, really dark chocolate. It's strong as fuck but it'll get you through :)

cool, i'll give it a try the next time i get the urge. thanks!


metamonk said:
cool, i'll give it a try the next time i get the urge. thanks!
I mean, don't have a metric fuckload of it, but 85% dark is pretty potent so you'll only need a little bit of it (and it does still have sugar, just not as much as regular). Check the carbs for the peanut butter as well but you should be able to pile it on.
Shaneus said:
I mean, don't have a metric fuckload of it, but 85% dark is pretty potent so you'll only need a little bit of it (and it does still have sugar, just not as much as regular). Check the carbs for the peanut butter as well but you should be able to pile it on.

Melt dark chocolate and natural PB in the microwave for delicious ghetto-fudge. It ain't pretty, but it gets the job done.


I've tried the low-carb cauli alternatives for rice and stuff and it always turns out like complete arse. Is there something that is piss easy and is guaranteed to come out nice? That mashed whatever looks kinda awesome.

PS. What's that heavily-grilled stuff on the plate as well? Looks amazing.
Grilled Chuck eye (it's like a "poor man's" ribeye; much of the tenderness and flavor for half of the price) with a porcini mushroom rub, steamed broccoli and garlic mashed cauliflower which is AMAZING. I've done the pizza which was hit or miss, the rice which was good but the mashed cauliflower was the best. It is nearly indistinguishable from mashed potatoes to me.

Shaneus said:
I've tried the low-carb cauli alternatives for rice and stuff and it always turns out like complete arse. Is there something that is piss easy and is guaranteed to come out nice? That mashed whatever looks kinda awesome.

I was actually attempting to make rice but over blended it so I just went with mashed cauliflower. I didn't really even look up a recipe just kind of winged it. Threw in some fresh Parmesan cheese, sea salt, ground pepper, and butter. Cooked it in the microwave for 6minutes then took it out and put it back in the food processor.
Right. So, now I have to go out to buy cauliflower. I'm an amateur cook and I never even thought of it as an alternative to mashers or rice.

God, I love this thread.

I think it'd be great if people used it more often to share their recipes that help them. I know it'll keep me honest in keeping stuff as low carb as possible or somebody here will correct me :) Once I get some food prepared for lunch later I'll be happy to share myself to get the ball going.
Starting weight ~ 400lbs
7/31 276lbs
8/25 268lbs
9/21 251lbs
2/16/2011 211lbs
3/07/2011 206lbs

Max waist size 56"
Current waist size 36"

Passed my first Army Physical Fitness Test. My 2 mile time was 14:50 and I was not even running all out. 2 minutes of push ups were 51 and 2 minutes of sit ups were 49. Scored 221 points. passing is 160. My goal is to max out the test by time I finish basic training. I need 13:23 2 mile time. 77 push ups and 82 sit ups.

I also volunteered to ship earlier. I now leave in 3 weeks and will be gone for a lil over 6 months.

Updated pics. Enjoy





newjeruse said:
Oh man, what are you putting me through? I watched the first half hour and had to turn it off. There's 101 interesting ways to make a food documentary and this is not one of them.

Plow through it, the end is pretty interesting actually.


thewhiterabbit said:
Starting weight ~ 400lbs
7/31 276lbs
8/25 268lbs
9/21 251lbs
2/16/2011 211lbs
3/07/2011 206lbs

Max waist size 56"
Current waist size 36"

Passed my first Army Physical Fitness Test. My 2 mile time was 14:50 and I was not even running all out. 2 minutes of push ups were 51 and 2 minutes of sit ups were 49. Scored 221 points. passing is 160. My goal is to max out the test by time I finish basic training. I need 13:23 2 mile time. 77 push ups and 82 sit ups.

I also volunteered to ship earlier. I now leave in 3 weeks and will be gone for a lil over 6 months.

Updated pics. Enjoy




Amazing! It has to feel so amazingly good to have lost all that weight. Life changing indeed.


newjeruse said:
Oh man, what are you putting me through? I watched the first half hour and had to turn it off. There's 101 interesting ways to make a food documentary and this is not one of them.

It's low production, but it gets a lot better and more interesting as it goes on.


What's the verdict on Subway salads?

Looking to low carb it up, I normally have a 6 inch subway sub (6g of fat ones only) for lunch, no cheese, whole grain bread, mustard.

Looking to cut out the empty carbs in the bread, think I'm gonna try a salad version of the oven roasted chicken breast this afternoon....
thewhiterabbit, that is so fucking awesome man, I can't put into words how happy I am for you. I never got to 400, but when I was 14 years old I was 300 lbs and morbidly obese; now I'm still heavy set, but I'm way healthier and at a more muscular 250 lbs.

Honestly, I'm only using numbers as a guideline--as long as I can slim down, lose this double-chin, and just overall become more attractive, I'll be happy. Definitely have come a long way so far.
Harry Potter said:
Really great work. Big Congrats to you!

Etrian Oddity said:
thewhiterabbit, that is so fucking awesome man, I can't put into words how happy I am for you. I never got to 400, but when I was 14 years old I was 300 lbs and morbidly obese; now I'm still heavy set, but I'm way healthier and at a more muscular 250 lbs.

Honestly, I'm only using numbers as a guideline--as long as I can slim down, lose this double-chin, and just overall become more attractive, I'll be happy. Definitely have come a long way so far.

Amazing, whiterabbit! Jeez, I'm preparing for the fleet and I can't even run a mile and a half in under 12 minutes. Two miles in under 15 minutes is really fucking good.

As for me, I finally hit 160 lbs last week, right at the end of my second month of cutting. I started at around 184-190 lbs in January before I went on my cut. All I've been doing is lifting weights, trying to maintain my strength gains during my bulk last year, and reducing calories but keeping the protein high. I've gone from 36" jeans that rode on my hip, to a 32" jean that barely hugs my true waist. :D

I set my goal at 160 lbs for my cut, but I'm thinking of adding another 5-10 lbs to the cut so that my weight fluctuation will be 150-160 lbs.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I don't recommend breaking a 24 hr intermittent fast with a ribeye, but it is an interesting experience. I didn't plan on doing it, but I stopped at the store Fri. night at the 22 hour mark and ribeyes were on sale for $6.99/lb, and I couldn't resist. After a bite or two I felt like channeling Dan Cortese and yelling "EXTREME!"
Masta_Killah said:
Amazing, whiterabbit! Jeez, I'm preparing for the fleet and I can't even run a mile and a half in under 12 minutes. Two miles in under 15 minutes is really fucking good.

As for me, I finally hit 160 lbs last week, right at the end of my second month of cutting. I started at around 184-190 lbs in January before I went on my cut. All I've been doing is lifting weights, trying to maintain my strength gains during my bulk last year, and reducing calories but keeping the protein high. I've gone from 36" jeans that rode on my hip, to a 32" jean that barely hugs my true waist. :D

I set my goal at 160 lbs for my cut, but I'm thinking of adding another 5-10 lbs to the cut so that my weight fluctuation will be 150-160 lbs.

Thanks. I would like to get my 2 mile time down closer to 13 minutes. I run 5 days a week.

I strength train 3 days a week Mon, Wed and Friday. For example today I did 5 sets of 22 sit-ups, 135 push-ups, 5 sets of 14 assisted pull-ups, 5 sets of 18 dips and than a weight plate workout. Weight plate work out is 6 exercises with a 25lb weight plate. 5 sets of 14-22 reps per exercise. I do 30-60 second rests between each set and a couple minute rests between exercises.

Not into actual body building but the strength training has helped build strength and toned my body. Loving the overall results of my work out. Cardio and strength wise.

Picked up this coconut oil over the weekend, and just cooked with it tonight. Holy hell, this stuff is amazing! And of course, I checked Amazon, and found out I paid for ONE fifteen-ounce container locally as much as a TWO pack costs from Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001EO5Q64/?tag=neogaf0e-20 subscribe & save woot). Moral of the story, always check Amazon first, and the second moral is coconut oil rocks the house.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."

Picked up this coconut oil over the weekend, and just cooked with it tonight. Holy hell, this stuff is amazing! And of course, I checked Amazon, and found out I paid for ONE fifteen-ounce container locally as much as a TWO pack costs from Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001EO5Q64/?tag=neogaf0e-20 subscribe & save woot). Moral of the story, always check Amazon first, and the second moral is coconut oil rocks the house.

Yeah, it's way better than the spectrum stuff I bought locally. I'm going to make some meat/veggie stir fries later this week. Stuff is insanely fresh.

Completely unaltered virgin oil too. Isn't rancid like seed oils, so no bleaching needed to remove odor.

Coconut oil was one of the common cooking oils before 1950. Then Ancel Keys told everyone that it was bad for them without any real evidence. So naturally vegetable oils weren't suitable for stored goods, and this led to the use of artificial trans fats.
thewhiterabbit said:
Thanks. I would like to get my 2 mile time down closer to 13 minutes. I run 5 days a week.

I strength train 3 days a week Mon, Wed and Friday. For example today I did 5 sets of 22 sit-ups, 135 push-ups, 5 sets of 14 assisted pull-ups, 5 sets of 18 dips and than a weight plate workout. Weight plate work out is 6 exercises with a 25lb weight plate. 5 sets of 14-22 reps per exercise. I do 30-60 second rests between each set and a couple minute rests between exercises.

Not into actual body building but the strength training has helped build strength and toned my body. Loving the overall results of my work out. Cardio and strength wise.

Nice. I did something similar last year when I enlisted, did a body routine revolving around sit ups, push-ups, and a run(didn't have to do pulls since it's not required for the Navy :p). I know that I have to start it up again, but its so hard to give up/reduce the plates. lol

I will probably just start off by running on my off days since I was able to adapt to the high rep range for sit-ups and push-ups fairly quickly.
Masta_Killah said:
Nice. I did something similar last year when I enlisted, did a body routine revolving around sit ups, push-ups, and a run(didn't have to do pulls since it's not required for the Navy :p). I know that I have to start it up again, but its so hard to give up/reduce the plates. lol

I will probably just start off by running on my off days since I was able to adapt to the high rep range for sit-ups and push-ups fairly quickly.

Nice. Get on it lol. I am sure you will do great.
I've been slowly losing weight over the last couple of years now. (Would have gone faster if I had given up on Ice Cream) Down from ~250 to ~180. Waist size from a 42 to a 36.

What has surprised me most about my weight loss is that I've actually started enjoying my food more. At uni, all I was doing was stuffing myself with food. Eating out at nice restaurants but not really appreciating the food.

With my new habits of a properly sized breakfast, and a timely lunch/dinner, I am just the tiny bit hungry before each meal and I enjoy my food so much more.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
noire said:
Down 15 lbs since ~mid-January.

I think I need to switch to leaner meats. My fat intake is still crazy and my protein intake is too low. Big culprits: eggs, bacon, beef/chicken thighs. Think my protein intake has hovered around 20-30%.

Not eating a lot of flour or grains. Mostly greens, steamed veggies and at most an orange and an apple a day.

Any recommendations for increasing protein and decreasing fat? Am I over-thinking it?

Easiest way to up protein and lower fat:
1. Steak.
2. Milk protein powders.
Man....every time I get close to cracking under 220, I get a 1-2 day massive "OMFG FEED ME YOU FUCKER!" cravings out of no where and for no reason. Then I'll spend the next 2 weeks working all that weight back off, cruise back up to the 220-221lbs mark, then it hits me again like a fucking freight train outta no where (re: Think of the train coming outta no where in Inception, yeah, it's like that).


DiatribeEQ said:
Man....every time I get close to cracking under 220, I get a 1-2 day massive "OMFG FEED ME YOU FUCKER!" cravings out of no where and for no reason. Then I'll spend the next 2 weeks working all that weight back off, cruise back up to the 220-221lbs mark, then it hits me again like a fucking freight train outta no where (re: Think of the train coming outta no where in Inception, yeah, it's like that).
How are you dieting? If you're low carbing, just don't stock those foods in the house. I'm unable to restrain myself otherwise :(

Get lots of sleep, take vitamins and just treat your body well. Even if you get those cravings, I find that if you're in a reasonable mental state otherwise, you can fight them successfully (and feel awesome after overcoming them). Buy a new game or book to take your mind off of things, too... think of it as a reward ahead of time for your next goal. Say, 210 :)

Not too sure if this qualify for this thread, because I've seen some amazing weightloss while reading through this thread. Great job guys.

Anyhoo.. I've found this picture of me dating from a few years ago (2007 ?)


and here a more recent picture (last summer).


I've been as high as 308lb years ago and now 229lb, I'm 6"5. So, my BMI is a bit above 25, I need to get some work out done and cut on that damn soda.


DiatribeEQ said:
Man....every time I get close to cracking under 220, I get a 1-2 day massive "OMFG FEED ME YOU FUCKER!" cravings out of no where and for no reason. Then I'll spend the next 2 weeks working all that weight back off, cruise back up to the 220-221lbs mark, then it hits me again like a fucking freight train outta no where (re: Think of the train coming outta no where in Inception, yeah, it's like that).

Do you have a particular thing you begin to crave, or just bulk? If you can time it, I mean if this happens exactly as you say, you can plan accordingly with making sure that there is a good deal of low cal/carb foods in the home to bulk up on that still fits in the craving category.
I have found for me, it is not the cravings that is the issue, I rarely get those, it is that at times I crave a specific thing in a large amount.

So if I crave sweets I eat an apple and have a little bit of low fat whipped cream on it or a small scoop of peanut butter. Then I go out and walk a bit. It gives the brain some time to process the sweet and it goes away a bit after that.

If I crave bulk, which I usually do, I find that the only way to take care of that is planning my day around a steak or a good amount of chicken(dark). But basically it all comes down to planning and having smaller alternatives.

Cravings aren't bad, its the overdose that people take when the craving hits.
betweenthewheels said:
Gary Taubes was on Dr. Oz earlier this week, and it got kinda ugly.

Not really shocking, as the two butted heads on Larry King Live a few years back.

I don't really like watching these kind of debates as the 'winner' ends up being the person who talks the loudest over the other.

Anyway, thought some of you here would be interested.

Dr. Oz went on Taubes' diet for 24 hours, with a horrible "montage" video. Oh boy. And then Taubes wouldn't get his cholesterol checked. Ugh. The ending was the best though, Oz basically boiled it down to again, eat less calories, and asks Taubes if that was a fair assumption, and all Taubes says is "No." Made me laugh.

Fun watch, thanks for the entertainment!


I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to almonds. I suppose there are much worse things to binge on.

Would it be possible to have too many in one day, though? I'm almost all the way through a 150g bag today alone :/
NYR said:
What's the verdict on Subway salads?

Looking to low carb it up, I normally have a 6 inch subway sub (6g of fat ones only) for lunch, no cheese, whole grain bread, mustard.

Looking to cut out the empty carbs in the bread, think I'm gonna try a salad version of the oven roasted chicken breast this afternoon....
Salads are fine.

By the way, there is no such thing as "whole grain bread" at Subway. All the wheat and 7-grain breads are still their refined white bread with a little bit of whole wheat mixed in. It's terrible for you. So I'm glad you're dropping their bread.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Shaneus said:
I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to almonds. I suppose there are much worse things to binge on.

Would it be possible to have too many in one day, though? I'm almost all the way through a 150g bag today alone :/

That's a lot. You have to remember that Almonds are plants so all the fat content of Almond, Peanuts, Cashews, etc. are plant fats which = Omega 6. Not to mention that there are a lot of calories in a 1/4th cup of Almonds and Peanuts.


Ah, damn. I thought I'd found some kind of low-carb, all-you-can-eat superfood. Damn.

I haven't consumed that many this week but now I know for the weekend. Cheers :)
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