Drink water all the time, but especially when you eat.Dr Eggman said:First post in this thread, and asking for tips.
Drink water all the time, but especially when you eat.Dr Eggman said:First post in this thread, and asking for tips.
Same here, I used to think I was hiding it well, but wearing some of my old clothes they just feel gigantic on me, this is just going from an (admittedly filled out) L -> M too. I made the mistake of buying a bunch of new clothes "mid cycle". I'm still losing weight and now these new fitting clothes are beginning to feel too baggy.PotatoeMasher said:One thing you realize when you start losing weight and buying clothes is how much fabric can stretch.
I've gone from 34" jeans that had been stretched out for over a year to 31". After a few days of wearing a new pair of 32" jeans, I had to start tightening my belt or they'd fall off.
Now that I don't have anything to hide I can't stand wearing baggy clothes.
Ha, I can definitely relate to all of that as well. I went from XXL to a S in a year, and I just SMH at the baggy crap I used to wear.rkn said:Same here, I used to think I was hiding it well, but wearing some of my old clothes they just feel gigantic on me, this is just going from an (admittedly filled out) L -> M too. I made the mistake of buying a bunch of new clothes "mid cycle". I'm still losing weight and now these new fitting clothes are beginning to feel too baggy.
Dr Eggman said:First post in this thread, and asking for tips.
I'm not fat just slightly overweight. I've been worse. What's some pro-tips to avoid cravings? I usually think about not eating chocolates or any type of candy all day but when I see them in front of me I go nuts most of the time and don't even think twice. I usually regret it after and then the cycle continues. I do work out btw but eating unhealthily won't help.
Dr Eggman said:First post in this thread, and asking for tips.
I'm not fat just slightly overweight. I've been worse. What's some pro-tips to avoid cravings? I usually think about not eating chocolates or any type of candy all day but when I see them in front of me I go nuts most of the time and don't even think twice. I usually regret it after and then the cycle continues. I do work out btw but eating unhealthily won't help.
Gary Whitta said:I finally started trying to eat better and exercise...
The less they know about this the better.HamPster PamPster said:Good luck but I got one question for you
How are you getting Tested involved![]()
Gary Whitta said:I'm not a fitness guy at all, I typically weigh around 230lbs at 5'11" so I'm definitely well overweight. Anyway I'm tired of looking and feeling fat and unhealthy so I finally started trying to eat better and exercise.
I'm using www.myfitnesspal.com to set and monitor goals, which currently is to lose 2lbs a week. It's a really good resource for tracking food/calorie intake and exercise. The site has given me a calorie limit of 1460 a day, which gets bumped up based on how much exercise you do.
Foodwise I'm cutting WAY down on sugar and carbs, replacing my usual morning cereal with ham/turkey bacon and egg beaters, eating a sensible lunch and dinner and cutting out all sweets and junk food. And drinking 8 cups of water a day. I'm finding it pretty easy to stay inside the daily calorie limit.
Exercise-wise, I got a treadmill and I'm walking on that a few times a day. I'm not fit enough to really run on it yet, but the pre-set workout has me walking for 30m per session at varying speeds and inclines (3.5mph max) and that works out to 200 calories per session. I can easily to 3 or 4 of these a day for an 800 calorie net gain. And I definitely break a sweat and feel like I've gotten a good workout even after a simple 30m brisk walk.
So far I am down to 222.6lbs and feeling pretty good about it. Anyway I'm looking for any basic tips and pointers to help adjust what I'm doing if needed. Also have one specific question: right now I'm allowing myself a "cheat day" (Saturday) where I can eat whatever the fuck I want. I know a lot of people do this and it seems sensible because otherwise I know I'd never be able to sustain the regimen without something to look forward to once a week. But is it really okay or does it slow down progress toward my goal?
Ideally I'd like to get to about 185lbs eventually and sustain that.
Yeah I tried doing the gum distraction but I find myself taking out the gum and eating whatever I desire. I'll use the toothpaste trick. Now's the time where I get these cravings for candy, after work where I usually hang out with friends or play vidyagaems. I just gotta keep food out of my mouth.GameplayWhore said:Fox's comment to this is brilliant. I'd like to expand that to suggest that you find something that does not go well with candy or chocolate and have some of that if you think a candy episode might be approaching. Or something that you can just keep in your mouth while candy is around. If you're busy masticating, you won't have as much of an urge to put something else in there. Chewing gum, for instance. Get into the habit of being able to chew gum for incredibly long stretches of time, even after it's out of taste.
I staved off strange food cravings with my Tic Tac craving, fwiw. Tic Tacs -- especially the white ones -- taste great but put an uncomfortable aftertaste in my mouth after having five or tenof them, so I don't feel like eating or drinking anything for a while. Also, orange Tic Tacs don't count. They're just candy.thirty
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Are there any exercise routines that are somewhat fun? I can't just straight run by myself, it's usually just boring and I lose interest quickly. I had no problem doing drills for sports since that seemed to have a purpose. Is there anything for me to do or just try to push myself through running?
ipukespiders said:Some of the bad parts about losing body fat (whatya mean, bad parts?):
My mom said "are you losing weight?" and put her hands to her face, as to show that my face is thinner - as much as I assured her that I am healthy and fine, she looks at me with concern.
Gary Whitta said:IFoodwise I'm cutting WAY down on sugar and carbs, replacing my usual morning cereal with ham/turkey bacon and egg beaters, eating a sensible lunch and dinner and cutting out all sweets and junk food. And drinking 8 cups of water a day. I'm finding it pretty easy to stay inside the daily calorie limit.
Messi said:1 Year ago today:
Kind of special to me. Lost 112 pounds this year.
Congratulations, and good luck! I'm similar height, I was 300lbs+ in 2009 and I'm now around 180lbs. You're making fantastic progress.dope4goldrope said:I'm at 50lbs lost since February 1st ( ~20 more since my last post about 6 weeks ago). I think I'm doing really well. I'm 6'2" and started at 250 and am now down to a much more comfortable 200. Here's to getting down to my goal of 180!
Rookje said:I can't get rid of my ab fat.
I think a lot of it is because I lost 50-60 lbs a few years ago (220 -> 160). I was hoping since I'm relatively young (was 24 when I lost the weight) it would "repair" itself. I've tried doing a ton of ab workouts, it worked so so but the skin/fat in there still didn't go away, and I don't want to get that big to where ab muscle would completely fill it out. I'm 5'10 and have a decent amount of muscle on me, and got myself down to around ~145 and it still was there. I felt and looked terrible so I bulked back up to around 160 (though a lot of that was fat, cause I went off my diet).
I really think if you lose a lot of weight, and you had that weight on you for a considerable amount of time (a decade probably) getting a "flat" stomach is really difficult to do.
mercenar1e said:started in August 2010 (276) the above picture is the latest.. 245
i feel like i hit a plateau as i can't manage to get below 240.. im attending this party in July and i really need to do this! im terrible at cooking its pretty much special k with skim plus for breakfast, a banana or apple for my snacks, green tea and honey whenever i can fit it.. any advice on when to drink this? and i end it off with chicken breast and broccoli
i know i need to eat something else but i just cant cook its why i decided to quit during my failed weight loss attempts
really need some advice..
Rookje said:I can't get rid of my ab fat.
I think a lot of it is because I lost 50-60 lbs a few years ago (220 -> 160). I was hoping since I'm relatively young (was 24 when I lost the weight) it would "repair" itself. I've tried doing a ton of ab workouts, it worked so so but the skin/fat in there still didn't go away, and I don't want to get that big to where ab muscle would completely fill it out. I'm 5'10 and have a decent amount of muscle on me, and got myself down to around ~145 and it still was there. I felt and looked terrible so I bulked back up to around 160 (though a lot of that was fat, cause I went off my diet).
I really think if you lose a lot of weight, and you had that weight on you for a considerable amount of time (a decade probably) getting a "flat" stomach is really difficult to do.
AniHawk said:when i was a kid, i was always skinny. this was the case well into high school and early college. then, i guess my metabolism slowed and i didn't realize it. it was such a slow, gradual process, that i didn't realize i had put on quite a bit of weight. the big shocker was that i weighed 199.9 lbs according to the scale (i'm 6"0', so that was still overweight by a decent amount). for the last 9 months, i've been weighing myself nearly every day and for almost every day of the last 8 months, i would run for an hour.
anyway, i'm down to 149.9, which was my final goal. it was kinda cool to see the changes happening to my body, and especially my increase in stamina thanks to the daily running (the month leading up to the hourlong ones i was doing 10-14 minutes at a time and i would be totally winded). not only do i weigh less than i did since probably my junior year in high school, but i'm also in way better shape than i've been.
i'm going to continue running, but i'll be dialing them back to half an hour a day. i also want to start working in some other exercises every other day to build some muscle.
Saadster said:Wow that's some good weight loss there, impressive. I think it's time for you to start hitting the heavy weights, build some muscle, 150 is kinda slim for 6' no?
How many calories a day are you taking in?Corky said:Sight come on man...
I've been on a low-carb diet combined with rigirious excercise but whatever I'll do I can't seem to break the 175 lbs barrier. Anyone got any tips to break through these plateaus?
edit : Been in ketosis for atleast two week while only losing 1 lb
More detail. Also what are you eating?Corky said:Sight come on man...
I've been on a low-carb diet combined with rigirious excercise but whatever I'll do I can't seem to break the 175 lbs barrier. Anyone got any tips to break through these plateaus?
edit : Been in ketosis for atleast two week while only losing 1 lb
Drop the cheese, whey, seeds, and decrease your chicken consumption. Eat the whole egg, eat more red meat and fish. What exactly do you do in the gym? also you seem like a very active person and you need to eat more if you're do that much stuff. Do you get enough sleep too?Corky said:1700ish
100g eggwhites
50g cheese
1port whey
200g chicken breast fillet vegetables
200g salmon/red meat
50g seedmix,sun,sesame,flax
1 port casein
4x gym per week
6x 20km biking per week
written on iphone in bed, excuse brevity/spelling
This is purely anecdotal, but I ate ton of dairy during my weight loss. I'd guess up to half of my calories on some days. Lost 50-60 in a year.Zefah said:I've read from multiple places that dairy products will slow or stop weight loss.
Outside of my cheat meal/day, I only have a tiny bit of whole milk in my coffee once or twice a week. I love dairy products, but I'd rather keep on the weight loss track at least until I reach my goal.
Corky said:1700ish
100g eggwhites
50g cheese
1port whey
200g chicken breast fillet vegetables
200g salmon/red meat
50g seedmix,sun,sesame,flax
1 port casein
4x gym per week
6x 20km biking per week
written on iphone in bed, excuse brevity/spelling
Zefah said:I've read from multiple places that dairy products will slow or stop weight loss.
Outside of my cheat meal/day, I only have a tiny bit of whole milk in my coffee once or twice a week. I love dairy products, but I'd rather keep on the weight loss track at least until I reach my goal.
Emperor Bohe said:I'm probably going to start going on a (almost completely) vegetable and fruit based diet starting tomorrow. Is there any specific vegetables and fruits I should eat more of? Any of them that I should avoid? Also, I'm probably going to eat a small serving of assorted nuts daily as well. When should I start reintroducing meat/fish and how often should I eat them?
Sorry for the barrage of questions haha....
Zefah said:I've read from multiple places that dairy products will slow or stop weight loss.
Buckethead said:I would strongly recommend avoiding it, if anything cheese. Bad fats, high calories.