Oh please, he did not read me as mafia on day one, don't oversell it.
He tried to push me for a reaction, and even said as much.
Still getting it ready! Makin sure it's pretty!
It was still really cheap considering he knew that I quit the last game because of personal reasons and he only pushed for me day 1 because of the way I acted in that game.To be fair, your reaction was less than optimal on multiple fronts and his initial read and a lot of ours came from how you did react.
OK if I do the weather before the lynching happens?
It was still really cheap considering he knew that I quit the last game because of personal reasons and he only pushed for me day 1 because of the way I acted in that game.
OK if I do the weather before the lynching happens?
Without knowing what you are yet, kudos to you Squidy. You really nailed that sick read on day 1 and if you are just town then that was amazing deduction. I'm sorry that I pushed for you and Raz as a package.
I'm like, totally at least taking partial credit
If only cuz my rhyming accusation took like a lifetime to edit.
There once was a man on the Tubes
Who fell asleep on ice cubes
And while he was laying
I forgot what I was saying
Boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
The Night Vale City Council has provided this mandatory identity reminder:
You are Kevin, Host of Desert Bluffs Community Radio
(That means you are a Godfather and a Wolf Cub)
You are aligned with Desert Bluffs (That's the Mafia)
You don't understand this town. Everything is so wrong. The people are so... unhappy! Why can't they see the glorious light of the Smiling God that you see? You will MAKE THEM SEE.
You have partners in your endeavor: [REDACTED]
Each night, one of the Desert Bluffs Mafia Players may kill one of the other players by PMing RetroMG with the command KILL: <Player>
You do not have another night action. However, if investigated by an alignment investigator, you will appear to be aligned with the town. Also, if you are killed by the town, the next night, the Mafia will be allowed two night kills.
You win when Mafia aligned players outnumber both Town and Neutral players put together.
The Night Vale City Council has provided this mandatory identity reminder:
You are Lauren Mallard, Strex Corp Vice President
(That means you are a Traitor)
You are aligned with Desert Bluffs (That's the Mafia)
Strex Corp has sent you to Night Vale, incognito, to get the town ready for a new Strex Corp Installation. You know they have other agents here, also preparing the way, but they don't know about you. That's the great thing about Strex - They really know how to make everyone feel useful, while still getting the job done!
You have partners in your endeavor: [REDACTED]. However, you are not going to start the game with them, or with a factional night kill. If one of the other Desert Bluffs players visits you (either with a kill or a night action,) you will join them as a full Mafia Player. (Most of the mafia actions will not affect you, but some of them will)
The other Mafia players are aware that you exist, but do not know who you are.
Each night, one of the Desert Bluffs Mafia Players may kill one of the other players by PMing RetroMG with the command KILL: <Player>
You do not have a night action.
You win when Mafia aligned players outnumber both Town and Neutral players put together.
Mafia thread will be sent to you when the other Mafia Players discover you.
Have fun!
Are we still doing votes for poem of the day? If so, this one wins even thought you're not even in this game Ouro!
The Night Vale City Council has provided this mandatory identity reminder:
You are Old Woman Josie, who talks to Angels
(That means you are a Doctor. In a GAF Mafia game. Good luck!)
You are aligned with Night Vale (That's the Town)
You don't know why the Angels have decided to hang around with you. Maybe it's all those years of clean living. Maybe it's your perfume. Anyway, they like to spend time at your house. Sometimes they do nice things from you. Sometimes they borrow things from your cupboards without asking.
Every night, you may select one player and send the Angels to protect him or her for the rest of the night. To do this, PM RetroMG with Protect: <Player>
You win when no more Mafia aligned players remain.
Have fun!
The Night Vale City Council has provided this mandatory identity reminder:
You are Tamika Flynn, Teenage Revolutionary
(That means you are a Saboteur)
You are aligned with Night Vale (That's the Town)
You grew up in Night Vale, and when dark(er) forces have come in to try to mess with your town, you were the first to stand up and fight. You might be young, but you have a slingshot and a stack of heavy books that you can hit people with.
You do not have a night action. However, if the Mafia manages to take you down, you'll fight hard enough to keep them busy all night before they finally subdue you. That means if you are night-killed, the Mafia will not be able to kill anyone else the next night.
You win when no more Mafia aligned players remain.
Have fun!
I have like, a confession to make.
I'm not just like, some rando tourist like most of you think I am. I've got like, this super special power that lets me like, investigate others and see what kinda stuff is in their heart and whatevs. It's like, ESPN or something.
Anywaaaaaay~, I like totally lied earlier when I said I hadn't breadcrumbed my power at all. If I'm like, being honest, I was leaving like some kind of code thingy in my diary entries to mark who I thought was fab and who was so totally unfab with like, O's and X's respectively.
On Night 1, I like totally investigated Sorian and it turned out he was actually a super cool dude!
On Night 2 I checked out MikeHawk and like, unfortunately he was a cool dude too. Doesn't make him like, less of a dumb-dumb, though.
Last night I was totally gonna investigate Pop cuz he was acting like super shady, but then he made that like super silly statement near the end of the day and like, there's no way that the bad guys would be like, so stupid as to make such a big ol' screwup.
I guess I like, have Pop to thank for me moving on to my #2 target though, cuz I like totally found out who's hot and who's not last night.
Karu, you're like, totally un-fab, aren't you?
Be like, totally honest with us. I looked into your heart and found it to be like, totally groady, and I don't think there's like, any reasonable explanation for that. Plus my boobs can totally detect if you're lying, so don't think you can like, try to trick us.
VOTE: Karu
There like, still might be other bad guys out there though so I'd like suuuuuuuper appreciate it if the good ol' doctor could like give me a hand tonight so I can keep looking for bad guys.
Er.. you might notice our doctor is dead.There like, still might be other bad guys out there though so I'd like suuuuuuuper appreciate it if the good ol' doctor could like give me a hand tonight so I can keep looking for bad guys.
Good ol' doctor is dead love.
So, I have to ask, why were you so sure on Razmos yesterday? Because I had quite a different theory on how you knew, you seemed quite sure of yourself.
It just like, made sense to me. I was gonna go hard on Mike Day 3 instead but after he like, checked out I like, totally reviewed all of the stuff he said during Night 2 and like, he just seemed the most likely to be a bad guy to me.
And it like doesn't even matter that the doctor's dead cuz we get a free night tonight anyway!
It just like, made sense to me. I was gonna go hard on Mike Day 3 instead but after he like, checked out I like, totally reviewed all of the stuff he said during Night 2 and like, he just seemed the most likely to be a bad guy to me.
And it like doesn't even matter that the doctor's dead cuz we get a free night tonight anyway!
Is he town aligned?Also, there will be no neutral kill today by the way. I am in contact with our serial killer. It is a night action with a random day death. As proof that I am not lying about knowing who they are, there will be no death today. I'll explain more later in the day as I feel it is needed.
I may be reading too much into flavor text but this whole "protecting citizens from the smiling God" business sounds like they didn't explicitly choose their target. On the other hand, both dead players were (or at least should have been) high priority targets for scum. Either they got RNG lucky or the flavor is confusing...
You are referring to Raz? During Night 2?
I may be reading too much into flavor text but this whole "protecting citizens from the smiling God" business sounds like they didn't explicitly choose their target. On the other hand, both dead players were (or at least should have been) high priority targets for scum. Either they got RNG lucky or the flavor is confusing...
Is he town aligned?
Like, shyeah.
Also I think it's like, totally important that we like, lynch Karu today cuz I'm worried that he'll like, totally screw someone over with his power tonight if we don't. If Ferret like, really is a bad guy (which we don't have confirmation on, whereas I like totally know for sure that Karu is totally a bad guy!) then he can totally wait until tomorrow.
Presumably, you got your results right as day 3 started. You went after Razmos right out of that gate, that doesn't seem like a lot of time to think of and build a case that you were so sure of.
Like, shyeah.
Also I think it's like, totally important that we like, lynch Karu today cuz I'm worried that he'll like, totally screw someone over with his power tonight if we don't. If Ferret like, really is a bad guy (which we don't have confirmation on, whereas I like totally know for sure that Karu is totally a bad guy!) then he can totally wait until tomorrow.