Care to elaborate?This place is not for open discussions and filled with the same pansies who get butthurt over topics that aren't safe and sanitary. Another forum going down the crapper.
This place is not for open discussions and filled with the same pansies who get butthurt over topics that aren't safe and sanitary. Another forum going down the crapper.
Have you considered /pol/ or Kiwi Farms? There are other places which cater to racism enthusiasts like yourself.
DId you try to make a thread about eating shit?
...still waiting for some kind of clue as to what the fuck this is abo.......
I think this about his "okay to dislike gay people, black people" thread being closed last night?
That thread was locked for a good reason. Racism is not okay no matter how you slice it.
How does op feel about orcs
I never met an orc I likedHow does op feel about orcs
Being mean for any reason whatsoever is shitty. Why are certain types of shittiness okay and others not?
How does op feel about orcs
BTW, you can show this thread to the "NeoGAF is an Alt-right cesspool" crowd.
Because, contrary to what you just wrote, being mean isn't actually an absolutely bad thing.
Spurring someone on to do something good for them, that they don't want to do, with mean behaviour makes them better and tougher.
Acting mean in a confrontation can defuse a situation when the other party are likely to take advantage of perceived weakness.
Mean jokes can be absolutely hilarious.
And obviously if someone is being a racist cunt, then treating them like the bell end they are isn't exactly worth losing sleep over.
I like that it's changed the topic of discussion just enough to both prove him wrong and show that we all thought he was being a twat.Gargus playing 4D chess. Basically re-opened his closed thread by starting a new one. Fascinating
That shouldn't be okay either if you are talking to members directly like that. That's hostility and atagonizing members. Racism is something thats obviously wrong.Being mean for any reason whatsoever is shitty. Why are certain types of shittiness okay and others not?
TaySan: your mother is a whore and i cant wait to see the day she rots in the ground, then ima fuck her so good - LEGAL
TaySan: you slanty eyed prick ) - ILLEGAL
(in this example your asian btw)
which one hurts more?
Maybe it's....This place is not for open discussions and filled with the same pansies who get butthurt over topics that aren't safe and sanitary. Another forum going down the crapper.
Quote of the year!Maybe it's....
because of jelousy and envy
This place is not for open discussions and filled with the same pansies who get butthurt over topics that aren't safe and sanitary. Another forum going down the crapper.
Are you calling me a pansy?
Is a pansy you calling?
Them's fighting words!
The only thing AOC can teach you is how to make a Long Island ice tea or a mudslideMy dear love AOC taught me that fighting is for pussies.
I will kill you with kindness, sir.
The only thing AOC can teach you is how to make a Long Island ice tea or a mudslide
DId you try to make a thread about eating shit?