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What does your November look like?




The DS

Mario 64 DS, and about 20 console games. :( The month is so crazy....I can't list them all. Time to start blowing hobos!


In months like these I almost wish I was a fanboy :lol Only being interested in one or two of these games would be a godsend.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Honestly, this month is stacked. But I can't see anything besides Metal Gear Solid 3 right now. I'll buy whatever tickles my fancy while in the stores, but my only planned purchase at this very moment is MGS3. I want to get Jak 3, but I haven't played Jak 2. I want to get Ratchet and Clank 3, but I haven't planned the first two games. I'm so lame. :lol

Oh yeah. I still need Paper Mario 2, I suppose I'll get that as well.


Just bought a new computer, now I have no money for games :(

I want:

Metroid Prime 2, Paper Mario 2, Baten Kaitos, Mario Power Tennis, Half-Life 2, World of Warcraft, and many others.


Nov 11: Halo 2 Limited Edition
Nov 17: Spider-Man 2 Gift Set Box (DVD)

Maybe on Nov 26: Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (Xbox).



£300 in november alone :0

Oh, LOTR Extended Edition, Spiderman 2 and KillBill 2


Running off of Custom Firmware
Started off November by finishing Paper Mario 2, then started dabbling in Megaten Nocturne and Nightmare of Druaga. Currently added LotR The Third Age to my rotating RPG schedule. Next week I'll supplant one or all of those games (if I haven't finished one already) with Mario Power Tennis. The week after will be brutal with Metroid Prime 2 Echoes and Baten Kaitos hitting. The week after that will be Nintendo DS and Mario 64 DS week. And the week after that will have me sexing up the NDS with FFI&II.

I hope to fit in Bard's Tale (which I already have, and hasn't been played yet) and Prince of Persia 2 somewhere in all this too.

There will be plenty of other games that I'll be picking up that I won't be playing immediately. Those honorable mentions include Metal Gear Solid 3, Half-Life 2, Pirates!, and World of Warcraft, at least (if they hit in November, not too sure on some of those PC releases anymore).


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
This week - Halo 2 (if it gets delivered on time)
November 16 - Half-Life 2 via STEAM
November 17 - Metal Gear Solid 3

That's it. I would get R&C3 but GTA and CSS are taking up enough time already. I'll probably pick it up over Christmas break along with Tribes Vengeance.


Lord of the Rings: the Third Age (already have it)
Metroid Prime 2
Baiten Kaitos
Prince of Persia 2: Warrior Within
Viewtiful Joe 2

The likelihood of me getting all of those this month is very low; more than likely Viewtiful Joe 2 will have to wait until December. I'm undecided on Metal Gear Solid 3, and my computer isn't good enough for Half Life 2.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Vampire Bloodlines is coming out this month? UGH I'll probably get that next month too.


Hates quality gaming
Sometime this week - Intellivision Lives! GC
11 16 - Alien Hominid GC
11 18 - IIDX 8th Style PS2
11 27 - Dragon Quest 8 (which probably won't show up for me until Dec 5 since I'm having it shipped with Psyvariar 2 PS2, which got delayed for a lousy week for some reason)

More than enough for me

Ranger X

This November is really killing my wallet:

Sonic Mega Collection Plus
Rachet and Clank Up Your Arsenal
Jak 3
Metal Gear Solid 3
Metroid Prime 2

Is Zelda Mimish Cap still released this November? it would be another title i consider.
I'm going to pick up Ratchet & Clank: UYA and Sonic Mega Collection Plus at some point, but I'm still busy with GTA (on the verge of completion) and have Shin Megami to get back to.

I'm going to hold off on DVDs until I know whether or not there's going to be a DDD 20% off sale. If there is a sale, I can easily see myself spending $200.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Wyzdom said:
Is Zelda Mimish Cap still released this November? it would be another title i consider.

In Europe yes, last I heard. American no, it hits next year with added content.


Jak 3
ratchet and Clank 3
Metal gear Solid 3
Metroid Prime echoes
Ghost Recon 2 (XBOX)
Half Life 2

Possible but unlikely : NFSU2, Goldeneye 2


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Halo 2


Prince of Persia 2: Warrior Within
Viewtiful Joe 2
Nintendo DS
Mario 64 DS
Feel The Magic DS
Naruto 3
Mario Power Tennis


My november resembles master chief with just a hint of kasumi from last month. Nothing else till after Xmas probaly.


November 9th- Halo 2, Mario Power Tennis
November 21st- Nintendo DS, Super Mario 64 DS

I forgot about Growlanser Generations. Gods knows if that will be released this month though.

I am getting most of the heavy hitters that are released this month for Christmas.


Worst month ever for my wallet:

Halo 2 CE
Xbox Live
Mario Power Tennis
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Half-Life 2 CE
World of Warcraft CE
Nintendo DS
Mario 64 DS

Still have to pick up:

DoA: Ultimate


rollin' in the gutter
Mr_Furious said:
A shitload of games

Can you be my sugar daddy? .....Please?

What i can buy this November.

Nintendo DS
Either Feel the Magic or Super Mario 64

I'm poor :(
deadlifter said:
Can you be my sugar daddy? .....Please?
You wanna knock over a bank with me? I'm hoping to be able to purchase most, if not all, of these games but I'm gonna have to be smart about it. I hope Fry's comes through for me because, I'd end up getting a couple of those games for free with the amount of money saved. Please Fry's don't let me down. In all reality, some games will most likely have to be sacrificed for later but those listed are my goals for November :D

Kumiko Nikaido

Halo 2: Collector's Edition
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Capcom Fighting Evolution
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Viewtiful Joe 2
^^^^ :lol

Question: Which version of Half-Life 2 should I get: normal or ce?

The reason why I am asking is because I would like to be able to play DOD: Source and HL: Source, but I don't have the extra cash to get it. Do you think Valve would eventaully unlock these two games for all HL2 owners?
MGS3 is probably the only game I'll buy in November . I'll want to play Baten Kaitos, PoP2, Ratchet, Metroid Echoes, etc. at some point in the future, but I've got enough to play in the mean time.
This week I should get a N64 with 10 games, SW Battlefront, SW Kotor in german (already have it in English), Sega Rally 2 and Virtua Fighter 3tb and hopefully the official guide for Shadow Hearts Covenant.

Next week I'll get the limited Halo 2 from UK and a week later MGS3 will come from Canada.



Nov 16 - Half-Life 2
Nov 17 - Possibly import MGS3, don't feel like waiting for the Dec 16th JPN release.
Nov 27 - Dragon Quest VIII


Halo2,MGS3,Metroid Echoes,and maybe Prince of Persia 2.

I was looking forward to Sega's Virtua Racing,but I think its been delayed till sometime in Febuary.
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