How do you know when to stop wiping your butt with toilet paper? I use a visible indication of no more shit on the paper.
I guess there's no reason to wash your ass when you take a shower then.
How do you know when to stop wiping your butt with toilet paper? I use a visible indication of no more shit on the paper.
How do you know when to stop wiping your butt with toilet paper? I use a visible indication of no more shit on the paper.
How do you know when to stop wiping your butt with toilet paper? I use a visible indication of no more shit on the paper.
How do you know when to stop wiping your butt with toilet paper? I use a visible indication of no more shit on the paper.
What does that have to do with anything?
Newsflash: even without shit on the toilet paper your asshole still has a ton of shit particles. That's why you wear underwear and wash your ass in the shower (except I already know you don't for obvious reasons).
I had to look up "dickcheese" to understand your post.Thread is fucking unbelievable. What's next, a Smell your five years old encrusted dickcheese defence force?
Urban Dictionary said:A white crusty substanace that forms all on and around the penis when a man hasn't washed it after sex or at all in a long time
"baby, you better take care of that dick cheese before you think i'm going down on ya"
You know that when you flush a toilet a cloud of feces particles are launched into the air right? So unless you sprint out of the bathroom/stall the second you flush you should probably change your clothes too.
What happens when you dribble a little pee on your pants?
Oh, you're one of those?
Do you have brown streaks on your underwear too?
Oh, you're one of those?
Do you have brown streaks on your underwear too?
your elitism is showing. sometimes i can't be arsed to change clothing.
also Myth Busters did a segment on the poo particle thing and found the particles were even on their toothbrushes (regardless of location within the bathroom). You're literally brushing your teeth with microscopic shit.
LOL, you're telling me you've never had a pee stain?
That's because it gets enough of it that it doesn't smear anything on your underwear. You still have shit particles in that area after you wipe. Wiping doesn't mean your butthole is squeaky clean. That's part of the reason we wash our ass.How do you know when to stop wiping your butt with toilet paper? I use a visible indication of no more shit on the paper.
You don't wash your toothbrush before using it?
"You're a germaphobe if you wash your hands after taking a shit"
The words of a disgusting slob trying his hardest to justify disgusting slob behavior.
"If you get bothered by this how come you don't get bothered by [insert anything else here]"
1) Slippery slope fallacy. 2) None of these (and I mean none, none of what anyone has said to [insert anything else here]) even remotely come close to having piss and shit in your hands.
"You walk into a bathroom with piss and shit particles!!!"
Yes, in the air, and when you inhale it your nose filters it out. There's a vast difference between inhaling shit particles and actually having them smeared on your hands.
"People went ages without washing hands just fine!"
Yes, back when people didn't live for longer than 25 years.
"I'm just building my immune system, and so are you!"
There's hundreds, if not thousands, of ways to build up your immune system without literally having shit and piss in your hands.
I don't even keep my toothbrush in the bathroom.
I properly clean myself.
You don't wash your toothbrush before using it?
You don't wash your toothbrush before using it?
I properly clean myself.
That's why most toliets come with lids. You close the lid AND THEN flush.
The excuses people make the more their general ignorance is revealed.
You seem like a pretty cool guy.
You guys would probably add a couple of years to your life if you stopped worrying so much about maintaining absolute cleanliness. You touch so much nasty shit that you're unaware of in your daily interactions. Ignorance is bliss.
Oh, you're one of those?
Do you have brown streaks on your underwear too?
your elitism is showing. sometimes i can't be arsed to change clothing.
1. Dry wipeHow do you know when to stop wiping your butt with toilet paper? I use a visible indication of no more shit on the paper.
You seem like a pretty cool guy.
You guys would probably add a couple of years to your life if you stopped worrying so much about maintaining absolute cleanliness. You touch so much nasty shit that you're unaware of in your daily interactions. Ignorance is bliss.
Because the only way to build up an immune system is exchanging feces with other people.
Take comfort in the fact that they wont live as long and be sick more often than hygenic people.
How do you know when to stop wiping your butt with toilet paper? I use a visible indication of no more shit on the paper.
Have fun when bacteria becomes resistant to all your antibiotic hand wash. A certain degree of dirtiness is not bad for your immune system.
Stop saying this. We have plenty of ways that test our immune system every day. We don't need to intentionally do dirty things in order to test our immune system.Have fun when bacteria becomes resistant to all your antibiotic hand wash. A certain degree of dirtiness is not bad for your immune system.
Have fun when bacteria becomes resistant to all your antibiotic hand wash. A certain degree of dirtiness is not bad for your immune system.
Because the only way to build up an immune system is exchanging feces with other people.
Have fun when bacteria becomes resistant to all your antibiotic hand wash. A certain degree of dirtiness is not bad for your immune system.
Did the ass eating thread receive such a strong response from the clean freaks as well? I'm seriously curious how a lot of people in this thread have oral sex.
Did the ass eating thread receive such a strong response from the clean freaks as well? I'm seriously curious how a lot of people in this thread have oral sex.
Wow, he should get a bidet or something.A friend of mine says he takes a shower whenever he poops. I can't imagine the hassle there.
The only people you're effecting by eating someone's ass are yours and whoever wants to get their ass eaten. Not washing your hands effects people who don't want to have gross shit all over their hands.Did the ass eating thread receive such a strong response from the clean freaks as well? I'm seriously curious how a lot of people in this thread have oral sex.
with their mouth
Don't matter how clean the anus or vagina is, you're still gonna come in contact with the "particles" people are so afraid of.
I forget to wash in most cases. I don't really spend a lot of time thinking about what's on my hands unless the texture is significantly different (wet or sticky) or they smell badly, which they will if I've accidentally gotten a significant amount of fecal matter on them that couldn't wipe off.
If there's a different texture or smell on my hands, then the easiest way to put that out of mind is to wash them. I'm not doing it because I care about being clean, but because I care about not being distracted by the unusual sensation.
My dad is one of those people who aren't a germaphobe, just a clean freak, so he tried to raise me to wash my hands and brush my teeth more than once a day, and take a shower every day, but that's just too much work. I don't care if it's better. It's not enough better to be worth the work. It's barely better, and a lot more work.
I forget to wash in most cases.
I had to look up "dickcheese" to understand your post.
Urban Dictionary is something else lol:
As if our bowels always operate ideally! Nevermind crap tissue paper or plain old freak incidents.The biggest point the pro-wash side is ignoring is that you don't get any fecal smears on your hands if you are using the bathroom correctly. In fact, they are so defensive, they spin it the opposite direction.
Good thing we don't use our butts for handling objects or greeting people. Or making food.How do you know when to stop wiping your butt with toilet paper? I use a visible indication of no more shit on the paper.