Wouldn't be worried about that more than people who do wash their hands, then grab the door handle which never gets cleaned at most places.
how do you know he was taking a shit? did you listen?
Surprise, surprise. People aren't washing their hands after they've taken a huge shit.
It's like 70% of the world population, me included and I am sure over half of GAF, too.
I didn't shit all over my hands. Poop particles are already all around you, there is no resisting.
I only wash my hands after public shits and only due to social pressure. I don't mind walking around with shit hands.
I just took a shit at my house and didn't wash my hands. Now these words have fecal matter ALL over them, OP. Mmmmmmm.
But I do wash my hands after public shits.
Yep. And I often fake it in public if I know no one is actually close enough to see. I just turn the water on and splash it around for a little bit with a single finger then grab a towel or use the drier.
Everybody should just calm down. Let those who want to wash their hands, let them. Those who wish to stroll free from such unnecessary details can as well.
Y'all have some very high horses. I'm fine, I'll just keep on keeping on. And shaking hands.
Did i get shit on my hands? No, then no need to wash. My immune system is badass, it's the handwashers that get sick all the time from lack of exposure to contagions. I welcome trace amounts of new diseases for i shall defeat it in singles combat, and become that much more powerful.
Well said.ITT I imagine a bunch of lazy, slob gaming nerds sitting around with cheeto beards and being too lazy to wash their hands after taking shits. They also have the audacity to tell others how they are right because of stupid ass reasons like "immune system" and "don't overclean". How is you not washing your hands going to help improve your own immune system? IT ALREADY CAME OUT OF YOUR BODY.
There is a difference between a germaphobe and someone who doesn't want to come into contact with smelly, disgusting shit. Are you guys for real?
In all honesty, the real reason is you guys are a bunch of man-babies who are too lazy to wash them.
Man am I disgusted right now.
Yet again - open the door with a paper towel, toss it on your way out.
You know that when you flush a toilet a cloud of feces particles are launched into the air right? So unless you sprint out of the bathroom/stall the second you flush you should probably change your clothes too.
You are all disgusting people, who deserve to be shamed on this forum.
That's what I do. Most people don't. It was addressed to those who are worried about shaking hands with people who don't wash there hands.
Did you know there is an amazing thing called a toilet lid? Use it.
Did you know there is an amazing thing called a toilet lid? Use it.
Maybe YOU should be shamed for being a germaphobe? Do you literally not have an immune system?
Because the only way to build up an immune system is exchanging feces with other people.
Did you know there is an amazing thing called a toilet lid? Use it.
The overlyclean neatfreaks come out in droves for this witchhunt. Are you suggesting we need the Toilet Safety Administration from South Park to check our assholes and make sure we wash our hands? Bizarre.
Maybe YOU should be shamed for being a germaphobe? Do you literally not have an immune system?
So pretty much every doctor on the planet doesn't know what they're talking about and the non-washers do?
Doctors/nurses use hand sanitizer between patients like 50+ times a day, are they doomed? No. Do you know how much help clean sanitation and hygiene practices have been for society?
We aren't overclean and neatfreaks, we'd just really appreciate not coming in contact with your shit. It's not too much to ask; it's your own problem you are too lazy to take 10 seconds to wash your hands. If you're fine with being a disgusting person, that's okay, but don't try to paint others as overreacting - maybe your upbringing is to blame, but in the vast majority of the world (even 3rd world countries) it is expected that one wash their hands after taking a shit, and most half-way decent parents ingrain that into their children's behavior.
Regardless, your immune system isn't stronger because you keep your shit on your hands. The skin on your body is covered with microorganisms already, our entire environment is contaminated with microorganisms, your large intestine already contains all the microorganisms that can possibly be in your shit (so why are you reintroducing them?) - all of these areas already stimulate your immune system more than enough. Killing germs on your hands will not reduce your immunity, but it will help prevent infections. Doctors/nurses use hand sanitizer between patients like 50+ times a day, are they doomed? No.
This is some next level germaphobe shit right here, you close it everytime you flush?
I'm a germaphobe for practising basic cleanliness?Maybe YOU should be shamed for being a germaphobe? Do you literally not have an immune system?
Well you are over reacting. you probably come into contact with non washers everyday and you don't even know it. If your best friend who you've known forever came up to you and told you he's a non washer would it destroy your friendship?
Y'all have some very high horses. I'm fine, I'll just keep on keeping on. And shaking hands.
No, but I'd tell him he's being disgusting and should wash his hands - that fact can't be refuted. People are trying to defend their filthy habit with unscientific claims, which is what I am expressing my opinion against. I'd be fine if they were just honest about it and attributed it to pure laziness and/or ignorance.
I think this is a vocal minority on GAF though, as 83% of people wash their hands after using the bathroom (still kind of low): http://www.health.harvard.edu/fhg/updates/update0806d.shtml
People are way too squeamish about germs and cleanliness nowadays. There is nothing filthy about not washing your hands after a deuce, no one will be any worse because of it. In fact i would claim the opposite. A little filth is good for you.
Who shits on their hand?
There's a toilet bowl and this thing called toilet paper
Do you know what's funny? We're the weird ones for washing our hands! Fucking el oh el.We aren't overclean and neatfreaks, we'd just really appreciate not coming in contact with your shit. It's not too much to ask; it's your own problem you are too lazy to take 10 seconds to wash your hands. If you're fine with being a disgusting person, that's okay, but don't try to paint others as overreacting - maybe your upbringing is to blame, but in the vast majority of the world (even 3rd world countries) it is expected that one wash their hands after taking a shit, and most half-way decent parents ingrain that into their children's behavior.
Regardless, your immune system isn't stronger because you keep your shit on your hands. The skin on your body is covered with microorganisms already, our entire environment is contaminated with microorganisms, your large intestine already contains all the microorganisms that can possibly be in your shit (so why are you reintroducing them?) - all of these areas already stimulate your immune system more than enough. Killing germs on your hands will not reduce your immunity, but it will help prevent infections. Doctors/nurses use hand sanitizer between patients like 50+ times a day, are they doomed? No. Do you know how much help clean sanitation and hygiene practices have been for society?
83% say they wash their hands, you better believe the actual number is lower.
Washing your hands more then 3 times a day has to be really unhealthy.
Well after this thread I wouldn't be surprised at that at all. Do whatever mental gymnastics you need to do to preserve your lazy filthiness though.
I also heard it's unhealthy to have a shower every day bruh.Washing your hands more then 3 times a day has to be really unhealthy.
Washing your hands more then 3 times a day has to be really unhealthy.
As you touch people, surfaces and objects throughout the day, you accumulate germs on your hands. In turn, you can infect yourself with these germs by touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Although it's impossible to keep your hands germ-free, washing your hands frequently can help limit the transfer of bacteria, viruses and other microbes.
Always wash your hands before:
Preparing food or eating
Treating wounds, giving medicine, or caring for a sick or injured person
Inserting or removing contact lenses
Always wash your hands after:
Preparing food, especially raw meat or poultry
Using the toilet or changing a diaper
Touching an animal or animal toys, leashes, or waste
Blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing into your hands
Treating wounds or caring for a sick or injured person
Handling garbage, household or garden chemicals, or anything that could be contaminated such as a cleaning cloth or soiled shoes
In addition, wash your hands whenever they look dirty.
Take comfort in the fact that they wont live as long and be sick more often than hygenic people.
It's not as big a deal as you think.
It is arguably the biggest deal in maintaining a healthy society.
This is some next level germaphobe shit right here, you close it everytime you flush?
I wash my hands. who said I didnt? nice insult thoughNo. Don't be stupid. Having shit on your hands is never a good thing.
I don't think you understand how basic hygiene works.
Literally, every medical professional in the world tells you to wash your hands after you use the restroom. EVERY ONE. I will take the word of people who specialize in preventing and fighting diseases over a few disgusting posters on GAF who lack basic hygiene.
it's all about your immune system. good thing germaphobes are the first to die off for not having one.
Yes I don't use soap or shampoo.
Also, wash your ass if you are really paranoid. toilet paper is just spreading shit on your ass.
I wash my hands. who said I didnt? nice insult though
maybe work on your reading comprehension
Omega Rex said:Who shits on their hand?
There's a toilet bowl and this thing called toilet paper
Your post implied heavily that the need to wash hands was negated by you not shitting on your hand directly.I wash my hands. who said I didnt? nice insult though
maybe work on your reading comprehension