Really? Feels like almost the opposite to me.ShockingAlberto said:I think part of the problem with modern Zelda is that there's a fundamental disconnect between what the development team sees as a reward and what gamers do.
I think Nintendo believes the act itself, the enjoyment of going through a cave, is the reward. And if you get a heart piece or rupees at the end, so much the better. Alternatively, people playing the game think "Slogging through this cave must lead to an awesome reward, like new armor!" and then get 500 rupees they can not carry.
The journey is never fun anymore. The fun SHOULD be the reward, but it's just not there. (The rewards still suck, but I don't really care if I get rubies or armor or whatever the fuck.)
I'm exaggerating, of course. I still enjoy the games. Just not as much... and it's definitely not due to lack of a reward or whatever. It's because the journey is a walk in the park, instead of a hike up a mountain.