EmCeeGramr said:my hopes for the next zelda:
-nostalgia-based crap
- i should never be a game designer
-what the hell is this
Seems reasonable.
EmCeeGramr said:my hopes for the next zelda:
-nostalgia-based crap
- i should never be a game designer
-what the hell is this
Sammy Samusu said:Fixed.
The Legend of Zelda: The Fiddle of [Insert Noun Here]Gilby said:Violin played with motion +?
GCX said:Nintendo developed several techniques for Mario Galaxy that allowed them to use orchestrated music in very interactive ways aka almost like midi. There's no excuse for them not to use orchestra anymore.
I like the blue blocks that you have step on to make them green, they also follow the music pretty nicely. I always make sure to hit them in the tempo of the music :lolMasked Man said:I'm always impressed when the harp arpeggi that occur whenever you blast from a warp star are able to match the chords at any point in an orchestral piece, like Melty Molten Galaxy or Bowser Jr.'s Fiery Flotilla.
http://us.wii.com/viewer_zelda.jsp?vid=29wrowa said:In which trailer was that music used? I can't rermember that track at all.
Yeah at first it was lolworthy but then I realized it would actually be funDeathbyVolcano said:I would definitely play the fiddle.
Dascu said:I hope we get a good new villain.
Green Scar said:Ganondorf could still be an amazing villian, it's just his plans have reduced into herpy-derp random acts of arseholeishness, and his motives are pretty much always 'just coz' and 'triforce of power bla bla bla'. They should write a decent plot where he actually does something more obviously evil than world domination. Have him kill Zelda or something.
runnin_blue said:*horror*
Then what would we call the games?
The Legend of Zelda Posthumously
Green Scar said:Ganondorf could still be an amazing villian, it's just his plans have reduced into herpy-derp random acts of arseholeishness, and his motives are pretty much always 'just coz' and 'triforce of power bla bla bla'. They should write a decent plot where he actually does something more obviously evil than world domination. Have him kill Zelda or something.
Green Scar said:Hey, Spirit Tracks did it.
runnin_blue said:Haven't played it but that sounds like a SPOILER ALERT!
I'm fine with a Ganon that is a good fight. His fights, in both WW and TP were horrible. It's one thing to be easy and boring, all bosses were like that (not you Stallord you're fine), but when they're also long with new form after new form, that's a killer.Green Scar said:Ganondorf could still be an amazing villian, it's just his plans have reduced into herpy-derp random acts of arseholeishness, and his motives are pretty much always 'just coz' and 'triforce of power bla bla bla'. They should write a decent plot where he actually does something more obviously evil than world domination. Have him kill Zelda or something.
I didn't find TP Ganondorf that bad. Sure the whole I was controlling you so you can break me free part was pretty bad, but the rest of it works. He's just fucking pissed because he was there all alone and bored, and I don't blame him.EmCeeGramr said:i like how they made him cool and somewhat wise in wind waker then immediately took us back to a stupid idiot ganondorf in TP
EmCeeGramr said:um his wind waker fight owned because he was like a fucking ninja and it was all raining and WOOSH
meanwhile his TP fight you have to go through one decent cool twist, then it's a boring-ass form, another boring-ass form, and then a lame way too easy form
Green Scar said::lol It's in the first half an hour and all the PR for the game mentions it too.
Oh no! You don't shit on TP last fight. That, you don't.EmCeeGramr said:um his wind waker fight owned because he was like a fucking ninja and it was all raining and WOOSH
meanwhile his TP fight you have to go through one decent cool twist, then it's a boring-ass form, another boring-ass form, and then a lame way too easy form
That reminds meBoney said:You played tennis with Zelda
And the act of killing said boss is probably the most epic fucking moment in the history of the series.Struct09 said:Wind Waker has one of the best final boss fights of any game I've played
Oh most definately, I wouldn't want it to come back, but I was ok with it for the last time, since it also had some other attack variations.Twig said:FUCKING ZELDA WII BETTER NOT HAVE ANOTHER FUCKING TENNIS FOR THE FINAL BOSS YOU DUMB SHITS
and that is my inappropriately loud and vulgar outburst for the day
And steampunk, blood, and a mature storyline.Tarin02543 said:I want something totally new. No hyrule, no princess, no ocarina, no potions nor any heart containers.
While he didn't exactly kill her he did posess her corpse in Twilight Princess.Green Scar said:Ganondorf could still be an amazing villian, it's just his plans have reduced into herpy-derp random acts of arseholeishness, and his motives are pretty much always 'just coz' and 'triforce of power bla bla bla'. They should write a decent plot where he actually does something more obviously evil than world domination. Have him kill Zelda or something.
...so go play a non-zelda gameTarin02543 said:I want something totally new. No hyrule, no princess, no ocarina, no potions nor any heart containers.
The setting of TWW's final fight was gorgeous and you stab Ganonorf in the face with your sword for crying out loud. How can you not remember that.DieNgamers said:I don't even remember what Wind Waker's last fight was like...I only remember it being easy. It was all about waiting for Zeldas command. It wasn't that epic either. OoT's last fight is too epic to ever be topped in the series. :O
I want to say five million, but I might be wrong.camineet said:How many copies sold of Twilight Princess on Wii & GameCube, combined?
You could've just said: Wind Waker rocks.ShockingAlberto said:I think one of the points of Wind Waker was that its Link was not the Hero of Time. He was a kid whose sister got kidnapped who got wrapped up in a huge quest and, before he knew it, he was staring down the most powerful man in history with a sword pointed at him.
The Ganondorf fight in Wind Waker was more epic that way. Link was overwhelmed and Zelda, who basically set off the entire quest, was attempting to provide aid. And even with the two of them, they had to basically trick and distract Ganondorf to win.
It was not as epic as SINGLE GUY DEFEATS GIANT MONSTER PIG GANON, but it fit the tone of the game well.
Wind Waker does rock. Too bad they shipped it unfinished.Dascu said:You could've just said: Wind Waker rocks.
:lol I switched to the fishing rod accidentally cause I was trying to pull out bombs, see if they were of any use. (I was just screwing around) It was hilarious when I realized that the fishing rod made that battle even more of a joke then it was...Boney said:Oh no! You don't shit on TP last fight. That, you don't.
You played tennis with Zelda
Awesome pig form combining wolf and regular link.
Horse fighting
And then the motherfucker just wouldn't go down and you beat him up with the fishing rod.
Sure it isn't as powerful as windwaker, because there you had a reason of fighting him instead of just because, but the fights and settings were still awesome.
It's the second best selling Zelda after Ocarina. I think it's higher, around 7 million maybe a bit less.ShockingAlberto said:I want to say five million, but I might be wrong.
Skiesofwonder said:Legend of Zelda in First-Person View.
It's happening.
Bet on it.
I would have been cool with the rupee rewards if I could actually spend them on cool stuff.ShockingAlberto said:I think part of the problem with modern Zelda is that there's a fundamental disconnect between what the development team sees as a reward and what gamers do.
I think Nintendo believes the act itself, the enjoyment of going through a cave, is the reward. And if you get a heart piece or rupees at the end, so much the better. Alternatively, people playing the game think "Slogging through this cave must lead to an awesome reward, like new armor!" and then get 500 rupees they can not carry.