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What we know about Legend of Zelda Wii prior to E3 2010

Princess Skittles said:
Not at all. Most people asking for "big, bad mature adult" Link aren't asking for Majora's Mask, they're asking for God of War type little boy shit.

At least, in my experiences seeing people discuss this.

I don't see that request in most discussions I have, and I do agree it would be ridiculous.
Link being adult and not 3 feet tall does not have to equate with him being Kratos, running around and ripping things in half, stabbing everyone who helps him , so on and so forth.
Id say the spaceworld footage is almost perfect.
The fact that you could drop your shield if needed, or that your enemy taunts you, or requires you to actually sword fight skillfully to take him down, that's what I want to see.
in TP it just seemed like the swordplay was off, or even tacked on. Maybe we will really get a glimpse at E3 of some decent combat moments ala spaceworld. Can't wait to see what's around the corner.
Haunted said:
Looking at some of the galleries Dascu posted, it's actually the MM art I'd single out as the worst.


It's not shit or anything, but comparing this with Terada's art, or even the art for Zelda I's manual.... yeah, no contest. I like Link's WW and TP design much more as well.

edit: sorry, Deity Link is total shit, of course.

Are you serious? How the hell do you call that shit when you praise LoZ's manual art. What a joke.
I think in these particular pictures they just seem a bit off. I mean everything is all smiles. Even the horse is smiling. It looks like an over confidant man child to me. The original manual art for LoZ had other expressions that almost reminds me of wind waker Link.


Nostalgic Nightmare said:
I don't see that request in most discussions I have, and I do agree it would be ridiculous.
Link being adult and not 3 feet tall does not have to equate with him being Kratos, running around and ripping things in half, stabbing everyone who helps him , so on and so forth.
Id say the spaceworld footage is almost perfect.
The fact that you could drop your shield if needed, or that your enemy taunts you, or requires you to actually sword fight skillfully to take him down, that's what I want to see.
in TP it just seemed like the swordplay was off, or even tacked on. Maybe we will really get a glimpse at E3 of some decent combat moments ala spaceworld. Can't wait to see what's around the corner.
I can't believe that I have to point this out, but that was obviously a cutscene.
Amir0x said:
Never have I felt such an odd mix of feelings for a game. I am simultaneously super hyped and super fucking apprehensive. I don't particularly have a fondness for motion plus in its current form so I hope they can really show the technology being functional in some way over traditional controllers. If it's just some jerk off to "immersion" at the hit to efficiency and reliability of controls, I'm going to be more than a little annoyed.
I'm with you man. There is too much potential for this game to be fucked up, which makes it hard to be excited. At the same time, Nintendo's recent efforts have been so high quality that I can't help but feel safe in being extremely excited for the outcome.


Scythesurge said:
I'm with you man. There is too much potential for this game to be fucked up, which makes it hard to be excited. At the same time, Nintendo's recent efforts have been so high quality that I can't help but feel safe in being extremely excited for the outcome.

I wouldn't even care if it wasn't that Zelda is one of my top favorite franchises :*(


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Vinci said:
That is really, really unlikely.

Probably. But I do think people need to start thinking outside of the box more with their predictions.

Going by what Nintendo has said... some big changes are in store. This isn't Ocarina of Time 4.
Jesus Christ at page 18 with the art work. I wonder if Wii could replicate those pictures. The old school style art is soooooooo much better than the new shit we get now a days.


Skiesofwonder said:
Probably. But I do think people need to start thinking outside of the box more with their predictions.

Going by what Nintendo has said... some big changes are in store. This isn't Ocarina of Time 4.

I think people need to start thinking less completely outside the box and more inside the box with the lid open.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Vinci said:
I think people need to start thinking less completely outside the box and more inside the box with the lid open.

So you think it will be basically Twilight Princess but a small change of flow and some kind of Motion+ implemention?
Basically I'm asking how much do you think we should overflow that box?

Am I the only that feels a bit less excited when I click on this thread now compared to when it had the previous title?
Princess Skittles said:
People are STILL asking for "dark" and "mature" Link?

The Cracked article, so true.. so true..

Dark =/= Mature.

We want a zelda game with complex/emotional issues. When Ganon burns down an entire village and mass murders, I want to actually FEEL sad about it, I want to WANT revenge. That's the mature angle people want, not just LOL BLOOD AND TITS.

And zelda is actually fairly dark if you just tell the stories through words. It's Nintendo's vision and the HAY LOOK AT DA CUTE CHIBI ART and WE'RE GONNA HOLD YOUR HAND THROUGH THE GAME CUZ YOUD BE LOST WITHOUT US LOL that cements it into the slightly-kiddy category. Is there a reason it has to stay locked in that zone? Absolutely not, and personally I feel that if Nintendo brought it to its maturity, the story would be far less restrictive in the manner and atmosphere in which it's told.

Zelda as a series is still brimming with promise and Nintendo's need to keep it "normalized" and middle-of-the-road in story(and subsequently violence and 'adult issues') puts a HEAVY damper on how creative they can get. Irritating.


Skiesofwonder said:
So you think it will be basically Twilight Princess but a small change of flow and some kind of Motion+ implemention?
Basically I'm asking how much do you think we should overflow that box?

Am I the only that feels a bit less excited when I click on this thread now compared to when it had the previous title?

It's going to mostly be controls. Whether it'll go with TP's art style or overall design? That's pretty immaterial, but I imagine it will bear some resemblance to that or one of the earlier titles.

They're not going to completely rewrite the book on Zelda is what I'm saying.
FunkyMunkey said:
We want a zelda game with complex/emotional issues. When Ganon burns down an entire village and mass murders, I want to actually FEEL sad about it, I want to WANT revenge. That's the mature angle people want, not just LOL BLOOD AND TITS.

Speak for yourself.

That's actually the complete opposite of what I want.
I want a fantasy adventure with a lot of exploration. The less LOTR the better.

You can have a young main character and have a journey of emotional substance without delving into hacky "village murder" scenarios.
But then again this is a video game and they know nothing of telling a story.
Buckethead said:
Speak for yourself.

That's actually the complete opposite of what I want.
I want a fantasy adventure with a lot of exploration.

You can have a young main character and have a journey of emotional substance without delving into hacky "village murder" scenarios.
But then again this is a video game and they know nothing of telling a story.

All I mean is that a more realistic(and by that I mean less childlike allusions to sorrowful topics in the game) approach, whether graphically or atmospherically, allows the player to become more emotionally attached to the characters. You are saving the world after all, going into dungeons and killing and tearing the essences from the monster's body. It could be a village being burned down or Ganon ascending into the heavens as a new and ruthless god, I don't know. Orchestrated music would also help here.

I didn't mean to speak for you :p, sorry.


FWIW, I'm not trying to remove the hype many people have for this title. I'm personally very excited to see it; I just picture what differentiates it from prior Zelda titles being the controls, almost exclusively.


It will be a realistic graphics Zelda, because the US market, and the Iwata quotes about Zelda team feeling the preasure from MH3 visuals, and Link being older too. Get over it people.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Vinci said:
It's going to mostly be controls. Whether it'll go with TP's art style or overall design? That's pretty immaterial, but I imagine it will bear some resemblance to that or one of the earlier titles.

They're not going to completely rewrite the book on Zelda is what I'm saying.

I don't think they will rewrite the book of Zelda, but I do think the changes will extend past just the controls. I foresee a major change in viewpoint (not necessarily first-person.... but something to accommodate for Motion+), a different approach of getting the plot across to the gamer, and some kind of change to the gaming flow compared to the last three traditional Legend of Zelda console games (OOT, WW, and TP). What those might exactly be..... I have no idea.


TunaLover said:
It will be a realistic graphics Zelda, because the US market, and the Iwata quotes about Zelda team feeling the preasure from MH3 visuals, and Link being older too. Get over it people.

It can be adult Link without being realistic though. I'm not saying you're wrong, just stating that 'adult Link' and people being impressed by MH3's visuals does not immediately equal realistic Zelda.
MH3 is not...super realistic

I mean, people look like people, but they're lugging around giant swords and cat people are running around and designing your house


ShockingAlberto said:
I prefer happy and light Zeldas, actually.

Minish Cap is probably my favorite Zelda, tone-wise.

I kind of agree with that.

What I REALLY dont want is another Lord of the Rings-Zelda. No, Zelda does not need a super fleshed-out story, it doesnt need cutscenes, and it doesnt need angst. I always felt that the Zelda-series was more like a fairy tale with an epic background story, and not your typical story-focused actionadventure-game. Or, to speak in pictures, Zelda is not about watching some evil guy kill your parents and plan revenge on him...Zelda is about finding oneself lost in an unknown world and trying to figure out what´s going on...keyword: exploration, sense of wonder.
At the same time, though, I don´t want a "happy and light Zelda" that is about silly, goofy characters and quests, full of Tingles and TP-postmen.

So, I really think that if Nintendo could match some of the atmosphere being shown on these Terada-artworks, it´d be the best. Have there be light hearted overworld-exploration, but then throw me into the pitchblack hells where Im fearing for my life. Keep that balanced, with lots of freedom and optionality, and you´ve got it.
KeeSomething said:
Are you serious? How the hell do you call that shit when you praise LoZ's manual art. What a joke.
I can't imagine them talking about those:

None of the other series art previously shown was bad and no style is better than another. Nostalgia just makes people say strange things.


Amir0x said:
Never have I felt such an odd mix of feelings for a game. I am simultaneously super hyped and super fucking apprehensive. I don't particularly have a fondness for motion plus in its current form so I hope they can really show the technology being functional in some way over traditional controllers. If it's just some jerk off to "immersion" at the hit to efficiency and reliability of controls, I'm going to be more than a little annoyed.
I just hope they don't make the game more combat-oriented than previous entries as a means of showing off the M+ tech. Combat has never been prioritized in the 3d games, and it really shouldn't be. Not to mention the swordplay in WSR was boring and tedious. Ideally they have some really cool uses of M+ on bosses (which, imo, do need a change in formula) and they leave the overall combat alone.

(Ideally they just give me the option of using the GC/Classic Controller, but that won't happen)

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
selig said:
What I REALLY dont want is another Lord of the Rings-Zelda. No, Zelda does not need a super fleshed-out story, it doesnt need cutscenes, and it doesnt need angst. I always felt that the Zelda-series was more like a fairy tale with an epic background story, and not your typical story-focused actionadventure-game. Or, to speak in pictures, Zelda is not about watching some evil guy kill your parents and plan revenge on him...Zelda is about finding oneself lost in an unknown world and trying to figure out what´s going on...keyword: exploration, sense of wonder.
At the same time, though, I don´t want a "happy and light Zelda" that is about silly, goofy characters and quests, full of Tingles and TP-postmen.

Interesting, because if there was one thing that TP showed me it was that Zelda could be good as a more dark, cinematic experience.

Andrex said:
Haters gonna hate. Whatever that means.
Ooh wait, I got this!

boiled goose

good with gravy
i am more hyped than worried for Zelda Wii.

Phantom hourglass and Spirit tracks both go in the wrong direction in a lot of aspects I like about the series.

Mario had an amazing reinvention this generation. The direction the games are going is one that I really think works well. There is still more to be done but the transitons from sunshine to SMG to SMG2 all have shown improvements.

Zelda on the other hand has improved in few aspects over the years but suffered in others, all while being a bit less surprising and refreshing in each iteration. If we get length, we lose pacing, if we get better dungeons, we get a shitty overworld, if we get good sidequests we miss out on more dungeons, and all while decreasing the difficulty.


Prime Blue said:
None of the other series art previously shown was bad and no style is better than another. Nostalgia just makes people say strange things.
Nostalgia has nothing to do with it, since I only played NES Zelda on the Collector's Edition that came with WW and I never saw that concept art until a couple years after that.

Sorry, try again.
Prime Blue said:
I can't imagine them talking about those:

None of the other series art previously shown was bad and no style is better than another. Nostalgia just makes people say strange things.

I never grew up playing Zelda NES, LTTP, and LA. I played LA during my final year in HS (2001) , LTTP (2001) , and Zelda NES when the bonus disc came out for WW, so when I say the artwork on page 18 looks better than the crap we get now, it isn't due to nostalgia. The older Zelda artworks convey the feelings of what a fantasy world looks like.

EDIT- DAMN YOU, TWIG. ARGH, we both said the same thing. :lol
This is what I want from the new Zelda:

Non-linear gameplay
A massive world
At least 15 dungeons carefully integrated with the world map (like in Metroid Prime where you feel that everything is just a huge single world)
No more fire, forest or water temples
No three-first-seven-later dungeons
Far more difficult bosses
Optional ultra difficult bosses in secret locations of the world (like the weapons in FF)
Orchestrated music
No more Ganondorf, just Ganon
Adult link only
Great cel-shaded graphics
At least 40+ hours of normal gameplay
100+ hours of gameplay with sidequests and all items
No fucking gorons
No fucking Tinkle or Twinkle or whatever the fuck his name is
Make the rupees have some fucking value (to buy exotic weapons or suits, etc., not just for fucking bombs...)
Characters with voices, except for Link

Yeah right...
Nostalgic Nightmare said:
Id say the spaceworld footage is almost perfect.
The fact that you could drop your shield if needed, or that your enemy taunts you, or requires you to actually sword fight skillfully to take him down, that's what I want to see.
in TP it just seemed like the swordplay was off, or even tacked on. Maybe we will really get a glimpse at E3 of some decent combat moments ala spaceworld. Can't wait to see what's around the corner.
People are still clamoring over this crap ten years later?

Firstly, I doubt you could have done anything you mentioned in this game if it had come out. You're basing these gameplay concepts off of a cutscene. Secondly, the characters and textures look terrible compared to either of the Gamecube Zelda games. I don't understand how anything in that demo can be appealing in 2010 after they already gave us a more polished version of this game in the form of Twilight Princess.

I haven't liked that video since they showed Wind Waker in its final form. It's been used for years as an example of the "perfect [mature] Zelda" and it's pure fantasy based on a likely hastily put together thirty seconds of video. We don't even know for sure this was anything more than a tech demo. It's ridiculous that people still have a boner over this.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
I never grew up playing Zelda NES, LTTP, and LA. I played LA during my final year in HS (2001) , LTTP (2001) , and Zelda NES when the bonus disc came out for WW, so when I say the artwork on page 18 looks better than the crap we get now, it isn't due to nostalgia. The older Zelda artworks convey the feelings of what a fantasy world looks like.
Katsuya Terada's work is great. He's one of my favorite artists, and that's based solely on his Zelda art, but there is no way his style would translate well to video game graphics.

The Majora's Mask official art is awesome, and it has proven how well it translates to 3D (and that was primitive N64 graphics). In general, I love the art style. Every character has definition in their body, and the colors are very well done. They are bright, but the dark shadows balance it out.

The official manual art for Zelda I is terrible. It looks like a child drew them.


EricDiesel said:
People are still clamoring over this crap ten years later?

Firstly, I doubt you could have done anything you mentioned in this game if it had come out. You're basing these gameplay concepts off of a cutscene. Secondly, the characters and textures look terrible compared to either of the Gamecube Zelda games. I don't understand how anything in that demo can be appealing in 2010 after they already gave us a more polished version of this game in the form of Twilight Princess.

I haven't liked that video since they showed Wind Waker in its final form. It's been used for years as an example of the "perfect [mature] Zelda" and it's pure fantasy based on a likely hastily put together thirty seconds of video. We don't even know for sure this was anything more than a tech demo. It's ridiculous that people still have a boner over this.
...he's just saying it would be cool if there was a zelda game where you could do that

way to overreact (then again who in this thread isn't doing that to every single comment that's made EDIT: see first post by the poster above me for example)
selig said:
No, Zelda does not need a super fleshed-out story, it doesnt need cutscenes


Yes it does. I understand where you're coming from, but the people who'd be fine with that are in the far, far minority. Games need to be a cinematic, sense-pleasing, and enthralling experience nowadays. And Zelda is too rich to not extrapolate upon the story.

I wonder how well RDR would've sold without a fleshed-out story or cutscenes... :lol.


Survives without air, food, or water
Wind Waker was such a goddamed masterpiece. Best Zelda game, period. Art, effects, animations, exploration - all amazing. That it is so good and still very much unfinished blows my mind. If they remade that motherfucker like it should have been made the first time, all dungeons in there, no triforce hunt, no Tingle bullshit - I don't think I'd stop playing.

I'd take a WW director's cut over a new motion-shit Zelda any day.
Broken Arrow said:
This is what I want from the new Zelda:
Here's what I think:

Non-linear gameplay
I don't know about that. I think it should be non-linear in parts. Like, after playing two linear levels, it'll be like "Choose 2 of these 3 temples in any order you want."

A massive world
Not really. Twilight Princess was massive, but had little substance. If you tried to walk Hyrule Field in TP, you'd get bored quickly.

At least 15 dungeons carefully integrated with the world map (like in Metroid Prime where you feel that everything is just a huge single world)
Sounds like a good idea, would be interesting to see.

No more fire, forest or water temples
B-b-but... those places will have the coolest music!

Far more difficult bosses
Optional ultra difficult bosses in secret locations of the world (like the weapons in FF)
Yes, please! Spoiler:
Spirit Tracks has a secret boss in a secret location. Haven't gotten to it yet.

Orchestrated music
Some orchestrated music would be nice. Like Mario Galaxy 2, where the right music is orchestrated and others are not.

At least 40+ hours of normal gameplay
Am down with this, as long as there's not a lot of filler

No fucking gorons
No fucking Tinkle or Twinkle or whatever the fuck his name is
:( Tingle's good people. Also, while it's nice for Nintendo to introduce new races/people, they can use Gorons and Tingle again and I wouldn't care.

Make the rupees have some fucking value (to buy exotic weapons or suits, etc., not just for fucking bombs...)
Yes, please!

Characters with voices, except for Link
Umm... yeah, no thanks. I would accept Midna-like voice, but otherwise, it'll just be weird.

The other things I have no opinion on.


FunkyMunkey said:

Yes it does. I understand where you're coming from, but the people who'd be fine with that are in the far, far minority. Games need to be a cinematic, sense-pleasing, and enthralling experience nowadays. And Zelda is too rich to not extrapolate upon the story.

I wonder how well RDR would've sold without a fleshed-out story or cutscenes... :lol.

Yeahh....no. Cutscenes bore the hell out of me, personally. When I get into a game, I want to be able to unravel the story myself. Think, Metroid Prime. I felt that Twilight Princess went a little bit too over the top with cutscenes - I end up hitting START/skip every single time as soon as one comes up in TP, because I want to get out there and explore asap. If I wanted to just sit there and watch long cutscenes, I'd watch a movie.
FunkyMunkey said:

Yes it does. I understand where you're coming from, but the people who'd be fine with that are in the far, far minority. Games need to be a cinematic, sense-pleasing, and enthralling experience nowadays. And Zelda is too rich to not extrapolate upon the story.

I wonder how well RDR would've sold without a fleshed-out story or cutscenes... :lol.
I wonder how well NSMB Wii would have sold without the long intro at the beginning.

Probably not much.
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