Hiltz said:
I'm just going to be disappointed if Nintendo resorts to another tired and shallow gimmick like the underwhelming Wolf Link in Twilight Princess, tedious sailing in Wind Waker, or the dull train ride in Spirit tracks.
Like riding a horse as one of your major gimmicks, and then the return of that horse for part 2.
Or maybe going into the exact same map with a few new things added 2 or 3 times in the series.
Or time travel, that hasn't been used by Zelda more than 6 times already, and the main focus of 2 or 3 games in the series.
I think you're just overly critical of the new Zelda's because they aren't LttP or Oot 1.5. I like that they try and expand the items and powers of Link. Plus King of the Red Lions was badass. He can kick Epona's butt any day. I mean, I can sit here and name off "tired and shallow" gimmicks of every Zelda.
None of these are really my opinion, btw
Zelda: Repetitive music, cheap item system is just a glorified gimmick. The ability to save is a tedious and dull concept, real games have to be replayed multiple times!
Zelda II: Reuses Zelda's overworld. Shotty level up system and boring, tedious battle system.
Link to the Past: Nintendo was just lazy and changed like 2 pixels of the map and called it a new world.
Ocarina of Time: see above, replace pixels with polygons. AKA LttP in 3D
Majora's Mask: Setting a time limit on gameplay made it impossible to explore. The different races were boring and rehashed from Ocarina of Time
Link's Awakening: Nintendo shouldn't have to remake a game a second time. Did they not make enough money? They honestly expect me to just buy ANOTHER repackaged Link to the Past?
Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons: Two versions? Is Zelda turning into Pokemon now? The two game system is tried and true, and overused. Cast these games off as cheap cash ins
Wind Waker: Yawn. Kiddy trash. Looked at the box, never played it, never will
Four Swords: It had to be packaged with Link to the Past, that really shows Nintendo's confidence in it. How am I expected to get 3 other people together to play?
Four Swords Adventure: Overpriced. This is the 4th or 5th Link to the Past, I lost track?
Minish Cap: Kiddy graphics again, pass. Tired method of shrinking, what is this, Alice in Wonderland? Where's Ganon anyway?
Twilight Princess: Becoming a wolf has been in every Zelda so far, it's so tiring. Get a new concept Nintendo!
DS Zeldas: LOL TOUCHSCREEN, I'm not touching this, no pun intended.
See, I can be overly critical of every game (as far as I remember) in the series. It doesn't mean I'm right, nor are these actually my opinions. But really now, were those things you listed outright broken? And we're talking about some of the highest rated games of the last decade here.