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What we know about Legend of Zelda Wii prior to E3 2010


Leondexter said:
I love sketchy art. It appeals to me much more than perfect lines.

Now, I will grant that the proportions are (sometimes horrifically) off, but it's mostly the colors that make it good for me. The TP pic you posted is just like one large gradient from orange to blue-green to blue-black. It's more like a blob of art than a specific thing.

Addendum: I love TP art. I think you just picked a bad one to make your point. d:


Meh, I forgot dungeon themes existed. You reminded me how much I despise the enemy music. There isn't a single Zelda with good normal enemy music.

How can you enjoy a temple when every 2 seconds you hear this piece of shit:


And it's not like you hear this whole thing, either. It's basically the first 3 seconds of it over and over.


GeneralIroh said:
TWW had some really bad dungeon music as well.
God, you really need a tag. :lol

GAF's #1 WW hater
Disregard his opinion about anything Zelda related
Is afraid of Toon Link

etc. etc.


Survives without air, food, or water
upandaway said:
Meh, I forgot dungeon themes existed. You reminded me how much I despise the enemy music. There isn't a single Zelda with good normal enemy music.

How can you enjoy a temple when every 2 seconds you hear this piece of shit:


And it's not like you hear this whole thing, either. It's basically the first 3 seconds of it over and over.

It's not Zelda without overly suspenseful enemy music. They really should scale it according to what you're up against, though; a bat should not have the same dramatic fanfare as a swarm of darknuts.


Still think that TP is better game than Wind Waker overall, the game really shine because its charm, but dungeon variety, towns, and sea sidequest were lacking compared to TP.
Haunted said:
God, you really need a tag. :lol

GAF's #1 WW hater
Disregard his opinion about anything Zelda related
Is afraid of Toon Link

etc. etc.

"etc etc" implies that that's not one big tag he should get

anyway since TP is so fucking boring i'm playing a superior game right now

ww <3
outset island <3
toon link <3



Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
This time next week you will have seen Legend of Zelda Wii and had time to fully digest all the information.

You think you'll be satisfied/disappointed?

How about Neogaf as a whole? Satisfied/disappointed?

I personally think most of NeoGAF (including me) will be super excited, but a small but very vocal group will be calling Nintendo nasty names left and right for all the changes until all the positive hands-on impressions come crashing in the next two days. Kind of like with the first Metroid Prime.


Survives without air, food, or water
TunaLover said:
Still think that TP is better game than Wind Waker overall, the game really shine because its charm, but dungeon variety, towns, and sea sidequest were lacking compared to TP.

Windfall Island was a better town that all of the towns in TP put together.


Skiesofwonder said:
This time next week you will have seen Legend of Zelda Wii and had time to fully digest all the information.

You think you'll be satisfied/disappointed?

How about Neogaf as a whole? Satisfied/disappointed?

I personally think most of NeoGAF (including me) will be super excited, but a small but very vocal group will be calling Nintendo nasty names left and right for all the changes until all the positive hands-on impressions come crashing in the next two days. Kind of like with the first Metroid Prime.

Next week will be the stuff of legend.

Pseudo_Sam said:
Windfall Island was a better town that all of the towns in TP put together.

This cannot be denied.


Pseudo_Sam said:
Windfall Island was a better town that all of the towns in TP put together.
Windfall is only second to Clock Town. Just say that. TP only had one town anyway.

There's an insane amount of things to do there. If you ever don't feel like progress in Wind Waker, you know where to go pass some time.
Skiesofwonder said:
This time next week you will have seen Legend of Zelda Wii and had time to fully digest all the information.

You think you'll be satisfied/disappointed?

How about Neogaf as a whole? Satisfied/disappointed?

I personally think most of NeoGAF (including me) will be super excited, but a small but very vocal group will be calling Nintendo nasty names left and right for all the changes until all the positive hands-on impressions come crashing in the next two days. Kind of like with the first Metroid Prime.
There's a checklist of thread titles we made up that basically sum up my own predictions to what the backlash will be.

I wouldn't necessarily count my chickens as far as positive hands-on impressions just yet. I mean, it is Zelda and it'll be ground to a brilliant polish, but there is the possibility that the gameplay won't be quite there yet.

I do predict whining about the art style, theme and placement of the game if it's an obvious sequel to some previous game though.


EmCeeGramr said:
I remember reading the Minish Cap manga and thinking it's pretty cool.

Link's Awakening has the best one though, easily. Ya'll should give it a read, pass time till E3.
Edit: I don't like the idea of one big town. Most everything being on Windfall made the rest of the game kinda boring. With Ocarina of Time, there were many towns, each with their own thing, and a couple of "main" towns like Kakariko and Castle Town, which had a lot more minigames and junk.

Skiesofwonder said:
This time next week you will have seen Legend of Zelda Wii and had time to fully digest all the information.

You think you'll be satisfied/disappointed?
I have never been disappointed over a Zelda reveal. However, I have become disappointed in some aspects of some games after playing them.

I have lost hype for new Zelda because of GAF threads... but I have regained it after playing Galaxy 2 and thinking how similar it is to Zelda in some ways, and realizing how awesome it was.

EmCeeGramr said:
weird Wind Waker weirdness
What... Where are those from? They look official.
I can tell by the Japanese-sized word bubbles and the scan quality.

Is that a Wind Waker manga or something?


Why would you do that? said:
What... Where are those from? They look official.
I can tell by the Japanese-sized word bubbles and the scan quality.

Is that a Wind Waker manga or something?
It's called Wind Waker Log Book or something. I'm pretty sure it's on Onemanga.
Branduil said:
It wouldn't be any more frustrating than Metroid. There would still be a "goal" you can accomplish in the dungeon, it's just there are unaccessible areas you can't reach at the time. Later you get an item and if you return to that dungeon you can explore additional areas.
Oh I see, when you said "part" I figured you meant somewhere in the middle, before you achieve whatever the goal is. Yea that would be neat, would be nice if they offered more challenge or unique items or something.
ShockingAlberto said:
I wonder how well NSMB Wii would have sold without the long intro at the beginning.

Probably not much.

OH BOY comparing the pick-up-and-play of (almost storyless mario)NSMB to Zelda, now I've heard everything :lol :lol :lol .

Hey guys, why not just say fuck it and make the next Zelda like that? Let's make the entire game 10 dungeons that you can jump right into, complete, and jump to the next. It will lead up to the final boss with a 5 minute walk and the end will be 1 minute long with a thank you screen after. Who needs all that character development and emotion? :lol

LOL thanks god Nintendo doesn't listen to some of the crap here.

richisawesome said:
Yeahh....no. Cutscenes bore the hell out of me, personally. When I get into a game, I want to be able to unravel the story myself. Think, Metroid Prime. I felt that Twilight Princess went a little bit too over the top with cutscenes - I end up hitting START/skip every single time as soon as one comes up in TP, because I want to get out there and explore asap. If I wanted to just sit there and watch long cutscenes, I'd watch a movie.

Yeahhhhh, that's call you being an anomaly compared to virtually every other gamer in existence who is at least partially interested in the game they're currently playing.


okay go find the rest yourselves

i pretty much wanted to post all of them but even when i picked out the best ones (which usually had Link making a face) I had to cut down on like half


EmCeeGramr said:
okay go find the rest yourselves

i pretty much wanted to post all of them but even when i picked out the best ones (which usually had Link making a face) I had to cut down on like half
Point me in a direction NOW! I loved them!


Oh man I love those comics, gonna have to go read them all again now. Pretty much exactly how I imagined WW Link to be.


FunkyMunkey said:
OH BOY comparing the pick-up-and-play of (almost storyless mario)NSMB to Zelda, now I've heard everything :lol :lol :lol .

Hey guys, why not just say fuck it and make the next Zelda like that? Let's make the entire game 10 dungeons that you can jump right into, complete, and jump to the next. It will lead up to the final boss with a 5 minute walk and the end will be 1 minute long with a thank you screen after. Who needs all that character development and emotion? :lol

LOL thanks god Nintendo doesn't listen to some of the crap here.

Yeahhhhh, that's call you being an anomaly compared to virtually every other gamer in existence who is at least partially interested in the game they're currently playing.
Way to overreact. My most favorite Zelda games are those without any cutscenes or story (exception being Minish Cap but I can still mash through the dialogue fairly quickly there).

I don't recall any of these games having only dungeons and no overworld. They had good combat though, something the most story-intensive Zeldas didn't have.
upandaway said:
Way to overreact.

Oh please, that guy said he skipped the cutscenes :lol.

And the other's attempt at reason used NSMB vs Zelda in a talk about story immersion and cutscenes.

Those comments deserve laughing smilies.

(And the reason why older Zelda games don't have cutscenes is hardware limitations. If you recall, Nintendo actually tries their best to do them even on SNES and gameboy ones. The scenes with dialogue and characters moving around with lightning going off, etc are actually cutscenes, just not the advanced ones they can do on today's consoles. Re-imagining those scenes today would give you what we have in OoT, MM, WW, and TP...)
Those are 4koma/Gag panel Doujin, aren't they?

Edit: Whoops...I think that might be a ban offense to link to scanlations of doujin...sorry.


nvm found them, read the first chapter and nearly fell of my chair. Are the phantom hourglass comics as funny as these ones?
please say yes


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
There's a checklist of thread titles we made up that basically sum up my own predictions to what the backlash will be.

I wouldn't necessarily count my chickens as far as positive hands-on impressions just yet. I mean, it is Zelda and it'll be ground to a brilliant polish, but there is the possibility that the gameplay won't be quite there yet.

I do predict whining about the art style, theme and placement of the game if it's an obvious sequel to some previous game though.

Personally I have never seen negative hands-on impressions for a Zelda game (they range from positive to OMG awesome!!) and Super Mario Galaxy 2 was so just awesome that it has me at the point of complete blindless faith in Nintendo. Not to worried....

Unless you don't make heavy (but satisfying) use of Motion+ Nintendo. Then you go back to meaning nothing to me again.


FunkyMunkey said:
Oh please, that guy said he skipped the cutscenes :lol.
I have never skipped a cutscene yet, but I have never enjoyed one either. He doesn't want to waste time not enjoying himself, so what's the problem?

(And the reason why older Zelda games don't have cutscenes is hardware limitations. If you recall, Nintendo actually tries their best to do them even on SNES and gameboy ones. The scenes with dialogue and characters moving around with lightning going off, etc are actually cutscenes, just not the advanced ones they can do on today's consoles.)
I don't really care why there were no cutscenes. The fact is that there weren't and I enjoyed it that way.

I don't really want to degrade this into another STORY IS EVIL discussion so let's stop now.


Gold Member
For some reason, I envision this announcement to be absolutely hilarious, a real riot. Funnier than Wind Waker reveal.

It's almost inevitable. Take one of the most loved franchises in the world, turn it into straight forward first person waggling adventure and then unveil it all in one go to totally unrealistic expectations of the fan base.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Well, I WAS gonna go on a Zelda binge and fire up WW in anticipation for E3, but the comics posted above have made me strongly reconsider.

Now baby Link will never get his sister back. Hope you're happy, Emcee. :(
Leondexter said:
Well, that's hardly a fair comparison. Whether a picture is a scene or just a character has nothing to do with which is a better art style. It's simply what Nintendo asked the artist to do. I agree, it's much cooler to have a frozen frame of a tense battle or creepy corridor than Link and Epona smiling and posing. But that doesn't mean picture A is a better version of Link.

Let's take a look:


This is a great scene concept, but a bad picture. Link's proportions are awful. He has a missing lower torso, feet that are scribbled as lumps of coal, jowels on his otherwise poorly featured face, and a horribly flat-looking arm with a distorted doodle for a hand (what's with the double-width middle finger?). The enemy knight--clearly the focus of the picture--looks better, but still was drawn with a poor sense of perspective, especially the axe in the background.


More bad spacial perspective in this one. Link's apparently holding his sword in his left armpit rather than his left arm. Speaking of that, it looks a bit bulky. The thing in the background has some problems, too (look closely at its right hand, for example), but mostly it gets off the hook because we have no frame of reference. Again, it's a great scene concept and really conveys the emotion of traversing a dungeon while on the lookout for ambushes.

Now here's a piece of recent art, from Twilight Princess. It's a poster you can get from Club Nintendo.


This is fantastically drawn, at least on the technical side. Say what you will about the scene itself (I'd say it's a primarily functional collage meant to cram the characters in one picture), but this has none of the types of problems I bitched about up above. I like the scenes, too, but get this TP artist to draw those scenes, and they'd be really fantastic. Get that artist to draw this poster, and it'd be trash.

I won't argue on the technical aspects of your analysis. Yes it hasn't been gone through with photoshop ten times, or even drawn with all proper proportions etc, but for me art is about invoking a mood or feeling, and I feel that these less technical drawings convey this successfully. The poster you added is indeed well done, but really doesn't get much flowing in terms of sparking emotion, imagination or grabbing any empathy out of me for the piece. You seem pretty astute with art and I do respect your position, but I can't agree on future art from him being trash.


I admit when I saw the boxart I expected the KoRL to become Valoo at the end. Would have been so awesome too.

edit: And yeah I really don't care about the technical hoohah of the art. That example of Twilight Princess' art while technically good is not as emotional or expressive as the other cheap looking art. It looks too good for its own good. Sort of like how people complain about the character renders of new Mario. They look exactly like Mario does in-game but they're hardly as charming as the old Mario art.
Oblivion said:
Well, I WAS gonna go on a Zelda binge and fire up WW in anticipation for E3, but the comics posted above have made me strongly reconsider.

Now baby Link will be all alone. Hope you're happy, Emcee. :(
well if awesome comics make you not want to play an awesome game then i feel no remorse, since the actions of insane people are unpredictable and not my fault


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Chittagong said:
For some reason, I envision this announcement to be absolutely hilarious, a real riot. Funnier than Wind Waker reveal.

It's almost inevitable. Take one of the most loved franchises in the world, turn it into straight froward first person waggling adventure and then unveil it all in one go to totally unrealistic expectations of the fan base.

There is a big difference between "waggling" and "near one-to-one motion controls".
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