If I was told I had one month to live, and the day I learned that was the day a new console Zelda came out, I think I would still play it to completion.
Don't forget that TWW takes your sword away after a few minutes so that you can go through a stealth section. And MM turns you into a freaking Deku and all you can do is spinning around. God, Zelda games are horrible.EmCeeGramr said:It wasn't that bad in other Zelda games. In Wind Waker you could just run into Orca's house right after taking control, and get a short sword tutorial. It was about 10 minutes before you actually got the sword for yourself.
In TP, you have to get the freaking Rupees for a slingshot, then save a basket, then go through a slingshot tutorial, then you finally get a temporary sword for about 5-10 minutes of Bokoblin killing, then it's WOLF TIME for like an hour and then you FINALLY GET A SWORD AND GET TO GO INTO A DUNGEON
i'm sure i'm getting things mixed up because i'm forgetting stuff like the goat herding and goat stopping minigames that were thrown in there too because GOD DAMN it took forever for the game to start
They lasted much less time though, and Deku form is awesome.Varjet said:Don't forget that TWW takes your sword away after a few minutes so that you can go through a stealth section. And MM turns you into a freaking Deku and all you can do is spinning around. God, Zelda games are horrible.
Still liked it better than either of those games, so whatever.EmCeeGramr said:They lasted much less time though, and Deku form is awesome.
Stop being objectively wrong by attempting to defend the snoozefest that was TP's three-hour tutorial.
.Varjet said:Still liked it better than either of those games, so whatever.
EmCeeGramr said:Stop being objectively wrong
ryan-ts said:Man Z-targeting was such a great innovation.
*Sheds a tear*
Oh, I just remembered that TWW also made you collect rupees for the sail. Yes, clearly much better.EmCeeGramr said:.
also just for good measure
Dr.Hadji said:Here is my prediction. A new type of targeting/camera control is going to be introduced in Zelda Wii.
Unless you've been going on a buying spree, having that many rupees at that time should be no issue at all.Varjet said:Oh, I just rememberd that TWW also made you collect rupees for the sail. Yes, clearly much better.
I already had full Rupees by the time I got to Windfall Island. Hell, before I left Outset.Varjet said:Oh, I just rememberd that TWW also made you collect rupees for the sail. Yes, clearly much better.
Varjet said:Oh, I just rememberd that TWW also made you collect rupees for the sail. Yes, clearly much better.
Well, I didn't. Wanna fight about it?EmCeeGramr said:I already had full Rupees by the time I got to Windfall Island.
Another failure.![]()
No, I'm just bad at stealth, and I was more bothered by how annoying the whole sequence was.And the stealth sequence took 10 minutes unless you were bad at video games.
Yes, my thumb is raw from mastering Orca's trials, I could take you down N E TIME N E WHEREVarjet said:Well, I didn't. Wanna fight about it?
It's on. Tomorrow at 3pm in the Fairy Woods. Don't be late.EmCeeGramr said:Yes, my thumb is raw from mastering Orca's trials, I could take you down N E TIME N E WHERE
Varjet said:Don't forget that TWW takes your sword away after a few minutes so that you can go through a stealth section. And MM turns you into a freaking Deku and all you can do is spinning around. God, Zelda games are horrible.
EmCeeGramr said:And the stealth sequence took 10 minutes unless you were bad at video games. thus making it objectively superior (Jesus told me so) to TP's hour-long wolf-fest.![]()
15-20 at most unless you got lost or kept getting caught.cosmicblizzard said:Not defending the wolf but we are talking about the whole fortress, right? That definitely DID NOT take 10 minutes.
EmCeeGramr said:15-20 at most unless you got lost or kept getting caught.
EmCeeGramr said:15-20 at most unless you got lost or kept getting caught.
I NEED SCISSORS said:Harsh words. It's just the intros that royally suck balls (I did like WW's tribal art storyboard though).
Well if you did stuff outside of the tutorial on Outset Island you'd have a pretty decent amount of money. If you helped out that guy who needed a pet pig you could have gotten 20 rupees from each pig you caught.Varjet said:Oh, I just remembered that TWW also made you collect rupees for the sail. Yes, clearly much better.
Coupled with the overly long stealth sequence makes it the most annoying beginning in a Zelda in my book.
Ok, I admit it. I threw all my rupees away at Beedle's. I'm weakPounchEnvy said:Well if you did stuff outside of the tutorial on Outset Island you'd have a pretty decent amount of money. If you helped out that guy who needed a pet pig you could have gotten 20 rupees from each pig you caught.
If I was told I had 3 days to live, I would play it to completion.FutureZombie said:If I was told I had one month to live, and the day I learned that was the day a new console Zelda came out, I think I would still play it to completion.
Huh. Maybe I will do that! What games do you think I should put in?Anth0ny said:This!
PounchEnvy said:Wait people think Z-targeting will go away?
KeeSomething said:I mean, I can just as easily say that The Wind Waker is just an Ocarina of Time clone with sailing when you look passed the graphics. And as far as story goes, tWW even shares the same major plot twist of OoT.(Zelda in disguise!)
Yeah, but OoT takes about 10 minutes tops to get to the first dungeon, so while collecting rupees is annoying it's not really comparable to the other intros.Why would you do that? said:Of all the 3D Zelda games, I'd say Wind Waker had the best gameplay at the beginning of the game.
In OoT, you're stuck getting rupees, in Majora's Mask, you're stuck getting fairies as a Deku scrub, and in Twilight Princess, you're stuck doing a bunch of other stuff.
Prime Blue said:
I NEED SCISSORS said:Second from the right looks like he's being sucked off.
Why would you do that? said:Of all the 3D Zelda games, I'd say Wind Waker had the best gameplay at the beginning of the game.
In OoT, you're stuck getting rupees, in Majora's Mask, you're stuck getting fairies as a Deku scrub, and in Twilight Princess, you're stuck doing a bunch of other stuff.
Well, I do think that Ocarina of Time's intro is pretty good, but I just think Wind Waker's is better for that reason.hyduK said:Yeah, but OoT takes about 10 minutes tops to get to the first dungeon, so while collecting rupees is annoying it's not really comparable to the other intros.
Always thought he was a lucky bastard.Fimbulvetr said:Ganondorf is the only male Gerudo....
DeaconKnowledge said:Every time I read the thread title I think to myself "nothing".
It looks like i'm right.
Why would you do that? said:Of all the 3D Zelda games, I'd say Wind Waker had the best gameplay at the beginning of the game.
In OoT, you're stuck getting rupees, in Majora's Mask, you're stuck getting fairies as a Deku scrub, and in Twilight Princess, you're stuck doing a bunch of other stuff.
Did you ever take a look at the Gerudo women?methodman said:Always thought he was a lucky bastard.
Skiesofwonder said:The Zelda Informer reveal was not SSBB3D, just the announcement of their new gaming website that covers all of gaming (woopty fricken do).
Also seems their reveal on the 14th is just predictions for LOZ Wii and the name Prophet of Light was just one of those "predictions". Why the fuck do you hype up E3 predictions?!?!? They acted like the Prophet of Light was for real, such bullshit ZI.
Oh well, only 5 days away from the real thing.![]()
I said I was giving them the benefit of the doubt with regards to "Prophet of Light", not that I believed they had anything real.Andrex said:Called it. Suck it squirrel!
Andrex said:Called it. Suck it squirrel!
To build on that and take a bit from Monster Hunter what if you can build a special weapon from item drops. Some people want the return of optional weapons and this would be cool. Maybe not make the drops such as random or grindy like MH but I really like the thought.Big One said:
- Ability to pick up enemy weapons; should be integrated better though. What if instead of butterflies there was a series of bad-guy weapons as loot to collect?
Yeah, I'd love all those things as well.Big One said:Things I really liked about Wind Waker that no other 3D Zelda has:
Skiesofwonder said:I don't think you should tell a vicious angry squirrel to suck on your acorns......
Fourth Storm said:A return to a grid-based map would be awesome. I honestly don't know if they Wii has the horsepower to do it, though. WW could get away with it because of all the water.
I would REALLY love it if they did cell shaded graphics but with a darker and more mature style. Come on, Nintendo, give us something we haven't seen already! I don't think ANY game has attempted this as of yet. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'd love to see examples.