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What we know about Legend of Zelda Wii prior to E3 2010

Vice said:
Would Prince of Persia 2008 and Borderlands count?

Hyped beyond belief for the next console Zelda. I'd like air exploration out of anything, I think it's the only thing Zelda hasn't done.

Eh, I don't like they way they do it with the black outlines on all the characters. Am I crazy for that?
Fourth Storm said:
Eh, I don't like they way they do it with the black outlines on all the characters. Am I crazy for that?
I don't think so.

But honestly depending on what kind of look they are going for it can be a boon. If it's supposed to look like a comic book, or water color, or just heavy ink You might need those outlines.

With WW they wanted very simple and clean look. The outlines would have muddied that.
Thunder Monkey said:
I don't think so.

But honestly depending on what kind of look they are going for it can be a boon. If it's supposed to look like a comic book, or water color, or just heavy ink You might need those outlines.

With WW they wanted very simple and clean look. The outlines would have muddied that.

I hear yah on that. I think those two games look great, but that's not what I had in mind for Zelda.

Bel Marduk said:
SMT Nocturne and the Digital Devil Saga games are cel shaded and dark.

Hmm. Are they cel shaded the whole time? I looked up some DSS screens and it seemed like some of the cut scenes were cel shaded, but the battle models didn't look it as far as I could tell. My friend is more into those dungeon heavy games than I, although I watched him play through a good portion of Persona 3, and I, myself, rented Persona 1 way back.


Epic OP Skiesofwonder, will definitely stay glued to the screen come this keynote address.

Bring back the magic, EAD1. Literally...

Sirius said:
Bring back the magic, EAD1. Literally...

Ugh, I miss the magic so much. Along with Rupees, I really hope Nintendo finds some great uses for your Magic Meter.

Imagine if you could use a crossbow ala Link's Crossbow Training... but with fire and ice arrows. That would be amazing.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Imagine if you had, like, a gun, a musket really, where the gun powder is, like, fairy dust, and, like, the bullets are deku nuts. Man, if only Zelda would take a page from Final Fantasy, gosh!


Andrex said:
Imagine if you had, like, a gun, a musket really, where the gun powder is, like, fairy dust, and, like, the bullets are deku nuts. Man, if only Zelda would take a page from Final Fantasy, gosh!
Selig stop po....




Skiesofwonder said:
Why the fuck do you hype up E3 predictions?!?!? They acted like the Prophet of Light was for real, such bullshit ZI.
They just want to make sure that there site gets banned from GAF as soon as possible!


Why would you do that? said:
Ugh, I miss the magic so much. Along with Rupees, I really hope Nintendo finds some great uses for your Magic Meter.
They really should look at the Capcom Zeldas if they want to use rupees in a great way.In these games,you never have too much rupees in your pocket,as you mostly spend them for something useful.
The magic system is only in half of the zelda games (don't know about PH & ST),but yes,I would like to see it again.Even if it was mostly pretty useless in Oot (except Din's Fire and Light Arrows).

Imagine if you had, like, a gun, a musket really, where the gun powder is, like, fairy dust, and, like, the bullets are deku nuts. Man, if only Zelda would take a page from Final Fantasy, gosh!
Oracle of Ages had something similar.

My wishes are:Use the best things from Wind Waker posted somewhere above,use these big,optional,maze-like caves like in TP again (the reward sucks,but so does every reward in Zelda history.But man,I love exploring them,especially the Kakariko Field one!).Use a town which mixes the lively town from TP with the explorable town from MM and double the size.And if they really use flying there,introduce Maple in the new game.I like that character so much.
Hey, if Spirit Tracks introduced trains, then the next Zelda should introduce the automobile! Then they can take a page from this.

Okay... On a more serious note, what are your favorite Zelda minigames? I have to pick these:

Majora's Mask: Goron Race
Twilight Princess: Snowboard Race
Ocarina of Time: Horseback Archery (Spent soooo much time on this. Finally got a perfect score of 2000 about a year ago.)

Myriadis said:
The magic system is only in half of the zelda games (don't know about PH & ST),but yes,I would like to see it again.Even if it was mostly pretty useless in Oot (except Din's Fire and Light Arrows).
Farore's Wind is also pretty great... Especially when you're getting the Megaton Hammer. If you fall all the way back to the third floor, you can just warp right back up.

Also, Maple and Syrup were pretty cool. I loved the "random" appearances and the resulting minigame, but that unfortunately wouldn't work in a 3D Zelda. I really do miss Capcom making Zelda games, though...


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I hope Zelda Wii is first person with loot and upgradable stats and lengthy dialogue trees and everything else Zelda isnt.



EatChildren said:
I hope Zelda Wii is first person with loot and upgradable stats and lengthy dialogue trees and everything else Zelda isnt.

Don't forget the online co-op
Myriadis said:
They really should look at the Capcom Zeldas if they want to use rupees in a great way.In these games,you never have too much rupees in your pocket,as you mostly spend them for something useful.
It also had probably the most secrets and the best rewards in any of the games. It felt like it never stops.

EatChildren said:
I hope Zelda Wii is first person
Miyamoto already said the changes probably won't be that radical.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Prime Blue said:
Miyamoto already said the changes probably won't be that radical.

Red herring. Zelda Wii is really a FPSMMORPG with base building.


Dascu said:
I'm going to hurt someone or something if Nintendo suddenly delays the announcement.

That won´t happen. However, what Im more and more sure about is that Nintendo will announce that Zelda Wii won´t be released in 2010. Awww....


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
beelzebozo said:
i'll move on, but something in me will quietly die

Yeah, you'll move on. From city to city. Taking the lives of young, pale boys with striking blond hair with a slight point to their ears.

You sick man.


EatChildren said:
Yeah, you'll move on. From city to city. Taking the lives of young, pale boys with striking blond hair with a slight point to their ears.

You sick man.
And then this chain of events will be chronicled in a film named "Triforce", directed by David Fincher.


Why would you do that? said:
Okay... On a more serious note, what are your favorite Zelda minigames? I have to pick these:

Majora's Mask: Goron Race
Twilight Princess: Snowboard Race
Ocarina of Time: Horseback Archery (Spent soooo much time on this. Finally got a perfect score of 2000 about a year ago.)

Well, you already took the three greatest games.I also liked the shooting game right before the Swamp in MM.And especially the Auction Minigame in WW!

Why would you do that? said:
Farore's Wind is also pretty great... Especially when you're getting the Megaton Hammer. If you fall all the way back to the third floor, you can just warp right back up.

Wow,I really never noticed that it can be used in such a great way.:lol

It also had probably the most secrets and the best rewards in any of the games. It felt like it never stops.
Definately.*High five*
HYDE said:
Does anyone think that the next Zelda could play somewhat like Metroid Other M does? You could play with the wiimote sideways, and then it drops to first person when you wield it like a sword or a bow/arrow, etc... I don't think it would go 2.5d sidescrolling, but maybe something similar like the older titles. Speculation is fun.

Yes, I've considered it. The thought is terrifying.


camineet said:
4 days

Are you going to have another tab open to make sure you're the first to post about the announcement?


Zelda Wii - Revisiting the formula or revolutionising it?

A brand new Zelda for Wii will finally be announced at E3. It will have a name, we will see gameplay and the earth itself will crack open, swallowing up all of civilisation into its magmatic bowels.

Yes, if there’s one thing that gets Nintendo fans all hot and sticky with excitement, it’s the promise of a new Zelda game on a mainstream console. The game will require MotionPlus - a positive sign that combat will be heavily focussed on swordplay. Development of the game was rumoured to have started as early as 2005 - before the release of Twilight Princess - but production did not ramp up until 2008. Famed Zelda mastermind Eiji Aonuma is involved in the project but is not the head director for the game.

The first solid information came at E3 last year. Shigeru Miyamoto showed a piece of concept art at a developer’s roundtable, and after the image was leaked online, Nintendo decided to release it officially. The image is characterised by Link wielding a shield but weaponless, with a distinctly fairy-like female in the foreground that shares traits with the Master Sword. Combine the ominous foreboding of Link gazing wantonly at the figure with the news that MotionPlus would be a requirement, and you have a recipe for an interesting relationship between the saviour of Hyrule and his weapon of choice.

We know that combat will be front and centre, but how will the rest of the game play? If the musings of the development team are anything to go by, we can likely expect that large chunks of the established Zelda formula could be cast aside in favour of a less complicated experience. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks on the DS did away with the conventional map-compass-boss key approach to dungeon design and were none the worse for it. Could we expect that other aspects taken for granted in a Zelda game could also be changed or removed entirely from Zelda Wii? It’s doubtful that the game will be heavily reworked to appeal to casual audiences, but there will be some surprises in store and we may see a quantum leap for the series that hasn’t been seen since the switch from 2D to 3D.

Speaking of the Zelda team’s goals for the next adventure, Shigeru Miyamoto touted the broad possibilities they were hoping to bring to the player. "Every person’s own individual experiences with the game should be unique and be their own sort of ’My Zelda’ experience, and I think that’s super important, and we have to look at that when we’re creating dungeons and how we can make that come true. So we’re spending a lot of time concentrating our efforts in that area. But it’s not going to become individual: ’Hi, I’m this Zelda’ or ’I’m this Link!’ The experience will be unique but within the world that we’ve defined."

But easily the best news about the next Zelda, is that it is coming this year. Last year, Nintendo unveiled New Super Mario Bros. Wii at E3 and the game was out a few months later, a fantastic marketing move and one that keeps the more rabbid fans from going off the deep end. Gamers may have been aware of the existence of a made-for-Wii Zelda game for years, but this time around, Nintendo will have a finite window to unveil the game, release a torrent of media and build up a frenzied level of hype before the game releases. The new approach to shorter marketing cycles is a move in the right direction and we just don’t think we could wait another Twilight Princess-like wait between the unveiling and release.

And here’s a final thought for you - before next week is over, we will all know the name of the next Zelda game!



Dascu said:
Are you going to have another tab open to make sure you're the first to post about the announcement?


Sorry camineet, but that was just one of the highlights of last year. :D

If it makes you feel any better, I was one of the posters insisting your ban should be lifted as you were half right when the Zelda pic was posted.


Leondexter said:
Yes, I've considered it. The thought is terrifying.

I think the new Zelda will have a top down view ala the old titles or at least preset camera angles like Mario Galaxy and when pulling your sword/bow it will change into RE4-style 3rd person.

This seems like a natural fit with Nintendos "simplifying" of Zelda

Could be cool imo


Leondexter said:
Yes, I've considered it. The thought is terrifying.

Such misuse of the Wiimote could actually kill any will I have to play the game...
I'm already THAT close to not even considering Other M as it is


Of course it could be point and click ala the DS-titles and drawing your sword == 3rd person or something

I have a feeling we will be getting something completely new here


If you think about it, removing the nunchuk from the control scheme for Zelda wouldn't improve the ease of play as it does Other M - that approach seems to work best only for games based on a side-scrolling perspective. For games with constantly changing multiple perspectives a single wii-mote is a barrier.

I'm sure the devs would want to use WM+ in turn with auxiliary movement for the deepest gameplay experience. Otherwise, get used to being planted while sword-fighting.
Tuesday is my Christmas.

In a perfect world, here's how'd it go:

*Reggie comes out of a closet on stage with Cammie, they both act fake and tell us sales figures.
*Miyamoto and Iwata fly through the ceiling on dragons, cutting Reggie's and Cammie's heads off, then burning them to ashes with Dragon breath.
*Miyamoto and Iwata jump off their dragons, do multiple flips, and land perfectly. They sheath their swords.
*Crowd cheers. People from G4 and IGN have a stroke from the excitement.
*Miyamoto and Iwata reveal that they are actually gods who decended from the heavens to create a game that could end wars, and bring high levels of fun to every household! The two gods fuse into one Miyawata.
*Miyawata starts up a trailer... They warn us of its power.
*The trailer is Zelda Wii. It's amazing. Everyone dies from the intense rays of grateness the trailer radiates, but then they are resurrected because no loving gods, such as Miyamoto and Iwata, would allow their children to pass on to the next world without paying to play the game that caused it.
*Zelda Wii is released in stores the next day.
*Everyone dies, ending world hunger and war.

SIDENOTE: Wii's are in heaven, so it's totally cool.


KeeSomething said:
Tuesday is my Christmas.

In a perfect world, here's how'd it go:

*Reggie comes out of a closet on stage with Cammie, they both act fake and tell us sales figures.
*Miyamoto and Iwata fly through the ceiling on dragons, cutting Reggie's and Cammie's heads off, then burning them to ashes with Dragon breath.
*Miyamoto and Iwata jump off their dragons, do multiple flips, and land perfectly. They sheath their swords.
*Crowd cheers. People from G4 and IGN have a stroke from the excitement.
*Miyamoto and Iwata reveal that they are actually gods who decended from the heavens to create a game that could end wars, and bring high levels of fun to every household! The two gods fuse into one Miyawata.
*Miyawata starts up a trailer... They warn us of its power.
*The trailer is Zelda Wii. It's amazing. Everyone dies from the intense rays of grateness the trailer radiates, but then they are resurrected because no loving gods, such as Miyamoto and Iwata, would allow their children to pass on to the next world without paying to play the game that caused it.
*Zelda Wii is released in stores the next day.
*Everyone dies, ending world hunger and war.

SIDENOTE: Wii's are in heaven, so it's totally cool.

Nice to see someone pull their head from their behind and have realistic predictions (although, where did they get the dragons from? did they create them on the spot? have they been hiding them somewhere?).

Great read and laugh in any case.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
KeeSomething said:
Tuesday is my Christmas.

In a perfect world, here's how'd it go:

*Reggie comes out of a closet on stage with Cammie, they both act fake and tell us sales figures.
*Miyamoto and Iwata fly through the ceiling on dragons, cutting Reggie's and Cammie's heads off, then burning them to ashes with Dragon breath.
*Miyamoto and Iwata jump off their dragons, do multiple flips, and land perfectly. They sheath their swords.
*Crowd cheers. People from G4 and IGN have a stroke from the excitement.
*Miyamoto and Iwata reveal that they are actually gods who decended from the heavens to create a game that could end wars, and bring high levels of fun to every household! The two gods fuse into one Miyawata.
*Miyawata starts up a trailer... They warn us of its power.
*The trailer is Zelda Wii. It's amazing. Everyone dies from the intense rays of grateness the trailer radiates, but then they are resurrected because no loving gods, such as Miyamoto and Iwata, would allow their children to pass on to the next world without paying to play the game that caused it.
*Zelda Wii is released in stores the next day.
*Everyone dies, ending world hunger and war.

SIDENOTE: Wii's are in heaven, so it's totally cool.
*inches slowly away from Kee


jacksrb said:
Nice to see someone pull their head from their behind and have realistic predictions (although, where did they get the dragons from? did they create them on the spot? have they been hiding them somewhere?).

Great read and laugh in any case.

Where do you think all that R&D money was spent? The 3DS? Pfft.


KeeSomething said:
Tuesday is my Christmas.

In a perfect world, here's how'd it go:

*Reggie comes out of a closet on stage with Cammie, they both act fake and tell us sales figures.
*Miyamoto and Iwata fly through the ceiling on dragons, cutting Reggie's and Cammie's heads off, then burning them to ashes with Dragon breath.
*Miyamoto and Iwata jump off their dragons, do multiple flips, and land perfectly. They sheath their swords.
*Crowd cheers. People from G4 and IGN have a stroke from the excitement.
*Miyamoto and Iwata reveal that they are actually gods who decended from the heavens to create a game that could end wars, and bring high levels of fun to every household! The two gods fuse into one Miyawata.
*Miyawata starts up a trailer... They warn us of its power.
*The trailer is Zelda Wii. It's amazing. Everyone dies from the intense rays of grateness the trailer radiates, but then they are resurrected because no loving gods, such as Miyamoto and Iwata, would allow their children to pass on to the next world without paying to play the game that caused it.
*Zelda Wii is released in stores the next day.
*Everyone dies, ending world hunger and war.

SIDENOTE: Wii's are in heaven, so it's totally cool.
As in they actually die? Because I'm still angry at matirez rpgz zelda :mad:


Vinci said:
Where do you think all that R&D money was spent? The 3DS? Pfft.

3D dragons, that's where! 3DS = 3 Dragons (in 3D, of course).

Any consensus here about the way the bow and arrow will be implemented in Zelda Wii? Although I loved the archery in Wii Sports Resort, the off hand issue and speed would lead me to go for the more pointer based aiming of TP.


JodyAnthony said:
Zelda, 3DS, and Fallout: New Vegas make this the best E3 ever for me. All it needs is Suikoden 6.

Oh how I wish that would happen.

But that wouldn’t be announced at E3, anyways. TGS
KeeSomething said:
Tuesday is my Christmas.

In a perfect world, here's how'd it go:

*Reggie comes out of a closet on stage with Cammie, they both act fake and tell us sales figures.
*Miyamoto and Iwata fly through the ceiling on dragons, cutting Reggie's and Cammie's heads off, then burning them to ashes with Dragon breath.
*Miyamoto and Iwata jump off their dragons, do multiple flips, and land perfectly. They sheath their swords.
*Crowd cheers. People from G4 and IGN have a stroke from the excitement.
*Miyamoto and Iwata reveal that they are actually gods who decended from the heavens to create a game that could end wars, and bring high levels of fun to every household! The two gods fuse into one Miyawata.
*Miyawata starts up a trailer... They warn us of its power.
*The trailer is Zelda Wii. It's amazing. Everyone dies from the intense rays of grateness the trailer radiates, but then they are resurrected because no loving gods, such as Miyamoto and Iwata, would allow their children to pass on to the next world without paying to play the game that caused it.
*Zelda Wii is released in stores the next day.
*Everyone dies, ending world hunger and war.

SIDENOTE: Wii's are in heaven, so it's totally cool.

amazing :lol :lol :lol I laughed so hard at this
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