Pyrokai said:Woah.....Auonuma isn't the head director this time? Who is?
TSA said:This isn't a bad thing. There are plenty of able staff at Nintendo who could direct a Zelda title (Koizumi, Tezuka, Aonuma, Tanabe), but if you're looking for real possibilities:
Of course, it could be somebody outside of the Zelda/Twilight Princess team.
camineet said:4 days
SpokkX said:I think the new Zelda will have a top down view ala the old titles or at least preset camera angles like Mario Galaxy and when pulling your sword/bow it will change into RE4-style 3rd person.
This seems like a natural fit with Nintendos "simplifying" of Zelda
Could be cool imo
Mael said:Such misuse of the Wiimote could actually kill any will I have to play the game...
I'm already THAT close to not even considering Other M as it is
Branduil said:The new Zelda will be directed by Kojima. It will tell the story of the Metal Triforce, which is being kept hidden in the Snowpeak Mountains, where it is protected by Dark Link.
D-Pad said:Optional dungeons/epic boss battles to gain super weapons/armor/rupees would be amazing. And Vaati.
Sklorenz said:Side dungeons/Quests would be nice. It would give a similar break to the main game in the way that MM did. It was nice being able to go on little adventures or save a ranch from ghosts/thieves or whatever for the sake of an extra optional item. I'd like to see that incorporated more in some fashion.
"Every persons own individual experiences with the game should be unique and be their own sort of My Zelda experience, and I think thats super important, and we have to look at that when were creating dungeons and how we can make that come true. So were spending a lot of time concentrating our efforts in that area. But its not going to become individual: Hi, Im this Zelda or Im this Link! The experience will be unique but within the world that weve defined."
Jason's Ultimatum said:I wonder if this quote has something to do with the NPCs in the game?
Actually, every single Japanese man shares this trait.Vinci said:Nintendo has this habit of talking very philosophically about something that's actually very basic. For example, I bet that paragraph is describing how you get to name your save file after yourself.
Haunted said:You know, there's a reason why so many Link cosplayers are female. :lol
I'd like to insert my Master Sword into their Pedestal's of Time if you know what I meanBroken Arrow said:Oh man, I would love to take out my Hyrule sword and jump right in the middle...
It's actually a conspiracy created by the SAGES, a group of time-independent microchips who destroyed Hyrule in the future in order to procreate with Link's mother.Sklorenz said:The secret of the ever-reoccurring links will finally be revealed, and it will make less sense.
Easy_D said:At the very least, I would like one secret dungeon. One that just makes you go "WTF" and it could possibly reveal something awesome, like you'd get some cutscene that explains shit about the game that makes you go "MIND BLOWN!" rather than give you an item.
It's nice to dream.
No, it is not.Assemble! said:Is it wrong I want Link to have speech (or text) and say "Well, excuuuse me, princess!" at least once????
B-But that'll make you a kid...Easy_D said:I'd like to insert my Master Sword into their Pedestal's of Time if you know what I mean
That would be diabolical :lolVinci said:Or a cave that you travel through for hours, fighting off endless hordes of monsters (all of them unique from one another and with various tactics you must employ to defeat them), it's awesome and ridiculously inventive... and you get to the end and there's just an empty room with not a damn thing in it. You look back where you came from and enemies are respawning or reforming themselves somehow, so you must fight your way back through them all to exit.
Woah.....Auonuma isn't the head director this time? Who is?
This isn't a bad thing. There are plenty of able staff at Nintendo who could direct a Zelda title (Koizumi, Tezuka, Aonuma, Tanabe), but if you're looking for real possibilities:
Branduil said:The new Zelda will be directed by Kojima. It will tell the story of the Metal Triforce, which is being kept hidden in the Snowpeak Mountains, where it is protected by Dark Link.
How About No said:Also Malon is the main character
beelzebozo said:who's malan
IAmtheFMan said:What if Nintendo didn't show Zelda at E3?
Jason's Ultimatum said:Malon is the woman I had sex with while the horses were watching.
Skiesofwonder said:How are you NOT going to show something that will be playable on the show floor?
well its nintendo so it might happen (not showing zelda that is)IAmtheFMan said:What if Nintendo didn't show Zelda at E3?
Skiesofwonder said:How are you NOT going to show something that will be playable on the show floor?
The screens will be covered, duh.Skiesofwonder said:How are you NOT going to show something that will be playable on the show floor?
Skiesofwonder said:How are you NOT going to show something that will be playable on the show floor?
Can't post that here, make a new thread. :lol (don't do it!)Green Scar said:Twilight Princess Wii playable on show floor
Oh, thanks! Maybe Reggiemoto will show some of the co-op features. Kind of like Resident Evil 5.AceBandage said:Well, Auonuma said it would be playable on the show floor.
So, we'll likely see a trailer, then Miyamoto jump on stage in a green tunic and he and Reggie explain how to play the game while Cammie demonstrates.
FunkyPajamas said:Can't post that here, make a new thread. :lol (don't do it!)
So, what are the realistic expectations? Trailer similar to the 2006 trailer? Live demo by Miyamoto? Playable? Another drawing?
No, I don't.Easy_D said:I'd like to insert my Master Sword into their Pedestal's of Time if you know what I mean
Ether_Snake said:I think his weapon is basically a magical sword that can turn into any weapon/tool.
So the sword can turn into the arrow, the hookshot, the boomrang, etc. This is because the player never actually changes input device (always the Wiimote) so in the same way Link never actually changes weapon, especially since you have 1-1 control between the Wiimote and the sword.
To it will be more immersive in that regard because in a way, you are always holding "the sword", it just changes based on how you want to use it.
Didn't you have a dream about that the other night?Jason's Ultimatum said:Malon is the woman I had sex with while the horses were watching.