Vanille said:Doubt it. First hour will probably be dedicated to the 3DS.
yup and charts and BS
Vanille said:Doubt it. First hour will probably be dedicated to the 3DS.
EzLink said:Wow, I'm surprised about these rumors. Nintendo always has a tight lid on their heavy hitting games, especially with Zelda, but the guy is staking his entire reputation on them being true. He has nothing to gain from lying and everything to lose
Where did the high-detail MM moon face come from?AceBandage said:Wrong.
There ya go.
Thank you.AceBandage said:
I always imagine it being read in the voice at the beginning of Super Metroid.The_Technomancer said:Every time I see those MM moon images, I imagine the caption being read in a deep voice, and I get this feeling of apprehension, like I have to do something important.
Boney said:When did they show Zelda in 2006? We already knew about the game so it's kinda different but still.
I can't help but hear the deep boom that followed the messages in MM, before hearing a rooster call and Clock Town music. :lol :lolThe_Technomancer said:Every time I see those MM moon images, I imagine the caption being read in a deep voice, and I get this feeling of apprehension, like I have to do something important.
How about a villain that is to Ganon what Melkor was to Sauron?Andrex said:I don't really want Vaati. I wouldn't mind a completely new villain, somehow tying in with Ganon, though. Maybe the villain does something which turns Ganon so evil in the future, or something. Have it very loosely related, and go all the way on it, don't cop-out and half-ass it at the end like Zant.
farnham said:something tells me nintendo will not show zelda and release another artwork instead
farnham said:something tells me nintendo will not show zelda and release another artwork instead
Oh alright dude we coo'Twig said:Word of advice: don't take my insults seriously. I don't mean it. It's just how I communicate. I am a duck. I can't help but quack.
Branduil said:Where did the high-detail MM moon face come from?
PounchEnvy said:Didn't they even confirm playable demos for E3? Maybe I misheard.
farnham said:something tells me nintendo will not show zelda and release another artwork instead
GeneralIroh said:unintuitive system = stupid ass song you have to play to change the wind direction
Instant feedback is the reason why Epona is infinitely superior
I have the feeling that he said that because they only plan to show a teaser. :O I hope it's more. :lolEatChildren said:No playable demos confirmed, but the interview with Miyamoto a couple of months back, where he explained some of the direction for Zelda Wii and that it would be at E3, did say something along the lines of "but you will need to feel it to really understand it".
I suspect it will be playable.
The the hilarity that would ensue from the epic meltdown from GAF would make it totally worth it.farnham said:something tells me nintendo will not show zelda and release another artwork instead
farnham said:no srsly if i was nintendo id probably hold zelda back at this point. they will not have any threat this holiday season even if they have nothing
Zelda Wii will be released November 21, 2010. Count on it.brandonh83 said:Zelda was never going to come out this year anyway.
HappyBivouac said:You know, I've been quietly wanting to start a Sailing Defense Force for years. I think I might just be ready to do it.
:0:0:0:0darkwings said:someone tell me this pic is real!!!!!!!
British gaming side VG247 has gotten over the first details about the next Zelda game for Wii, which teaches to be shown at E3 tomorrow. Among other things, teaches the full name being "The Legend of Zelda" without subtitles, and that there will be a tougher challenge for all Zelda veterans.
Zelda Wii's official title is "The Legend of Zelda" - There Is no subtitle.
The story is set several hundred years before Ocarina of Time and Reveal how the Master Word was created.
The fairy-like girl, Zordiana, plays an important character in the game.
The Hook Shot hock New Abilities and goodwill note Immediately pull you to the target you aimed, and You Can swing with it, like with the Grappling Hook from Wind Waker. The hook shot Doe note spouse use of the Wii MotionPlus.
Sometimes You Have to "draw" a symbol on a door with your sword to open it.
The Bow-Control is very Similar To The Bow-Control in Wii Sports Resort.
"There are Two Levels Of Difficulty. Aonuma put it through. Miyamoto Did not want to include it.The Normal Mode for amateurs. The Hero Mode has no" Super Guide "included & the Tough enemies".
The On-Stage Dungeon, Which Is Also playable at E3, isn't a Dungeon as we know it from the Zelda series. When fermentation a Dungeon, You Will notice Note You are the one. It Will Be a smooth gradation. There Will Be Dungeons With No Bosses and Bosses with no Dungeon. The "Dungeon" You are printable to play at E3 Will Be an ice-Level. It Will Be The First "Dungeon" in the Game.
darkwings said:
darkwings said:
*cries*lordy88 said:Don't do that to us! That's a gerry mod shot! Right? RIGHT!?!?
Edit: Yes, it is you bastard:
Game-Biz said::0:0:0:0
Looks somewhat real to me.
Here's a link to the page:
sounds ridiculously fake.Game-Biz said::0:0:0:0
Looks somewhat real to me.
Here's a link to the page:
Damn those localization bastards. Always leaking valuable info to Germans guys instead of profiting from it by, you know, selling it to large websites that would actually pay semi-decent money for the info. Translators have no sense of business and profit.lordy88 said:That info is from the "leak" from know the one with the friend of the german guy thats friends with the translator for one of the guys from Nintendo....
since when is 17 a fewBlack-Wind said:Fake shit be fake and shit . . .
Just a few more hours people, lets not get crazy. :/
Black-Wind said:Fake shit be fake and shit . . .
Just a few more hours people, lets not get crazy. :/
I discovered yesterday that I have a TP save file that left off right before the Arbiter's Grounds. So I beat that last night and I'm going to try to finish the rest today to get me through the wait.Twig said:since when is 17 a few
suddenly it all makes SENSEJason's Ultimatum said:A few more hours? Are you a redneck by chance? :lol
Twig said:since when is 17 a few
Time moves faster for rednecks? 0_oJason's Ultimatum said:A few more hours? Are you a redneck by chance? :lol