I'm hoping for an English trailer and NA release date announcement for Xenoblade at Nintendo's press conference.
What are the odds?
What are the odds?
-Epic Mickey
VITALITY SENSORRez said:wow, I hope the conference is as good as that lineup.
people have different tastes? Inconceivable!Cow Mengde said:I'm still confused as to why anyone is even excited about this game. The plot sounds interesting, but plot means nothing to a platformer. The meat and bones is the gameplay and the level design. All we know is some vague painting mechanic that doesn't even sound very good in a platformer.
I'm only keeping an eye on it because it's Mickey, otherwise, I really couldn't care less about it.
In Spector we trust.Cow Mengde said:I'm still confused as to why anyone is even excited about this game. The plot sounds interesting, but plot means nothing to a platformer. The meat and bones is the gameplay and the level design. All we know is some vague painting mechanic that doesn't even sound very good in a platformer.
I'm only keeping an eye on it because it's Mickey, otherwise, I really couldn't care less about it.
Cow Mengde said:I'm still confused as to why anyone is even excited about this game. The plot sounds interesting, but plot means nothing to a platformer. The meat and bones is the gameplay and the level design. All we know is some vague painting mechanic that doesn't even sound very good in a platformer.
I'm only keeping an eye on it because it's Mickey, otherwise, I really couldn't care less about it.
becauseCow Mengde said:I'm still confused as to why anyone is even excited about this game. The plot sounds interesting, but plot means nothing to a platformer. The meat and bones is the gameplay and the level design. All we know is some vague painting mechanic that doesn't even sound very good in a platformer.
I'm only keeping an eye on it because it's Mickey, otherwise, I really couldn't care less about it.
Cow Mengde said:I'm still confused as to why anyone is even excited about this game. The plot sounds interesting, but plot means nothing to a platformer. The meat and bones is the gameplay and the level design. All we know is some vague painting mechanic that doesn't even sound very good in a platformer.
I'm only keeping an eye on it because it's Mickey, otherwise, I really couldn't care less about it.
Jason's Ultimatum said:How in the fuck will Nintendo's PC be bad, Kozak? Are you high or something?
-Most likely live demo of Zelda Wii
-3DS and game demos
-Possibly Pikmin 3
-Possibly Retro's new game
-Golden Sun 3
-Epic Mickey
-Metroid Other M
With Sony, all I'm interested in is Last Guardian, hopefully Agent, and um, hopefully Syphon Filter along with some PSN games.
Anth0ny said:I think we will hear about/see Retro's Donkey Kong game. Apparently it's been in development since early 2006.
This. Most of the press, especially those on podcasts hate the wii, so for them to be positive is a pretty good sign.DeathbyVolcano said:The fact that Spector is behind it, its art style is wonderful, and mostly because a few people from the judges week for E3 thought it was awesome (Garnett and the gang).
avatar299 said:This. Most of the press, especially those on podcasts hate the wii, so for them to be positive is a pretty good sign.
I guess I'm one of the few that thought Nintendo's press conference last year was great
Other M and SMG2 were nice surprises that made it a rather enjoyable conference for me. Not one of Nintendo's very best, but leaps and bounds beyond that catastrophe in 2008.DeathbyVolcano said:It was, for the most part, decent. It's just a shame that the two games that mattered most to gaffers were just sneaked in at the end with really no mention about their development.
The Legend of Waifu: A Zelda Dating Sim for the 3DSsnesfreak said:New avatar to celebrate Zelda Wii
And because I'm crazy
Nice.snesfreak said:New avatar to celebrate Zelda Wii
And because I'm crazy
You can only talk so much about Zelda with the scant information we've been given. :lolJarlaxle said:when did the zelda thread switch to the all nintendo conference thread?
BertramCooper said:You can only talk so much about Zelda with the scant information we've been given. :lol
Gahiggidy said:Worst part of last year's E3 was the realization that they had pretty much nothing big coming out for Holiday 2009. No-fun fact, I did not play a single video game in 2009. This year, I've only played that Google Pac-Man game.
IAmtheFMan said:I do think that this E3 has the potential to be Nintendo's best in years. The fact that it's TWO hours long already impresses me since Nintendo has NEVER done an E3 press conference that long. Remember in E3 2004, Nintendo managed to show trailers of MP2, Star Fox, RE 4, introduced the DS, had a few montage trailers for GC and GBA, had really early Revolution talk, and revealed Zelda in like 50 some minutes.
Meanwhile this year, while Sony and Microsoft are focusing on Kinect and Move for their PC's, Nintendo doesn't need to convince the world anymore. Sure they'll spend some time on Wii Relax or whatever, but even with that I think we'll be shown more output then in the last 2-3 years. Also I think Iwata had a quote earlier this year about how there'll be more core games for the Nintendo fans has already started to come to fruition (with SMG 2, etc.)
The things that i think are no brainers:
Metroid: Other M
S&P 2
Epic Mickey (I actually think quite a bit of time's gonna be spent on this game)
3DS (maybe 1/2 hour or so?)
Wii Relax, next casual market plans, other games that take advantage of Wii vitality sensor
Other 3rd party output that they try to convince us is worth playing
Things that I think have a good chance of showing up (but not holding my breath until they do):
Retro's game
Project Sora
Pikmin 3? (I still don't believe this game exists until I see it)
Xenoblade and Last Story
And I also think Nintendo will have a surprise or two hopefully. (DQ X finally shown?)
Well I heard from someone in Nintendo that the new Zelda will use motion plus.Jarlaxle said:Oh, yeah? Well stop me if you've heard this one before. My friend thinks that girl from the art design is actually....THE MASTER SWORD!!!!!!
:lolVizion28 said:Nintendo is the only few companies, perhaps the only company, that thinks outside of the box. And I say that without fanboyism.
Jarlaxle said:Oh, yeah? Well stop me if you've heard this one before. My friend thinks that girl from the art design is actually....THE MASTER SWORD!!!!!!
Errr... I've been kinda busy. Sorry. Moving forward, I plan to stay up much more up to date in Nintendoland.DeathbyVolcano said:Did you just, like, glance over the fact that NSMBW happens to be one of the best selling games on the system? :lol
Kilgore Trout said:Well I heard from someone in Nintendo that the new Zelda will use motion plus.
Well I think it's a safe bet to say that the 3DS will get an hour alone. I'd say about 35 minutes on Wii stuff then, 10 on general company/connecting bullshit and 15 on the normal DS.IAmtheFMan said:I do think that this E3 has the potential to be Nintendo's best in years. The fact that it's TWO hours long already impresses me since Nintendo has NEVER done an E3 press conference that long. Remember in E3 2004, Nintendo managed to show trailers of MP2, Star Fox, RE 4, introduced the DS, had a few montage trailers for GC and GBA, had really early Revolution talk, and revealed Zelda in like 50 some minutes.
Meanwhile this year, while Sony and Microsoft are focusing on Kinect and Move for their PC's, Nintendo doesn't need to convince the world anymore. Sure they'll spend some time on Wii Relax or whatever, but even with that I think we'll be shown more output then in the last 2-3 years. Also I think Iwata had a quote earlier this year about how there'll be more core games for the Nintendo fans has already started to come to fruition (with SMG 2, etc.)
The things that i think are no brainers:
Metroid: Other M
S&P 2
Epic Mickey (I actually think quite a bit of time's gonna be spent on this game)
3DS (maybe 1/2 hour or so?)
Wii Relax, next casual market plans, other games that take advantage of Wii vitality sensor
Other 3rd party output that they try to convince us is worth playing
Things that I think have a good chance of showing up (but not holding my breath until they do):
Retro's game
Project Sora
Pikmin 3? (I still don't believe this game exists until I see it)
Xenoblade and Last Story
And I also think Nintendo will have a surprise or two hopefully. (DQ X finally shown?)
IAmtheFMan said:I do think that this E3 has the potential to be Nintendo's best in years. The fact that it's TWO hours long already impresses me since Nintendo has NEVER done an E3 press conference that long. Remember in E3 2004, Nintendo managed to show trailers of MP2, Star Fox, RE 4, introduced the DS, had a few montage trailers for GC and GBA, had really early Revolution talk, and revealed Zelda in like 50 some minutes.
Meanwhile this year, while Sony and Microsoft are focusing on Kinect and Move for their PC's, Nintendo doesn't need to convince the world anymore. Sure they'll spend some time on Wii Relax or whatever, but even with that I think we'll be shown more output then in the last 2-3 years. Also I think Iwata had a quote earlier this year about how there'll be more core games for the Nintendo fans has already started to come to fruition (with SMG 2, etc.)
The things that i think are no brainers:
Metroid: Other M
S&P 3 fixed!
Epic Mickey (I actually think quite a bit of time's gonna be spent on this game)
3DS (maybe 1/2 hour or so?)
Wii Relax, next casual market plans, other games that take advantage of Wii vitality sensor
Other 3rd party output that they try to convince us is worth playing
Things that I think have a good chance of showing up (but not holding my breath until they do):
Retro's game
Project Sora
Pikmin 3? (I still don't believe this game exists until I see it)
Xenoblade and Last Story
And I also think Nintendo will have a surprise or two hopefully. (DQ X finally shown?)
DeathbyVolcano said:There's a rumor going around that is saying there's some test footage of Zelda Wii being shown of the showfloor, and that is indeed cel-shaded. It's most definitely bullshit.
Bentendo said:But you registered in August of 2006! :lol
Gahiggidy said:Errr... I've been kinda busy. Sorry. Moving forward, I plan to stay up much more up to date in Nintendoland.
Bentendo said:
Skiesofwonder said:Zelda fan-sites around the net are talking about some small video clip that was leaked of Zelda Wii. According to "sources", the video shows a Cel_Shaded adult link wielding a mysterious sword and a clip of Miyamoto swinging around a motion+ wiimote.
The only reason I am posting this rumor is because I SO BADLY want it to be true.
why do you people WANT ugly muddy tp graphicsTruePrime said:Very disappointing for me personally if true. But there are plenty of other things this E3 that losing out on Zelda won't be that big a lose.