Graphics Horse
I think if the console releases later they'll just bundle it with Mario Kart or similar. Will get plenty of sales that way.
Yep thats what I'm most looking forward to learning about and hopefully its an official feature and not just something lost in speculation and analyzation. Lets hope we find out shortly.
It would also mean Nintendo wouldn't be developing software for two different audiences, the infamous example here being New Super Mario Bros. 2 and New Super Mario Bros. U shipping within months of each other. This should result in more franchises being covered and a greater output of software.
I think if the console releases later they'll just bundle it with Mario Kart or similar. Will get plenty of sales that way.
I think they can release both this year if they are doing a shared platform. Even space them out by a couple months (September/November). As far as retail space goes, in this climate, all they need to do is say that Wii U has been discontinued and the consoles will be gone from shelves in no time. Such is the market for collectors/scalpers.
And what about the 3DS?I think they can release both this year if they are doing a shared platform. Even space them out by a couple months (September/November). As far as retail space goes, in this climate, all they need to do is say that Wii U has been discontinued and the consoles will be gone from shelves in no time. Such is the market for collectors/scalpers.
And what about the 3DS?
Yep thats what I'm most looking forward to learning about and hopefully its an official feature and not just something lost in speculation and analyzation. Lets hope we find out shortly.
It would also mean Nintendo wouldn't be developing software for two different audiences, the infamous example here being New Super Mario Bros. 2 and New Super Mario Bros. U shipping within months of each other. This should result in more franchises being covered and a greater output of software.
And what about the 3DS?
The thing that justifies super strict NDAs
That's my biggest takeaway from a shared library. I really hope that's the route they're taking.
That doesn't work if Nintendo are making a shared platform. Iwata said they would take into account different environments for different regions.
Maybe we can add this quote to the OP's links?
That doesn't work if Nintendo are making a shared platform. Iwata said they would take into account different environments for different regions.
Maybe we can add this quote to the OP's links?
Iwata already hinted in that direction so I guess that is the way they go and to be's a little bit sad but from a business standpoint of view the only logical decision.
what is this?
came across it when searching nintendo nx on google in past 24h
Anything over $199 is deader than dead on arrival.So if the Handheld is coming out this year what price are you guys expecting?
199.So if the Handheld is coming out this year what price are you guys expecting?
what is this?
came across it when searching nintendo nx on google in past 24h
Spiritual successor of Disaster: Day of Crisis Nintendo
So if the Handheld is coming out this year what price are you guys expecting?
A page that should be deleted.Lol
what is this?
came across it when searching nintendo nx on google in past 24h
We're talking about $199 for the handheld & $299 for the console.Question:
1) Does everyone wants to pay 199$ for a console thats is as powerfull as xbox one?
2) Or a console that cost 399$ but is 1.5 the power of ps4
3) Wants a console at the price of 199$ but can buy additional units to make it more powerfull.
Why i'm asking it, if you look at the smartphone business. A new iphone will cost about 799$. Oculus rift and a good pc will cost you about 1400$ or more.
So i'm wondering why the most only want to pay 199$ for handheld/console, and are satisfied with a console 3y later that is equal to vita or xbox one?
Why should that be a smart move from nintendo?
Zany new control schemes that are both impossible with current Wii U and re-creatable on all NX form factors (to allow the kind of shared platform many seem to expect)? Wii U's lack/outdated kind of power is much more likely the limiting factor than some new shared controls (if the controls are shared between form factors to begin with).Expect zany new control schemes to be part of that.
Hmm with unified library. I don't see why average consumer will want both nx platforms. Most will stick to one nx hardware. Kinda like ps4/vita....u less Nintendo has a bundle ;d?lol who am I kidding.
We're talking about $199 for the handheld & $299 for the console.
But you have to consider that Nintendo may not be willing to sell either NX device at a massive loss. As for something unique, if this shared platform thing pans out, it can't be something that can't be done on both form factors. Nintendo pretty much has to go for cheap, especially given the very real possibility of the PS4 & XB1 getting price cuts during the holidays. The Wii U & the 3DS in terms of pricing were likely lessons for Nintendo. At the very least, don't expect the NX Handheld to exceed $200.I still think it's cheap to deliver something thats powerful enough.
You must also remember that nintendo mostly deliver something unique with their harware.
That will also add extra cost with the system.
Iphone is also portable and people wants to pay 799$ dollar for it.
Ps4 sales are also good and it didn't cost 299$ at launch.
You can't release a system that is that cheap and expect something amazing in terms of power.
Zany new control schemes that are both impossible with current Wii U and re-creatable on all NX form factors (to allow the kind of shared platform many seem to expect)? Wii U's lack/outdated kind of power is much more likely the limiting factor than some new shared controls (if the controls are shared between form factors to begin with).
But you have to consider that Nintendo may not be willing to sell either NX device at a massive loss. As for something unique, if this shared platform thing pans out, it can't be something that can't be done on both form factors. Nintendo pretty much has to go for cheap, especially given the very real possibility of the PS4 & XB1 getting price cuts during the holidays.
The Wii U & the 3DS in terms of pricing were likely lessons for Nintendo. At the very least, don't expect the NX Handheld to exceed $200.
I assume that you're referring to the NX Handheld in your last paragraph. And even then, the Vita's technology has gone down in price significantly since the launch of the system. It shouldn't be hard for Nintendo to surpass it for the same price as the Vita was when it was first released.Yes, but lets say the wiiu didn't use a tablet and the price was about 180$
The system will still fails, because it wasn't as powerful as xbox1 or even ps3. People don't want to buy a system anymore that is behind the rest.
On the other hand, i understand that a expensive console that is just powerfull isn't enough to sell the system. It still should have something unique, so that gamers has a reason to buy it.
Do you think the nx will be more powerfull then the vita? I believe if the price is 199$, it will have the same power as vita.
I believe the vita price is still 199$ (not sure).
If my cellphone had all the buttons needed to play Skyrim with a suspend feature then I don't see how it would be impractical. Actually that would be awesome.
Some people just don't have the free time to sit down in front a TV for three hours a session just to play a video game. Hell I only work three days a week (12 hours shifts) but with a fiancée, puppy, and social life I've strugged to push through Xenoblade X, and had the same trouble with Witcher 3 and Fallout 4. Thankfully
I can play Xenoblade X on the Gamerpad when needed and Witcher 3/Fallout 4 on remote play through the Vita. Is that prefered? No, but it's not impractical.
There is one other consideration that may push Nintendo into releasing both consoles simultaneously (or close to it); there's a strong incentive, both for PR and for the sake of attracting third parties, of having the quickest possible uptake of NX hardware. Being able to say there's a market of X million devices sold right out of the gate gives them the best chance of persuading third parties to get on board, and if they release both devices at the same time they're potentially doubling those early sales numbers.
If your progress is saved to the cartridge & can be carried over to the NX Console when you get home, I don't see the problem.When playing video games on say a train ride. It's a whole lot better for games to be played in bite-sized spurts. Something like Skyrim is meant to be played in 3 hour long sessions. I can't see anyone in Japan playing Zelda U on their handheld over something like A Link Between Worlds or even an F2P game.
Oh don't get me wrong, I'd love that. But this is Game Freak we're talking about.Neoxon will kill me for this but they could bundle Pokemon Z with the handheld and Smash NX with the console, would be a crazy launch.
When playing video games on say a train ride. It's a whole lot better for games to be played in bite-sized spurts. Something like Skyrim is meant to be played in 3 hour long sessions. I can't see anyone in Japan playing Zelda U on their handheld over something like A Link Between Worlds or even an F2P game.
We're talking about $199 for the handheld & $299 for the console.
When playing video games on say a train ride. It's a whole lot better for games to be played in bite-sized spurts. Something like Skyrim is meant to be played in 3 hour long sessions. I can't see anyone in Japan playing Zelda U on their handheld over something like A Link Between Worlds or even an F2P game.
Neoxon will kill me for this but they could bundle Pokemon Z with the handheld and Smash NX with the console, would be a crazy launch.
Eh. Nintendo said itself that the repeating issue is maintaining the active use rate by having a steady flow of releases (topic 18 in OP). This is even more important if this platform is indeed hardware independent and to have a long breath. Having high sales right out of the gate won't help new third party support much; that support will either need to be there before the hardware release, or it won't be there for another one to two years to come due to development times, during which lackluster sales could quickly stop development again like the wait and see approach of plenty publishers on previous Nintendo systems have shown. NX is better off with steady and consistent sales while continuously increasing library size and variety of available compatible hardware.There is one other consideration that may push Nintendo into releasing both consoles simultaneously (or close to it); there's a strong incentive, both for PR and for the sake of attracting third parties, of having the quickest possible uptake of NX hardware. Being able to say there's a market of X million devices sold right out of the gate gives them the best chance of persuading third parties to get on board, and if they release both devices at the same time they're potentially doubling those early sales numbers.
Pokemon is the one game I actually can't picture being bundled. Lots of extra hoops there to jump through, and if you are going to force bundle a game (presumably that's what you meant), I don't know that a sequel to a well established franchise is actually the best idea. It should be something everyone really has to try at least once, like wii sports. After all, about 2/3rds of 3ds owners never bother to pick pokemon x/y up, and that's a lot of people to force a game on.
If your progress is saved to the cartridge & can be carried over to the NX Console when you get home, I don't see the problem.
Hmm with unified library. I don't see why average consumer will want both nx platforms. Most will stick to one nx hardware. Kinda like ps4/vita....u less Nintendo has a bundle ;d?lol who am I kidding.