Nintendo: my first console. Special place in my heart even though I haven’t owned one in years.
Sony: the guys that changed gaming for the better. early 2000s when everybody had one even if they didn’t play games, baggy jeans with Air Force ones….. gta 3, EA fight night , shadow of collusus, GT4!….. all of my friends owning one. And my red Honda Civic Sir that I really thought was the shit…. 2 Fast 2furious was a big deal back then.

PS2 was amazing. PS2 was the console of the era. Even though I ain’t owned a PS since the PS3, much like Nintendo i have a fondness for them, that stems back to my youth. Who wasn’t blown away by ridge racer 1 the first time they played it at home? Or wipeout? Or how about my face Sony game of all time shadow or the collusus? Nothing but find memos my times owning Sony consoles.
Xbox: x360 to the present… it’s a group Wassap for me and my friends….only we mostly blame eachother for rolling the enemy’s spawn point to behind us on COD…..endless rainbow six vegas sessions, back in the late 2000, turning into halo 3 endless sessions before everybody just said “ cod all day”….. that rough patch when there was no big exclusive but we somehow didn’t care because we were co-op-ing the shit out of borderlands. Driving around pointlessly in forza horizon and being amazed the first time we did that…. Endless roads in our face cars… really fealt like a road trip or the gumball 3000…in my Porsche with my at this point Xbox live Freinds of ten years and going…. There are about 30+ of us…. Just Don’t call us a clan! we are a clique! Speaking of which….. never try to play sea of theives without friends… or any mmo or gaas game for that matter! I love my single player games but I just love open word type games with my friends…..did anybody else use to throw their friends at enemies on crack down 1? My friends hated that shit but I couldn’t Help myself…. Or R6 vegas when people come into the lobby that your hosting and you and your boys kill everybody with just desert eagles, and C4 on killhouse ….. we was horrible!

I’ll always love Xbox for simply being the console that so have these memories on. On a side note: Glad we are in a time when we have big MMOs on console. My friends do the missions…. I just tag a long, roll my spliffs and range attack the shit out of everything…. Apart from when I’m playing halo, cod or battlefield. I gotta uphold my reputation as a first person beast among my click. Nobody ever plays me at fighting games, because well… I talk too much shitvwhen I win. Which is all the time…… Xbox has been fun. Shout out to my clique of misfits. Wouldn’t play games with anybody else on any other console…

…. Cross play don’t count, or matter. We whoop everybody ass on the games When we show up in a lobby. Teamwork baby!
Matter of fact…. I’m out. Might fuck around on borderlands 3. feel like fighting some bosses and talking shit with my homies. Well….. actually they are gonna fight the bosses. I’m just gonna park up my character and collect XP. Game gives you a silly amount of guns you never use anyway

♂. We are playing COD ground war right now and I’m just hiding…. I’m so good at hiding on warzone. I went a whole match without killing anybody or dying. They should make Am achievement for that shit. We lost….. should have heard some of the other people in the headset….. next thing you know it’s an all out cussing match between ransoms and my friends

. Xbox online is toxic as fuck but funny as fuck too! To be fair I took the piss in that match. I was smoking my spliff, man! Lemme roll in peace!