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Which film was worse...The Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones?

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I know AoTC is a worse film but I can't stand TPM. It was one of the most boring bad movies I've seen. There's not a single thing I enjoyed. Pod racing looks cool yeah, but that's still 10 minutes of a kid racing in a CGI dumpster. Darth Maul, enough said. This bullshit "you are the chosen one as told by the ancients" prophecy never to be mentioned past the Prequels. A kid taking down an entire fleet in some autopilot garbage airship. Space trade-route politics, which has absolutely zero business belonging in a Star Wars film. Obi Wan Kanobe and Ra's Al Ghul's relationship felt unbelievably fake, a problem that still continued into the later film. R2D2's corny as hell ceremony. Darth Vader built C3P0. Everything about Jar Jar Binks and his turd people and planet.

I was disappointed at the end of AoTC, but I was straight up mad at the end of TPM. Everything about it was so wrong. It's astonishing really. The only good thing this film accomplished was give us the Mr. Plinkett review.


AotC was the worst. So bad, I blocked most memories of it. Hated it cause it destroyed the scary and deadly Grievous set up by the Original Clone Wars cartoon. Instead we got Snidly Whiplash.

PM is slightly better cause as someone else said, at least it had a story. Against popular opinion, I think the pod racing was stupid and unnecessary to the over all plot. That time could have been better spent developing Anakin, instead of a CGI fest.

TFA is superior to both simplely cause it is fun to watch. Yes, it does parallel ANH, but that is not a negative in my book. The "Hero's Journey" was not invented by Star Wars. A simple story arc is works for me if there are new and interesting characters to follow. Rey, Finn, and Kylo are interesting to me, so it works as a good, re watchable pop corn flick. PM and AotC do not even come close.
AOTC is worse than TPM overall. It's like picking either poo or poo with corn.

ROTS however was better than both, Lucas finally started getting better, but by then the prequels were over.


Attack of the Clones is a much worse movie, but they're both super fuckin' bad. I would say that Attack of the Clones is more worthwhile to watch though since The Phantom Menace might as well not exist in terms of the story.


Attack of the clones.

That trilogy should of started with the opening to revenge of the sith. Just change the ending with Ani still sort of on the light side and darth maul the end boss who survives for the second movie. Phantom and Clones are a colossal waste of time story-wise.
Clones. I mean they're both pretty bad but at least Phantom Menace was fun, had a cool (though underused) villain
(who later had redemption in Clone Wars series)
, and gave us pod racing.
Clones is far and away worse. Phantom Menace is bad, but I still remember things from it that were kinda cool. I thought Clones was shit when I saw it on opening night at 16 and I can't remember one good thing about it.


Only redeeming thing about AotC was Padme looking fine in that Geonosis arena. Everything else is forgettable. I seriously always forgets everything that happens in the movie aside from this. At least TPM has Maul and pod-racing.


Attack of the Clones is the worst SW movie ever made. It was boring, incohesive, embarrassing. It really felt like a collection of random scenes, it's dreadful and I'm not being hyperbolic. I tried watching it a few weeks before TFA released to refresh my memory and I couldn't do it, I switched it off halfway through, it felt like too big of a waste of my time.
I find it really funny/ironic that a lot people complain that TFA is just a "ANH remake". It parallels EP4, it doesn't just straight up remake it. In fact, it does a lot of clever things by playing with the EP4 narrative and spinning it in different ways. Whilst George attempted to do this very same thing in the PT but failed horribly.


I find it really funny/ironic that a lot people complain that TFA is just a "ANH remake". It parallels EP4, it doesn't just straight up remake it. In fact, it does a lot of clever things by playing with the EP4 narrative and spinning it in different ways. Whilst George attempted to do this very same thing in the PT but failed horribly.
Let's see, it starts off with a main resistance fighter getting captured and a droid with a special message ending up marooned on a desert island and in the hands of an unlikely desert scoundrel who so happens to be Skywalker. The not empire is looking for the droid but they escape on the fucking millennium falcon. They then go to the Dagobah system or wherever to meet curious thousand year old alien who speaks in riddles and makes sure Skywalker sees the future of encountering not Darth Vader. In the meantime not Empire uses not Death Star to kill peaceful civilization. Not Death Star is en route to destroying the resistance so brave xwing fighters need to fly through a trench to do something about it. Then the shield generator needs to be destroyed, we get a scene that looks very similar to the ESB standoff, but results in the killing of the old mentor of Rey, Rey Skywalker channels her best Luke Skywalker impressions in some pandering shots, then they flee on the millennium falcon, but not before some more pandering shots of them all flying away from an exploding not death star. This of course before not emperor told not Darth Vader that it was time to complete his training.

"Parallels" uhuh yeah yup.


AotC was the worst. So bad, I blocked most memories of it. Hated it cause it destroyed the scary and deadly Grievous set up by the Original Clone Wars cartoon. Instead we got Snidly Whiplash.

While I agree Grievous was shit. He wasn't in AOTC.


I remember enjoying Phantom Menace quite a lot and thinking Attack of the Clones was mediocre, even for my pre-teen standards.

Phantom Menace is not even a bad movie for me anyways, Attack of the Clones is a mess and probably the worst Star Wars movie.


While I agree Grievous was shit. He wasn't in AOTC.

LOL. My bad. Then there was absolutely nothing re-memorable about that movie to even criticize. It was just trash.

Revenge of the Sith just dropped further in personal ranking then (some how I miss remembered Grievous being split between the two movies). The Prequels are all just a blur of bad to me. This may drop RotS below PM for me. lol.

Perhaps it is because i played the Lego Star Wars game so much that the just blend all together.


Let's see, it starts off with a main resistance fighter getting captured and a droid with a special message ending up marooned on a desert island and in the hands of an unlikely desert scoundrel who so happens to be Skywalker. The not empire is looking for the droid but they escape on the fucking millennium falcon. They then go to the Dagobah system or wherever to meet curious thousand year old alien who speaks in riddles and makes sure Skywalker sees the future of encountering not Darth Vader. In the meantime not Empire uses not Death Star to kill peaceful civilization. Not Death Star is en route to destroying the resistance so brave xwing fighters need to fly through a trench to do something about it. Then the shield generator needs to be destroyed, we get a scene that looks very similar to the ESB standoff, but results in the killing of the old mentor of Rey, Rey Skywalker channels her best Luke Skywalker impressions in some pandering shots, then they flee on the millennium falcon, but not before some more pandering shots of them all flying away from an exploding not death star. This of course before not emperor told not Darth Vader that it was time to complete his training.

"Parallels" uhuh yeah yup.
My God that's some desperate reaching. You can make these vague generalizations between any two similar films. Yes there's similarities but there are a shit ton of differences people are choosing to simply ignore.


The Phantom Menace was bad but Attack of the Clones was nothing short of horrendous. The Phantom Menace at least had some cool moments/ideas, AOTC had very few redeeming factors and was made vastly worse by Hayden Christiansen's Anakin (thankfully he really improved for Sith) and his cringe-worthy relationship with Padme. It's without a doubt the worst of the 8 currently released Star Wars films (I'm counting Clone Wars, which was mediocre but at least watchable for me).


I think people forget that great actors in the prequels gave wooden performances. Clearly Hayden isn't very good but the fault lies in the writing and direction. Aka things George Lucas was totally responsible for.
I like Hayden in 3, and his bad moments were generally fueled by the horrible dialogue. He doesn't have horrible dialogue the ENTIRE film and during that he's fine. Stuff like his very first dialogue with Padme when he learns she's pregnant. Both of them do well enough there because the dialogue isn't so bad.

I wish the dialogue were better during the final clash because I mostly love that. However the writing is so shit with all the "IMO THE JEDI ARE EVIL" like it'd take a fuckin vet to deliver shit like that even remotely well.


Saint Titanfall
Attack of the Clones. Nothing redeemable at that trash.

The final Phantom Menance fight was better the TFA fight with it's I'm losing or wait I can feel the force now i'm winning. Awful stuff

Come at me.
For what reason all stated were truthfacts, that fight was some bottom tier DBZ trash.

It had great cinematography, weight and emotion behind it. And I still think everyone is prematurely bashing the whole Rey/being awesome thing. I'd suggest waiting for the full narrative. The "DBZ" comparison is fucking stupid on a good day.


Saint Titanfall
It had great cinematography, weight and emotion behind it. And I still think everyone is prematurely bashing the whole Rey/being awesome thing. I'd suggest waiting for the full narrative. The "DBZ" comparison is fucking stupid on a good day.

It was illogical deus ex machina shounen powerup. That's exactly what it was. The girl is a novice force user (literal hours) fighting against someone who trained in the force for years and yet she gets a random force powerup just because. If that happened in a battle shounen anime i'd be offended and tempted to drop it. Phantom menance fight at least tried to have some internal consistency, even though it excuted it poorly in the end.


Saint Titanfall
I mean there possibly couldn't be a larger contextual reason behind it, absolutely not.

Larger context than an absolute novice kicking the ass of someone trained in lightsaber fighting and force after losing seconds beforehand and fight suddennly ending with a cliff break to ensure noone dies. Sure I mean that sounds like a perfectly logical series of events... That was some Attack of the Clones tier shit.
Larger context than an absolute novice kicking the ass of someone trained in lightsaber fighting and force after losing seconds beforehand and fight suddennly ending with a cliff break to ensure noone dies. Sure I mean that sounds like a perfectly logical series of events... That was some Attack of the Clones tier shit.

This is going by the first in a trilogy. It's literally called the Force Awakens. We know little about Rey. Like I said there is likely a contextual reason behind it that we don't know about yet due to the story behind her still being in infancy. I'm waiting to learn more about it. If you'd rather call it shit right now without knowing the full story you can be my guest.


Were Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan really going to leave Jar Jar behind to get Pewnished after having bullied him into helping them? Dick Move yo. I have no Beef with Jar Jar Binks, He makes me Laugh. My Beef is with Obi-Wan the Liar. Counsel Suck up that he was. His master wanted no part of the Counsel yet he sat his fat ass on it first chance he got. You were my Brother! yeah right you don't cut your Brothers Arm and Legs off and let him burn. His main hand is robotic, take that off and knock him out. Hell man you cut off every limb BUT the mechanical one what the fuck man? Oh but he killed the kids, can't have that. Chop!

Other then douche Obi-Wan I have no problems with the prequels.
Midiclorians? Internal Router for the Space Wi-Fi other wise known as The Force. Big Deal.


Attack of the Clones. Nothing redeemable at that trash.

The final Phantom Menance fight was better the TFA fight with it's I'm losing or wait I can feel the force now i'm winning. Awful stuff

Come at me.

While I agree some things were rocky.. TPM was all style, no substance. Literally none, aside from Obi-Wan being briefly upset about his master dying.

Looks cool but it's over-choreographed fluff. Funny how one word immediately elevates that scene above anything shown in the prequels in terms of character development/emotional investment ("Traitor!").

Who gives a shit about any of the PT fights? The only decently emotional scene in all of the first three films was "You were the chosen one/I hate you", and some people even hate THAT.

Larger context than an absolute novice kicking the ass of someone trained in lightsaber fighting and force after losing seconds beforehand and fight suddennly ending with a cliff break to ensure noone dies. Sure I mean that sounds like a perfectly logical series of events... That was some Attack of the Clones tier shit.

The hyperbole is strong with this one..


Phantom Menace, because it was the one that broke the hopes and dreams of the fanbase. No amount of Hayden chewing the scenery and his hatred of SAND can compete with that.

TPM basically turned the fans against George, it was a defining moment, where the only way to love Star Wars more than others, was to hate it, because that was next level shit of fandom. And TPM was the gateway to that.


I think people forget that great actors in the prequels gave wooden performances. Clearly Hayden isn't very good but the fault lies in the writing and direction. Aka things George Lucas was totally responsible for.

Guy was all over The Clone Wars and that shit was baller, He just needed an interpreter like Feloni to bring his ideas to life. He tried to get people to help direct the Prequels but the people he asked were too chicken shit to try. Remember, these were independent movies before Disney.


Guy was all over The Clone Wars and that shit was baller, He just needed an interpreter like Feloni to bring his ideas to life. He tried to get people to help direct the Prequels but the people he asked were too chicken shit to try. Remember, these were independent movies before Disney.

Really, we're going with George Lucas is not LARGELY responsible for why the prequels were bad? Or am I misunderstanding? In the end, he had complete control over the filmmaking process and major decisions that went into the PT's creation.


Phantom Menace, because it was the one that broke the hopes and dreams of the fanbase. No amount of Hayden chewing the scenery and his hatred of SAND can compete with that.

TPM basically turned the fans against George, it was a defining moment, where the only way to love Star Wars more than others, was to hate it, because that was next level shit of fandom. And TPM was the gateway to that.

TPM was a good Movie, a good Star Wars movie, I never understood the backlash. These are Kids movies, always have been. If all the ages were increased ten years people would have no problem with it.
Really, we're going with George Lucas is not LARGELY responsible for why the prequels were bad? Or am I misunderstanding? In the end, he had complete control over the filmmaking process and major decisions that went into their creation.

Well yeah, duh. He even supposedly tried to get other people to direct the prequels but nobody would because they were independent films apparently. So you can see how he's blameless.

What was Lucas supposed to do? Not make the prequels? That's just silly talk. That solid gold boat wasn't gonna pay for itself.


Every time I think about AOTC I think back to Anakin's line "I wish I could just wish my problems away" and wonder how that line ever made it to any draft of the script, how it wasn't immediately laughed off and replaced with literally anything else in rewriting, how it ended up being filmed without the actors forcing themselves to keep a straight face, and how anyone thought that Hayden's reading of it was acceptable for any major feature film. And this is just one short line, this logic can be applied to just about the rest of the movie.

So yeah, AOTC is far worse.


TPM was a good Movie, a good Star Wars movie, I never understood the backlash. These are Kids movies, always have been. If all the ages were increased ten years people would have no problem with it.

Just because kids can enjoy them doesn't mean they're kids movies. The target isn't specifically children.. EP3 is super dark too.
Larger context than an absolute novice kicking the ass of someone trained in lightsaber fighting and force after losing seconds beforehand and fight suddennly ending with a cliff break to ensure noone dies. Sure I mean that sounds like a perfectly logical series of events... That was some Attack of the Clones tier shit.

ren was severely injured. and yeah it's a little cheap but at least we like the characters and are invested in on the outcome of the fight.

the fight in TPM was boring. there was no weight to it. no sense of danger. plus you do not give a shit about either character. obi wan spent the entire movie doing nothing and maul was never built up as a competent villain.


Let's see, it starts off with a main resistance fighter getting captured and a droid with a special message ending up marooned on a desert island and in the hands of an unlikely desert scoundrel who so happens to be Skywalker. The not empire is looking for the droid but they escape on the fucking millennium falcon. They then go to the Dagobah system or wherever to meet curious thousand year old alien who speaks in riddles and makes sure Skywalker sees the future of encountering not Darth Vader. In the meantime not Empire uses not Death Star to kill peaceful civilization. Not Death Star is en route to destroying the resistance so brave xwing fighters need to fly through a trench to do something about it. Then the shield generator needs to be destroyed, we get a scene that looks very similar to the ESB standoff, but results in the killing of the old mentor of Rey, Rey Skywalker channels her best Luke Skywalker impressions in some pandering shots, then they flee on the millennium falcon, but not before some more pandering shots of them all flying away from an exploding not death star. This of course before not emperor told not Darth Vader that it was time to complete his training.

"Parallels" uhuh yeah yup.

This is how I remember the movie. I don't know how people are saying that aren't the same thing
This is how I remember the movie. I don't know how people are saying that aren't the same thing

There's surface level points and points beyond that. It's not the same thing.

TFA and ANH have very different tones and story and characters. And character conflicts-- which is pretty important. The whole TFA is a rehash thing is brainless as fuck.

I'm not calling you or anyone brainless obviously. Just analyze and think about it.


Let's see, it starts off with a main resistance fighter getting captured and a droid with a special message ending up marooned on a desert island and in the hands of an unlikely desert scoundrel who so happens to be Skywalker. The not empire isax looking for the droid but they escape on the fucking millennium falcon. They then go to the Dagobah system or wherever to meet curious thousand year old alien who speaks in riddles and makes sure Skywalker sees the future of encountering not Darth Vader. In the meantime not Empire uses not Death Star to kill peaceful civilization. Not Death Star is en route to destroying the resistance so brave xwing fighters need to fly through a trench to do something about it. Then the shield generator needs to be destroyed, we get a scene that looks very similar to the ESB standoff, but results in the killing of the old mentor of Rey, Rey Skywalker channels her best Luke Skywalker impressions in some pandering shots, then they flee on the millennium falcon, but not before some more pandering shots of them all flying away from an exploding not death star. This of course before not emperor told not Darth Vader that it was time to complete his training.

"Parallels" uhuh yeah yup.

This is how I remember the movie. I don't know how people are saying that aren't the same thing


Look, ANH and ESB are basically the same movie too, it's crazy. Let's see:

Opens in space with star destroyers, Luke gets into trouble early and needs help from his friends in order to advance his journey, knight offers mystical wisdom, bad guy wants to track down the rebels, Luke refuses to listen to old, wise figure and risks his life unnecessarily, Mellennium Falcon gets chased by Tie fighters (how original) while escaping through space, two force users battle with lightsabers in a space station, bad guy wins. Luke barely escapes from space station on the Mellennium Falcon with the help of his friends, the end.

Damn, try something original for once.
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