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Which film was worse...The Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones?

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sparkle this bitch
Transformers 1 is better than Attack of the Clones. I'm serious and I say that as a Star Wars fan.

All the Transformers films are better than Attack of the Clones. There is nothing controversial about that. AoC is really a complete dreck of a film. The film is tonal all over the place, where it has no sense of where it wants to be or what it wants to do.

With PM, you had a very clear goal in mind. Save the Queen, get her to Coruscant, save her people. Everything else complimented it. The tone of the film also kept with the same tone as the original film. It was a more fun, light hearted adventure.

Attack of the Clones was a mess. Obi is on a mystery, Anakin is playing house and dealing with mommy issues, The Jedi are playing politics, and we have no idea who the villain is till the movie is done in 30 minutes. It's like half PM, half ROTS without committing to either. Do you want to be a more fun adventure like PM or a darker tale like ROTS?
Rewatched both with a friend of mine recently. Both movies are tough to make it through, but AOTC is a literal snoozefest. There's nothing redeemable about that movie; not even the end lightsaber fight is entertaining! At least TPM had Darth Maul and a reasonably compelling lightsaber fight at the end. Without those factors in TPM, both movies would be about even in the suck department.
Attack of the Clones. It's not even close. That movie is pure and utter shit. The Phantom Menace wasn't close to that bad.

Empire > A New Hope > Jedi > The Force Awakens >> Episode III > The Phantom Menace >>>>>>> Attack of the Clones


Attack of the Clones by far. At least many parts of the Phantom Menace still look good thanks to a lot of practical sets and effects. Attack of the Clones has some seriously PSOne FMV quality CG at times.
Made sense to me. Vader wasn't ruined for me either. No amount of personal explanation will matter in this conversation.

what is a personal explanation mean in this context? you can't deny that everyone in the movie is an idiot and anakin's fall to the dark side is completely unearned. now maybe that doesn't bother you, which is incredible, but the movie is shit from top to bottom.
what is a personal explanation mean in this context? you can't deny that everyone in the movie is an idiot and anakin's fall to the dark side is completely unearned. now maybe that doesn't bother you, which is incredible, but the movie is shit from top to bottom.

It means I have opinions about a movie that you clearly wouldn't agree with going by the tone of your posts so I'm deducting it as a waste of time for both our sakes in addition to prequel arguments already being beaten into the ground.

It's nothing personal.
It means I have opinions about a movie that you clearly wouldn't agree with going by the tone of your posts so I'm deducting it as a waste of time for both our sakes in addition to prequel arguments already being beaten into the ground.

It's nothing personal.

it's an opinion you can't defend because it's wrong.
it's an opinion you can't defend because it's wrong.

I... rest my case?

I can defend it. I have before. You have super negative feelings toward the film. I don't see why I need to hammer out some personal, subjective viewpoints when you're just gonna continue being an ass about it. It's absolutely pointless, which was my original point.
TPM was shit for Kid Anakin (not the actor, the character), the completely aimless plot, Jar Jar Binks, and the painful mishandling of Maul.

AOTC was garbage for the cringefest "romance" scenes, tons of characters acting like dumbasses, hundreds of Jedi swigning their swords like idiots, and Yoda's comic-relief fight (it's so bad it's basically comic relief).

It's really, really hard to choose. I'm gonna go with AOTC because by that point Lucas really should have known what went wrong and what to do. TPM I could be a little more lenient on the count of having to start up cold (yes, we know that wasn't a problem at all with Force Awakens, but still).


Return of the Jedi.

I'm sure this has been said 50 times already, but I'm too lazy to read the thread and this is just a drive by. carry on.


Still don't get why people rate RotS as higher than TPM. It was pretty much as shit as clones.

That opening scene when the space ship tilts and suddenly all the gravity in the ship tilts makes me want to send my head through a wall. And thats the fucking first 10 minutes.


All of this

The people saying The Force Awakens need a lobotomy

It is the worst one, because it's terrible screenwriting trying to be a carbon copy of Episode IV. The world building was absolute garbage.

Why is the Resistance separate from the New Republic? Read a book!

Why is the New Order so powerful now? *shrug*

What are all those planets they destroyed and why should I care?

The only elements that were even halfway decent were Finn and the ace rebel pilot, because it was actually original. Everything else should have been put through an air lock.


Unlike the prequels where they made a children cartoon to tell everything that happens between episode 2 and episode 3.

You don't need the Clone Wars to expand on the battles that happen between them, it's just nice to have. (Personally, I think it was like bad fanfiction. Darth Maul coming back? Sure, why not.)

Force Awakens badly needed some background detail, but we didn't get any, or it was all on the cutting room floor.


It is the worst one, because it's terrible screenwriting trying to be a carbon copy of Episode IV. The world building was absolute garbage.

Why is the Resistance separate from the New Republic? Read a book!

Why is the New Order so powerful now? *shrug*

What are all those planets they destroyed and why should I care?

I agree on your points.

And why does a big ass laser shot from one planet reach another planet without any time for them to prepare/evacuate. Planets are not 5 minutes apart, or was the Order on Couresants moon? I don't know why that little piece of logic of one planet shooting at another isn't being ridiculed.

Other than your points I think the movie did a good job building likeable commradrie between the cast (poe should have stayed dead though, seems utterly generic and boring) but the scenario was nonsense.


I liked them both, not as good as the original but still enjoyable. I did, however, find Harden Christensen to be really irritating anytime he was on screen, he's clearly a terrible actor hence why the love scenes are so cringe worthy.

Also, I like Jar Jar so Phantom Menace wins.


I agree on your points.

And why does a big ass laser shot from one planet reach another planet without any time for them to prepare/evacuate. Planets are not 5 minutes apart, or was the Order on Couresants moon? I don't know why that little piece of logic of one planet shooting at another isn't being ridiculed.

Other than your points I think the movie did a good job building likeable commradrie between the cast (poe should have stayed dead though, seems utterly generic and boring) but the scenario was nonsense.

The movie was well made. It was just built on terrible material.

The prequels have good ideas, and bad execution. In a way, they're the exact opposite.

I think the idea of love being what brought Anakin to the dark side was brilliant, but it falls flat on its face when you have romantic scenes that are as wooden as Pinocchio.
(I also think their chemistry was far better in RotS, but too little, too late.)
You don't need the Clone Wars to expand on the battles that happen between them, it's just nice to have. (Personally, I think it was like bad fanfiction. Darth Maul coming back? Sure, why not.)

Force Awakens badly needed some background detail, but we didn't get any, or it was all on the cutting room floor.

Unlike your nitpicking about random details, because they didn't really hurt the flow of the movie.

The jump from episode 2 to 3 was the most jarring thing ever. Not just that we never got an explenation why there is a war in the first place suddenly the chancellor is kidnapped and we are somehow supposed to know Grievous
I can watch TPM. Clones is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I try to force myself to watch it every once in a while because I can never remember anything that happens but I just cant make it through the whole movie. I dont even know if I've ever seen it from start to finish and I was there on opening night in the theatres. Clones and Crystal Skull can go to hell.


It is the worst one, because it's terrible screenwriting trying to be a carbon copy of Episode IV. The world building was absolute garbage.

Why is the Resistance separate from the New Republic? Read a book!

Why is the New Order so powerful now? *shrug*

What are all those planets they destroyed and why should I care?

The only elements that were even halfway decent were Finn and the ace rebel pilot, because it was actually original. Everything else should have been put through an air lock.
I agree that the world building could have been significantly better but my god if you think TFA is a worse film than AToC.

That's just straight up delusional.

The relationship between Han, Leia and Ben wasn't original? Kylo's story and how it impacted Luke wasn't original? Rey's character and personality weren't original?

Lots of willful denial here.


I agree that the world building could have been significantly better but my god if you think TFA is a worse film than AToC.

That's just straight up denial.

It's an opinion, and I stand by it. TFA is the only SW film I have no interest in ever watching again. At least AToC has interesting elements like Kamino and Coruscant. TFA is just one giant retread.
I liked them both, not as good as the original but still enjoyable. I did, however, find Harden Christensen to be really irritating anytime he was on screen, he's clearly a terrible actor hence why the love scenes are so cringe worthy.

Also, I like Jar Jar so Phantom Menace wins.

Also, I like Jar Jar so Phantom Menace wins.

I like Jar Jar

I like Jar Jar



In retrospect they are both garbage, but at the time I thought pod racing was fucking cool, and at the time I thought the Padme/Anakin love thing was hot garbage, so for me Attack of the Clones was way worse.


It's an opinion, and I stand by it. TFA is the only SW film I have no interest in ever watching again. At least AToC has interesting elements like Kamino and Coruscant. TFA is just one giant retread.
I suggest rewatching it then. I did not like TFA the first time I saw it. I edited my post above btw.


I suggest rewatching it then. I did not like TFA the first time I saw it. I edited my post above btw.

I have, I watched it again on the flight to Tokyo. It's a very well made film with a terrible script. It has good ideas built around copying familiar territory.

All the things you say are good elements, but when they're built around Rebels VS Empire VS Death Star: Third Edition, it falls flat. The script felt thin.

I could go on about things that just flat out irritate me, especially Snoke. Guess we better have a new Emperor! Who is this guy? Who cares!

And no, 'student goes rogue and wipes out the Jedi Academy' isn't original, pretty sure it's been in at least three books. At least the books build up the students and have you care about them.

In TFA we get a thirty second flash back of a bunch of faceless people getting massacred.


God forbid someone criticize a film everyone seems to love.
There's a vast difference between criticizing TFA and being unable to recognize it being an overall superior film in comparison to AToC. Can anyone really deny that's it's made better? Opinions are opinions but I can't wrap my head around that.


There's a vast difference between criticizing TFA and being unable to recognize it being an overall superior film in comparison to AToC. Can anyone really deny that's it's made better? Opinions are opinions but I can't wrap my head around that.

It is made better, I'm not contesting that. But the script is garbage. A ton of love went into TFA. The look, acting, even the art design, it's all great.

And, sadly, wasted.


semen stains the mountaintops
Attack of the Clones

Phantom Menace at least had the pod race, Maul, those sexy ass dresses and the space battle at the end. Attack of the Clones had no scenes that I can remember thinking were all that great.


has Portman ever said anything about the prequels in the past 10 years? We get anecdotes and quotes from many of the cast but I don't think we ever heard anything from her. I'd love to know what she honestly thinks.


It is made better, I'm not contesting that. But the script is garbage. A ton of love went into TFA. The look, acting, even the art design, it's all great.

And, sadly, wasted.
So the script is "garbage" because it's got surface similarities with ANH? I think you're being pretty unrealistic about how many things TFA actually does quite differently.


So the script is "garbage" because it's got surface similarities with ANH? I think you're being pretty unrealistic about how many things TFA actually does quite differently.

I've already voiced my complaints with how poorly TFA explains or builds on even the most crucial elements of its backstory.

I still plan to watch Episode VIII, and I'm hoping it's going to fill in the blanks TFA didn't even touch, but I'm not very optimistic.


To answer the question, I honestly think it's Phantom Menace(of the two), because the opening text scroll still makes my head hurt. I have no clue what the hell is going on with the taxation route drama to this day. It's really confusing. AotC cuts right to it, and fixes a ton of TPM's flaws(namely the JJ focus).

I enjoyed the build up for Anakin and Palpatine's rise to power, but the rest needed serious work.


Both are poor films, but Clones is physically painful to sit through. Poor dialogue, awful acting, a nonsensical story, tension-free, awful CG-laden action. Dreadful film in every respect.


There's a vast difference between criticizing TFA and being unable to recognize it being an overall superior film in comparison to AToC. Can anyone really deny that's it's made better? Opinions are opinions but I can't wrap my head around that.

I said it earlier TFA is a well made film and I think this is something everyone cam agree. I wouldn't say something like thid about AToC. But the story and worl building are so bad in TFA, I feel disappointed on the same level as others feel about AToC. In both cases too much wasted potential, what a shame.
I don't know what's worse, 20 years of the same repetitive prequel hate or 8 months of TFA = retread.

But I guess the former at least has some validity to it?


Attack of the Clones is worse for me

The movie is such a chore to sit through that I always skip straight to the end with all the action bits. Even then, Phantom Menace still has a better ending duel (also Duel of the Fates is still the GOAT)

And say what you will, but when I was a kid, this scene from AOTC got me so hyped up. I had never seen so many Jedi in one place before, and it blew my mind.

Same here. I got obsessed with Star Wars for a while after seeing that (that was even how I got exposed to the Star Wars EU).
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