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Which outlets will review Hogwarts Legacy unbiased?


Gold Member
Considering the already enormous and unwarranted controversy surrounding this game, I think these will be all over the place.

What outlets do you think will review the game honestly?

And which ones should be avoided like the plague if you want to read/watch/hear a fair review?

Personally, I see the release of this game as a perfect opportunity to separate the wheat from the chaff in gaming media. I will play the game myself and then check out reviews to see which ones are unbiased.

The outlets that don't review it are disqualified immediately, of course. Media that don't report one of the biggest releases in the field they are supposed to cover, are untrustworthy regardless of what other content they offer.
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None of them. There's no such thing as an unbiased review, only omission. You just need to find a reviewer that omits details you don't want to know.
Shill Up... he's always tried to be upfront about things and is usually pretty good about not letting his "personal" feelings get in the way. In fact, I'm pretty sure at some point in that video he'll let you know what he thinks of JK Rowling, but that it doesn't reflect on what he thinks of all the work the developers did. He does a pretty good job of explaining himself. You may not agree with his end "score" but based on his explanation it makes sense. That's the shitty thing about the whole situation, "fans" will feel like not buying the game or bashing it maybe the only way to "punish" JK... but really it's only really affecting the developers. JK has already made her money, she's good, none of this bothers her.
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Skill Up

Are the first and only two that come to mind. I feel like all of the big connected outlets will all be totally biased because they're friends or acquaintances with some journalists that have already made ridiculous comments.
It's a video game and should be scored on how good it is at being one. The game itself hasn't got any kind of agenda (from what I've seen) against anyone. Most outlets will review it because of that reason, any that don't should get a firm grip of reality and fuck themselves.

To be absolutely clear, I don't care who you are, trans or not, I despise everyone equally :)


Is the controversy enormous? Just absolute fringe headcases in my opinion. It’s been nice to see so many people excited for a proper Potter game.

Yeah the outrage is only a load of pansies getting defensive because JK Rowling said some stuff that was 100% accurate and they don't want to hear it because it shatters their bubble of bullshit they live in.

I just hope the game delivers in spades to make it even harder for the fools to boycott it. There seems to be a lot of mechanics they included and I hope it all works and meshes together. It looks amazing but almost too good to be true.
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Gold Member
Is the controversy enormous? Just absolute fringe headcases in my opinion. It’s been nice to see so many people excited for a proper Potter game.
Well, compared to other games there is more controversy than average. I agree that it's totally unwarranted, but it is still there. I hope the game will be good and will do very well, though. And for once not only because I have it already pre-ordered.


I rarely even check reviews nowadays, as I stopped pre-ordering/day 1 buying years ago, and usually go by word of mouth. If I do want a solid review, I watch ACG, but that's about it.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Is the controversy enormous? Just absolute fringe headcases in my opinion. It’s been nice to see so many people excited for a proper Potter game.
Unfortunately, these headcases make up about 90% of Kotaku's readership at this point. So their only options to keep their fan base happy are to either give it a bad review, not review it at all, or (worst still) write a puff piece about why they won't be reviewing it. Otherwise, it's rocks through the windows and bronies digging up all their previous tweets to get whatever poor intern there that wrote the review fired.


Is the controversy enormous? Just absolute fringe headcases in my opinion. It’s been nice to see so many people excited for a proper Potter game.

I think it all depends on the amount of attention, maybe some will just go with the flow for clicks.

But I'm almost sure Gamespot will be against this game, theres a bitch in there who is screaming constantly against it because of J.K.


Gold Member
If it's good I don't think they'll give it bad scores but I do think most "mainstream" sites are going to be a bit harsher with it than with other games (like giving it an 75-80 when they'd otherwise have given it a 80-85)

Gaf will, they will give it a 10/10 for being anti-woke

I actually wouldn't be surprised if the game ends up being a bit woke, probably WB trying to overcompensate for the whole controversy.
People see this as some anit-woke game because of the JK Rowling drama but keep in mind that aside from the whole trans thing she is pretty woke herself and places like Era/Kotaku used to love her, like when she pretended she never envisioned Hermione as white
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If it's good I don't think they'll give it bad scores but I do think most "mainstream" sites are going to be a bit harsher with it than with other games (like giving it an 75-80 when they'd otherwise have given it a 80-85)

I actually wouldn't be surprised if the game ends up being a bit woke, probably WB trying to overcompensate for the whole controversy.
People see this as some anit-woke game because of the JK Rowling drama but keep in mind that aside from the whole trans thing she is pretty woke herself and places like Era/Kotaku used to love her, like when she pretended she never envisioned Hermione as white

Woke on woke vs anti-woke.

Btw is there a way to permanently block certain words on chrome/gaf?


Oh man, I'm hyped for Hogwarts Legacy.

But this is getting silly, people care too much about what others think.

Just buy the game, form your own opinion on it and enjoy it. :)

That will send a clear strong message that silly online boycotts mean nothing.
I don't really care about Harry Potter or JK Rowling, but I can't wait to see all these sites and youtubers try to out virtue signal one another.

My guess is a large portion just won't cover the game at all and will post an article or video dicussing why they aren't without explicitly mentioning anything.


I actually wouldn't be surprised if the game ends up being a bit woke, probably WB trying to overcompensate for the whole controversy.
People see this as some anit-woke game because of the JK Rowling drama but keep in mind that aside from the whole trans thing she is pretty woke herself and places like Era/Kotaku used to love her, like when she pretended she never envisioned Hermione as white

Yeah, at this point it should be obvious. During the stream, I felt like they gave away too much of screen to the aspects of character creation. Nothing wrong with it, alot of games has a wide character creation, but it was alot of time wasting for which I believe it was something on purpose, the guy was even screaming for every feature of it.
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None of the mainstream review sites will be fair and honest. We'll have to rely on the better youtube channels to fill the void.


Angry Harrison Ford GIF
From my understanding, J.K. didn't have any role in this game and her only connection is creating the Universe, so not really sure what the Twitter mob is howling about. Boycotting this game will only hurt innocent people who worked on this game, not J.K. Rowling who is already beyond rich. Do people honestly think boycotting is going to put any dent in her bank account lol?
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My prediction is many "professional" reviews will subtract points simply for being Harry Potter, if they review it at all. User reviews will be good. Even with some review bombing, I bet Steam will end up as mostly positive or better.
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