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Which outlets will review Hogwarts Legacy unbiased?


I think the people who have a serious problem with the game just won’t review it at all and try to ignore it. Though I am curious how big sites like IGN will handle this. Will they preface their reviews with some statement about ‚trans rights‘ or whatever?


Reviewing this one will be like a wet dream for at least a few people. Most of the non-gaming anecdotes and pontificating will come from those still fighting the good fight against comedy and normal thought. But there will also be some over the top love fests and score inflation from people who hate the first group. All together, I'm expecting a shit show of scores ranging from sub 1, to 14 out of 10. And actual gameplay / graphics information will probably be about 2% (maybe 3, but doubtful) of the text in the collective reviews.


If any of them won't review this from gameplay perspective then they shouldn't be called video games reviewers.

Has this happened before? any notable game that had low reviews for non gameplay/performance issues?


Review the game like any other game but don't forget to mention other important (social) subjects. Those other subjects should not impact the score, the reader should decide what is more important.
I respect your view but what does it got to do about the game review? you review a game? then talk about the game. want to talk about whatever your issue with the creator? make an article about that, why mix things?
This should be banished from the solar system. Shit is straight nightmare fuel, lol. :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Reviewing this one will be like a wet dream for at least a few people. Most of the non-gaming anecdotes and pontificating will come from those still fighting the good fight against comedy and normal thought. But there will also be some over the top love fests and score inflation from people who hate the first group. All together, I'm expecting a shit show of scores ranging from sub 1, to 14 out of 10. And actual gameplay / graphics information will probably be about 2% (maybe 3, but doubtful) of the text in the collective reviews.
I figure between the woke tearing it down and the white knights holding it up it'll be at least a month before real reviews come out that would let you know if it's good. (I mean short of just playing it.)


Gold Member
There's no such thing as an unbiased review,
While that's true, there is a planet-wide difference between what a professional review should do (acknowledge own biases and then approach the subject as objectively and fairly as the author can) on one hand and on the other hand whatever the fuck it is that hacktivists like IGN, Kotaku, etc. are doing.

Actual professional reviews have become extremely rare, though. I get it, it's a way more difficult thing to do than just writing about your "feelings".

While it's sad, I nowadays recommend people to find a few single reviewers that match their own biases and go with those for a start.


While that's true, there is a planet-wide difference between what a professional review should do (acknowledge own biases and then approach the subject as objectively and fairly as the author can) on one hand and on the other hand whatever the fuck it is that hacktivists like IGN, Kotaku, etc. are doing.

Actual professional reviews have become extremely rare, though. I get it, it's a way more difficult thing to do than just writing about your "feelings".

While it's sad, I nowadays recommend people to find a few single reviewers that match their own biases and go with those for a start.

videogame reviews were always absolute dogshit, nothing has changed.
if you go back and read some retro magazines from the early 90s or earlier, they all were just a bunch of people playing a game for a few minutes and then giving it a vague rating, often without actually goin in-depth in any way.

over the years I now completely ignore any and all reviews that are released with the game or before it.

the only reviews I look at are in-depth independent reviews that have been released after the game, by people who actually care and who played the games enough to know them in and out.
no deadlines, no embargos, zero incentive to skew the rating due to advertising deal nor management.

like "TheGamingBritShow" for example.
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The biased ones will be the ones that give the game a score that goes against what I believe the game deserves before I’ve played it


Gold Member
videogame reviews were always absolute dogshit, nothing has changed.
if you go back and read some retro magazines from the early 90s or earlier, they all were just a bunch of people playing a game for a few minutes and then giving it a vague rating, often without actually goin in-depth in any way.
But I wasn't talking about Retro-Magazines, those were in huge parts paid by Nintendo, etc. directly and the contents, while nostalgic fun were therefore definitely highly biased.

What I'm talking about was admittedly something that might have been a local phenomenon where I grew up (Germany).
I never really thought about it, but it's quite possible there were no reviews like that in many other places.
In the mid/late 90s and up to the late 00s there were many magazines that followed an unofficial but de-facto standard in rating, bugs would get a score minus depending on severity, graphics a bonus/malus based on how competently they were made, story for coherence, etc.
And the people who wrote those reviews were writing it in an at least partly "higher" language that showed they actually knew about game theory and development.
They understood game development as a craft (which it is, and I say that as someone who did actually study it though I opted to not make it my career) and not just an art that would be fully subjective.
And due to all that, the reviews were generally written in a very neutral and mostly objective manner.
Of course not a perfect schema as not all games fit well into it, but still more professional and advanced than most things today.
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I respect your view but what does it got to do about the game review? you review a game? then talk about the game. want to talk about whatever your issue with the creator? make an article about that, why mix things?
Like I said they should review it like any other game


From what I remember, the last time a game got review ghosted for political reasons was Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Actually, I believe giant bomb didn’t even cover the thing at all. And that’s the same site that used to be edgy boys not too many years before that.

Can we not point out that the game is being shunned because of the views of the creator of the IP and it’s based on, and not at all about anything to do with the game itself or the people making it? At least with the case of kingdom come, it was the lead developer who people were pissed at for some ridiculous reason.


Gold Member
If a review mentions the “controversy” you can be sure they are not grading the game on its merits. I would not be surprised to see a site or two score the game very low as a protest.

best bet is to wait a week or two after release (after initial hype/buzz starts to wear off) see what people are saying on forums and possibly some YouTube reviewers you trust.

videogame reviews were always absolute dogshit, nothing has changed.
if you go back and read some retro magazines from the early 90s or earlier, they all were just a bunch of people playing a game for a few minutes and then giving it a vague rating, often without actually goin in-depth in any way.

Possibly. And yet as someone who played vidya in the 80s and 90s, just by reading those magazines because that was ALL we had outside of schoolyard/rentals, I played an absolute shitload of great games, games that are still held up as classics today. GamePro might have been full of shills and people who played the game for 10 minutes but they did a better job in terms of telling me what games are good than Eurogamer does today.


From what I remember, the last time a game got review ghosted for political reasons was Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Actually, I believe giant bomb didn’t even cover the thing at all. And that’s the same site that used to be edgy boys not too many years before that.

Can we not point out that the game is being shunned because of the views of the creator of the IP and it’s based on, and not at all about anything to do with the game itself or the people making it? At least with the case of kingdom come, it was the lead developer who people were pissed at for some ridiculous reason.
Another thing people don't realize is that once you really start talking to people outside of the internet...the overwhelming majority don't give a shit and just want to move on. The people who have a problem with JK Rowling are those whose identity are wrapped into their online persona.

I know it's sounds shitty but really, so many people need to touch grass and go the fuck outside.
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