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Which outlets will review Hogwarts Legacy unbiased?


Why the fuck would they overcompensate? Why would mainstream outlets doc the game? Why the fuck do people think everything is agenda driven conspiracies?

A vocal minority is against this game because they are morons who think it makes more sense to punish hundreds for the sins of one person. Most people couldn't give a fuck like a trans person mid-op or post op / pre-recovery.

What makes it even more ridiculous is Rowling is blatantly not even transphobic. She said a couple of FACTUAL statements that upset those ignorant brats because they were true and they don't like being told that just because they want to play let's pretend we're female it doesn't make them have a uterus. The level of idiocy behind all this is baffling and it's genuinely worrying how much traction it's built. We are living in an age where not only is it acceptable to act like a cunt because you want to be noticed, but there is an entire movement encouraging it


Late October Surprise

I stopped caring about the opinions of gaming websites around the 2012-2014 era. It started with every website writing articles about how entitled gamers were for merely complaining about Mass Effect 3’s ending. The final straw for me was when Bayonetta 2 got completely ignored for GOTY in a year where nothing else good came out (seriously 2014 was mid af), simply because of the SJW agenda.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
wonder if the anti-woke reviewers will give it a 10/10 regardless of it's quality
Name some anti work reviewers.

Anti woke doesn't care about politic agenda, the wokes are.

TLoU2 2 got awards and 10s literally everywhere, so again your question is flawed.


Rodent Whores
I don't know and I don't really care. I stopped paying attention to most professional reviews a long time ago. Word of mouth from trusted and curated sources has served me much better.


Gamespot has spend more effort on this activist piece than they ever spend on any game ever.

I have no doubt that there will certainly be people tearing the game to shreds if they feel it doesn't go "Far enough" to distance itself from JK Rowling. There will be plenty of reviewers tearing it regardless of what it does. And, I'm sure, there will be those not reviewing it at all.



Review the game like any other game but don't forget to mention other important (social) subjects. Those other subjects should not impact the score, the reader should decide what is more important.


Damn era really scrubbed this game from their forum.

Personally i find it quite obvious when a reviewer is being unnecessarily negative, i'll just watch the ones i usually do(woke or not) and just piece together if it's worth a day one purchase, ignoring any drama of the crazies.
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I already know IGN and Gamespot will probably give it a 6-7/10 and metacritic user reviews will be bombed by the woke mob to try and stop sales, but trust me its already gonna be past a million at this point. It has been number 1 pre order on steam and psn for the past month.


Ironically the game is woke as hell
Yeah, that is what is throwing me off in this whole drama. I'm pretty sure the studio did their best to be as inclusive as possible to all colors and genders because of Rowling since they wouldn't want to be viewed as transphobic. So we have the antiwoke crowd buying the game to support JK and protesting limited games, the woke crowd not buying in protest, and the developers doing there best to be viewed as allies or inclusive when developing the game. The launch week for this game is going to be interesting.


What happens if some reviewer actually didn't liked the actual game itself? Is the reviewer gonna get accused of being"woke"?

Well that depends.
If it feels like hes being honest, yes.
If it feels like he or she is just nitpicking stuff for no reason, than this could be a sign.

Skill up comes to mind because the guy really plays the game. If theres something bad about it, he will explain detailed instead of just saying is bad. I trust his judgement, even if theres a very few things we might disagree.


I already know IGN and Gamespot will probably give it a 6-7/10 and metacritic user reviews will be bombed by the woke mob to try and stop sales, but trust me its already gonna be past a million at this point. It has been number 1 pre order on steam and psn for the past month.
Oh, its far, FAR above than a single million, that's for absolutely sure.
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Reviews are going difficult for this on one side you’ve woke people who will be really harsh then you anti woke who might be quite lenient to piss of the woke people best just to hear opinons from trusted members of gaf.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
What is this all about by the way?

I've heard people call her transphobic because she has said that men can't menstruate.

This shit ain't real, is it?


are in a big trouble
I feel sorry for those reviews that just want to do their job because if the say it's a good game the mob will of hate they will get will be insane


Review the game like any other game but don't forget to mention other important (social) subjects. Those other subjects should not impact the score, the reader should decide what is more important.

What important social subjects?

I think you're on the wrong forun

The most important social issue is how these people came to be so lost, and how they have managed to get mental illness championed in such a way.
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hemo memo

You can't die before your death
Yeah they really took extra effort to make it as "Progressive" as possible.

The sorting hat will assign students their house and their pronouns.
What if you decided you want to identify differently with different pronoun mid game?


I do believe that Easy Allies won't be reviewing it.

EDIT: I may have gotten confused with them not covering the State of Play or reveal, rather than not reviewing the game outright. More into on this video:

Easy allies has turned to absolute garbage since Isla or what's her name gained more decision power.I don't even check their reviews anymore.


From my understanding, J.K. didn't have any role in this game and her only connection is creating the Universe, so not really sure what the Twitter mob is howling about. Boycotting this game will only hurt innocent people who worked on this game, not J.K. Rowling who is already beyond rich. Do people honestly think boycotting is going to put any dent in her bank account lol?
Do you honestly think these people are rational,normal individuals?


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.

This is my favorite reply:

"Yes and the guy in the video is using Tiktok which was created by a Chinese company which contributes money to China, which is oppressing the Uighur Muslims, who are facing much more evil acts than a book author tweeting her opinions about Trans people. Its hypocritical."

A lot of the people, even the woke, are forgetting the things we've used came at a cost, even human cost. Our iPhones and Macs (which the woke people are probably using too), heck even PS4s are from Foxconn and we know the issues with Foxconn: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foxconn.

So yeah, I stick to separating the art from the artist. Like what I do for Koichi Sugiyama, a well know Nanjing Massacre denialist and even to the point he wanted history books revised: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koichi_Sugiyama

But his music for DQ and commercials were iconic.

He's a shitty person but his work is great and I still like his work.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I will review it just so I can find all the bad stuff (please donate to my review funds). Then I will report to GAF how good or bad it is.

If you are interested in donating please PM me.


This is my favorite reply:

"Yes and the guy in the video is using Tiktok which was created by a Chinese company which contributes money to China, which is oppressing the Uighur Muslims, who are facing much more evil acts than a book author tweeting her opinions about Trans people. Its hypocritical."

A lot of the people, even the woke, are forgetting the things we've used came at a cost, even human cost. Our iPhones and Macs (which the woke people are probably using too), heck even PS4s are from Foxconn and we know the issues with Foxconn: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foxconn.

So yeah, I stick to separating the art from the artist. Like what I do for Koichi Sugiyama, a well know Nanjing Massacre denialist and even to the point he wanted history books revised: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koichi_Sugiyama

But his music for DQ and commercials were iconic.

He's a shitty person but his work is great and I still like his work.

This angle has been lost amongst these Unicorns. The ability to appreciate that somebody or something can have multiple facets, some of which you like, some you don't. To these people it's like "you said one thing that upsets my delicate disposition so therefore you are a complete cunt and in order for me to stay in denial I must eradicate you from existence".

Its truly pathetic.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
This angle has been lost amongst these Unicorns. The ability to appreciate that somebody or something can have multiple facets, some of which you like, some you don't. To these people it's like "you said one thing that upsets my delicate disposition so therefore you are a complete cunt and in order for me to stay in denial I must eradicate you from existence".

Its truly pathetic.

People are forgetting that these iconic people are still... Human and they've done some doodoos:

Pablo Picasso - https://historycollection.com/16-ti...ve-been-called-out-during-the-metoo-movement/
Martin Luther King - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jun/08/martin-luther-king-david-garrow-essay-claims
The Dalai Lama - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-48844825


Hasn't Sammy from push square posted here before? I forget but they seem like they would be fair. And Colin et all at last stand

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
I don't get it.....hundreds if not thousands of people worked on this. Not one individual

Other than licensing out HP did Rowling have anything to do with this game?


Sadly, the main big publications will go and grift against this person because its the popular (and expected) thing to do. And aggregate review scores will be affected somewhat.

Meanwhile the game will sell gangbusters and vocal Karens will scream till their lungs give out.
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