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Which outlets will review Hogwarts Legacy unbiased?

The most important opinion will be mine. ME!!!

I'll will form my own opinion.
Jack Nicholson Reaction GIF


King Snowflake
If it's good I don't think they'll give it bad scores but I do think most "mainstream" sites are going to be a bit harsher with it than with other games (like giving it an 75-80 when they'd otherwise have given it a 80-85)

I actually wouldn't be surprised if the game ends up being a bit woke, probably WB trying to overcompensate for the whole controversy.
People see this as some anit-woke game because of the JK Rowling drama but keep in mind that aside from the whole trans thing she is pretty woke herself and places like Era/Kotaku used to love her, like when she pretended she never envisioned Hermione as white
Why the fuck would they overcompensate? Why would mainstream outlets doc the game? Why the fuck do people think everything is agenda driven conspiracies?

A vocal minority is against this game because they are morons who think it makes more sense to punish hundreds for the sins of one person. Most people couldn't give a fuck like a trans person mid-op or post op / pre-recovery.


Gold Member
Unsure about the major outlets. IGN and Gamespot will no doubt have a paragraph written up about how they reject the views of JK Rowling and support LGBBQ rights, etc. They can’t ignore it like some of the smaller outlets will do.

Most of the normie YouTube channels will give it a fair shake IMO. I doubt Jim Sterling will touch it. He’ll probably do a Jimquisition and move on.


Gamespot has spend more effort on this activist piece than they ever spend on any game ever.

I have no doubt that there will certainly be people tearing the game to shreds if they feel it doesn't go "Far enough" to distance itself from JK Rowling. There will be plenty of reviewers tearing it regardless of what it does. And, I'm sure, there will be those not reviewing it at all.
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wonder if the anti-woke reviewers will give it a 10/10 regardless of it's quality
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Gold Member
Any reviewer that unmasks their pettiness by not reviewing or clearly docking several extra points off due to the author of the books, is going on my blacklist of never having their content viewed by me.
Gaf will, they will give it a 10/10 for being anti-woke
Will they tho? What if theres a few lesbians, a gay wizard teacher, maybe a minority or two, and and if the most powerful wizard is a female… will they join the crusade?

Do people honestly think boycotting is going to put any dent in her bank account lol?
I really don’t think any of this discussion is even leaking from these ultra sensitive circle jerks. All my friends are interested in the game and have ZERO clue about any of these “anti-trans, woke, anti-woke” nonsense bullshit.

They basically go “Harry Potter, open world, looks cool, ima get it”, the game can be as woke or as not woke as it can be, they wouldnt even care.
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Avoid gamespot. If you see a 5/10 you'll know the mind virus took root there. Ign maybe is ok since that site nowadays only really cares about money from ads and +ve engagement.


The most important opinion will be mine. ME!!!

I'll will form my own opinion.
Yep, there are more important things going on than worrying about if a harry potter game will be reveiwed fairly. Cant wait for the game though, i took the week off work


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
NEOGAF will probably be the best place for an honest review. Because.people here won't be concerned about JK Rowling's beliefs but rather the game is good or not.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
From my understanding, J.K. didn't have any role in this game and her only connection is creating the Universe, so not really sure what the Twitter mob is howling about. Boycotting this game will only hurt innocent people who worked on this game, not J.K. Rowling who is already beyond rich. Do people honestly think boycotting is going to put any dent in her bank account lol?
Again, people will have no problem playing any game that has HP Lovecraft's Mythos but they have a problem with this?

It's all just so fucking stupid.


I honestly think IGN will be fairly non-biased on it, considering they are the biggest gaming journalist and would be pressured by higher ups not enforce their own personal opinions on the review
Most outlets will give it a fair shake. If it isn't reviewed a 9 tho people will assume they are being bias and the incoming 98 user review is more valid that the 72-82ish critic review...This whole thing will be silly from both sides.


I do believe that Easy Allies won't be reviewing it.
Every professional outlet should
Exactly. They get paid to do it, they exist to do it. It’s bad enough that they review pre-launch versions that the customers usually never get to touch because of the patching mess that is going on right now. If they start factoring in personal and political agendas in the reviews then they should just quit their job. Some of us live in other cultures where trans people aren’t everywhere and are struggling to fit into the society, some have never even seen a trans person in real life. And some of us don’t even understand why Hogwarts Legacy is controversial.
Just let us know if the game is good and worth purchasing.


Skill Up's the first that comes to mind, I know a lot of people wanna get it to stick it to REE but let's hope the game's actually good lol. It feels like a majority of the hype for this game seems to be because of the whole woke issue, idk maybe it's just me.
Did I miss something?

What controversy?


Nvm, found it.

Anti-semitism because of the Goblin Rebellion?

I figured it was symbolism for how the unvaxxed were being treated during the covid-"pandemic", which was universally accepted.😶
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The nicest person on this forum
What happens if some reviewer actually didn't liked the actual game itself? Is the reviewer gonna get accused of being"woke"?
For this game i want a dedicated Gaf review thread. I know we have talented writers on gaf. I will take their opinion over these journalists who will 100% trash the game


Moderated wildly
The worst part will be, how many sites will claim they are reviewing it unbiased but have like a 2 to 3 paragraph tirade about how ungodly j k Rowling is and how they thought due to the extra eyes a review will see that they just HAD to use the opportunity to say how much of a piece of shit human she is and you should really take a long hard look in the mirror to decide if you should support such a game.


Will they tho? What if theres a few lesbians, a gay wizard teacher, maybe a minority or two, and and if the most powerful wizard is a female… will they join the crusade?

I really don’t think any of this discussion is even leaking from these ultra sensitive circle jerks. All my friends are interested in the game and have ZERO clue about any of these “anti-trans, woke, anti-woke” nonsense bullshit.

They basically go “Harry Potter, open world, looks cool, ima get it”, the game can be as woke the or as not woke as it can be, they wouldnt even care.
That’s going to be most people I would think.


I trust u guys would give pretty good impressions on the game. Normally I'd listen to SkillUp, ACG, Gameranx or Jake Baldino.


Skill Up's the first that comes to mind, I know a lot of people wanna get it to stick it to REE but let's hope the game's actually good lol. It feels like a majority of the hype for this game seems to be because of the whole woke issue, idk maybe it's just me.
It actually looks pretty good (whether it is, guess we will find out).

The whole “woke” issue is coming to a head because the game looks like it’s May do well and be popular. (Just like cyberpunk)


Makes me laugh how fickle the trans community are and how much they ignore serious issues within their ranks and instead lead bs witch-hunts over anything that other people enjoy.

Talk about the head of one of the biggest Trans charities being a paedophile? Nah we'll be quiet about that.

Talk about boycotting an innocent VIDEO GAME? FUCK YEAH LET'S GET THE PITCHFORKS READY!

Angry Joe probably. But he sucks so bad at video games that it's hard to gauge his experience compared to the average player.
Opinions like this are why he has been doing a 3-man panel more and more, and he’s been giving more creative control and Alex and AJ for games and movies that aren’t to his tastes.

It was the smart decision.


honestly in this specific case i'm not going to trust any video game reviewer or the MC score and just judge it for myself


Any outlet that picks up a review code, plays through the game and then docks it for points because of JK should be completely banned.

For this game i want a dedicated Gaf review thread. I know we have talented writers on gaf. I will take their opinion over these journalists who will 100% trash the game

How are you going to get consensus from a gaming forum? See how divisive the user reviews for Callisto protocol are, for example.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
How are you going to get consensus from a gaming forum? See how divisive the user reviews for Callisto protocol are, for example.
I trust GAF reviews over 99 percent of 'gaming journalists' nowadays.
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Okay, I think I've got my wires crossed with them not covering the State of Play reveal or something. There's a long 30 minute chat about it here (starts around 6:30):

Seems they'll leave it up to their individual reviews to decide how to handle it.

So, neither here nor there.
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