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White House: "Fox News is not a news organization"

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Door2Dawn said:
Question is moot, as Palin will never be elected president.

Counting out Palin is a pretty bad idea. I'd argue she is more primed to be nominated than ever because she can no longer be occupied with Alaskan affairs (not that she ever did much of that anyway) and focus all of her efforts on reinventing herself as a political force to be reckoned with within the GOP.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
DY_nasty said:
Bush led a war based on bullshit - Obama is trying to make a better healthcare system. If those two actions are the same to you then whatever...

And Obama isn't my guy either.

I'm just saying that when a news media outlet steps outside of its bounds and starts making up things and leading public events of dissent, its no longer a news media outlet.

Do you enjoy stating opinions as facts?


Kills Photobucket
Fox and MSNBC are just different sides of the same coin.

CNN will just say whatever it needs to to try and get anyone to actually tune in.

OFF TOPIC QUESTION: Anyone find their local NBC and FOX affiliates much more balanced?


The Experiment said:
This is a good thing.

It won't do shit but it will make the teabaggers angrier. Sounds like the strategy here is to make the Republicans look as unhinged as possible, so center and center right voters might not be enchanted with Obama but would rather stay the course with Obama than vote for a party of the insane in November 2010.

If you think the democrats are going to have a good 2010, i wouldn't mind trying some of the drugs you're on.

The Republicans are taking back a significant number of seats. Maybe even the majority in the House.


zoku88 said:
Not sure how you got that conclusion. Really, if you got that from my post, you must have serious reading issues. Try again.

Or explain YOUR (clearly faulty) logic how you came to that conclusion.
Future administrations calling some journalists liars?

And that is wrong because
Because administrations have been called out on their bullshit before. If this is allowed than administrations can deny information to major outlets they don't agree with.

What if that had happened during Vietnam? No scary images, no brutal vision of war, no backlash.

Hell how many people bitched about the Bush admin not showing caskets? If Obama had something embarrassing and Foxnews wanted to show it, it would be okay for the gov to deny them and tell their peers to ignore them?

People are defending this because it's obama. Not because its right. Fox news doesn't have nearly as much influence as people deem to have, as has this illustrated for the past 3 years.


Cooter said:
Do you enjoy stating opinions as facts?
Actually, unless you have evidence of otherwise, I think it's fair to say he's trying to make a better health system.

Whether he actually is or not is debatable, but I don't think you'd find much evidence saying that he isn't trying.
avatar299 said:
Because administrations have been called out on their bullshit before. If this is allowed than administrations can deny information to major outlets they don't agree with.

What if that had happened during Vietnam? No scary images, no brutal vision of war, no backlash.
See? You're skipping logic again. Your first and second sentences have nothing to do with the topic at hand.

This situation: Gov't calling Fox liars. STILL appearing on their shows.

Your hypothetical situation: Gov't calling Fox liars. Denying them any press access.

They're different. I hope you can see that.


Palin won't make it farther than running for candidate. She may have the cash but a better non-white republican who isn't bat shit crazy is bound to show up.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Cooter said:
Do you enjoy stating opinions as facts?
Its not an opinion. He is trying to do what he thinks is better. Fact. I don't necessarily agree with every detail of it, but he's trying to make what he calls a better healthcare system.

Its not like he's taking a platform of LETS MAKE THINGS WORSE HA HA HAR


avatar299 said:
Because administrations have been called out on their bullshit before. If this is allowed than administrations can deny information to major outlets they don't agree with
When has this ever NOT been the case?


zoku88 said:
Actually, unless you have evidence of otherwise, I think it's fair to say he's trying to make a better health system.

Whether he actually is or not is debatable, but I don't think you'd find much evidence saying that he isn't trying.
Trying isn't debatable. Better certainly is.


DrForester said:
Fox and MSNBC are just different sides of the same coin.

CNN will just say whatever it needs to to try and get anyone to actually tune in.

OFF TOPIC QUESTION: Anyone find their local NBC and FOX affiliates much more balanced?
Actually yes. I find both very tolerable to watch.
XCell9200 said:
If you think the democrats are going to have a good 2010, i wouldn't mind trying some of the drugs you're on.

The Republicans are taking back a significant number of seats. Maybe even the majority in the House.

Too soon to tell. The economy will make or break them. Doesn't hurt that they can score a few political victories here and there by making the other side look mentally unbalanced.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
zoku88 said:
Actually, unless you have evidence of otherwise, I think it's fair to say he's trying to make a better health system.

Whether he actually is or not is debatable, but I don't think you'd find much evidence saying that he isn't trying.

You think. That is the key statement in your response.


BSsBrolly said:
MSNBC and CNN do not flat out lie. Fox News does. Big difference.

I remember a CNN headline about terrorists potentially wanting to poison baby food. The headline? "Saddam's Threat to The Babies of America". Right before the Iraq war. I am not making this up.
Cooter said:
So Palin wins in 2012 and pulls this shit on MSNBC. Everyone here still find it justified?

Jesus christ stop comparing MSNBC to Fox. It's idiotic.

MSNBC is partisan but it makes its arguments based on logic, reason and science and rarely blatantly lies. Fox is partisan, makes up stories, many times bases its arguments on religious fundamentalism, has lunatics for "journalists" and the republican party's PR asshole as a commentator (or whatever that dipshit Carl Rove is doing there). Is it so difficult for you people to see the difference?


As a side note to those asking the white house to create their own news show, note that the BBC is funded and partially run by the British Government.


Cooter said:
You think. That is the key statement in your response.
It's almost impossible to be 100% on anything. But there is this concept of 'reasonable doubt.' Do you have any reasonable doubt that 'trying' is a lie? Do you have evidence to contradict it?
The Experiment said:
Counting out Palin is a pretty bad idea. I'd argue she is more primed to be nominated than ever because she can no longer be occupied with Alaskan affairs (not that she ever did much of that anyway) and focus all of her efforts on reinventing herself as a political force to be reckoned with within the GOP.

She wouldn't make it past a primary, let alone an election. She has no chance of even being on the ballot in November of 2012.

She turned herself into a national joke within the span of two months. After she crushed the McCain campaign, she went on to abandon her position in Alaska. She has nothing left in politics.


zoku88 said:
See? You're skipping logic again. Your first and second sentences have nothing to do with the topic at hand.

This situation: Gov't calling Fox liars. STILL appearing on their shows.

Your hypothetical situation: Gov't calling Fox liars. Denying them any press access.

They're different. I hope you can see that.
The Gov is not allowing their supporters on Fox news and they are telling other outlets not to pick up Fox news coverage.


God Damned politics making America angry at eachother. All news organizations are biased bologna bs. Just let them.


WickedAngel said:
She wouldn't make it past a primary, let alone an election. She has no chance of even being on the ballot in November of 2012.

She turned herself into a national joke within the span of two months. After she crushed the McCain campaign, she went on to abandon her position in Alaska. She has nothing left in politics.
She also revived the dying campaign. The fact she was an idiot did not help in the short period afterward though. In a way SNL did more damage to the campaign than any other media outlet ever could.


Water is not wet!
Why wont the WH just remove Fox from their conferences and stuff? If they are going to come out and tell it like it is might as go do that too. We dont have the Weekly World News or the Enquirer at the WH press conferences.. why Fox?


Cooter said:
So Palin wins in 2012 and pulls this shit on MSNBC. Everyone here still find it justified?

If MSNBC behaved in the same manner, sure. If MSNBC is run but a Democratic political operative, like Fox is run by a a Republican political operative, and objective news watch organizations condemn it as biased, like FAIR has with Fox, then she'd be entirely justified in treating it as an opinion mill rather than an actual news organization.

For that matter, it's not as if they're denying WH credentials to FOX reporters, so far as I know, they're just not sending over talking heads to prop up a network that got a clear ideological bent and an axe to grind against the administration. If MSNBC were doing the same to a hypothetical Palin Presidency (it is to laugh...) then she'd be an idiot to send people over to help them knife her.
avatar299 said:
What if that had happened during Vietnam? No scary images, no brutal vision of war, no backlash.

That's a horrible example. Fox would have been cheering the Vietnam war on and decrying the protesting commie hippies as closet satanists trying to sabotage America in the name of Stalin/Hitler/Lucifer.


Number 2 said:
Why wont the WH just remove Fox from their conferences and stuff? If they are going to come out and tell it like it is might as go do that too. We dont have the Weekly World News or the Enquirer at the WH press conferences.. why Fox?
They have pretty much already blacklisted Fox News for the most part.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
zoku88 said:
It's almost impossible to be 100% on anything. But there is this concept of 'reasonable doubt.' Do you have any reasonable doubt that 'trying' is a lie? Do you have evidence to contradict it?

Yeah, being 100% is called a fact. Anyway it doesn't matter. What matters is the Executive branch dicking around our free press. Very scary stuff. You can spin it like a top but it's a troubling development.


It's not like Fox News is innocent in this. Their whole purpose is, besides being the voice of the Republican party, was to discredit all other news organizations.

ETA: Fox News is loving this. They're the Cable TV equivalent of an internet troll.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Cooter said:
Yeah, being 100% is called a fact. Anyway it doesn't matter. What matters is the Executive branch dicking around our free press. Very scary stuff. You can spin it like a top but it's a troubling development.
Fox News isn't a part of the free press anymore.


Cooter said:
Yeah, being 100% is called a fact. Anyway it doesn't matter. What matters is the Executive branch dicking around our free press. Very scary stuff. You can spin it like a top but it's a troubling development.
Technically some stuff that has been done by Fox News can ALMOST count as slander in court.
WickedAngel said:
She wouldn't make it past a primary, let alone an election. She has no chance of even being on the ballot in November of 2012.

She turned herself into a national joke within the span of two months. After she crushed the McCain campaign, she went on to abandon her position in Alaska. She has nothing left in politics.

How do you know that? She'll turn the primaries into a frenzied bloodbath.


Cooter said:
Yeah, being 100% is called a fact. Anyway it doesn't matter. What matters is the Executive branch dicking around our free press. Very scary stuff. You can spin it like a top but it's a troubling development.

Are they dicking around our free press? Are you 100% sure?


besada said:
If MSNBC behaved in the same manner, sure. If MSNBC is run but a Democratic political operative, like Fox is run by a a Republican political operative, and objective news watch organizations condemn it as biased, like FAIR has with Fox, then she'd be entirely justified in treating it as an opinion mill rather than an actual news organization.

For that matter, it's not as if they're denying WH credentials to FOX reporters, so far as I know, they're just not sending over talking heads to prop up a network that got a clear ideological bent and an axe to grind against the administration. If MSNBC were doing the same to a hypothetical Palin Presidency (it is to laugh...) then she'd be an idiot to send people over to help them knife her.
FAIR is objective now? So does that mean Bozell is as well? This thread turned into crazy town.

From FAIR's own website:
As a progressive group, FAIR believes that structural reform is ultimately needed to break up the dominant media conglomerates, establish independent public broadcasting and promote strong non-profit sources of information.


Fox News is like drink crow, and the White House are Nintendo fanboys on the Gaming side.

This really isn't the best way to deal with this. I'm calling a backfire.


avatar299 said:
The Gov is not allowing their supporters on Fox news and they are telling other outlets not to pick up Fox news coverage.
Uh, where do you get the first part from?
Cooter said:
Yeah, being 100% is called a fact. Anyway it doesn't matter. What matters is the Executive branch dicking around our free press. Very scary stuff. You can spin it like a top but it's a troubling development.
Do you like stating opinions as facts?

Yea, it's not so great playing the semantics game.. :-/ At least when I did it just now, I could actually debate what you're saying...


DrForester said:
OFF TOPIC QUESTION: Anyone find their local NBC and FOX affiliates much more balanced?
In my personal experience, everything is less partisan at a local level.

My mom and I are at each other's throats during national elections, but we cast nearly identical votes for local and state ballot issues. I take it as a reminder of how successful the national media and parties have been at framing everything as a right/left issue.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
DY_nasty said:
Fox News isn't a part of the free press anymore.

If politics gets to this point you're gonna be awful sorry when a hard-right President get's in and starts declaring absolutes like people here seem to have no problem doing. You guys don't want to go down this road no matter how much you hate FOX. Take a deep breath.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Raxus said:
Technically some stuff that has been done by Fox News can ALMOST count as slander in court.

Then take it up in the courts. Sounds like a logical step to me?


zoku88 said:
Uh, where do you get the first part from?

Do you like stating opinions as facts?

Yea, it's not so great playing the semantics game.. :-/ At least when I did it just now, I could actually debate what you're saying...
From the OP

The White House stopped providing guests to 'Fox News Sunday' after Wallace fact-checked controversial assertions made by Tammy Duckworth, assistant secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, in August. Dunn said fact-checking an administration official was "something I've never seen a Sunday show do."


The Experiment said:
How do you know that? She'll turn the primaries into a frenzied bloodbath.
I doubt in the long run people will choose the candidate that has difficulty putting two sentences together.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Cooter said:
If politics gets to this point you're gonna be awful sorry when a hard-right President get's in and starts declaring absolutes like people here seem to have no problem doing. You guys don't want to go down this road no matter how much you hate FOX. Take a deep breath.
Fox News sacrificed whatever was left of its journalist integrity by the actions its taken. You didn't see CNN producers starting and organizing rallies or just flat-out lying. Its really just that simple.


Cooter said:
If politics gets to this point you're gonna be awful sorry when a hard-right President get's in and starts declaring absolutes like people here seem to have no problem doing. You guys don't want to go down this road no matter how much you hate FOX. Take a deep breath.
Isn't that exactly what the Bush Administration did through Fox News? The current political climate is the direct result of the insane rhetoric spewed by the expansion of the far-right media.

It wasn't just Fox News, of course. The Bush administration exerted a huge amount of control over every media outlet through intimidation.
Cooter said:
If politics gets to this point you're gonna be awful sorry when a hard-right President get's in and starts declaring absolutes like people here seem to have no problem doing. You guys don't want to go down this road no matter how much you hate FOX. Take a deep breath.

What's the liberal equivalent of Fox? What mainstream outlet was telling everybody that Bush had a hidden agenda to overthrow America with his own private Nazi exoskeleton army every single day in prime time?

There is no mainstream equivalency you can make here. Fox has crossed over into Weekly World News territory.
eznark said:
From the OP

The White House stopped providing guests to 'Fox News Sunday' after Wallace fact-checked controversial assertions made by Tammy Duckworth, assistant secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, in August. Dunn said fact-checking an administration official was "something I've never seen a Sunday show do."

Fact checking a White House official = Crazy Fox News assholes!

Fact checking a SNL skit = CNN is so serious!


eznark said:
From the OP

The White House stopped providing guests to 'Fox News Sunday' after Wallace fact-checked controversial assertions made by Tammy Duckworth, assistant secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, in August. Dunn said fact-checking an administration official was "something I've never seen a Sunday show do."
When you read that, did any of that sound weird to you?

It's because the source is Fox :-/

And notice, it doesn't say Fox as a whole, it says that particular show, if the comment is true at all.

EDIT: by source, I mean the story in the OP. Not the source that the article used.
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