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White House: "Fox News is not a news organization"

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eznark said:
From the OP

The White House stopped providing guests to 'Fox News Sunday' after Wallace fact-checked controversial assertions made by Tammy Duckworth, assistant secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, in August. Dunn said fact-checking an administration official was "something I've never seen a Sunday show do."
Thank you


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
DY_nasty said:
Fox News sacrificed whatever was left of its journalist integrity by the actions its taken. You didn't see CNN producers starting and organizing rallies or just flat-out lying. Its really just that simple.

Like I said above, take it up in court if the case is so concrete. Getting the Executive branch involved in our press is not the way to go IMO. Happy ;)


zoku88 said:
When you read that, did any of that sound weird to you?

It's because the source is Fox :-/

And notice, it doesn't say Fox as a whole, it says that particular show, if the comment is true at all.
now who is parsing?


The White House escalated its offensive against Fox News on Sunday by urging other news organizations to stop "following Fox" and instead join the administration's attempt to marginalize the channel.

White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel told CNN that President Obama does not want "the CNNs and the others in the world [to] basically be led in following Fox."

Obama senior adviser David Axelrod went further by calling on media outlets to join the administration in declaring that Fox is "not a news organization."

Whatever one thinks of Fox News and their tactics, it is quite disturbing that the administration is trying to tell the news media what to do.
If they don't want to provide Fox with interviews or guests for their shows, that's fine, but this seems to be going beyond that.
What would the reaction be if this was between the Bush administration and MSNBC?


Cooter said:
Like I said above, take it up in court if the case is so concrete. Getting the Executive branch involved in our press is not the way to go IMO. Happy ;)

So then you agree with the administration not sending people to appear on Fox News Sunday.


Water is not wet!
As soon as i read Fox doing fact-checking i knew that article is partisan bullshit. Just Fox trying to spin themselves as the victim. Please. :lol


Zabka said:
Isn't that exactly what the Bush Administration did through Fox News? The current political climate is the direct result of the insane rhetoric spewed by the expansion of the far-right media.

It wasn't just Fox News, of course. The Bush administration exerted a huge amount of control over every media outlet through intimidation.
Yes, partially the reason why I oppose this


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
LiveFromKyoto said:
What's the liberal equivalent of Fox? What mainstream outlet was telling everybody that Bush had a hidden agenda to overthrow America with his own private Nazi exoskeleton army every single day in prime time?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Tamanon said:
So then you agree with the administration not sending people to appear on Fox News Sunday.

They can do whatever they like. Not sending advocates to appear on FOX doesn't bother me. It's the rhetoric that is troubling to me.
Raxus said:
I doubt in the long run people will choose the candidate that has difficulty putting two sentences together.

If she is trained well from now until 2012, it is absolutely possible that she can dramatically improve her speaking skills. Plus she is probably the best potential candidate out there to tap into the teabaggers / 9-12 set, seeing as how she did a lot of work getting them riled up during the elections. I suppose Huck will get the religious right with Romney melting down trying to grab portions of both.


Water is not wet!
xbhaskarx said:
Whatever one thinks of Fox News and their tactics, it is quite disturbing that the administration is trying to tell the news media what to do.
If they don't want to provide Fox with interviews or guests for their shows, that's fine, but this seems to be going beyond that...
What would the reaction be if this was between the Bush administration and MSNBC?
Well if they are the ones that finally have the guts to do it, so be it. Fox should be ostracized from any political event. Let Beck talk bullshit on his cooking show.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I've know that for a very long time. But its nice to see the white house realizes it now.


Water is not wet!
missbreedsiddx said:
I've know that for a very long time. But its nice to see the white house realizes it now.
Well when the fuck else were they going to recognize it? 2+ years ago during the administration that Fox was in cahoots with? :lol

This has been known for a while now. Glad the White House is finally calling out Fox on their bullshit.
Cooter said:
They can do whatever they like. Not sending advocates to appear on FOX doesn't bother me. It's the rhetoric that is troubling to me.

Oh no they're accusing an entertainment channel of not being a news organization. Well it isn't. They have phychos in their programs and they're entertaining conspiracy theories equivalent to the ones about WTC during the Bush administration. It's not a news channel because news channels have news not bullshit, propaganda and insane rumblings of lunatics.


Setec Astronomer
I'm expecting a followup condemnation of cable news in general, and then they can condemn ratings-driven infotainment posing as news, but regardless, I do wonder what this will accomplish.


"The faster they can get this behind them, the more they can treat Fox like one other organization, the easier they can get back to governing, and then put some people out on Fox," Gergen said on CNN. "I mean, for goodness sakes -- you know, you engage in the debate.

Oh, shut the fuck up. If someone's screaming insane shit at you, it's not a debate, it's a crazy person screaming at you. You should be able to say, "They're fucking crazy. I don't want anything to do with that."

We get Fox News over here (UK) and the first time I watched it after never being exposed to the channel in my entire life:

I stared at it mouth wide open at the intense shock of watching such an obvious display of intentional capitalism-powered thought-manipulating mind-invading display of light and sound I had ever seen.

Seriously - we make jokes over here (UK) about the BBC pretending to be the messiahs of information amongst our news networks but Fox News made me almost check outside for the thought police.

Those that defend the channel are likely to be those that are caught in its web and are (quote) so dependent on the system they are fighting to defend it.


I'm with the White House.


Hitokage said:
I'm expecting a followup condemnation of cable news in general, and then they can condemn ratings-driven infotainment posing as news, but regardless, I do wonder what this will accomplish.
Nothing, most likely. The people who watch Fox won't believe the Obama Administration anyway. The people who don't watch Fox probably already think Fox is a joke.
Ghost Leviathan said:
Please don't do that. I read your post thinking that it would contain new factual information on the subject :-/
Hitokage said:
I'm expecting a followup condemnation of cable news in general, and then they can condemn ratings-driven infotainment posing as news, but regardless, I do wonder what this will accomplish.

Absolutely nothing. The uneducated masses want what they want and corporations aren't going to suddenly wake up and realize the error of their ways. The days of legitimate newscasting are pretty much over.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Well, I've said all I can on the subject. Like I've said twice and had not one response to, if they really want to go after FOX why not file a lawsuit? Wouldn't that be the responsible thing to to instead of sending a direct message to the nation from the Executive branch of the Federal Gov't?

Enjoy the echoing of like opinions.
Much as I agree about our good friends at Faux, this is a pretty stupid thing to do. The administration's just feeding more fire to the hate machine and giving people manipulated by Fox News all the more reason to rise up against the administration and the democratic party with it (after all, they're trying to shut down the one source of "true journalism that's revealing this administration for what it truly is"). This is just according to keikaku* as far as Fox is concerned.

*Translator's note: keikaku means plan.


Cooter said:
Well, I've said all I can on the subject. Like I've said twice and had not one response to, if they really want to go after FOX why not file a lawsuit? Wouldn't that be the responsible thing to to instead of sending a direct message to the nation from the Executive branch of the Federal Gov't?

Enjoy the echoing of like opinions.
I have no idea how you can believe that suing Fox is somehow better than rhetoric. Tying up courts for something like this would be such a waste of resources.

Which is probably why no one responded before.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
SpeedingUptoStop said:
If only the rest of the world followed the White House's move on this one.

If only the White House followed its own move and blacklisted all of the "so-called" journalists. Imagine how much shit could get done if Obama (or his people) never had to make speeches, never had to give press conferences, and never had to field questions from the press about the administration's policy. We should just relax and check back in with Obama in 4 years and see what he's done.

With that said, think how much more shit he could get done if he didn't have the distraction of a forth coming election once he hits the third year of his administration? I'm down for a Constitutional referendum to eliminate popular elections for the office of the president, solely to allow Obama to stay focused on the task at hand.


Junior Member
Not new?
Documentary on reported Conservative bias of the Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox News Channel (FNC), which promotes itself as "Fair and Balanced". Material includes interviews with former FNC employees and the inter-office memos they provided.

EDIT: Was already posted. :lol
Ok I am not saying Fox News is a legit news outfit (God knows they're not), but how is it too much different than MSNBC trotting out nothing but left wing pundits every hour from 5pm onward every night? Other than the fact they typically agree with the administration and are generally far less crazy (although we never saw them this way at the height of Bush, so who knows).
worldrunover said:
Ok I am not saying Fox News is a legit news outfit (God knows they're not), but how is it too much different than MSNBC trotting out nothing but left wing pundits every hour from 5pm onward every night? Other than the fact they typically agree with the administration and are generally far less crazy (although we never saw them this way at the height of Bush, so who knows).

Bias != Lies

Fox combines both and perpetually emboldens the fringe with their support of any asinine conspiracy theory that gets thought up. The only person who ever seems to say anything at all is Shep Smith.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
mre said:
If only the White House followed its own move and blacklisted all of the "so-called" journalists. Imagine how much shit could get done if Obama (or his people) never had to make speeches, never had to give press conferences, and never had to field questions from the press about the administration's policy. We should just relax and check back in with Obama in 4 years and see what he's done.

With that said, think how much more shit he could get done if he didn't have the distraction of a forth coming election once he hits the third year of his administration? I'm down for a Constitutional referendum to eliminate popular elections for the office of the president, solely to allow Obama to stay focused on the task at hand.
Naw, He should start doing the opposite and field questions from the likes of the Daily Show and Colbert Report. Shit, why stop there? Invite the tea baggers in the press room and let's get down to the real brass tax. Take it to the next level and set up an e-mail system so every American has a direct line to President's desk and has his ear at any moment. Shit, let's not exclude the rest of the world while we're at it. The President oughta have to answer every single living person's questions, no matter how absurd they are. He owes us that much.


Cooter said:
Like I said above, take it up in court if the case is so concrete. Getting the Executive branch involved in our press is not the way to go IMO. Happy ;)

You ARE aware that they got sued for intentionally lying (or rather, firing two since they refused to air false information) and it was judged in their favour, because requiring truth in news is only a policy, not a law.

And they had the balls to counter sue for expenses.

"The court agreed with WTVT's (Fox) argument "that the FCC's policy against the intentional falsification of the news -- which the FCC has called its "news distortion policy" -- does not qualify as the required "law, rule, or regulation" under section 448.102.[...] Because the FCC's news distortion policy is not a "law, rule, or regulation" under section 448.102, Akre has failed to state a claim under the whistle-blower's statute."

In 2004, Fox filed a US$1.7 million counter-suit against Akre and Wilson for trial fees and costs. Akre and Wilson both appear in a major portion of the 2004/5 critical documentary, The Corporation."
WickedAngel said:
Bias != Lies

Fox combines both and perpetually emboldens the fringe with their support of any asinine conspiracy theory that gets thought up. The only person who ever seems to say anything at all is Shep Smith.

I can agree with that. I think the most hideous lie they tell is calling themselves "the only fair and balanced news network." It's like they're shitting right in our mouths.

Anyway, the real question of this thread should be whether or not this will do anything to de-legitimize Fox or if they're crazy base will galvanize more from this.
Murdoch is the modern day Randolph Hearst. Its not just the "news" shows that make Fox a joke. They actually do selective, sensationalist journalism. I'm pretty sure the other outlets do it to an extent, but Fox is very blatant about it and seem almost proud of it. Didn't they even decide not to broadcast one of Obama's speeches because they decided that it wasn't news worthy? I've never heard a national presidential speech a non news worthy event.


Unconfirmed Member

This is the administration trying to set the narrative of the week with something inflamatory but ultimately inconsequential while the health care bills get merged.

This is cover for Reid IMO.

I don't think it's a particularly wise strategy but they certainly were not getting far combatting th FUD head on.
Masta_Killah said:
Murdoch is the modern day Randolph Hearst. Its not just the "news" shows that make Fox a joke. They actually do selective, sensationalist journalism. I'm pretty sure the other outlets do it to an extent, but Fox is very blatant about it and seem almost proud of it. Didn't they even decide not to broadcast one of Obama's speeches because they decided that it wasn't news worthy? I've never heard a national presidential speech a non news worthy event.

The Fox network didn't carry the speeches, but Fox News did. How else could they have the Kristol & pals panel dissect it and tear it apart afterward?


Kills Photobucket
Masta_Killah said:
Murdoch is the modern day Randolph Hearst. Its not just the "news" shows that make Fox a joke. They actually do selective, sensationalist journalism. I'm pretty sure the other outlets do it to an extent, but Fox is very blatant about it and seem almost proud of it. Didn't they even decide not to broadcast one of Obama's speeches because they decided that it wasn't news worthy? I've never heard a national presidential speech a non news worthy event.

FOX news has carried his speeches. They did chose however not to pre-empt American Idol on network TV for the 3rd or 4th time because the White House was purposely having their conferences during it because it's so popular and they wanted as many viewers as possible.

Smart Move by the White House, but I don't blame FOX for getting tired of losing ad revenue on their biggest show.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
I don't know how I feel about this. I can somewhat understand where the White House is coming from. Fox News does have a handful of very vocal conservative commentators that distort the truth in an attempt to criticize the presidents decision making and agenda (Van Jones and the tea parties are prime examples). On the other hand, I don't think It is the job of the executive office to blacklist a mainstream media channel and try to lead a revolution against the news outlet which destroys all the other more liberal stations in regards to ratings. This will be seen by the right as an attempt to silence conservative ideas. This country is and will continue to be a big partisan clusterfuck.
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