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White House: "Fox News is not a news organization"

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Spider from Mars said:
I don't know how I feel about this. I can somewhat understand where the White House is coming from. Fox News does have a handful of very vocal conservative commentators that distort the truth in an attempt to criticize the presidents decision making and agenda (Van Jones and the tea parties are prime examples). On the other hand, I don't think It is the job of the executive office to blacklist a mainstream media channel and try to lead a revolution against the news outlet which destroys all the other more liberal stations in regards to ratings. This will be seen by the right as an attempt to silence conservative ideas. This country is and will continue to be a big partisan clusterfuck.

Yeah I really dont think this is a good move by the White House. Even most average liberal leaning people I mean the non hardcore buy the whole the media is liberal stuff so such an open barrage against the "conservative" media is gonna be seen even by them as threatening.

The best move was to just severe ties and leave it at that.


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laserbeam said:
Yeah I really dont think this is a good move by the White House. Even most average liberal leaning people I mean the non hardcore buy the whole the media is liberal stuff so such an open barrage against the "conservative" media is gonna be seen even by them as threatening.

The best move was to just severe ties and leave it at that.

I don't think severing ties is any better.


Spider from Mars said:
I don't know how I feel about this. I can somewhat understand where the White House is coming from. Fox News does have a handful of very vocal conservative commentators that distort the truth in an attempt to criticize the presidents decision making and agenda (Van Jones and the tea parties are prime examples). On the other hand, I don't think It is the job of the executive office to blacklist a mainstream media channel and try to lead a revolution against the news outlet which destroys all the other more liberal stations in regards to ratings. This will be seen by the right as an attempt to silence conservative ideas. This country is and will continue to be a big partisan clusterfuck.

Exactly. Whether or not Fox news deserves this (and they do to some extent), it will backfire in a big way. This is the highest rated news channel and the white house is basically telling their viewers that they enjoy propaganda and can't discern truth from lies. It is an arrogant move and people will resent it, even if it is true.


Shit is gonna get real ugly, like levels we probably haven't seen since the late 1960's if the White House does this and then Congress tries to get Conservative talk radio off the air by bringing back the fairness doctrine.




Warm Machine said:
Just run the country the best way possible and Fox won't have anything to report. This is just making the administration look weak.

They'll just make shit up like they've been doing ever since Obama became president.


Surely the White House must know how this is going to play out and must foresee some long-term beneficial implications? Maybe this could actually lead to their marginalization, I dunno. But for now it does seem like a bad idea, especially with how they've addressed other media networks.


The President doesn't really lose on this one. It excites his retard, hysterical base (look in this thread) and (conservative) independents don't care for Fox either. So, the only people he will get upset are people that don't like him already.

Now an action like this kind of reaffirms their beliefs about the Obama administration. So, they can become even more agitated and further marginalize themselves from the center.


avatar299 said:
As long as the team you are rooting for wins, who cares?

RubxQub said:
This will only make the TeaBaggers angrier...and I can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing.
I said this a good 3 months ago in PoliGAF. Some people just get horny over the "F*** YOU!" attitude, though.


ToxicAdam said:
The President doesn't really lose on this one. It excites his retard, hysterical base (look in this thread) and (conservative) independents don't care for Fox either. So, the only people he will get upset are people that don't like him already.

Now an action like this kind of reaffirms their beliefs about the Obama administration. So, they can become even more agitated and further marginalize themselves from the center.

Thats the point get the retard far right base all hysterical because really thats all they ever seem to do lately. If they're watching FOX news or really any cable news channel for any news they we're a lost cause all long time ago. Further marginalization for the win. I can't wait for predictable radio/tv whining tomorrow.


Wow, the Obama Administration has really showed how unprepared and naive they are, hey dumb fucks, guess what you just did. by coming out on the offensive against Fox and stating your displeasure of them, you just Empowered them and did the exact opposite of what you were trying to accomplish. Good work chumps LOl. Also its never good for an President's people to go after any type of Media outlet, it makes one wonder just why an president would resort to Nazi like tactics against the Media.


methos75 said:
Wow, the Obama Administration has really showed how unprepared and naive they are, hey dumb fucks, guess what you just did. by coming out on the offensive against Fox and stating your displeasure of them, you just Empowered them and did the exact opposite of what you were trying to accomplish. Good work chumps LOl. Also its never good for an President's people to go after any type of Media outlet, it makes one wonder just why an president would resort to Nazi like tactics against the Media.


methos75 said:
Wow, the Obama Administration has really showed how unprepared and naive they are, hey dumb fucks, guess what you just did. by coming out on the offensive against Fox and stating your displeasure of them, you just Empowered them and did the exact opposite of what you were trying to accomplish. Good work chumps LOl. Also its never good for an President's people to go after any type of Media outlet, it makes one wonder just why an president would resort to Nazi like tactics against the Media.
It's the same arrogant principle that gets America waging wars on other countries or on drugs or on whatever. Try and stamp something out aggressively and you get your cummuppence.

Tamanon said:
Speaking of arrogant...


BowieZ said:
It's the same arrogant principle that gets America waging wars on other countries or on drugs or on whatever. Try and stamp something out aggressively and you get your cummuppence.

Speaking of arrogant...

Read his post again and tell me how saying the President is using "Nazi like" tactics against the media and tell me how it isn't laughable. DEFEND IT AS A VALID POINT!


eznark said:
Why is this bad, in and of itself? After blindly following the last administration into two wars, perhaps it's time America started questioning the big chiefs in Washington?
:lol yeah, well too bad the same idiots that blindly followed before are the same idiots blindly following Fox News. Still. And forevermore.


Tamanon said:
Read his post again and tell me how saying the President is using "Nazi like" tactics against the media and tell me how it isn't laughable. DEFEND IT AS A VALID POINT!

How is the President speaking out against an Media outlet critical of him and trying to stamp it out not an Nazi like tactic? as an Leader of an Nation, that is a no go no matter how you try to spend it.


methos75 said:
How is the President speaking out against an Media outlet critical of him and trying to stamp it out not an Nazi like tactic? as an Leader of an Nation, that is a no go no matter how you try to spend it.
Do you know what Nazis really did?

I'm not even sure that Fox News would exist if Obama was Nazi like.

"Trying to stamp out" -- Words must be more powerful than I thought they were.


methos75 said:
How is the President speaking out against an Media outlet critical of him and trying to stamp it out not an Nazi like tactic? as an Leader of an Nation, that is a no go no matter how you try to spend it.

We apparently have alternate definitions of "Nazi", what is yours and why is this like a Nazi?


methos75 said:
How is the President speaking out against an Media outlet critical of him and trying to stamp it out not an Nazi like tactic? as an Leader of an Nation, that is a no go no matter how you try to spend it.
Hey look here's someone questioning the big chiefs in Washington right now! Good job, America.


I think it's great. Politically probably not that wise because it makes Fox News martyrs to the idiots who watch it, but do they deserve not being treated as a news organization? Absolutely. Personally, I'd just try to ignore them completely.


Tamanon said:
We apparently have alternate definitions of "Nazi", what is yours and why is this like a Nazi?

Shhh.. they're going to figure out they look crazy from the get go at the reaction from this news and that thats the point. Your going to make Poligaf no fun if you keep pointing out the obviouse


1) Nazis had different tactics.

2) Not all of the tactics are of the same degree of moral questionability.

3) One of the well known tactics was to stifle media opposition.

4) Let's discuss this particular tactic only.

5) It is by definition a "Nazi-like tactic".

6) The White House -- or any White House, even Bush's -- trying to stamp out media opposition (whatever validity one might feel) is a "Nazi-like tactic".

7) The Nazi analogy, however, obviously raises eyebrows but it's still a true analogy.


BowieZ said:
1) Nazis had different tactics.

2) Not all of the tactics are of the same degree of moral questionability.

3) One of the well known tactics was to stifle media opposition.

4) Let's discuss this particular tactic only.

5) It is by definition a "Nazi-like tactic".

6) The White House -- or any White House, even Bush's -- trying to stamp out media opposition (whatever validity one might feel) is a "Nazi-like tactic".

7) The Nazi analogy, however, obviously raises eyebrows but it's still a true analogy.

How is this stifling media opposition?

Nazis also communicated in words formed into sentences, that doesn't mean you're nazi-like.


DrForester said:
Fox and MSNBC are just different sides of the same coin.

Ah, I knew this crap would end up in the thread as soon as I saw the thread title.

FACT: That is wrong.

Yes, MSNBC leans left heavily in their opinion-based shows during the evening. No one is denying that. But they do not LIE. MSNBC is NOT propaganda.

Fox News lies. They make things up in order to hurt the president. Shows like Hannity and especially Beck only provide a base for the angry racist pieces of shit of the country to stand up on. People like Glenn Beck being on the news, spouting shit about rising up and having a revolution, only makes the likelihood of someone doing something very stupid even more likely.

This is brought to light by the pictures and video we have seen from the tea parties. People putting animal shit on top of posters of Obama and the like. These are not sane people. They are disgusting and potentially violent people. The programming on Fox News feeds them.

I'm so tired of hearing stories like this and then people pulling the "bu-bu-bu-same thing as MSNBC."

No. It isn't.


BowieZ said:
1) Nazis had different tactics.

2) Not all of the tactics are of the same degree of moral questionability.

3) One of the well known tactics was to stifle media opposition.

4) Let's discuss this particular tactic only.

5) It is by definition a "Nazi-like tactic".

6) The White House -- or any White House, even Bush's -- trying to stamp out media opposition (whatever validity one might feel) is a "Nazi-like tactic".

7) The Nazi analogy, however, obviously raises eyebrows but it's still a true analogy.
5) How is it by definition a Nazi-like tactic? What is the definition?

How is it actually 'stamping out' media? Fox can still do wtv it wants. They're just being discredited. The White House even said that they would still appear on Fox interviews. Not even Fox denied that (notice, how they just say the Sunday show and not any others.)


Tamanon said:
How is this stifling media opposition?

Nazis also communicated in words formed into sentences, that doesn't mean you're nazi-like.
zoku88 said:
How is it actually 'stamping out' media?

I said "trying" and so was implied by methos. Nobody has said the White House is actually stifling Fox News, actually succeeding, but if the White House does begin to succeed, whatever validity it is owed, it becomes a tactic used by Nazis.

If you want to debate semantics about anything any Nazi did being Nazi-like, you're a terrible debater.

PS: I fucking hate Fox News. It's the scum of the earth.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
methos75 said:
Wow, the Obama Administration has really showed how unprepared and naive they are, hey dumb fucks, guess what you just did. by coming out on the offensive against Fox and stating your displeasure of them, you just Empowered them and did the exact opposite of what you were trying to accomplish. Good work chumps LOl. Also its never good for an President's people to go after any type of Media outlet, it makes one wonder just why an president would resort to Nazi like tactics against the Media.

fyi. the bush administration came out against MSNBC several times.

just thought you'd like to know.


BowieZ said:
I said "trying" and so was implied by methos. Nobody has said the White House is actually stifling Fox News, actually succeeding, but if the White House does begin to succeed, whatever validity it is owed, it becomes a tactic used by Nazis.

If you want to debate semantics about anything any Nazi did being Nazi-like, you're a terrible debater.

PS: I fucking hate Fox News. It's the scum of the earth.
How is it trying? Discrediting != trying to stamp out to me.

That's like saying Fox is trying to stamp out the Obama Administration. Which they aren't, since that's an impossible thing to do. They can only discredit them.


BowieZ said:
I said "trying" and so was implied by methos. Nobody has said the White House is actually stifling Fox News, actually succeeding, but if the White House does begin to succeed, whatever validity it is owed, it becomes a tactic used by Nazis.

If you want to debate semantics about anything any Nazi did being Nazi-like, you're a terrible debater.
Wait, how would they "succeed" in stifling Fox? Are you referring to their potential death by fire? I admire your optimism.


Guts Of Thor said:
Sure you do pal.

I'm sure he does, he just likes to pick random semantic, moronic points to try and play Devil's Advocate. It's kinda his schtick, like an APF that doesn't research before going in.


omg rite said:
Ah, I knew this crap would end up in the thread as soon as I saw the thread title.

FACT: That is wrong.

Yes, MSNBC leans left heavily in their opinion-based shows during the evening. No one is denying that. But they do not LIE. MSNBC is NOT propaganda.

Fox News lies. They make things up in order to hurt the president. Shows like Hannity and especially Beck only provide a base for the angry racist pieces of shit of the country to stand up on. People like Glenn Beck being on the news, spouting shit about rising up and having a revolution, only makes the likelihood of someone doing something very stupid even more likely.

This is brought to light by the pictures and video we have seen from the tea parties. People putting animal shit on top of posters of Obama and the like. These are not sane people. They are disgusting and potentially violent people. The programming on Fox News feeds them.

I'm so tired of hearing stories like this and then people pulling the "bu-bu-bu-same thing as MSNBC."

No. It isn't.

Not to mention MSNBC is actually critical of the left and has a three-hour weekday morning show hosted by a Republican.

Someone call me when a Democrat is allowed to sit on the same couch as Steve Doocy, Gretchen Carlson and Brian Kilmeade.


Man, I can't wait to hear all the stifling that will be coming out of Fox News this week in reaction to all this stifling.


quadriplegicjon said:
fyi. the bush administration came out against MSNBC several times.

just thought you'd like to know.

I believe I read somewhere they also tortured people and I think they wiretapped their citizens and pretty much fucked everything else up too but who can remember such things it was so long ago. Non of it comparable to Nazism though, no sir. No Nazis then but this Obama fellow well he just don't look right to me you see.


Guts Of Thor said:
Sure you do pal.
Why is this so hard for people to believe? Why can't I argue against a practice despite personally not minding if that practice came to a fruitful end?

I hate Fox like almost everyone else in this thread. But trying to discredit them (and by extension, trying to stifle it -- who wants to keep something discredited operating?) will only empower them.

And when Fox News is empowered, the White House will have to resort to tougher tactics.

It's not rocket science, really...

zoku88 said:
How is it trying? Discrediting != trying to stamp out to me.

That's like saying Fox is trying to stamp out the Obama Administration. Which they aren't, since that's an impossible thing to do. They can only discredit them.
You're comparing a news organisation with a government? I see. Tell me more.

thefit said:
I believe I read somewhere they also tortured people and I think they wiretapped their citizens and pretty much fucked everything else up too but who can remember such things it was so long ago. Non of it comparable to Nazism though, no sir. No Nazis then but this Obama fellow well he just don't look right to me you see.
This is completely irrelevant to the thread, dude. We're discussing the relationship between government and media. Nobody in this thread -- including myself -- likes any of the bullshit Bush's admin pulled, but it's irrelevant.


BowieZ said:
You're comparing a news organisation with a government? I see. Tell me more.
It's fine if you don't have any more points to support your ridiculous accusations. You can come out and say it.

I love how you didn't do anything to support your argument in that sentence, btw. Shows that you're a good debater. :D

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
BowieZ, you are from Australia, thus.. according to recent logic you have shown in other threads.. you really have no place discussing this issue since it would be impossible for an outsider to understand the American mindset from any side of the coin. ktnxbye.


BowieZ said:
Why is this so hard for people to believe? Why can't I argue against a practice despite personally not minding if that practice came to a fruitful end?

I hate Fox like almost everyone else in this thread. But trying to discredit them (and by extension, trying to stifle it -- who wants to keep something discredited operating?) will only empower them.

And when Fox News is empowered, the White House will have to resort to tougher tactics.

It's not rocket science, really...

You're comparing a news organisation with a government? I see. Tell me more.
Empower them like Obama's super exoskeleton? Aw shit, giant monster battle confirmed. Alas, I fear you may have meant empower in the non-awesome way. If so, can you please give examples of what the boring, empowered Fox would do? Tell the truth consistently for a change?


Tamanon said:
I'm sure he does, he just likes to pick random semantic, moronic points to try and play Devil's Advocate. It's kinda his schtick, like an APF that doesn't research before going in.
Hypocrite. You picked the semantic argument first:

Tamanon said:
Read his post again and tell me how saying the President is using "Nazi like" tactics against the media and tell me how it isn't laughable. DEFEND IT AS A VALID POINT!


sex vacation in Guam
Boy oh boy

eznark seriously you have to stop. Your comments would make sense if Fox was a news organization. I dont mind if they pander to conservatives, actually I used to be a conservative until I realize in what bad company I was in :) and also I was naive. The problem with Fox news is not who they pander to, it is that they outright lie and deceive people. They are a complete propaganda machine. They are a disgrace and an insult to America.

I would defend them to no end if they were not getting rich of ignorant religious middle americans by deceiving them and playing to their fears. FOX is pure and simple trash and I am glad the president is following suit on calling people out on their lies.


BowieZ said:
Hypocrite. You picked the semantic argument first:

Spinning like you're doing is something the nazis did. From now on, I'm calling you Herr BowieZ.

Although, weren't you the one who bitched and kvetched about personal attacks, and now you've called me arrogant and a hypocrite for no reason. :p You really are the Jack-of-all-trades Herr BowieZ.
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