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White Knight Chronicles 2 |OT| of WKC 1+1


So I bought this recently.

Man, there's a lot of missed potential and fucked up priorities here.

There's a lot to like, but the combat and quest systems could both stand a lot of improvement. The side quests are terribly uninteresting (Errand quests, such a fitting name), and most of the fights are a lot less tactical than I wish they would be. It feels a bit silly to have gone through the whole of the first and half of the second game and I only upgraded my knights, like twice. I stopped doing sidequests halfway through the first game because they simply were the same thing over and over again.

I really like the customisation options - the skill tree and the equipment/weapon system are very well done and thought-out. It's also nice that there are few restrictions to the equipment people can wear and that armour is shown on the player (which really should be a given in any modern RPG, but I still feel it warrants a mention).

As far as the combat goes... the rock-paper-scissors system of the three attack types and the four magical elements (+ your standard status effects) is tried and true for a reason. But the action circle and combo system would lend themselves so well to a bit of skill- and timing based variation which would greatly ease the feeling of "grinding" enemies to get through an area.

Which are beautiful, by the way, lots of great environmental art to look at - too bad they're just a tad to big, which leads to repetition in the texture work and some serious copy+paste issues. But the backtracking I'm having to go through in WKC2 right now really drives all these flaws home so much more. It's not FFXIV or DA2 bad, but it's pretty bad alright.

Oh well, I'm still sticking with it, but as I said, I feel there's a lot of missed potential.

edit: oh and don't get me started on the character "design". Everyone except Eldore and Caesar look like terrible and generic anime characters with unexpressive and flat 3D faces - these should've never been okayed in the first place.


If it came out it June I probably would but September marks the beginning of the fall deluge, so I won't have time for it.


Junior Member
I wanted this for the 4 player co-op PSO like experience. Since PSO2 has been announced, guess there's no need for me to get this.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Cornbread78 said:
Damn, anyone else getting this on the 13th in the US?
Grand Knights History has way way way higher priority for me.


I'll probably get this, but I'm kind of bummed that I lost my save on my original WKC since my PS3 died so I'd lose all my nice loot. I may just end up waiting on a price drop since the original kind of dropped in price after two months.


Toki767 said:
I'll probably get this, but I'm kind of bummed that I lost my save on my original WKC since my PS3 died so I'd lose all my nice loot. I may just end up waiting on a price drop since the original kind of dropped in price after two months.
I'll do multiplayer quests with ya if you get it :)


Maxrpg said:
I'll do multiplayer quests with ya if you get it :)
I was definitely really into the multiplayer part of the game. Even if it was very grindy in the end. I ended up meeting a lot of pretty cool people who played the game. The first game had a very nice online community where people would be more than happy to help others out.


Toki767 said:
I was definitely really into the multiplayer part of the game. Even if it was very grindy in the end. I ended up meeting a lot of pretty cool people who played the game. The first game had a very nice online community where people would be more than happy to help others out.
I'm totally gonna be into it because the second title everyone can be a knight in multi, so that is going to ROCK hard.


Very nice, I'll be playing Resistance 3 mostly, but I'll definately jump over online late Sat. nights for a bit. My buddy grinded his way to a plat. trophy like a crazy man; I don't think I could deal with that deathly grind if the trophies are anything like the first, but the online quests were fun to jump into with him and others.


I played around 5 hours of the first one and was bored as hell.

I normally like MMO-like RPGs (big fan of FFXII/Xenoblade, and even Magna Carta II). But that game... combat was boring, story was VERY boring, clunky equipment and item management, ugly characters, generic music.

I don't mean to bash with no reason, I actually -want- to like those games since I'm a fan of Level 5's other games (DC 1 and 2, Jeanne d'Arc). Is there any chance I'll like the game with the modifications that were made to it?


so what are the improvements from 1 to 2 ?
i got burnt hard when i imported the first game, finding out that i can't get the best gears offline and learning that i have to friggin grind my way doing repetitive quests to GR-8, i promptly eject the disk and kept it somewhere, never to look back again.


I think I'll enjoy this if I go in expecting an expansion pack for WKC1.

Does anyone have any impressions in regard to the Geonet upgrades (if they exist)?

I felt as if WKC1 gave you zero incentive to build your own town because you received no compensation for other players visiting/shopping in your town, and you could simply favorite an established town to purchase the best items (and even mine for minerals right?).

Edit: Also, can melee enemies still do damage to you when you are nowhere near them and through walls?


I actually enjoyed the first game. It certainly wasn't amazing and I'd started to get bored with the combat by the time I finished the story (at around 35 hours) but I at least liked it enough to see it through to the end.

With the awesome Sept. release schedule I am unfortunately in no hurry to pick up part 2 at this point. Once I either clear my slate of some games or the price drops enough I'll most likely pick up part 2 just to see what changes were made and continue the story.
I was thinking about picking this up because I wanted something co-op and long lasting for the PS3 now I'm done with Demon's Souls. Would you guys recommend it going by this criteria? I don't play FPS, so RPGs are what I'm looking at.


Poorly timed. 2 to 3 months earlier and I would have been at this party but I'm currently balls deep in Xenoblade and Devil Surviver: Overclocked. I'll pick this up either when it hits 30ish or when the end of the year buy 2 get 1 sale comes from Amazon/TRU/Best Buy.
Red Liquorice said:
I was thinking about picking this up because I wanted something co-op and long lasting for the PS3 now I'm done with Demon's Souls. Would you guys recommend it going by this criteria? I don't play FPS, so RPGs are what I'm looking at.
It's most certainly long lasting, I've put in about 200 hours so far and feel like I've barely scratched the surface. The meat of the game is doing quests online and steadily advancing your user-created character, although realistically you need to complete the single player campaign of at least WKC1 to get into it. The single player stories probably take around 30 hours each.

I would say that if your looking something similar to Demon's Souls then hold out a few extra weeks for Dark Souls because WKC is very much a more traditional style RPG. It is a better fit if your looking for a fuller multiplayer experience, but you need to be prepared to invest a considerable amount of time to get the most out of the game. I can personally vouch for the community being very dedicated (i.e some people spend months playing only WKC) and the game online becomes something of a pseudo-mmo.
I would want to get this game, but it is just coming in such a terrible time. With Disgaea 4 the week before it, and then Atelier Totori after it, it is just asking me to wait till it drops in price.

Sad, since I was looking forward to playing it.
OgTheClever said:
It's most certainly long lasting, I've put in about 200 hours so far and feel like I've barely scratched the surface. The meat of the game is doing quests online and steadily advancing your user-created character, although realistically you need to complete the single player campaign of at least WKC1 to get into it. The single player stories probably take around 30 hours each.

I would say that if your looking something similar to Demon's Souls then hold out a few extra weeks for Dark Souls because WKC is very much a more traditional style RPG. It is a better fit if your looking for a fuller multiplayer experience, but you need to be prepared to invest a considerable amount of time to get the most out of the game. I can personally vouch for the community being very dedicated (i.e some people spend months playing only WKC) and the game online becomes something of a pseudo-mmo.
Thanks. I'm not really looking for something similar to DS since I'll be geting Dark Souls eventually any way. ATM I'm looking for something to ween me of SF4 since that's hit a slump, and I need a break from that kind of PvP online play - a pseudo-MMO actually sounds kind of what I'm looking for from a PS3 title right now.
I guess there are two types who may enjoy it, those who are into a pseudo MMORPG type of game with Dark Cloud traits...or those who are looking for a cliche ridden yet fantastically enjoyable JRPG.

I for one enjoy both.


TheChillyAcademic said:
I guess there are two types who may enjoy it, those who are into a pseudo MMORPG type of game with Dark Cloud traits...or those who are looking for a cliche ridden yet fantastically enjoyable JRPG.

I for one enjoy both.

Yeah, I can deal with that, lol.

I have most of teh game and book paid off at GS. Although I hit a litle financial strain lately that has left R3 out of my PS3 unfortuantely. Hopefuly I can sell some of my games pay this one off as well as get my copy of R3 finally for some jRPG bliss. The game should really get some more love....


My local Gamestop is doing a midnight event for NHL so I'm gonna pick this up at midnight tomorrow. Really looking forward to it. I've been tempted to pick up the first one for the last couple months cause it's cheap, but I didn't want to deal with the slow combat. Question for those that have it....are you forced to use the Knight in the online quests? I didn't really care for it in the first game, but since my character didn't have one, it was no big deal for online. Add me on PSN, anyone that plans on playing a lot!


Question: So the American localization by D3 is the exact same thing as the one done by SCEE? If it's different, I wonder who ended up with the better English dub.


As a person who spent 1500 hours in WKC1 and platinumed it, WKC2 is nowhere near as grindy. Looking at the way things are going, I can probably reach to the top tier stuff by around 600-700 hrs.

Another tip for everyone who's starting out. If you want to have a piss easy time online. Play as bow. It's even more broken than Spear and SS in WKC1.
klee123 said:
As a person who spent 1500 hours in WKC1 and platinumed it, WKC2 is nowhere near as grindy. Looking at the way things are going, I can probably reach to the top tier stuff by around 600-700 hrs

I...I just don`t...



bigdaddygamebot said:
I...I just don`t...


You can probably plat WKC1 much quicker if you really wanted to though. I've seen some people who got the plat in 600-700 hrs, but I practically went overboard with the weapon and item binding.

By the end of it, I was able to bind and max upgrade the top weapons and armor sets for the following classes:

Short Sword (my fav class)
Axe (Strength Focused)
Axe (Dex Focused)

I could probably add another 400+ hrs and get the top weapons for Long sword and Staff, but yeah, can't be bothered anymore.
klee123 said:
You can probably plat WKC1 much quicker if you really wanted to though. I've seen some people who got the plat in 600-700 hrs, but I practically went overboard with the weapon and item binding.

By the end of it, I was able to bind and max upgrade the top weapons and armor sets for the following classes:

Short Sword (my fav class)
Axe (Strength Focused)
Axe (Dex Focused)

I could probably add another 400+ hrs and get the top weapons for Long sword and Staff, but yeah, can't be bothered anymore.


Dude...if you're enjoying it...play through.


I think FFXIII was the last JRPG I played...and I'm kind of having a hankering for some generic JRPGs....WKCII might be just up my alley!


nods at old men
I thought this was already out and forgotten.
And I even liked the first one for what it was.

Gave up on the online early as it got pretty boring.


dallow_bg said:
I thought this was already out and forgotten.
And I even liked the first one for what it was.

Gave up on the online early as it got pretty boring.
Been out in Europe since June. I've been waiting for the extortion like prices to drop... but if other gaffers will be getting it now then I should jump in while there is still a community >.>

EDIT : Just saw I have a voucher that makes this game cheap for me. BUYING.

EDIT 2 : Bought

EDIT 3 : White Knight Chronicles 2 1 x White Knight Chronicles 2 PS3™ Received from supplier.

EDIT 4 : 1 x White Knight Chronicles 2 PS3™ Ready to pack
Seventy5 said:
My local Gamestop is doing a midnight event for NHL so I'm gonna pick this up at midnight tomorrow. Really looking forward to it. I've been tempted to pick up the first one for the last couple months cause it's cheap, but I didn't want to deal with the slow combat. Question for those that have it....are you forced to use the Knight in the online quests? I didn't really care for it in the first game, but since my character didn't have one, it was no big deal for online. Add me on PSN, anyone that plans on playing a lot!
No you aren't forced at all and you might not even have the avatar knight, because you need to go on a side quest to obtain it first. From my experience the knight system online works like this: doing the quests from WKC1 (4 players) you can't use the knight at all. In the 6 player WKC2 quests you can transform, but only one player in the group can do it at a time.

I have heard that later on there are quests where all 6 players can transform at the same time, although you'll have to be a pretty high GR to access them.


klee123 said:
As a person who spent 1500 hours in WKC1 and platinumed it, WKC2 is nowhere near as grindy. Looking at the way things are going, I can probably reach to the top tier stuff by around 600-700 hrs.

Another tip for everyone who's starting out. If you want to have a piss easy time online. Play as bow. It's even more broken than Spear and SS in WKC1.

I'm pretty much buyin git tomorrow for SP. I highly enjoyed MP with some buddies, and random players (great online comunity btw!) but it was not worth the 600-700 hour grind for a platinum trophy!

I just got R3, so I'll be on that mostly, but I'll definately be online with this late on Sat. as well.

Can't wait....

Oh quick question. Can I play through a New Game+ with my WKC save before I playthrough WKC again?


I wonder if I should pick this game up or not. I guess it depends on how much I want it over the other games that are releasing in Sept.


Momo said:
I think we probably need a new OT =P

Yeah, I doubt it will, or else it would have already been done....
Plus there is very little GAF interest, plus no NA marketing will lead to next to nothing in sales unfortunately. Despite some really general faults with WKC, The game is a lot of fun and has a really good story.
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