No objections there.Can't they just CGI Nicholas Cage everywhere? He can play multiple characters, fam.
No objections there.Can't they just CGI Nicholas Cage everywhere? He can play multiple characters, fam.
Is it wrong that I'm intrigued by the thought of a Mulan movie starring Nicolas Cage?
"We have to steal the Great Wall..."
Do you want Nicholas Cage as Mulan or li Shang? But I can't see anything wrong with both of those.
If you think you are, then you really are not.
Which explains your insistence on using the term "mongoloid"....
chink and mongoloid are two different things entirely.
Do you want Nicholas Cage as Mulan or li Shang? But I can't see anything wrong with both of those.
Yeah one is a slightly outdated offensive term and the other is a very outdated offensive term. I mean, when I hear mongoloid I just think about that time when white people were classifying humans as separate species based on looks.
You got good intentions. Getting asian actors for asian roles is a problem we want to fix. But just freely switching chinese/japanese/korean around when the cultures are so different still feels as wrong as casting black actors for Indian roles just because they can share skin colors.
You got good intentions. Getting asian actors for asian roles is a problem we want to fix. But just freely switching chinese/japanese/korean around when the cultures are so different still feels as wrong as casting black actors for Indian roles just because they can share skin colors.
I hope the dick if everyone involved in this falls off. If they don't have one I hope they grow one and I hope it falls off too.
But to go back to his other point, any European actor can (and usually does) play a person from any other European country. Any African (and/or African American) can usually play someone from any African nation. Same thing with South/Central American actors, for the most part. I just don't know that I can get any more upset about a Korean playing a Japanese person as I can a Guatemalan playing a Chilean.
Yeah, remember Jennifer Lopez, a Puerto Rican, played Selena, a Mexican.
For the longest time as a Kid, back when there was no internets, I really thought Al Pacino was part cuban.....
only to find out as I got older that He aint even "Cuban B!"
(gotta admit, thats the greatest white washed acted role ever imo)
But is it ok tho? Theres a Master of None episode that deals with the exact issue (its a comedy but its great). Personally, i have no issue with Al Pacino role since I too grew up without knowing that. Yet if it was any other movie now, I would have a problem.For the longest time as a Kid, back when there was no internets, I really thought Al Pacino was part cuban.....
only to find out as I got older that He aint even "Cuban B!"
(gotta admit, thats the greatest white washed acted role ever imo)
Yes, surely things like language, accent, and more subtle racial features don't matter, because all Asians are the same. Thanks bro.
Although i understand the complicated history between a lot of Asian countries, ethnicities, and culture; you do make a good point about American movies and how races can play the same race regardless of ethnicity or country.
Is it racists if I think most east asians all look the same in my eyes.
I'm Chinese Thai btw.
so is it wrong when they get foreign black actors to play american black actors and vice versa?
same with white people with different europeans playing american white people?
and at the end of the day, this article is about how it was first written with a white dude being a lead.
so would you rather have the white dude as a lead? or a script change then a japanese dude getting the chinese part?
not that it has to be this way, but my point is if the latter happened, I aint even mad.
I don't believe any minority actor who hasn't given their dignity for fame would like to see a (X race) actor play a (y race) role. Its bad enough that more minorities don't get hired for big leads but do you guys expect people not to get angry? You can be a damn good actor but that doesn't mean you can impersonate or appropiate someone elses race and not get flak.
Look I agree with you. If someone can play the part well enough to fool the audience that's literally acting and if they can act well enough then it shouldn't be a problem. I guess it's more of a "It's hard to believe that you couldn't find a chinese actor for this chinese part in the talent pool" sorta deal which goes back to one of the common claims on why there aren't more asian american actors in prominent roles in the first place.
re: european/american switching: This doesn't always happen but isn't it somewhat common to hear about american actors failing to affect proper british accents or vice versa and therefore poor casting choices?
are they not both mongoloids?
i can use the term mongoloid. i have that right. and if I wish to reclaim it, I have that right too.
and lets be real. chink and mongoloid are two different things entirely.
Yeah there's no real right or wrong answer to this. This, however, makes for the best discussions on gaf.I don't think anybody disagrees with you, we're talking about same/similar races playing different ethnicities/nationalities.
What is your "reclaimed" definition of mongoloid?
asian brothers and sisters. gonna just short term it to mongo.
I do too but Disney is an american company so I wouldn't get my hopes up. There's a chance but not a lot.I just want Disney to make a live action movie with no white people. Just cuz..
I hope they do it and it bombs so hard Disney if never able to make a movie again.
I hope -1 billion people go to the cinema to not-watch this so Disney has to give money for the people in reparation for this stupidness.
I hope the dick if everyone involved in this falls off. If they don't have one I hope they grow one and I hope it falls off too.
I do too but Disney is an american company so I wouldn't get my hopes up. There's a chance but not a lot.
the former is a bit aggressive LOL, but the latter is acceptable!Oh well, maybe Matt Damon will catch an arrow to the throat or Mulan will curve him at the end.
I just want Disney to make a live action movie with no white people. Just cuz..
Ok there is more hope than I thought. I wonder how I missed this film. I have been watching too many old films lately.
the former is a bit aggressive LOL, but the latter is acceptable!
Is it racists if I think most east asians all look the same in my eyes.
I'm Chinese Thai btw.
asian brothers and sisters. gonna just short term it to mongo.
I wouldn't say it is racist, but I do think it is offensive. Not in an angry upsetting way but in a roll-my-eyes kinda way. I guess it's offensive to me in the same way as when people think Singapore is part of China, or when people can't differentiate between the China film industry, the Hong Kong film industry, and the Taiwan film industry. Or when people automatically think an Asian language is Japanese when they don't understand any of them.
I won't pretend that I can tell with 100% certainty what race every single Asian is, but there are definitely distinctive traits that differentiate Thais, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese. Some are more subtle than others. It's not just cultural or nationalistic.
I wouldn't say it is racist, but I do think it is offensive. Not in an angry upsetting way but in a roll-my-eyes kinda way. I guess it's offensive to me in the same way as when people think Singapore is part of China, or when people can't differentiate between the China film industry, the Hong Kong film industry, and the Taiwan film industry. Or when people automatically think an Asian language is Japanese when they don't understand any of them.
I won't pretend that I can tell with 100% certainty what race every single Asian is, but there are definitely distinctive traits that differentiate Thais, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese. Some are more subtle than others. It's not just cultural or nationalistic.
I'm curious but what is the distinction between China and Taiwan, I know that Taiwan split off from China, but I don't believe that was very long ago so there really shouldn't be any ethnic difference, I know that this is a pretty sensitive topic for some Taiwanese folk, when they get mixed up, or especially when they use China's version of their flag. Or maybe thinking on this a little more China just claimed the island of Taiwan as part of China so they were considered "Chinese" but ethnically have not much to do with each other?
man thats the problem with asian folk. too much in fighting and to much wanting to differentiate and point out and cling on to the differences instead of embracing similarities and to much clinging on to the past. if asians got together and all worked together, the impact would be great. The history, which I know all about at least with china and japan and koreans and japan, is as I said, to me, the old gaurd. a small example: look what happened when some younger koreans and japanese got together and made a rap created a moment for them in pop culture and had them performing, in their own language, at SOBs in New york city to americans who were eating it up.
I'm curious but what is the distinction between China and Taiwan, I know that Taiwan split off from China, but I don't believe that was very long ago so there really shouldn't be any ethnic difference, I know that this is a pretty sensitive topic for some Taiwanese folk, when they get mixed up, or especially when they use China's version of their flag. Or maybe thinking on this a little more China just claimed the island of Taiwan as part of China so they were considered "Chinese" but ethnically have not much to do with each other?
but there are definitely distinctive traits that differentiate Thais, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese. Some are more subtle than others. It's not just cultural or nationalistic.
man thats the problem with asian folk. too much in fighting and to much wanting to differentiate and point out and cling on to the differences instead of embracing similarities and to much clinging on to the past. if asians got together and all worked together, the impact would be great. The history, which I know all about at least with china and japan and koreans and japan, is as I said, to me, the old gaurd. a small example: look what happened when some younger koreans and japanese got together and made a rap created a moment for them in pop culture and had them performing, in their own language, at SOBs in New york city to americans who were eating it up.
and I'm turning this thread into something else so I am gonna get off my soapbox now.
Yo, you would like this video by Philip Wang who talks about how to fix whitewashing in Hollywood and how Asian Americans should all come together, build their own network, and create their own stories rather than wait around hoping Hollywood is going to change.
Evey asian place Ive been to (japan, korea, hong kong, macau, thailand, taiwan) people thought I was of that ethnicity until I opened my mouth.
sometimes there are distinct traits and sometimes you can't tel.l who fucking cares. all asian, and at the end of the day, all human.
man thats the problem with asian folk. too much in fighting and to much wanting to differentiate and point out and cling on to the differences instead of embracing similarities and to much clinging on to the past. if asians got together and all worked together, the impact would be great. The history, which I know all about at least with china and japan and koreans and japan, is as I said, to me, the old gaurd. a small example: look what happened when some younger koreans and japanese got together and made a rap created a moment for them in pop culture and had them performing, in their own language, at SOBs in New york city to americans who were eating it up.
and I'm turning this thread into something else so I am gonna get off my soapbox now.
Well this is a thread about a dumb plot point in a spec script that Disney has already said they are not using in the actual film, so I'm not sure what there is to talk about "on topic" anyway. Seems as good a place as any to talk about Asian diversity and the differences in perception and culture between Asians in Asia and Asian-Americans in America.![]()
I dunno, I find this really stupid because you're basically like "ALL HUMAN, ALL SAME, WHO CARES, MAKE LOVE!" or whatever, but diversity and differences don't necessarily divide. There can be unity through diversity. Embracing that people are different doesn't mean we can't accept that we're all people. This isn't a new guard/old guard thing. When I say that I'm not Korean, I'm not hating on Koreans. Trying to say WHO CARES ALL SAME seems like such a lazy and simplistic reduction. What's the point of that?
Well this is a thread about a dumb plot point in a spec script that Disney has already said they are not using in the actual film, so I'm not sure what there is to talk about "on topic" anyway. Seems as good a place as any to talk about Asian diversity and the differences in perception and culture between Asians in Asia and Asian-Americans in America.![]()