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Who here lives in Florida?


Man, judging by this thread are TONS of GAFfers in Hollywood alone!

I was sixth post, 'repping Broward/Miami-Dade'.

We should all meet up one night at Hollywood Circle. Maybe if we start small and focused a higher percentage will come?
I lived in Pembroke Pines for 10 years, moved to NC (aka into the United States).

I'm still bitter that they closed Beef Eater (Argentinian place) in downtown hollywood near the circle.

I don't miss Florida much...


That butterbeer is damn tasty. Also diabetes.

Diabetes indeed. I had a frozen butterbeer, and pumpkin juice, and a Heineken that they were selling in the Hogwarts line all within thirty minutes, and then rode the Harry Potter line. Definitely the closest I've ever been to losing my lunch on an amusement park ride.


man how is there like 5 pages of ya'll and we cant get a S FL meetup going? a buncha you said miami too, let's make this happen! we got an arcade and all kindsa non-clubby stuff for ya'll broke-ass introverts too, haha

Did that South FL GAF meet-up ever end up happening?

not yet, hawkian & co were trying something around this time last year but it fizzled out, i think there was nude beach talk going at one point too

FTL area.

Not as such. I'm still down for Tate's. I could ride my bike. :p

any excuse i get to ride up to tate's is cool! i just wish they pricematched with amazon, haha.
for real though im mad broke and hear they have another sale going soon, shit's traigc

It probably didn't because everyone would show up an hour late, aka Miami time.

harsh, but fair

Logz when we finna catch a drink man
i could take you to the movies, you know? i bet you never get to see movies

I'm a secessionist. South Florida should be its own state and we should get half of Lake Okeechobee (the other half is for Central, and North Florida can join Bammer/Jawgia). Our state is dumb and deserves the mockery.

+1 so hard DALE

Miami here. The only place worth living in FL for! JK

We Florida bros need to stick together what with the massive FL hate on GAF.

man i dont know where you guys've been, its been mostly just me and a few random self-deprecating floridians in the biweekly MAN FUCKS HIMSELF TO DEATH WITH CAT - G/A/F? threads

I get down and dirty too, don't be shy.

that kinda talk done got you banned, coppy

You guys been to the fair yet? Please enjoy an elephant ear for me.

If you mean the Miami fair, I haven't been to one in over ten years. :(

oh snap! im going with a group thursday night and have free entrance passes for the door, lemme know if you guys wanna go

We're very poorly organized.

i tried a zelda concert meetup last december on gaming side...literally 1 dude made it. i couldve dressed up as fucking tingle and made more friends

There kind of was a SoFla GAF meetup after the last Zelda concert at the very end of last year. I just barely didn't make it because of work, but from what IrishNinja said there were a few people there.

key word "few", we had a much better turnout at the orlando one last summer (im kinda feeling that seeing all of central FL replying here...). 2 of the dudes at that afterparty were from MIA!

that's right, more miami people showed up to the orlando meet than the goddamn miami one , that's how this city works


I was born in St Pete but raised in TN. I have family in Tampa, Winter Haven, and Orlando. Used to visit a lot and I miss it.


man how is there like 5 pages of ya'll and we cant get a S FL meetup going? a buncha you said miami too, let's make this happen! we got an arcade and all kindsa non-clubby stuff for ya'll broke-ass introverts too, haha
I'm totally down to go to an arcade. Actually, ZeroRay and I have been trying to figure out something before posting a thread, but I was thinking about going somewhere and playing nerdy boardgames + drinks? But I'm not sure where.

i tried a zelda concert meetup last december on gaming side...literally 1 dude made it. i couldve dressed up as fucking tingle and made more friends
Hahaha, I went to that concert with my boyfriend and we tried to play "Spot the Other Gaffers" and failed. And there totally was a dude dressed as Tingle sitting in one of the box seats.

Camp Lo

That's why I suggested CEO this summer. You don't have to be a fighting game fanatic to enjoy it. Plus its at a nice resort (Wyndham) and its on tourist central here in Orlando. Plenty of shit to do.


I'm totally down to go to an arcade. Actually, ZeroRay and I have been trying to figure out something before posting a thread, but I was thinking about going somewhere and playing nerdy boardgames + drinks? But I'm not sure where.

Hahaha, I went to that concert with my boyfriend and we tried to play "Spot the Other Gaffers" and failed. And there totally was a dude dressed as Tingle sitting in one of the box seats.

they do cosplay nights at said arcade, not sure about boardgames, might need a house party of sorts for those. my college roommates used to have RISK games going, id use the other rooms for gaming & such myself, havent done that in forever though.

and i was totally wearing a NeoGAF shirt at that concert! didn't help at all i guess, haha. and yeah, i think i got a pic of Tingle guy too.

Hawkian, let's plan something man!


they do cosplay nights at said arcade, not sure about boardgames, might need a house party of sorts for those. my college roommates used to have RISK games going, id use the other rooms for gaming & such myself, havent done that in forever though.

and i was totally wearing a NeoGAF shirt at that concert! didn't help at all i guess, haha. and yeah, i think i got a pic of Tingle guy too.

Hawkian, let's plan something man!
Which arcade is this? And yeah, there's a tea shop down here that has a bunch of boardgames that could be fun, but I don't think you can get alcohol. Which isn't a bummer for me since I don't drink, but it might be for other folks. I just really want to get a group together to play some boardgames. << I wonder if we could bring a game to Tates and play there or something.

And I didn't see anyone wearing a NeoGaf shirt! :(


Which arcade is this? And yeah, there's a tea shop down here that has a bunch of boardgames that could be fun, but I don't think you can get alcohol. Which isn't a bummer for me since I don't drink, but it might be for other folks. I just really want to get a group together to play some boardgames. << I wonder if we could bring a game to Tates and play there or something.

And I didn't see anyone wearing a NeoGaf shirt! :(

Arcade Odyssey - they're awesome, i even had a small thread in gaming for them...the owner's a great guy with a massive collection, tries to switch in some japanese import shmpus & classics every now and again too. it's a bit south (kendall) but only about 20-25 minutes from my apt, and i totally try to get groups to carpool or meet there sometimes.

i take it you guys are near Tate's? and yeah, it was a white shirt with the Sega font, apparently not many saw me either but that's what i get for showing up right before the show started...

ps wow at this rate we should just meetup at tate's next time there's an event going, heh


Arcade Odyssey - they're awesome, i even had a small thread in gaming for them...the owner's a great guy with a massive collection, tries to switch in some japanese import shmpus & classics every now and again too. it's a bit south (kendall) but only about 20-25 minutes from my apt, and i totally try to get groups to carpool or meet there sometimes.

i take it you guys are near Tate's? and yeah, it was a white shirt with the Sega font, apparently not many saw me either but that's what i get for showing up right before the show started...

ps wow at this rate we should just meetup at tate's next time there's an event going, heh
Oh I live about ten minutes away from Arcade Odyssey! I didn't know they had cosplay nights. I've only been there like three times. I don't tend to see many other girls when I do go. :(

I think a lot of folks are more north though, so Tate's might be a better option for them.


Arcade Odyssey - they're awesome, i even had a small thread in gaming for them...the owner's a great guy with a massive collection, tries to switch in some japanese import shmpus & classics every now and again too. it's a bit south (kendall) but only about 20-25 minutes from my apt, and i totally try to get groups to carpool or meet there sometimes.

I didn't even know this place even existed. I live about an hour from there, heh.


Oh I live about ten minutes away from Arcade Odyssey! I didn't know they had cosplay nights. I've only been there like three times. I don't tend to see many other girls when I do go. :(

I think a lot of folks are more north though, so Tate's might be a better option for them.

there's at least a few more girls on the cosplay nights - i think fridays a big Doctor Who thing if you're into that! i'm not but might still go to support.

i was thinking if they do a halloween thing, i'ma go as Axel from Streets of Rage! i need to put on some bulk though, haha.

I'm literally like two miles from Tate's.

this is really looking like the easiest location for a number of you guys...we should totally make it happen. UrbanScholar/others in miami, my beat-up truck does not have much room but im down to pick people up if we do this!

I didn't even know this place even existed. I live about an hour from there, heh.

yeah, my thread sadly didnt help awareness for them either - its not a super great location (despite being right off the turnpike) but you gotta hear the prices the owner had for every other location, it was insane. really trying to support them cause local business here die quickly, and god knows we havent had an arcade scene since Flippers years back (no, mall of the americas so doesn't count)

speaking of, god i wish we had half the retro gaming scene Seattle does.


I think I wanna move to Florida. Fll/Miami area to be exact. Got lots of family down there. Just kinda worried about finding work.
I'm a graphic artist. Worked in everythig from apparel to film. Working on my reel right now.

Been down that way enough to know that I like it. And being from the Caribbean it's a lot closer to home... Plus I'm real tired of Los Angeles.

Figure if I do it it'll prolly be in the next few months.. End of summer the latest.
Miss swimming in good water more than anything.


Bajan32 - im told its hard out here for a pimp graphic artist, but id help anyway i can man.

Pau - wait there's a Tea shop out in kendall? i kinda wanna check that out now, post or PM me details if you can!


Bajan32 - im told its hard out here for a pimp graphic artist, but id help anyway i can man.

Pau - wait there's a Tea shop out in kendall? i kinda wanna check that out now, post or PM me details if you can!

Hehe yeah checking job postings out there for what I do is a bit disheartening but I think I gotta try. I mean all I gotta do is get in one place right? I'm no hot shot designer or anything, but a resume filled with work from LA has gotta count for something.
Much appreciated Irish.. And I just may take you up on that offer. Prolly gonna need all the help I can get finding something.


I have an IOA pass as well. If there's a couple GAFers wanting to do a meet up, we could totally head out there and drink beers and make fun of tourists.

That Arcade Odyssey looks/sounds super cool. I've never been but next time im in the area, I have to check it out.
Just a question for all of you guys. If someone said they wanted to move to Florida what place would you suggest if money was not a factor? What about if money WAS a factor?

If Money isn't a factor i'd recommend south beach, Boca Raton or some nice part of Orlando

If money is a factor than Fort Myers/Naples area is probably the best. Super safe and clean and thanks to the university alot of young people, diversity and nightlife.


IrishNinja, I gotta say, you're freakin awesome for being the most proactive in trying to get a meet-up going. (And offering me free entrance to the fair!)

Let's do this! Might be better for everyone if this happens at/closer to Broward, but the arcade in Kendall sounds pretty good too. Even the tea shop doesn't sound half bad. :p


The Autumn Wind
I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather meet at a place like Tap 42 or World of Beer over Tate's or an arcade. But that's probably just because I'm over that kind of scene.



Bajan32 - im told its hard out here for a pimp graphic artist, but id help anyway i can man.

Pau - wait there's a Tea shop out in kendall? i kinda wanna check that out now, post or PM me details if you can!
It's called Special Tea. Right next to FIU on 107th Ave and 24th St. But it's like never open. Closes at 8 on weekdays and at 11 I think on Saturday. It's a nice little atmosphere and has a bunch of boardgames to choose from (although I've been wanting to pick up something more dense). Small place but we probably wouldn't get a big turnout anyways. :p

Meeting at a bar works too. We had a mini-SF meet up before and that was pretty fun so I'm really down for anything. I've just been wanting to play board games lately. :p


IrishNinja, I gotta say, you're freakin awesome for being the most proactive in trying to get a meet-up going. (And offering me free entrance to the fair!)

Let's do this! Might be better for everyone if this happens at/closer to Broward, but the arcade in Kendall sounds pretty good too. Even the tea shop doesn't sound half bad. :p

thanks man! seriously we're a city of millions, i think it's tragic we can't get a handful of gaffers together to play games or drink and bullshit. seriously thinking about looking up Tate's next big sale/event and just making a thread, PMing people in the area that posted here so they know about it, etc.
OT shows so many other major cities having meetups, and i know our commute/public transport is ass but lookit how many locals came outta the woodwork here!

It's called =http://www.specialtealounge.com/]Special Tea. Right next to FIU on 107th Ave and 24th St. But it's like never open. Closes at 8 on weekdays and at 11 I think on Saturday. It's a nice little atmosphere and has a bunch of boardgames to choose from (although I've been wanting to pick up something more dense). Small place but we probably wouldn't get a big turnout anyways. :p

Meeting at a bar works too. We had a mini-SF meet up before and that was pretty fun so I'm really down for anything. I've just been wanting to play board games lately. :p

oh my god, this is like when i lived on campus at FIU and found Anime Hurricane by accident.
i live off fontainebleau, this is like minutes from my place. im so checking this out soon, thanks!


Junior Member
Wow I feel sorry for you guys. I went to Tallahassee last year for the weekend for a FSU football game and there was absolutely NOTHING to do there. I even asked around and still didn't hear of anything to do there besides some decent bars to go to. Is it really that boring there?
You were in Tallahassee during football season and couldn't find anything to do? I'm gonna blame this on you. At least go to the moon.


The Autumn Wind
thanks man! seriously we're a city of millions, i think it's tragic we can't get a handful of gaffers together to play games or drink and bullshit. seriously thinking about looking up Tate's next big sale/event and just making a thread, PMing people in the area that posted here so they know about it, etc.
OT shows so many other major cities having meetups, and i know our commute/public transport is ass but lookit how many locals came outta the woodwork here!
You know, there's actually a little place called Bash right down the street from Tate's that has amazing food and a great craft beer selection. Might as well do both.


You know, we had a small WrassleGaf get together in Miami Beach last year about this time. I'd wager maybe one of us was actually from Florida if that. We had six from Gaf and two that weren't.

So while I wouldn't call it a true Florida Gaf meet-up, there has been a Gaf meet-up in Florida.
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