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Who is Who thread - Post your previous nickname on GAF

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Great...just when I start to figure out who all the old members were, now they go and change their names again...

Btw, I'm like a rock. I've had this nick for the past 6 years.


Society said:
You forgot DDF and olimario.

see for some reason i dont believ this but what ever. the only reason i no ur luciverse becuase the first night of the direct connect room u told me so i remebered u. see if u would of said u where olimario it woulda been much easier than saying u where luc.


I was AirBrian. Now I am AirBrian.


wtf @ the people drastically altering their names! I'm going to totally forget who you people are. :p

I'm still Tritroid. :)


I kept the same name. I mostly lurk though. I'll get my old avatar back up once I'm done catching up on these topics.


Unconfirmed Member
scola is the artist formerly known as UCB

JoshuaJSlone said:
JoshuaSlone. I now choose to differentiate myself from the other Joshua Slones out there.
Middle names starting with J are frequent with people named joshua I have found, that said I will call you nothing but J.J.Sloan from now on. Its too bad assed to pass up, its all action hero and shit.


I didn't change mine because I was worried that I would have to wait 7 months to be accepted again. Bleh...

Btw... are there restrictions on avatars?


Yes, i made it in!!!

still the same ole kuramu. Where's Loki?... i need to tell him about my encounter with the Invisible Pink Unicorn while the forum was down ;p

edit: alright, a consistant grey on the left, now Samus and Dessgeega will never have a messed up gif border again mua ha ha


I was jello-maker. It was the worst nick ever. It only goes to prove that you cannot give yourself a nickname, even online... If you do it will always suck.
I was Belmont.

I decided to change it because, well, I don't really know why I picked that name to begin with.

Plus your world scares and confuses me.
I used to be The Shadow. I'm now The Shadow.

I wonder if I should change my name though...

quadriplegicjon said:
wow. so many people are banned already .

Probably life time bans that tried to re-register.
I wanted to change to Mormondollar in honour of the successful Hitokage collection plate passing but I'm still too green for such tomfoolery.
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