This was the second time a post of mine got deleted when
all i did this time was post an older thread that exposed the PR crap of Phil Spencer
User actually posted this just ot cause a derail and drama with no comment etc.
The post was deleted with a reason of: bubububut noone wants to see you cry in public
The user was also issued a warning which was "Read the sticky. The only reason you aren't being given a break is because your account is [currently] clean. Next time you will be."
The user was treated fairly and even extended the benefit of the doubt in light of the recent new policy. If they had actually made the effort to make the point in the same way they have below then there wouldn't have been a problem. But it was more important to try and get a driveby in, in the hope that it would incite some reactions.
With regards to the edit notes, these are just a standard feature of the forum software. Just like this will say post last edited by a moderator. There is no big conspiracy, it is just how the software works, assumedly for privacy reasons we guess. The boxes have limited text values and we struggle to even fit the nuance of what we need to say in there without worrying about signatures etc.