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Who's gonna get monster hunter?


SaitoH said:
From the back it almost looks like a thong.

It's the Bone Leggings.


I spent the rest of my meager earnings trying to acquire a set of armor that would command a little fear and respect, and I ended up looking like a prehistoric Malibu tramp. They appear to be riding up something awful, too.

I'm putting all other upgrades on hold until I can get some proper coverings. I was hoping this other set of armor would do the trick last night, but it ended up being a bony set of horns wrapped around my waist with little colorful tassels hanging down my thighs, which drew even more focus to the loins and just did not help at all.


seismologist said:
You beat the chicken dragon solo? What level is your character?

This was offline, so there is no choice but to solo. But I find that the big money is to be made online so I go there sometimes to do simple missions. 800 reward for freakin' raw meat? I get meat in my sleep. Gotta love both modes.


Dragons make all games better. And ninjas.


And even i am moderately surprised
i don't want everyone to get too excited, but there are Ninja and Samurai armour sets in the game... as well as maids and cavalier armour...


brandonnn said:
It's the Bone Leggings.


I spent the rest of my meager earnings trying to acquire a set of armor that would command a little fear and respect, and I ended up looking like a prehistoric Malibu tramp. They appear to be riding up something awful, too.

I'm putting all other upgrades on hold until I can get some proper coverings. I was hoping this other set of armor would do the trick last night, but it ended up being a bony set of horns wrapped around my waist with little colorful tassels hanging down my thighs, which drew even more focus to the loins and just did not help at all.


*wipes tears from eyes*


Ps. Yeah, it's bone leggings. Damn I have a short memory. >_>
I spent a few hours last night earning some extra dough. Here's the method I came up with (this is offline, of course):

+ Choose the 1-star fishing quest, and bring some Pickaxes and the BBQ Spit.
+ Harvest enough Raw Meat to cook 10 Well-Done Steaks.
+ Collect all the Special Mushrooms you can find.
+ Collect as many Insect Husks and Felvines as you can find.
+ Give your Husks/Felvines to the old man for even more Special Mushrooms.
+ Head to Zone 11 (?), and hit the mining spot in the waterfall.
+ Catch the Sushifish in the same Zone to complete the mission requirements.
+ Use the rest of your time to catch Pin Tuna, Knife Mackerel, Sushifish, and (hopefully) Goldenfish.
+ On your way out of the level, hit the 2nd mining spot on the cliffs.
+ Spend as much time as you want fishing in the pond at base camp.

You'll get a big reward for finding the Special Mushrooms, plus you can sell the Well-Done Steaks and fish for even more money. The Goldenfish alone is worth a sh*tload of money. I've been selling the Disk Stones I get from mining, too, since my stash already has a full amount.

EDIT: Also, http://www.geocities.com/shin_asura/ seems like another site to watch for weapon/armor info (in English!).


And even i am moderately surprised
"Head to Zone 11 (?), and hit the mining spot in the waterfall."

this and mining the right crystal areas becomes very important later on - especially for big sword upgrades.
Just got it tonight when I picked up Konga. Played all the first tier quests and did the first Monster Hunt quest in single player. Really like it so far. Hopefully I'll be online at some point this week.


seismologist said:
Cool. Come check us out on Sincer Blue P server. We're planning to slay the Gyceprous sometime soon. :)

Just ran into it :p

brandonn and I am in the game so far. Going to spend my time waiting for you guys.
sorry guys I got stuck at work late tonight. I'll be on tomorrow. If you guys end up killing it you can show me next time!

Seriously I think the key is in getting enough bombs and pitfalls I might work on it offline some tonight.
The 3-star "Slay 10 Bullfangos" quest is killing me. :(

1-on-1, I've got not problems taking them down. But when you've got 5 or 6 charging you at once, well... Should I try using only bombs and traps to kill them? What's the best tactic to use? I thought about using the shotgun I bought, but I don't think I'd be able to aim/fire/reload in time.

DCharlie said:
"Head to Zone 11 (?), and hit the mining spot in the waterfall."

this and mining the right crystal areas becomes very important later on - especially for big sword upgrades.
Yeah, I need some help with that. I just upgraded my Iron Sword to an Iron Katana last night, but its sharpness blows and I've stopped using it. I need a sh*tload of Machalite Ore and Earth Crystals to upgrade it to the next levels. What's a consistent way to get those offline, through mining or quests?

EDIT: Here's another cool JPN Monster Hunter site, with some great pics of the weapons and armor you can obtain:



And even i am moderately surprised
the volcano level has about 5 seams where you can mine - some of the weapons require 99+ bits of ore, so you are in for a lot of mining so best to hit there! :)

Also, be sure to buy proper pickaxes.

The Fu-Fu Electric dragon (christ knows what it's called in English!) - there are 4 seams in the two caves, a good trick is to do the "find <whatever it is that isn't ore that you have to mine>" - you can only carry 10 of them, but if you keep mining, every so often (once every 4 hits or so) you'll get an ore piece.
I don't think I've reached a quest that lets me travel to the volcano world yet. Just forest, jungle, and desert. I still need to slay the Bullfangos, slay the Yian Kut-Ku (?), and gather the Piscine Livers before moving on to 4-star quests.

I think I'm just gonna try to upgrade a weapon with less strenuous requirements, like a Bone Blade or a Buster Sword. Been thinking of giving the lance a try, too. I'll worry about my Katana after I've progressed a bit.

BTW, has anyone bought the strategy guide?


adelgary said:
How do you go into "view mode" without being at an item box?

All those pics are from other group members use the binoculars, which is why that little scope is at bottom.

tenchir -- sorry about disappearing last night. I was getting disconnected within minutes every single time I started an online quest, so I just gave up.
That lance dude looks awesome. I gave up on my Katana, the sharpness was terrible. I ended up sharpening arfer like 3 hits.

I probbaly should have stuck with it but oh well. I'm gonna try bone kris for regular use and hope to upgrade to double blade. I might use a lance for taking down Wyverns.


Spike Spiegel said:
BTW, has anyone bought the strategy guide?

yup, i have, and i definitely recommend picking it up for anyone who's gonna play this game for any considerable amount of time

it covers:
+all the enemies know up to this point, strategies for taking them down and what they give up from carving (didn't know bigger wyverns have two carving spots)
+weapon trees so you know how to upgrade your weapon to get it to your liking
+pics of all the weapons and armor, along with their stats (if known) and requirements
+strategies for the offline and online quests
+item combination chart
+cool artwork
+zone maps and detailed locations of specific items
+food combinations at that guest house to get pre-quest stat. bonuses
+trading w/ the forets elder and what you get/ receive (didn't know garbage is worth something)

i buy strat. books all the time for collectability purposes, but i've used this book as an actual strategy guide more than 99% of the books i've ever owned,
and if you pick it up at gamestop, you get 20% off the price of the book if you also bought the game there
i paid about $4 for mine after trading in a memory card 251 i wasn't using, heh


seismologist said:
That lance dude looks awesome. I gave up on my Katana, the sharpness was terrible. I ended up sharpening arfer like 3 hits.

I probbaly should have stuck with it but oh well. I'm gonna try bone kris for regular use and hope to upgrade to double blade. I might use a lance for taking down Wyverns.

I can vouche for this... the regular Iron Katana pretty much dulls the 2nd time you hit a dragon... :(

I was hoping the 'Grace' version would have been a bit sturdier... Ah well I guess I will have to start from the beginning with a different weapon.
yeah I checked the sharpness on the grace Katana and it looks even worse than the regular one!

I'm sure there's a big time payoff if you stick with it but I dont know how much more sharpening I can take.


And even i am moderately surprised
"+all the enemies know up to this point, strategies for taking them down and what they give up from carving (didn't know bigger wyverns have two carving spots)"

does it mention that you can (and you SHOULD) cut off the tail to get bonus parts?


Mistaken iRobbery!
I'm in to kill but I figured out that i could have almost made a pitfall trap with that net Tenchir if it didn't turn into garbage...


And even i am moderately surprised
by the way , you know you can buy a set of books in the online village which guarantees you 100% success rate when making stuff?

they are quite expensive, and there is one for each rarity level, but they are worth it if you are trying to make low-percent success items.


I was trying to kill the Yian Kut Ku offline and I haven't been sucessful thus far. I tried drugging the raw meats with sleeping herbs. Put all three meats in one place where the Yian is at, I then use smoke bomb to cover myself. The Yian JUST PASS BY THE FREE MEATS. What am I doing wrong? I was planning to blow him up with 2 small barrels near a large barrel gunpowder too.

Edit: I killed the 10 bullfangos by using a hit and run tactic. Since I am so slow with the great sword, I just hit the bullfango once or twice and run to next zone before the others charge at me. The damages stay on the bullfango even if you move away several zones.

Edit 2:Alright, I will log on in a few minutes.

Sincere World
Blue Land
Area P
DCharlie said:
by the way , you know you can buy a set of books in the online village which guarantees you 100% success rate when making stuff?

they are quite expensive, and there is one for each rarity level, but they are worth it if you are trying to make low-percent success items.

I was wondering what those were for... I was disappointed when I bought one and didn't get a list of recipes as expected.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Gah, just got owned by the velociraptor "boss" you fight in the urgent quest after finishing all the two star missions. Any tips?

And when can I become a gunner? Is it simply when I get enough money to buy a gun/get the right materials? (And where's the best place to get iron ore?)


Lyte Edge said:
Gah, just got owned by the velociraptor "boss" you fight in the urgent quest after finishing all the two star missions. Any tips?

And when can I become a gunner? Is it simply when I get enough money to buy a gun/get the right materials? (And where's the best place to get iron ore?)

Make a gun, equip it, and you are a gunner.

Velocidromes are pretty easy if you are strong enough. Generally I tend to run in from its side, wail away for a moment, then dash off. Repeat. You can usually tell when they are going to attack, so you get a feel for when to block/retreat. Once they retreat to another zone, you know you've weakened them quite a bit.

These are the good low level spots. Mining pick symbol = spot to mine.

Forest zone

Zone 5 can have machalite.


Zone 9 and 10 can have machalite.



I have a couple questions:

1) The green sharpness on my Dragon Agito doesn't last very long, how much attack power do I lose when it dulls to normal sharpness?

2) Where do I get large bones and wyvern fangs?
Got the strategy guide last night, here's what it says:

Slay the Yian Kut-Ku: Be sure to bring a Pitfall Trap, materials to make 2 more Pitfall Traps, at least 3 Lg Barrel-Bombs (and 1 Gunpowder to make another with the Barrel you're given), and some Sm Barrel-Bombs. Lay out the Pitfall Trap, put some Lg BBs on it, then bait the Yian Kut-Ku over (by letting it spot you, probably). When it falls in, set off the Lg BBs with a Sm BB, then nail the Yian Kut-Ku while it's disoriented. Mark it with a Paintball so you can track it, too. Use Flash Bombs to blind the Yian Kut-Ku once it's free of the trap, then hit it again until it's dead or escapes. If it escapes, repeat the process in whatever area it's moved to until death occurs. The guide says the Yian Kut-Ku will try to escape to its nest (Area 5 in Forest/Hills, Area 6 in Jungle) when near death, so that's where you'll probably end up killing it.

Trouble in the Forest: Run around the Bullfangos at normal speed, dodging when necessary, and get them to charge into each other. They'll eventually kill themselves off, or weaken to the point where you can easily take out the remaining Bullfangos.

The Formidable Velocidrome: Use a Flash Bomb to blind/disorient the pack of Velociprey that their leader calls, then run in and slash the Velocidrome. Then, just dodge its attacks and retaliate when able, as with other raptor types. Use a Painball to mark it too, when it tries to flee to regain health.

Carving Spots on Wyverns: Yes, the book tells you where to carve, how many times you can carve, what items you get for carving for both "early" and "later" quests, and what % an item is likely to be carved on the first and second carving.

Large Bones and Wyvern Fangs: Large Bones can be carved from Rathian, Monoblos, Gravios, and Basarios. They can be traded from the Forest Elder in Area 7; give him either a Blos Fang or Dragonite Ore. I don't... see any spots where they can be found on the map. There are probably a bunch of quests where they're given as a reward, but there're a ton of those in the book and I can't look through them all right now.

Same goes for Wyvern Fangs; they're probably given as rewards for quests.

EDIT: *UPDATE* There's an offline 4-star quest called "The Land Shark" that requires you to kill a Cephadrome. According to the guide, there's a 10% chance that one of your reward items will be a Lg Monster Bone. I think that's the earliest you can earn one in offline mode.

Also, the offline 4-star quest called "Slay the Cypceros" has a 25% chance of giving up 3 Wyvern Fangs as a reward for completion.

Weapon Sharpness: I didn't see anything in the strategy guide on sharpness. :(

If you've got the money go ahead and buy the strategy guide, people. It's not 100% accurate (Herb + Honey does not equal a Mega Potion, there's incomplete and duplicate weapon data, and pictures are improperly labeled), but GameFAQs will take forever to get all this info.
What happened? None of you played Monster Hunter yesterday? Don't tell me you were all watching that debate... o_O

Oh, and the best way to earn money I've found so far is this:

+ Select the 1-star fishing mission.
+ Cook 10 Well-Done Steaks.
+ Head to Area 7 and trade the Forest Elder for some Special Mushrooms (don't worry about getting 10).
+ Head to Area 11, mine the spot in the waterfall, then catch ONE Sushifish.
+ Run back to base camp, and use the re-spawn method to make a Goldenfish appear.
+ Catch the Goldenfish, then leave base camp and reenter.
+ Repeat as necessary, for the remainder of the mission time.

On my first try, I ended up catching 5-6 Goldenfish in about 25 minutes. Add to that the reward for Special Mushrooms, the money I got selling Well-Done Steaks, and the money for selling a few other things I gathered, and I earned almost 6000z total.


And even i am moderately surprised
"You beat the chicken dragon solo? What level is your character?"

it's amazing - in a week or so's time you will laugh at how pathetic the chicken dragon is...

i did a chicken dragon level with two HR 20 guys and one noob and it was dead in under a minute.


Spike Spiegel said:
What happened? None of you played Monster Hunter yesterday? Don't tell me you were all watching that debate... o_O

Oh, and the best way to earn money I've found so far is this:

+ Select the 1-star fishing mission.
+ Cook 10 Well-Done Steaks.
+ Head to Area 7 and trade the Forest Elder for some Special Mushrooms (don't worry about getting 10).
+ Head to Area 11, mine the spot in the waterfall, then catch ONE Sushifish.
+ Run back to base camp, and use the re-spawn method to make a Goldenfish appear.
+ Catch the Goldenfish, then leave base camp and reenter.
+ Repeat as necessary, for the remainder of the mission time.

On my first try, I ended up catching 5-6 Goldenfish in about 25 minutes. Add to that the reward for Special Mushrooms, the money I got selling Well-Done Steaks, and the money for selling a few other things I gathered, and I earned almost 6000z total.

What's the respawning method? I am just suppose to come in and out of the base camp until a goldenfish appeared? I have tried doing that like 3 times, and the most I could get is 3 goldenfish, while the rest is two. I have no idea how you get 5-6 like that.


Use the goldenfish bait. It's made by combining a firefly and snakebee larva (bought in market for 300z). I did that mission with 4 people. Two of us caught a goldenfish while the guy with the goldenfish bait caught 5 in the same amount of time. With the amount of cash you can make selling the other fish, I'd say it's worth the investment.
I finally made it to the 2 star quests. We fought against the rock dragon in the Volcanic zone. This game just keeps getting better.


SaitoH said:
Use the goldenfish bait. It's made by combining a firefly and snakebee larva (bought in market for 300z). I did that mission with 4 people. Two of us caught a goldenfish while the guy with the goldenfish bait caught 5 in the same amount of time. With the amount of cash you can make selling the other fish, I'd say it's worth the investment.

What's the difference between using goldenfish bait and normal bait?


seismologist said:
I finally made it to the 2 star quests. We fought against the rock dragon in the Volcanic zone. This game just keeps getting better.

Man, fought Basarios last night for the first time with some friends ... what an awesome fight. We had no idea what to expect, so we weren't properly prepared, but we did pretty well, in spite of not beating him. Can't wait to try him again!

I finally upgraded my sword to the very badass looking Golem blade, but the sharpness sucks now. I need to upgrade again, but have to get a blos fang, which means fighting Diablos, or Monoblos, which ain't going to happen anytime soon.


Tenchir: Goldenfish bait attracts Goldenfish. It just makes it a lot easier to get them.
Man, this game is really harsh on offline-only players... The rewards I get for completing offline quests are so minuscule compared to the online rewards, and since I'm alone I pay all of the costs associated with mission prep. I'm spending hours playing the same quests over and over again for little positive gain, only to upgrade and do it all over again. It eats up a lot of time, and quite frankly it's getting extremely tedious.

At least I've got a Dragon Agito now. That should hold me until I can upgrade my metal Great Sword(s), which ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Mining in Area 6 of the Desert seems to be helping some, though, and the Cephalos are easy to beat.

EDIT: There's Goldenfish Bait? I don't see it in the strategy guide; I've been using normal bait. o_O
man that sucks. If your hurting for money you should use DCharlies trick and pick up the Kut Kut scales in area 2 of Forest and Hills.
There's also some on the ground in the wyvern nest.

Each one sells for 250z so that's about 500-1000z everytime you do a Forest and Hills quest.
Yeah, I've been doing the Kut-Ku Scales too... I think part of the problem may be that I've been upgrading 3-4 weapons at the same time, instead of just concentrating on 1 or 2. I've got two Great Swords (Dragon Agito, Buster Blade), one Sword/Shield (Bonespike), and one Lance (Knight Lance+) that I've been working on. Plus, there's that Iron Katana I gave up on for now, and a Shotgun I never use (bought it just to try it out).

Still, it just takes sooooo f*cking long to earn any sizable amount of cash, because the rewards offline amount to practically nothing.
how much do you get on average per quest?

Online quests that have a big reward normally cant be done alone so I net about 800-1000z per quest.
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