That seems quick, it's usually closer to six months for a specialist referral (in Canada).
Eww what in the hell?
I'll keep my system, thanks. I'm not going to have trouble getting medical insurance with my career anyway.
That seems quick, it's usually closer to six months for a specialist referral (in Canada).
In the past 20 years there has been a 35% increase in total ER visits annually.
Number of urban and suburban Emergency Rooms in the U.S. in 1990: 2,446.
Number of urban and suburban Emergency Rooms in the U.S. in 2009: 1,779.
When the ER is a money-sink for a hospital, they can close it.
Why would our economy grow more quickly?
I hate to break it to you but chances are you don't have health insurance. You are just a member of your companies plan.I don't like our healthcare system one bit. It is broken. But a lot of the comments in this thread are hyperbolic, like "America: where having health insurance still guarantees you're getting fucked when the bills start rolling in." If you have health insurance you probalby won't get fucked, and you certainly aren't "guaranteed" to be fucked. Or "Completely blows my mind that people are expected to pay these extreme amounts of money for basic healthcare." If you have health insurance you probalby won't be paying "extreme" amounts. Two MRIs, an echocardiogram, and a nerve conduction study all togther cost me about $240. No one in America should be bankrupted by healthcare costs. Again, the system is broken. But what percentage of people in America actually are bankrupt?
less bankrupcies, more money saved, more spending, etc. etc.
I just spent two days in the hospital with acute pancreatitis and they took my gallbladder out. Even with health insurance I'm dreading when the bill arrives.
Well maybe you should live within your means instead of splurging on removing organs?
Eww what in the hell?
I'll keep my system, thanks. I'm not going to have trouble getting medical insurance with my career anyway.
No doubt. I should have just lived with the pain. Even if it killed me. Corporate healthcare is such a terrible idea. Kind of makes everyone who thinks the free market makes everything cheaper look foolish.
The point is there are other places that can handle those kinds of services without tying up the resources at an ER.
I have had a ton of medical problems, and my insurance has never fucked me. What percentage of the population that has insurance do these horror stories actually represent?
I think that depends. When I scratched my eye and went to the ER it wasn't life threatening but I can't imagine waiting a day or two for a regular doctor appointment.
The health insurance industry may be dominated by monolithic corporations, but it sure as hell isn't a free market. It's been regulated and mandated out the ass for decades, and new and out-of-state competition stifled. I can't think of a less free market in the US than the one for health insurance.
Wouldn't that just shift the money? Different people are going to have less bankruptcies, money saved, etc...
You don't have to go to a regular doctor either. There are urgent care facilities.
Those are laughable at best.
We have many of them in my area--never heard anything bad, and the times I've gone were decent. Some are run by the area hospitals.
EDIT - Nvm.
I'm an idiot.
Quote this post to make fun of me if you wish.
My mom has to pay 900$ per month for her health insurance. Its eating like crazy into their retirement funds. Fair preexisting coverage can't come soon enough.
Fuck those assholes who want to stop Obama's health care plan.
holy balls. Thats absurd
holy balls. Thats absurd
pffft. Try being self employed in 'merica!
I get to pay higher taxes and get fucked buying insurance as a small group!
$280 is still pretty insane and out of the affordable range for tons of people.
Health care should not cost anything. It should be a basic human right.
It's better than military healthcare...
Eww what in the hell?
I'll keep my system, thanks. I'm not going to have trouble getting medical insurance with my career anyway.
What do you mean by single payer healthcare?It is obvious that single payer healthcare works the best. Just look at the data around all other first world countries. However, what those countries don't have is a banana republic government where lobbyists run the entire show.
We have many of them in my area--never heard anything bad, and the times I've gone were decent. Some are run by the area hospitals.
lol this guy
How so? I've had two free surgeries and free prescription medications. I haven't paid a cent for health care or dental for the past 19 years. I got a free eye exam and free glasses (which don't all suck style-wise like they used to). I've had 4 cavities filled and annual cleanings for free. I've had free physical therapy for back problems and post surgery for my leg which was screwed together with plates. Every year I get a free physical and free vaccinations.
I'm not saying that military health care is all roses, but it's not so bad for free.
Wild prices mean someone's ruined if they get sick without insurance. The high prices become a loaded gun leveled at the customer's head.^ We had a discussion about this the other day.
Basically, medical care/drug providers can charge whatever they want. There is currently no force in the market place driving prices down. It's very close to price fixing/collusion.
Insurers pay whatever medical providers charge. Employers pay whatever insurers charge. And employees pay whatever employers take out of their pay-check. This is not a healthy 'free market' system.
What I don't get is why insurers don't use the fact that they buy medical care in bulk to control prices (to some extent).
As a Canadian, it's such a foreign concept that healthcare shouldn't be be free (I know we pay taxes) for everyone. Yes, I pay more taxes, but I don't mind.
When I visited the states, I went to a Buger King. I got a dollar menu burger. The total was actual $1 flat. I was surprised when I found out there was no sales tax at all. That's great, I don't pay an extra $0.13 for my burger. But in the end I would rather take me universal healthcare than cheaper shit.
No doubt. I should have just lived with the pain. Even if it killed me. Corporate healthcare is such a terrible idea. Kind of makes everyone who thinks the free market makes everything cheaper look foolish.
Wouldn't that just shift the money? Different people are going to have less bankruptcies, money saved, etc...