Mr Hyde
Wanted to play Resident Evil Directors cut but apparently you have to sign up for PS plus extra to do that. No thanks, so I hooked up my old PS3 and tried to purchase it via PSstore but Nooooo, can't have you do that any longer. Papa Sony has limited purchasing options so now you can't buy directly from the store. And to add insult to injury, Sony has made it extra difficult by just signing in to your PS3, having to scan a qr code and set up a one-time bogus password to access your account. Every fucking time you login.
Anyway, I tried to circumvent this by adding funds to my wallet. Couldn't do it on their browser, only from PS5 storefront. Added the amount necessary to purchase RE, went through all the bullshit sign in on PS3 and guess what. I still can't fucking buy it. It doesn't recognize my credit card.
I'm so fucking fed up with Sonys bullshit that I'm honestly thinking about just abandoning this asshole company. If it wasn't for the fact that PS5 is an amazing console and all the great games they put out I would be long gone by now.
Why the fuck can't you just buy the games instead of subscribe to some bullshit service that I don't want? You can buy every other PS classic but not RE directors cut. And now Sony have gone out of their way to fuck the PS3 store just so you are forced to comply to their rules.
Fuck you!
EDIT: Resolved thanks to wonderful member
Anyway, I tried to circumvent this by adding funds to my wallet. Couldn't do it on their browser, only from PS5 storefront. Added the amount necessary to purchase RE, went through all the bullshit sign in on PS3 and guess what. I still can't fucking buy it. It doesn't recognize my credit card.
I'm so fucking fed up with Sonys bullshit that I'm honestly thinking about just abandoning this asshole company. If it wasn't for the fact that PS5 is an amazing console and all the great games they put out I would be long gone by now.
Why the fuck can't you just buy the games instead of subscribe to some bullshit service that I don't want? You can buy every other PS classic but not RE directors cut. And now Sony have gone out of their way to fuck the PS3 store just so you are forced to comply to their rules.
Fuck you!
EDIT: Resolved thanks to wonderful member

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