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Why is "getting rich" looked down so much as a life goal?


Everybody wants to be rich. It’s just a tacky thing to talk about with people IMO because it brings everyone’s financial status into question that you’re talking to. Nobody wants to hear how a millionaire wants to be a billionaire and so on.

People would probably be richer if we didn't treat finances as a secret. I was completely thrown off by what I saw as invasive finance questions when I moved abroad. I eventually realized it's functionally communal price discovery and a reason why people were building more household wealth than in America.


Getting rich isn't a valid life goal. Using that money on something that's actually fulfilling needs to be the life goal. Raising/supporting your family, employing people in good paying jobs, doing charity, whatever.

Otherwise it's just a cheap dopamine hit that will leave you feeling empty. This being a video game forum most of us should understand that cheap dopamine hits aren't the path to a fulfilling life.
Yeah, this

I seriously wouldnt want to be Bezos/Musk rich.

I honestly wouldnt know what do to with that much money. And I would feel tons of pressure to do something with it. Not only from society, but from myself.

I would also fear for my safety and for loved ones 24h a day.

And after getting high from all that dopamine by spending money buying everything I could possibly think of, I would probably do something stupid like buy Twitter or something, because I would need another goal (even if that goal turns out to be stupid)

I just want to have enough to live a comfortable life with my wife and a child. I dont mind working until the end of my days, it keeps my motivation to improve myself at a high level


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Im just asking what is wrong with pursuing money? How is it more meaningless than reading books, travelling, chasing pussy, whatever? They are all ultimately meaningless since death is final and you dont take anything with you, not even memories.
That you have to jump straight to nihilism to explain why you think it is OK isn't a good sign.


What are they supposed to do? sell their companies when it becomes a billionaire business so they stay non-billionaires?
If they shared the profits with the employees who are responsible for earning those money they would never be able to become one. While there might be some exceptions to the rules, most didnt achieve that ethically.
Maybe start paying the employees who have actually made those billions a fair percentage, maybe lower their work hours and increase their pay while they are chilling on their yacht (since they cant occupy multiple mansions, golf courses or be on multiple yachts simultaneously, they could just have 1 of each instead of 8)?

Maybe start paying taxes. Maybe increase the taxes for people once they earn above a certain amount instead of decreasing them which is what has happened since they are the ones who control how much they pay.

But you keep on stanning for people who exploit everyone and pay your friends a single digit percent of the money they actually earn them if thats what makes you happy. Pissing into bottles to not waste 3minutes going to the toilet just to make jeff bezos an extra cent. If they could get away of treating everyone the same way that they treat bangladesh textile industry workers they would.
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Very true, when I see people here imply the billions are basically in a bank account I just roll my eyes. I figure they got that nonsense from the same place reee gets it.
Yeah, that's a hard one for people to grasp. But a lot of that time, the assets that make up a personal's financial worth are simply about tying up and protecting money. You don't need a property portfolio consisting of buildings you have never and will never visit, for example. Obviously in the case of shares in a business, that's slightly different, but that doesn't mean that a billionaire's funds are all inaccessible and couldn't be used positively at no material cost to them.


Being rich is fine, it's scummy behaviour you do when rich to keep other people down such as tax avoidance, bribing politicians, declaring you don't live where you do, etc. If you're rich and pay into the system and just enjoy your money, good on you.
O no, someone wants to live their life free from the overwhelming burden of financial worries, what a bad person!

Get outta here with this shit.
You don’t really have to be rich to be free from financial worries. Well, of course, not if you‘re living in the US of course where bankruptcy is just one injury away.

Winter John

It ain't about being rich. It's about people who become rich then turn into giant assholes. Gates being a prime example. I often wonder if when he was younger his boss asked him what his real ambitions were. Well Dave. You know I love developing software but my dream, my passion is that one day I'll be rich enough to be able to go to some backroads, dirt poor shanty town where there's no pesky laws, and run weird experimental medical tests on African kids. I know. It sounds crazy right, but I truly believe if I can make enough money off this new software thing, then one day I could have a drugs lab of my very own.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
Because you could die Tryin'

50 cent laughing GIF


Because hippies took over the arts and convinced the world that living comfortably and being successful means you hate LGBT and are a literal nazi in the top 1% in wealth...

Because they found out the hard way that dirty feet and drugs and stds from orgies don't fulfill much in life and it also doesn't equal this dream communism ideology... communism actually equals... well communism (looks at all the commie countries and sees how they are doing)
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Gold Member
Jealous people with no money also don’t understand that making a good living or being Uber rich also has benefits beyond that person.

They think someone whose doing well for themselves did it unethically or are a greedy Scrooge who sits on a pile of money counting it every minute.

Having good money not only solves lots of problems in life for that person or family, but it also solves family tree problems.

That’s why families with good money typically aren’t fuck ups or dirt broke. That’s because wealth spreads (assuming the older richer people share).

My immediate family aren’t bazillionaires but we all make decent money, have nice homes and cars as a whole. My parents house is like $2M+ and paid off.

If any of us ran into trouble we got my parents and siblings and me all there to help bail each other out. My parents send my nieces and nephews $1000s all the time to sink into a university fund simply because they are old and got too much money hanging around. When they die, my estimated cut is $200,000-300,000 after my dad divided it all up in his will. He’s funneling a lot of it to the grandkids while my siblings and I actually get a smaller share than the teenage grand kids. He knows school and homes cost a lot, so mom and dad wants to spread the wealth instead of blowing it on worldwide vacations every year. Dad can buy a BMW every 5 years if he wants to. Instead the guy drives a 20 year old piece of shit. He’s motto is it gets him and mom from point a to point b. He doesn’t need a fancy car. They’ll save and give us more when they die.

And that’s what money does. Of course some money hoarders might sit there being greedy asses telling their sister in need to fuck off, but I don’t think the average family with resources is that siloed from each other unless they are a family who hates one another.

People with zero money will never understand this as they see money as evil and can only be accumulated through sketchiness. So even a doctor who makes $500,000 is an asshole. We’ll shit. The doctor went through tough led school, probably has $200,000 of student loans and won’t even be qualified to make good money until he goes through it all by age 30.

They also have no concept of sharing and keeping families in good shape for long term success because they’ve never had any. Most broke people have little concept of getting skills to make good money, invest to build up money, and keep family in good shape in case someone needs money. There more like “live for today” people. Not to the kind of people to ever take advice from when it comes to finances
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People with zero money will never understand this as they see money as evil and can only be accumulated through sketchiness. So even a doctor who makes $500,000 is an asshole. We’ll shit. The doctor went through tough led school, probably has $200,000 of student loans and won’t even be qualified to make good money until he goes through it all by age 30.

They also have no concept of sharing and keeping families in good shape for long term success because they’ve never had any. Most broke people have little concept of getting skills to make good money, invest to build up money, and keep family in good shape in case someone needs money. There more like “live for today” people. Not to the kind of people to ever take advice from when it comes to finances

Well if it isn’t the king of parental handouts judging the plebeians from his ivory tower, and will suddenly prop up their own rags to riches mythology that clearly isn’t true.

The other reason is that people really want to avoid late stage capitalism, which is unavoidable, but accelerated by the rich.

But really the U.S is a toxic place with masses of toxic people, so everything is demonized.
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To me it just makes a person sound kind of naive.

I think if your goal is to get rich, you're going about things the wrong way. Ideally you'd be passionate and driven in your professional life and end up rich.

If money is the only actual goal, it could push you into fields you don't give a shit about or aren't suited for and end up making you not only miserable, but quite possibly unsuccessful too.

It's just kind of a shallow goal too because money really doesn't buy happiness. In my experience, anyway. I make probably 5 times what I did when I started my career. The daily struggles and annoyances remain, and cash in the bank isn't what gets you through your days.


If they shared the profits with the employees who are responsible for earning those money they would never be able to become one. While there might be some exceptions to the rules, most didnt achieve that ethically.
Maybe start paying the employees who have actually made those billions a fair percentage, maybe lower their work hours and increase their pay while they are chilling on their yacht (since they cant occupy multiple mansions, golf courses or be on multiple yachts simultaneously, they could just have 1 of each instead of 8)?

Maybe start paying taxes. Maybe increase the taxes for people once they earn above a certain amount instead of decreasing them which is what has happened since they are the ones who control how much they pay.

But you keep on stanning for people who exploit everyone and pay your friends a single digit percent of the money they actually earn them if thats what makes you happy. Pissing into bottles to not waste 3minutes going to the toilet just to make jeff bezos an extra cent. If they could get away of treating everyone the same way that they treat bangladesh textile industry workers they would.
What do you possibly know of what they share with their employees? it's their companies that are worth the big money, do you want them to sell parts of their companies to their employees? what do you know about who achieves what ethically?

It's good they buy yachts. The more the better, it creates thousands of jobs. As long as they use their money and it gets out in circulation, it's fine. The entire idea of having rich people is increasing non-government initiatives, and building companies and organizations outside the rigid squares of the state.

Either you have rich people, or the government has all the power. It's either or, and the government is the crown jewel of exploitation and will fuck you over far worse.

If Bandaldesh textile workers got paid like people in the west, there would be riots, and the factories would get shut down.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
It's not. Accumulating wealth beyond what one could ever hope to spend in their lifetime while also taking actions that keep others downtrodden is, however. This value is inherent in most people (or at least the people I choose to traffic with), but was certainly enforced in me when I was a child and still Christian / a practicing Catholic.

Edit: also, from various personal experiences and history and just knowledge from studying cultures, getting rich is certainly not the goal of most eastern cultures. Also, eastern culture is not some kind of monolith.
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If money and being rich is the only goal in life, is it really meaningful? In a worldly, trivial sense I suppose but are the rich in that sense truly happy? Or do they have an insatiable desire that can never be filled and thus are bound, imprisoned by their own greed at the cost of helping the poor and needy? There is enough food, clean water and shelter for every single person on the face of this earth yet why is it that they suffer? While all of us are responsible for the well being of humanity, it's clear that some are a lot more capable than others. People in high places don't care about people in general and for anyone who pays close attention who has eyes to see and ears to hear knows that.

However, not everyone who is rich means it's a bad thing but in most cases those with money use it in a power hungry manner with little to no regard for humanity.

Money isn't everything. Possessions isn't everything, everything immaterial is fleeting and insignificant unless you can truly enjoy it by having God in your life. Even then, all is vanity because we leave this earth the same way we entered it, with nothing but our acts. What is the purpose of life? I know and there are many who knows as well, now who will pass or fail the test? Ignorance is NOT bliss.

Also Solomon was the most richest King ever in Israel whom God blessed and also blessed him with His wisdom. King Solomon was considered the most wisest man on earth at that time and many from all over the world would travel just to hear him talk.

Ecclesiastes 2:9-11
So I was great, and increased more than all that were before me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom remained with me. And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour: and this was my portion of all my labour. Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.


Go read some posts over at era to dive into why certain groups demonize wealth building. That will tell you most of what you need to know.


Hollywood and western culture in general has built this notion that rich dudes are lonely, evil scrooges that neglect everything else in life besides money.

While in the east, getting rich is probably the most desirable and noble life goal.

So why is wealth looked down so much? What is wrong with success?
Even without all the side benefits of being rich(duh), why is wealth accumulation any less fulfilling than other goals? Heck, as long as it gives meaning to your life, who cares?
You're equating 'rich' and 'success' as the same thing. They're very different.

If your goal is to be rich - fuck you
If your goal is to work hard and pay taxes and better society and have a good home life and go to church - that's success on a different level.


Too many different kinds of rich to people. There are some people who have wealth and still humble but are one bad business decision or an unfortunate event away from losing nearly everything (business failure, addiction, relationship failure etc.) On the other hand there are people that can walk into a Rolex store and buy out the whole shop because daddy's daddy made millions from some new industry that could easily exploit labour and financial systems of the day.


One of the green rats
Maybe some of you don’t have kids.
Money can improve their lives. It can free you from the constant stress of having to take care of others. It can give you experiences that otherwise your kids would only dream about. It can make sure they will be cared for after you are gone.

You can say it’s “ evil “ to want more money but I would counter it’s more “ evil “ to have kids without any financial plan or goals.
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Gold Member
Well if it isn’t the king of parental handouts judging the plebeians from his ivory tower, and will suddenly prop up their own rags to riches mythology that clearly isn’t true.

The other reason is that people really want to avoid late stage capitalism, which is unavoidable, but accelerated by the rich.

But really the U.S is a toxic place with masses of toxic people, so everything is demonized.
It is rags to riches.

My parents immigrated to Canada with no parents (all dead already), dirt poor, raised by equally dirt poor relatives who also made it over and knew zero English. If they can figure out how to make it by working a shitty job in the day and taking night classes after dinner in the 1960s, where my dad graduated with a degree at something like 30 and their first car was at I think age 36, then anyone can.

As for me, I paid for all my homes, investment condos, student loans on the default OSAP 10 year payback plan, and all car loans. Zero money from parents. But it's great I know it's there if I need it. And if mom and dad want to gift me a couple hundred grand when they kick the bucket, I'll take it. Better for family money to be kept within the family than random nobodies. At least they know we wont do anything dumb with it.

It's actually not hard. Get a decent job, pay your bills and live life till you retire. Nobody needs to be Bill Gates with $100 billion in order to have a decent career and plan to retirement. And nobody should have the right to take other people's money no matter how much they have. They should be lucky rich people are already nailed with progresdive taxes which are a double whammy of higher % which leads to even higher and higher $.

Instead of being jealous at how much juice someone can squeeze out of a rich guy, they should probably use some of their 75 years on Earth to grow their own orange tree.
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Gold Member
What I don't understand is why does it matter? get rich and let them look down on your goals as much as they want, who cares.
Because a lot of people in life care about how much money and how great other people's cars are.

You'd think they spend that time and effort on their own situation, but instead complain why a guy down the street makes $800,000/yr.

The average person in western countries where people have good opportunity and government at a good life probably lives to about 75 years old. You'd think at some point in those 75 years (let's say prime adult years of 20-50) they'd put in more effort into career, earning, and saving, so they dont have to complain about richer people who blew past them


Maybe some of you don’t have kids.
Money can improve their lives. It can free you from the constant stress of having to take care of others. It can give you experiences that otherwise your kids would only dream about. It can make sure they will be cared for after you are gone.

You can say it’s “ evil “ to want more money but I would counter it’s more “ evil “ to have kids without any financial plan or goals.
You shouldn't only get those things if you have money. Those should be things we give to all people.


Being wealthy isn’t a bad thing in and of itself, we’d all would like to make sure the ever present issue of having enough money isn’t a concern.

But to answer your question about why the western world sometimes looks upon wealth with disdain, it’s mainly petty jealousy but partly genuine concern.

Excessive wealth can often become hoarding, just building numbers in a bank account as if some sort of game. When a small percentage of the population holds such insane wealth that it might as well be a game of top trumps, it just imbalances the whole system, and the majority suffer as a consequence.

The delicate balance of our world as we live it goes beyond flora and fauna.


The rich people I know are miserable. No time for family, making lots of money they don’t have time to spend, etc. They have a nice house and car, so there is that I guess.

I make good money but value life balance over making every dollar possible at the cost of everything else I value.


Envy, but also poor people thing that if they had money they would help people like themselves with money. So when they see a rich person living their own life they get mad they aren't helping them like they would. Its just people's imaginations running wild of "if i had that money I'd do X"


The rich people I know are miserable. No time for family, making lots of money they don’t have time to spend, etc. They have a nice house and car, so there is that I guess.

I make good money but value life balance over making every dollar possible at the cost of everything else I value.

What kind of rich are we talking? Everybody I know with at least a mil liquid is pretty actualized and happy. The richest person i know has a fleet of container ships and she is a total bro.
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I don't think it's looked down upon in general, but people who base their whole personality on money and don't talk about anything else tend to be annoying and unlikable.

Fools idol

Being rich does take some tolls that I don't think most people understand or are prepared for.

I don't know how many rich people there are on GAF, but I started a thread about it in the past because it really knocked my life upside down at first. I didn't know what to do with myself. I have a net worth close to $50M USD, 50% of that I grew in just 1 year last year, from investments.

There some solid advice given to me in that thread. Enjoy.
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