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Why is it only Nintendo's new IPs that "don't count"?

Given how much money they have made and make over the years, I honestly hope that they can expand their teams to have new B and C tiered teams to make experimental titles that could or could not be breakout hits.

Intelligent Systems were once an assistant development team, and who is to say that their other studios cannot have a breakout hit and expand like those guys and Monolith Soft?

Nintendo have the money to expand such teams, and hell...even pay external Publishers to have a dedicated Team to make only games on Nintendo (like HAL). I am sure the likes of SEGA/Capcom/Namco would love to have a dedicated team working on Nintendo's console exclusively if Nintendo gave them some money to establish one. Nintendo publishes these games as an incentive so the risk is mostly on Nintendo and they get a unique IP in their library, happy days! (with a disclaimer that said games cannot go on Playstation/Xbox) It would be better than paying exclusivity for certain games in the long term.

Nintendo honestly don't need to have droughts in their System at this point and continue to grow and expand their Library to create a great Library of games without even needing to rely on the biggest third parties at this point!

As the saying goes "You build it and they will come". Nintendo does a lot of things right, but they do seem to suffer from droughts when they have the potential to release game after game every 2 months with their biggest teams, middle teams with IPs their niche loves and smaller games from Third Parties they give incentives to. Hell, why not just have IntiCreates in your portfolio as they seem to love making games on your system and give them an expansion to create more games?

A pipe-dream, I know but Nintendo tends to make great IPs and end up not rotating as much as we hope for (at least in regards to franchises that were once loved but end up being dormant).
I would say its because most casual gamers play Nintendo for the tried and true series they expect on each and every Nintendo console. Nintendo themselves are perpetuating this by releasing the same IPs over and over again because they know it would sell hardware and software. To break out of this cycle they would need to change thier focus from the tried and true to these new IPs that you have listed, but could you imagine if there wasnt a new Mario or Zelda game on a Nintendo console? Its not just Nintendo either, Microsoft has fallen into this cycle as well but are making strides recently to change this.


I think it is more precisely an "I want AAA games" effect.
And therefore those games that, over the years, have built their success up to get really big investments, as in the case of Nintendo with Mario and Zelda for example.

However, most Nintendo games do not focus on investing in graphics, and therefore focus more on lower level productions, but sometimes also much more original.
[such as IP like Arms, Splatoon, or Ring-Fit]

From my point of view it is not a problem at all, and indeed Nintendo is the one that during the various generations of consoles always tries to look for the new with always risky or even unpredictable experiments. [like Nintendo Labo]

So I think it is a matter of public "perception" of what is perceived as "important" and what is not.
But the truth is that they are always new ideas, and therefore worthy of being considered new IP.


Gold Member
Thank you OP for this thread. Nintendo fans, RISE UP!

Getting bored to snots with the XBox/PC vs PS fanaticism. Miss some of the old school third wheel stomping grounds!


Because if they would make new games fans would be able to get hyped about something other than zelda mario. Splatoon feels like a fluke honestly and if they didn't aquire monolith their exclusive nin portfolio would be really lacking.

Dr. Claus

Im sorry but these games

1-2 Switch
Nintendo Labo
Astral Chain
The Stretchers
Ring-Fit Adventure
Sushi Striker
Good Job!

Besides Ring Fit, none of this is interesting to most people. They also sound like mobile titles.

When we say new IP i think they want something on the scale of their biggest ip's like mario or zelda.


I would say its because most casual gamers play Nintendo for the tried and true series they expect on each and every Nintendo console. Nintendo themselves are perpetuating this by releasing the same IPs over and over again because they know it would sell hardware and software. To break out of this cycle they would need to change thier focus from the tried and true to these new IPs that you have listed, but could you imagine if there wasnt a new Mario or Zelda game on a Nintendo console? Its not just Nintendo either, Microsoft has fallen into this cycle as well but are making strides recently to change this.

Sure, Nintendo is more dependent on its long established IP. But I don't think they're really that much different from Sony or Microsoft when it comes to introducing New IP. Microsoft's problem was moreso the lack of variety and software droughts. If you didn't like Halo, Forza, or Gears, then you were lucky to get like one or two Xbox first party games a year that didn't fit those molds, sometimes not even that.

Nintendo on the other hand, publishes way more games. Last year alone, they published 16 original games for the Switch. Xbox Game Studios? Fucking 2. Quantity and Variety are something Microsoft need to fix going forward.

Dr. Claus

I would say its because most casual gamers play Nintendo for the tried and true series they expect on each and every Nintendo console. Nintendo themselves are perpetuating this by releasing the same IPs over and over again because they know it would sell hardware and software. To break out of this cycle they would need to change thier focus from the tried and true to these new IPs that you have listed, but could you imagine if there wasnt a new Mario or Zelda game on a Nintendo console? Its not just Nintendo either, Microsoft has fallen into this cycle as well but are making strides recently to change this.

I am a bit confused by what you mean.

Nintendo shouldn't release great games based on tried and true IPs? IPs that have proven to be profitable for decades? Hell, it isn't like they rest on their laurels either. The majority of these releases they try something new and different. The only one that I can think of that has been mostly stagnant is the New Super Mario Bros series.

If a new IP proves to be profitable, they capitalize on them. Just look at Splatoon and Pikmin. If it doesn't prove profitable (F-Zero) why would they continue to try and release games for it?


The answer is probably twofold.

1: These definitely do represent Nintendo branching out and trying new things, outside of them trying new things with their existing franchises, and should be praised.

2: A lot are a bit niche. It’s rare to see Nintendo do a Splatoon or an ARMS (less likely) where the game actually has potential to become a part of their main output.

As such, critics in this area don’t really count them, because they’re looking for Nintendo projects that are:

-Traditional games
-Have a lot of budget/Nintendo’s weight behind them
-Games that have a future as heavy hitters to stand alongside the existing crowd
-First party made

Think Pikmin, Splatoon, Luigi’s Mansion, Super Smash Brothers, or even from another system, TLoU. Something that will really join Nintendo’s long-term oeuvre, midstream, and really make a difference alongside Nintendo’s traditional output.


Nintendo could at least reinvent some of their properties. God of War on PS4 very much reinvented itself. Some may not have liked that but many did.


-Traditional games
-Have a lot of budget/Nintendo’s weight behind them
-Games that have a future as heavy hitters to stand alongside the existing crowd
-First party made

Which is why the argument falls apart when we apply these standards to Sony or Microsoft. As far as that criteria is concerned, Only Horizon so far really fits that listing for Sony for the PS4 generation. This is why its kind of a silly argument to make when we can say the same about the other two if we apply those same standards.
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Nintendo could at least reinvent some of their properties. God of War on PS4 very much reinvented itself. Some may not have liked that but many did.

You need to play more Nintendo games. 3D Mario, for example, can’t stop reinventing itself. BotW, as mentioned, reinvented open world gaming in general.

Sometimes, people’s entire problem with Nintendo is reinventing things too much. See Paper Mario, or the annoying ghost slamming combat system in Luigi’s Mansion 3.

From time to time, Nintendo can play it too safe, but generally, the reason people are so interested in these series, after so long, is that each installment represents steady evolution, or all new ideas, and sequels don’t get made unless they contribute something to the series.

Even the recent Animal Crossing, a hard genre to innovate in, took things to the next level with an unheard-of amount of customization for the series, delighting long-time fans.


Which is why the argument falls apart when we apply these standards to Sony or Microsoft. As far as that criteria is concerned, Only Horizon so far really fits that listing for Sony for the PS4 generation. This is why its kind of a silly argument to make when we can say the same about the other two if we apply those same standards.

Ish. Spider-Man, Ghost of Tsushima, and TLoU (very late last gen), all come to mind as first party games that really brought something new to their output.

Microsoft has been troubled with this issue, but as a matter of simple consequence after buying all those developers, things are about to diversify for them majorly.
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Because Nintendo twist and turn and are unpredictable, they offer up too many excuses for people to rag on them. Most people don’t like unpredictability and so aren’t willing to accept that Nintendo have successful IP’s even if they seem inconsequential When they are released. But Animal Crossing was inconsequential — until it wasn’t. They always Start small with Nintendo. You wouldn’t look back at the first Zelda and think that it could have become as big as it has.

The modern version of an IP is something like Horizon Zero Dawn, which is just a single game but has a huge marketing push behind it. Most people would think of that as an IP but it hasn’t really proven it’s self — but it’s an IP alright, simply because it’s copying the open world, Ubisoft type formula. — which is pretty much defines an IP now. Some hero with a ‘strong character‘ Copying a well worn formula.


Besides astral chain, none of that stuff has the legs to go the distance and turn into promising franchises. The other stuff may be fun arcade pick-up-and-play games, but that's about it. Imo when looking for a game, I'm not looking for just fun or intuitive gameplay, but also story (and if not that then lore/world building). The other games are extremely shallow in that regard.
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Sure, Nintendo is more dependent on its long established IP. But I don't think they're really that much different from Sony or Microsoft when it comes to introducing New IP. Microsoft's problem was moreso the lack of variety and software droughts. If you didn't like Halo, Forza, or Gears, then you were lucky to get like one or two Xbox first party games a year that didn't fit those molds, sometimes not even that.

Nintendo on the other hand, publishes way more games. Last year alone, they published 16 original games for the Switch. Xbox Game Studios? Fucking 2. Quantity and Variety are something Microsoft need to fix going forward.
I agree, i think they could both take note with what Sony is doing. ND went from Uncharted to TLOU, Sucker Punch went from Infamous to Ghost os Tsushima, Gorilla went from Killzone to Horizon it goes on and on. Sony could pump out the same IPs over and over but they dont and they dont pressure thier studios to do so. Dont get me wrong MS and Nintendo have some killer software but i feel they would be better off (atleast from a consumer perspective) if they took a page out of Sonys book.


Besides astral chain, none of that stuff has the legs to go the distance and turn into promising franchises. The other stuff may be fun arcade pick-up-and-play games, but that's about it. Imo when looking for a game, I'm not looking for just fun or intuitive gameplay, but also story (and if not that then lore/world building). The other games are extremely shallow in that regard.
ARMS , Ring Fit Adventure and even Nintendo Labo sold more than Astral Chain lol. Though they are playing the leg game strongly so I'm not sure if your criteria could apply, story focused game tends to go front loaded in sales unless it comes with aggressive discount.


eh, it's really hard for me to care that Nintendo relies on their older IPs. Sony got into games way later than they did, the first Sony console, Playstation, didn't debut until a full decade after Nintendo first dominated the marketplace. Microsoft didn't debut Xbox until 2001. i mean by that point there were already 3 home consoles released by Nintendo (and the 4th released the same week).

like, it's a little disingenuous to compare the three. Nintendo had been around for decades before Microsoft first dipped their toes into console gaming. why should they ignore Mario/Zelda if Xbox can continue to lean on Halo and Gears? or Playstation continues pumping out Resident Evil Remakes? Halo is 19 years old at this point. the first Resident Evil came out 24 years ago.

imo every company relies on older IPs. it just happens that Sony/Microsoft only started making IPs decades after Nintendo had been doing it.
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eh, it's really hard for me to care that Nintendo relies on their older IPs. Sony got into games way later than they did, the first Sony console, Playstation, didn't debut until a full decade after Nintendo first dominated the marketplace. Microsoft didn't debut Xbox until 2001. i mean by that point there were already 3 home consoles released by Nintendo (and the 4th released the same week).

like, it's a little disingenuous to compare the three. Nintendo had been around for decades before Microsoft first dipped their toes into console gaming. why should they ignore Mario/Zelda if Xbox can continue to lean on Halo and Gears? or Playstation continues pumping out Resident Evil Remakes? Halo is 19 years old at this point. the first Resident Evil came out 24 years ago.

imo every company relies on older IPs. it just happens that Sony/Microsoft only started making IPs decades after Nintendo had been doing it.
Thats just ridiculous at least from the Sony camp. Look at this list;
The Last of us
Motor storm
Drive club
Crash bandicoot
Jax and daxster
Soul Reaver
Heavenly Sword
Spider man
Ratchet and Clank
Ghoast of Tsushima
Blood Bourne
Death stranding

These are just off the top of my head the only ones you could argue are kinda beat to death are Gran Turismo and to an extent God of War.


Ish. Spider-Man, Ghost of Tsushima, and TLoU (very late last gen), all come to mind as first party games that really brought something new to their output.

Ghosts looks awesome, but It's not out yet, so its hard to say if it'll join the ranks, though it most likely will. Spider-Man's a licensed property, so I don't think it should count. And TLoU, as great as it is, is still a PS3 game at its core.

I'm not trying to rag on Sony here, I'm just applying the arguments made against Nintendo to them to demonstrate how silly the whole premise of the argument is.


Spyro,Crash and death stranding are Sony IP? Might aswell throw ace attorney, trauma center and cooking mama in with Nintendo then.


Simply because like 95% of the games you listed are games I would hand the controller to my child to play and they seem like shovelware. The only 2 that would count as new IP I guess would be ARMS and Astral Chain. Arms is super colorful and family looking friendly and Astral Chain is probably the weirdest addition in that list since it doesn't seem like a casual, blue ocean, for kids, family friendly , or could be mobile game .
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Great Hair

PlayStation 4 - full/platfrom/console exclusives (no PSVR, PSN)
(too many, can´t be bothered, 290 total)
1. The 25th Ward: The Silver Case (NIS America)
2. 428: Shibuya Scramble (Spike Chunsoft)
3. .hack//G.U. Last Recode (Bandai Namco)
4. [Import] A Certain Magical Virtual-On (Sega)
5. Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault (Aksys Games)
6. [Import] Aerial Life (Entergram)
7. [Import] Aibeya (Entergram)
8. [Import] Aikagi: Kimi to Isshoni Pack (Entergram)
9. Akiba's Beat (XSEED Games)
10. Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (XSEED Games)
11. [Import] Alia's Carnival! Sacrament Plus (Dramatic Create)
12. [Import] Amamane (Entergram)
13. [Import] Amazing Grace: What Color is Your Attribute? (Dramatic Create)
14. [Import] Ano Ko wa Ore kara Hanarenai (Entergram)
15. [Import] Aonatsu Line (Entergram)
16. Aragami (Merge Games)
17. ArmaGallant: Decks of Destiny (Maximum Games)
18. Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book (Koei Tecmo)
19. Atelier Firis: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Journey (Koei Tecmo)
20. [Import] A-Train Express (Degica Games)
21. [Import] Azayaka na Irodori no Naka de, Kimi Rashiku (Entergram)
22. Azur Lane: Crosswave (Idea Factory International)
23. Berserk and the Band of the Hawk (Koei Tecmo)
24. Black Clover: Quartet Knights (Bandai Namco)
25. [Import] Blade Arcus from Shining EX (Sega)
26. BlazBlue: Central Fiction (Aksys Games)
27. Bloodborne (SIE)
28. Blue Reflection (Koei Tecmo)
29. Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back (Accolade)
30. [Import | English] Bullet Girls Phantasia (D3 Publisher)
31. Chaos;Child (PQube)
32. [Import] Chaos;Child: Love Chu Chu!! (5pb.)
33. Chimparty (SIE)
34. [Import] City Shrouded in Shadow (Bandai Namco)
35. Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku! (NIS America)
36. Code: Realize ~Wintertide Miracles~ (Aksys Games)
37. Conception Plus: Maidens of the Twelve Stars (Spike Chunsoft)
38. Concrete Genie (SIE)
39. [Import] Crows: Burning Edge (Bandai Namco)
40. Crystar (FuRyu)
41. Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online (Idea Factory International)
42. [Import] Daisenryaku Dai Toua Kouboushi 3: Dai Niji Sekai Taisen Boppatsu! Suujiku Guntai Rengougun Zen Sekai Sen (SystemSoft Alpha)
43. Danganronpa 1•2 Reload (NIS America)
44. Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (NIS America)
45. Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (NIS America)
46. Dark Rose Valkyrie (Idea Factory International)
47. Date A Live: Rio Reincarnation (Idea Factory International)
48. Days Gone (SIE)
49. [Import | English] Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Fortune (Koei Tecmo)
50. Death end re;Quest (Idea Factory International)
51. Death's Gambit (Adult Swim Games)
52. Death Stranding (SIE)
53. Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess (Koei Tecmo)
54. Demon Gaze II (NIS America)
55. [Import] Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax Ignition (Sega)
56. Detroit: Become Human (SIE)
57. Digimon World: Next Order (Bandai Namco)
58. Dissidia Final Fantasy NT (Square Enix)
59. Dollhouse (Soedesco)
60. Dragon Star Varnir (Idea Factory International)
61. Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below (Square Enix)
62. Dragon Quest Heroes II (Square Enix)
63. Dragon's Crown Pro (Atlus)
64. Dreams (SIE)
65. Driveclub (SIE)
66. [Import] D.S. -Dal Segno- (Entergram)
67. Dungeons 2 (Kalypso Media)
68. Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition (Koei Tecmo)
69. Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair (XSEED Games)
70. Everybody's Golf (SIE)
71. EVE: Valkyrie (CCP Games)
72. [Import] Exile Election (NIS)
73. Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky (Aksys Games)
74. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (Square Enix)
75. Fire Pro Wrestling World (Spike Chunsoft)
76. Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise (Sega)
77. [Import] Floral Flowlove (Entergram)
78. Frantics (SIE)
79. [Import] Full Kiss (Entergram)
80. [Import | English] Full Metal Panic! Fight: Who Dares Wins (Bandai Namco)
81. Gal Gun: Double Peace (PQube)
82. [Import] Gendai Daisenryaku 2017: Henbou Suru Gunji Kinkou! Senritsu no Power Game (SystemSoft Alpha)
83. [Import] Gendai Daisenryaku 2020: Yureru Sekai Chitsujo! Taikoku no Yabou to Sekai Taisen (SystemSoft Alpha)
84. [Import] Genkai Tokki: Castle Panzers (Compile Heart)
85. [Import | English] Gintama Rumble (Bandai Namco)
86. God Eater 2: Rage Burst (Bandai Namco)
87. [Import] God Eater Off Shot Cross-Play Pack & Anime Vol. 1-7 (Bandai Namco)
88. God of War III Remastered (SIE)
89. God of War (SIE)
90. Godzilla (Bandai Namco)
91. Granblue Fantasy: Versus (Cygames)
92. Grand Ages: Medieval (Kalypso Media)
93. Grand Kingdom (NIS America)
94. Gran Turismo Sport (SIE)
95. Gravity Rush Remastered (SIE)
96. Gravity Rush 2 (SIE)
97. Guilty Gear Xrd: Sign (Aksys Games)
98. Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator (Aksys Games)
99. Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev 2 (Aksys Games)
100. [Import | English] Gundam Breaker 3 (Bandai Namco)
101. Gundam Versus (Bandai Namco)
102. [Import] Hana Saki Work Spring! (Entergram)
103. [Import] Hakoniwa Company Works (NIS)
104. [Import] Happy Manager (D3 Publisher)
105. [Import] Haruoto Alice Gram: Snow Drop (Entergram)
106. [Import] Hatsujou Sprinkle (Piacci)
107. [Import] Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone DX (Sega)
108. Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X (Sega)
109. [Import] Hatsuyuki Sakura (Entergram)
110. Helldivers Super-Earth Ultimate Edition (SIE)
111. [Import] Hello Lady! Superior Dynamis (Dramatic Create)
112. Hidden Agenda (SIE)
113. Horizon: Zero Dawn (SIE)
114. [Import] Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai: Converted Edition (Prototype)
115. [Import] Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1+ (Compile Heart)
116. inFAMOUS: Second Son (SIE)
117. [Import] The Idolmaster: Platinum Stars (Bandai Namco)
118. [Import] The Idolmaster: Stella Stage (Bandai Namco)
119. Intruders: Hide and Seek (Daedalic Entertainment)
120. [Import] Island (Prototype)
121. [Import] Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary (Square Enix)
122. [Import] Iwaihime: Matsuri (NIS)
123. [Import] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2016 (Konami)
124. [Import] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2018 (Konami)
125. Journey: Collector's Edition (SIE)
126. J-Stars Victory VS+ (Bandai Namco)
127. Judgment (Sega)
128. Just Deal With It! (Super Punk Games)
129. [Import] Kamen Rider: Battride War Genesis (Bandai Namco)
130. [Import | English] Kamen Rider: Climax Fighters (Bandai Namco)
131. [Import] Karigurashi Renai (Entergram)
132. [Import] Ketsui Deathtiny: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (M2)
133. Killzone: Shadow Fall (SIE)
134. Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far (Square Enix)
135. The King of Fighters XIV (Atlus)
136. [Import] Kizuna Kirameku Koi Iroha (Dramatic Create)
137. Knack (SIE)
138. Knack 2 (SIE)
139. Knowledge is Power (SIE)
140. Knowledge is Power: Decades (SIE)
141. [Import] Koihime Enbu (Yeti)
142. [Import] KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! Judgment on this Greedy Game! (5pb.)
143. [Import] KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! Labyrinth of Hope and the Gathering of Adventurers! (Entergram)
144. Kromaia Omega (Rising Star Games)
145. The Last Guardian (SIE)
146. The Last of Us Remastered (SIE)
147. The Last Tinker: City of Colors (Soedesco)
148. Left Alive (Square Enix)
149. The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (XSEED Games)
150. The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II (XSEED Games)
151. LittleBigPlanet 3 (SIE)
152. [Import] Love Clear (Entergram)
153. [Import] Making Lovers (Entergram)
154. Marvel's Spider-Man (SIE)
155. MediEvil (SIE)
156. Megadimension Neptunia VIIR (Idea Factory International)
157. [Import] Mell Kiss (Entergram)
158. Metal Max Xeno (NIS America)
159. [Import] Million Arthur: Arcana Blood (Square Enix)
160. MLB The Show 14 (SIE)
161. MLB The Show 15 (SIE)
162. MLB The Show 16 (SIE)
163. MLB The Show 17 (SIE)
164. MLB The Show 18 (SIE)
165. MLB The Show 19 (SIE)
166. MLB The Show 20 (SIE)
167. [Import] Moe Moe Niji Taisen 3 (SystemSoft Alpha)
168. Monkey King: Hero Is Back (THQ Nordic)
169. [Import] Natsuiro High School: Seishun Hakujo (D3 Publisher)
170. Natural Doctrine (NIS America)
171. [Import] New Game! The Challenge Stage! (5pb.)
172. New Gundam Breaker (Bandai Namco)
173. Nights of Azure (Koei Tecmo)
174. [Import] Ninki Seiyuu no Tsukurikata (Entergram)
175. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (Bandai Namco)
176. Nioh (SIE)
177. Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel (XSEED Games)
178. [Import] Nobunaga's Ambition Online (Koei Tecmo)
179. Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence (Koei Tecmo)
180. Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence - Ascension (Koei Tecmo)
181. Nobunaga's Ambition: Taishi (Koei Tecmo)
182. Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir (Atlus)
183. [Import] Omega Labyrinth Z (D3 Publisher)
184. Omega Quintet (Idea Factory International)
185. Omen of Sorrow (Soedesco)
186. Onechanbara Z2: Chaos (XSEED Games)
187. The Order: 1886 (SIE)
188. Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight (Atlus)
189. Persona 5 (Atlus)
190. Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight (Atlus)
191. Persona 5 Royal (Atlus)
192. [Import] Phantasy Star Online 2 (Sega)
193. Predator: Hunting Grounds (SIE)
194. [Import] Pro Yakyuu Spirts 2019 (Konami)
195. Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness (NIS America)
196. Punch Line (PQube)
197. Quar: Infernal Machines (GS2 Games)
198. Ratchet & Clank (SIE)
199. [Import] Record of Grancrest War (Bandai Namco)
200. Republique (GungHo Online Entertainment)
201. [Import] Rewrite (Prototype)
202. [Import] Re:Zero -Starting Life from Zero- Kiss or Death (5pb.)
203. Rollercoaster Tycoon: Joyride (Atari)
204. Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII (Koei Tecmo)
205. Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV (Koei Tecmo)
206. Root Letter (PQube)
207. Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul (Bandai Namco)
208. [Import] Sakura Sakura (Entergram)
209. [Import] Saku Saku: Love Blooms with the Cherry Blossoms (Dramatic Create)
210. Samurai Warriors 4 (Koei Tecmo)
211. Samurai Warriors 4-II (Koei Tecmo)
212. Samurai Warriors 4: Empires (Koei Tecmo)
213. Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada (Koei Tecmo)
214. [Import] Sangoku Hime 4: Tenka Ryouran Tenmei no Koi Emaki (SystemSoft Alpha)
215. School Girl/Zombie Hunter (Aksys Games)
216. Secret of Mana (Square Enix)
217. [Import] Sengoku Basara 4: Sumeragi (Capcom)
218. [Import] Sengoku Basara: Sanada Yukimura-Den (Capcom)
219. [Import] Sengoku Hime 5: Senka Tatsu Haou no Keifu (SystemSoft Alpha)
220. [Import] Sengoku Hime 7: Senun Tsuranuku Guren no Ishi (SystemSoft Alpha)
221. [Import] Sengo Muramasa DX: Guren no Kettou (SystemSoft Alpha)
222. [Import] Sen no Hatou, Tsukisome no Kouki (Aria)
223. Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal (XSEED Games)
224. Senran Kagura: Estival Versus (XSEED Games)
225. Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash (XSEED Games)
226. The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia (Bandai Namco)
227. Shadow of the Colossus (SIE)
228. Shenmue III (Ys Net)
229. [Import] Shinobi, Koi Utsutsu: Banka Aya Emaki (Idea Factory)
230. [Import] Shinsou Noise: Jushin Tantei no Jikenbo (Dramatic Create)
231. The Silver Case (NIS America)
232. [Import] The Silver 2425 (NIS)
233. SingStar Celebration (SIE)
234. Song of Memories (PQube)
235. Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness (Square Enix)
236. Street Fighter V (Capcom)
237. Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition (Capcom)
238. Space Hulk: Deathwing Enhanced Edition (Focus Home Interactive)
239. Star Trek: Bridge Crew (Ubisoft)
240. [Import] Suki to Suki to de Sankaku Ren’ai (Entergram)
241. [Import] Sumika Mikagami’s Uniform Activity (Entergram)
242. Summon Night 6: Lost Borders (Gaijinworks)
243. [Import | English] Super Robot Wars OG: The Moon Dwellers (Bandai Namco)
244. Sword Art Online: Lost Song (Bandai Namco)
245. [Import] Taiheiyou no Arashi: Shijousaidai no Gekisen Normandy Goubousen! (SystemSoft Alpha)
246. Tales of Zestiria (Bandai Namco)
247. Tales of Berseria (Bandai Namco)
248. [Import] Tayutama 2: You're the Only One (Entergram)
249. Tearaway Unfolded (SIE)
250. Tetris Effect (Enhance Games)
251. That's You! (SIE)
252. Tokyo Ghoul: re Call to Exist (Bandai Namco)
253. Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters Daybreak: Special Gigs (Aksys Games)
254. Tokyo Xanadu eX+ (Aksys Games)
255. [Import] Tonari ni Kanojo no Iru Shiawase: Winter Guest (Entergram)
256. Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet (NIS America)
257. Touhou Genso Wanderer (NIS America)
258. [Import] Touhou Shinpiroku: Urban Legend in Limbo (Twilight Frontier)
259. Toukiden: Kiwami (Koei Tecmo)
260. Toukiden 2 (Koei Tecmo)
261. [Import] Tricolour Lovestory (Dramatic Create)
262. [Import] Tsuki ni Yorisou Otome no Sahou: Hidamari no Hibi (Dramatic Create)
263. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (SIE)
264. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (SIE)
265. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (SIE)
266. [Import] Uncharted Waters Online (Koei Tecmo)
267. Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] (Aksys Games)
268. Until Dawn (SIE)
269. Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception (Atlus)
270. Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth (Atlus)
271. Utawarerumono: Zan (NIS America)
272. Warhammer 40,0000: Deathwatch (Hoplite Research)
273. Warriors All-Stars (Koei Tecmo)
274. White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (PQube)
275. [Import] Winning Post 8 2016 (Koei Tecmo)
276. [Import] Winning Post 8 2017 (Koei Tecmo)
277. WipEout Omega Collection (SIE)
278. The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition (NIS America)
279. The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 (NIS America)
280. Wordhunters (Thumbfood)
281. [Import] Yakuza: Ishin (Sega)
282. Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (Sega)
283. The Yakuza Remastered Collection (Sega)
284. [Import] Yahari Game demo Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. & Zoku Omatome Set (5pb.)
285. Yomawari: Midnight Shadows (NIS America)
286. [Import] Your Diary+ (Entergram)
287. [Pending] Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs: Steam Dungeon (FuRyu)
288. Zanki Zero: Last Beginning (Spike Chunsoft)
289. Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (Aksys Games)
290. Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner MARS (Konami)

PlayStation 4 (no PSN, PSVR) - full exclusives only - 76 in total
1. [Import] Alia's Carnival! Sacrament Plus (Dramatic Create)
2. ArmaGallant: Decks of Destiny (Maximum Games)
3. [Import] A-Train Express (Degica Games)
4. Bloodborne (SIE)
5. Chimparty (SIE)
6. [Import] City Shrouded in Shadow (Bandai Namco)
7. Concrete Genie (SIE)
8. [Import] Crows: Burning Edge (Bandai Namco)
9. Days Gone (SIE)
10. [Import | English] Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Fortune (Koei Tecmo)
11. Digimon World: Next Order (Bandai Namco)
12. Dreams (SIE)
13. Driveclub (SIE)
14. Everybody's Golf (SIE)
15. Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise (Sega)
16. Frantics (SIE)
17. [Import | English] Full Metal Panic! Fight: Who Dares Wins (Bandai Namco)
18. [Import] Genkai Tokki: Castle Panzers (Compile Heart)
19. [Import] God Eater Off Shot Cross-Play Pack & Anime Vol. 1-7 (Bandai Namco)
20. God of War III Remastered (SIE)
21. God of War (SIE)
22. Gran Turismo Sport (SIE)
23. Gravity Rush Remastered (SIE)
24. Gravity Rush 2 (SIE)
25. Gundam Versus (Bandai Namco)
26. [Import] Hakoniwa Company Works (NIS)
27. [Import] Happy Manager (D3 Publisher)
28. [Import] Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone DX (Sega)
29. Hidden Agenda (SIE)
30. inFAMOUS: Second Son (SIE)
31. [Import] The Idolmaster: Platinum Stars (Bandai Namco)
32. [Import] The Idolmaster: Stella Stage (Bandai Namco)
33. Intruders: Hide and Seek (Daedalic Entertainment)
34. Judgment (Sega)
35. Just Deal With It! (Super Punk Games)
36. [Import | English] Kamen Rider: Climax Fighters (Bandai Namco)
37. Killzone: Shadow Fall (SIE)
38. Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far (Square Enix)
39. Knack (SIE)
40. Knack 2 (SIE)
41. Knowledge is Power (SIE)
42. Knowledge is Power: Decades (SIE)
43. Kromaia Omega (Rising Star Games)
44. The Last Guardian (SIE)
45. The Last of Us Remastered (SIE)
46. Marvel's Spider-Man (SIE)
47. MediEvil (SIE)
48. Metal Max Xeno (NIS America)
49. MLB The Show 17 (SIE)
50. MLB The Show 18 (SIE)
51. MLB The Show 19 (SIE)
52. MLB The Show 20 (SIE)
53. The Order: 1886 (SIE)
54. Persona 5 Royal (Atlus)
55. Ratchet & Clank (SIE)
56. [Import] Record of Grancrest War (Bandai Namco)
57. Rollercoaster Tycoon: Joyride (Atari)
58. The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia (Bandai Namco)
59. Shadow of the Colossus (SIE)
60. [Import] Shinobi, Koi Utsutsu: Banka Aya Emaki (Idea Factory)
61. SingStar Celebration (SIE)
62. Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness (Square Enix)
63. Tearaway Unfolded (SIE)
64. That's You! (SIE)
65. Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet (NIS America)
66. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection (SIE)
67. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (SIE)
68. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (SIE)
69. Until Dawn (SIE)
70. Utawarerumono: Zan (NIS America)
71. WipEout Omega Collection (SIE)
72. The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition (NIS America)
73. The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 (NIS America)
74. Wordhunters (Thumbfood)
75. Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (Sega)
76. The Yakuza Remastered Collection (Sega)

(no PSN, PSVR) - full exclusives only (no platf., no console)
YELLOW = 2nd/3rd party (10 in total)
WHITEBOLD = inhouse sony, 1st party (8 new/30 in total, not incl. PSN, PSVR)
UNDERLINED = 15 new IP (1st, 2nd, 3rd party)

Xbone - full/platform/console exclusives (no download) - 35 in total
1. [Import] Azito x Tatsunoko Legends (Hamster) ?
2. Bleeding Edge (Microsoft)
3. Crackdown 3 (Microsoft)
4. Dead Rising 3 (Microsoft)
5. Disneyland Adventures (Microsoft)
6. Fantasia: Music Evolved (Disney Interactive)
7. Forza Horizon 2 (Microsoft)
8. Forza Horizon 3 (Microsoft)
9. Forza Horizon 4 (Microsoft)
10. Forza Motorsport 5 (Microsoft)
11. Forza Motorsport 6 (Microsoft)
12. Forza Motorsport 7 (Microsoft)
13. Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (Microsoft)
14. Gears of War 4 (Microsoft)
15. Gears 5 (Microsoft)
16. Halo: The Master Chief Collection (Microsoft)
17. Halo 5: Guardians (Microsoft)
18. Halo Wars 2 (Microsoft)
19. Hello Neighbor (tinyBuild Games)
20. Ori and the Will of the Wisps (Microsoft)
21. Project Spark (Microsoft)
22. Quantum Break (Microsoft)
23. Rare Replay (Microsoft)
24. ReCore (Microsoft)
25. Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure (Microsoft)
26. Ryse: Son of Rome (Microsoft)
27. Sea of Thieves (Microsoft)
28. ScreamRide (Microsoft)
29. State of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition (Microsoft)
30. State of Decay 2 (Microsoft)
31. Sunset Overdrive (Microsoft)
32. Super Lucky's Tale (Microsoft)
33. Titanfall (EA)
34. Zoo Tycoon (Microsoft)
35. Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection (Microsoft)

YELLOW = 2nd/3rd party (8 in total)
WHITEBOLD = inhouse ms, 1st party (4 new/20 in total, not incl. download)
UNDERLINED = 13 new IP (1st, 2nd, 3rd party)

Switch - full/platform/console exclusives (no download)
(too many, can´t be bothered, 116 total)
NO LIST DUE 30,000 character limit

= 2nd/3rd party (? in total)
WHITEBOLD = inhouse nintendo, 1st party (? new/? in total, not incl. download)
UNDERLINED = ? new IP (1st, 2nd, 3rd party)

Switch - full exclusives only - 85 in total
(can´t be arsed, to double check every game&studio)
1. 1-2-Switch (Nintendo)
2. Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Nintendo)
3. Arms (Nintendo)
4. Astral Chain (Nintendo)
5. [Import] Beyblade Burst: Battle Zero (FuRyu)
6. Bubble Bobble 4 Friends (ININ Games)
7. BurgerTime Party! (XSEED Games)
8. [Import] Cendrillon palikA (Idea Factory)
9. [Import] Champion Jockey Special (Koei Tecmo)
10. [Import] Chou Tousouchuu & Chou Sentouchuu Double Pack (Bandai Namco)
11. Code of Princess EX (Nicalis)
12. Collection of Mana (Square Enix)
13. Cytus Alpha (PM Studios)
14. [Import] Diabolik Lovers: Chaos Lineage (Idea Factory)
15. Disney Tsum Tsum Festival (Bandai Namco)
16. [Import] Doraemon: Nobita’s Chronicle of the Moon Exploration (FuRyu)
17. Dr. Kawashima’s Brain Training for Nintendo Switch (Nintendo)
18. [Import] Eiga Sumikko Gurashi: Tobidasu Ehon to Himitsu no Ko – Game de Asobou! Ehon no Sekai (Nippon Columbia)
19. Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Nintendo)
20. Fitness Boxing (Nintendo)
21. Fun! Fun! Animal Park (Aksys Games)
22. Gal Metal (XSEED Games)
23. Gear.Club Unlimited (Microids)
24. Gear.Club Unlimited 2 (Microids)
25. [Import] Gesshizu: Gajigaji Nakama wo Sodateyou (Nippon Columbia)
26. [Import] Gotouchi Tetsudou for Nintendo Switch (Bandai Namco)
27. [Import] Hakuoki Shinkai: Tsukikage no Shou (Idea Factory)
28. [Import] Hifumi Katou-Supervised Hifumin's Shogi Dojo (Pocket)
29. [Import | English] Kamen Rider: Climax Scramble (Bandai Namco)
30. Kirby: Star Allies (Nintendo)
31. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Nintendo)
32. Little Friends: Dogs & Cats (Sold Out)
33. Luigi's Mansion 3 (Nintendo)
34. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo)
35. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (Ubisoft)
36. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 (Sega)
37. Mario Tennis Aces (Nintendo)
38. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order (Nintendo)
39. Monopoly for Nintendo Switch (Ubisoft)
40. Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (Capcom)
41. Namco Museum Arcade Pac (Bandai Namco)
42. [Import] Nari Kids Park: HUGtto! PreCure (Bandai Namco)
43. [Import] Nari Kids Park: Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patoranger (Bandai Namco)
44. [Import] Nari Kids Park: Ultraman R/B (Bandai Namco)
45. [Import] Ninja Box (Bandai Namco)
46. Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit (Nintendo)
47. Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 02: Robot Kit (Nintendo)
48. Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 03: Vehicle Kit (Nintendo)
49. Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04: VR Kit (Nintendo)
50. Party Arcade (Planet Entertainment)
51. Party Planet (Mastiff)
52. Party Treats (QubicGames)
53. [Import] Pikachin-Kit: Game de Pirameki Daisakusen (FuRyu)
54. Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu / Let's Go, Eevee (Nintendo)
55. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX (Nintendo)
56. Pokemon Sword / Shield (Nintendo)
57. Pokken Tournament DX (Nintendo)
58. [Import] PriPara: All Idol Perfect Stage (Takara Tomy A.R.T.S)
59. [Import] Pro Yakyuu Famista Evolution (Bandai Namco)
60. Psikyo Shooting Stars Alpha (NIS America)
61. Psikyo Shooting Stars Bravo (NIS America)
62. [Import] Puru-Chara Friends: Hoppe-chan to Sanrio Characters (Neos)
63. [Import] Rabbids: Adventure Party (Ubisoft China)
64. Rune Factory 4 Special (XSEED Games)
65. Senran Kagura: Senran Kagura (XSEED Games)
66. [Import] Shiritsu Verbara Gakuen: Versailles no Bara Re*imagination (Idea Factory)
67. Snipperclips Plus: Cut It Out, Together! (Nintendo)
68. Snack World: The Dungeon Crawl - Gold (Level-5)
69. Splatoon 2 (Nintendo)
70. Sports Party (Ubisoft)
71. Star Wars Pinball (Zen Studios)
72. [Import] Sumikko Gurashi: Atsumare! Sumikko Town (Nippon Columbia)
73. [Import] Sumikko Gurashi: Gakkou Seikatsu Hajimerun Desu (Nippon Columbia)
74. [Import] Sumikko Gurashi: Sumikko Park he Youkoso (Nippon Columbia)
75. Super Mario Maker 2 (Nintendo)
76. Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo)
77. Super Mario Party (Nintendo)
78. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo)
79. [Import] Tsuri Spirits Nintendo Switch Version (Bandai Namco)
80. Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers (Capcom)
81. The World Ends With You: Final Remix (Nintendo)
82. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo)
83. Yoshi's Crafted World (Nintendo)
84. [Import] Zoids Wild: King of Blast (Takara Tomy A.R.T.S)
85. Zumba: Burn It Up! (505 Games)

YELLOW = 2nd/3rd party (? in total)
WHITEBOLD = inhouse nintendo, 1st party (? new/? in total, not incl. download)
UNDERLINED = ? new IP (1st, 2nd, 3rd party)


Dead or not, you can deny the ambition displayed by it.
I don't see the ambition really. I got it for my daughter which she happily built, used maybe 3 times then collecting dust since. They're sitting in my bedroom like piled up trash cardboard. I want to get rid of them but I can't because I paid for them, even knowing they'll never be touched again.

I wish they'd add some different games through updates or even new physical games that utilize these cardboards further.


I wish they'd add some different games through updates or even new physical games that utilize these cardboards further.
Have you tried the Toy-Con Garage? There's a ton of stuff you can do in that. The VR Kit even lets you make your own full fledged games.


Have you tried the Toy-Con Garage? There's a ton of stuff you can do in that. The VR Kit even lets you make your own full fledged games.
I'll ask my daughter about the garage. I have the VR kit, but they hardly used it because of their ages. My older daughter is turning 9 soon so I might pull the VR kit out again and let her play some more. Issue is their eye sight is still developing and they both wear glasses, and I fear use of any VR would have a negative effect on their eyes now.


1-2 Switch
Nintendo Labo
Astral Chain
The Stretchers
Ring-Fit Adventure
Sushi Striker
Good Job!

are all "simple cash grabber games" but astral chain which tries to be a "real game"

And the stretchers sounds like some kind of Goatse game haha.

I think that there are "ips" and "IPS".

In my opinion if Sony makes game about "flying sausage that drops nukes" and it is only released on ps4, does it make it "an IP"? No, it is just some random game by Sony.

Same with Nintendo, they can spam these simple&cheap&shitty games all they want but that doesnt make them IPs in the same sense than mario, zelda, kirby.

I think that one big thing is that IP should have more than one game to become some kind of classic game that is connected just to that console.

And it is not easy to make characters like mario or crash bandicoot, if it would be, there would be more of them.

Mostly it is just that these "IPs" you listed have no soul, they are just like an artist with one big hit and then it is forgotten(these arent even big hits). They have simple idea and thats about it, made to make cash and not to be remembered.

And yeah, most of them are almost as simple as some damn flash games, which is of course typical for Nintendo, but still are you seriously calling "sushi striker" to be anything but some game that most wont even remember in few years? They go in the same category with all forgotten "IPs".

To me to get status of IP game must be really successful, popular and more than just a cucumber jumping on the screen. and preferably have sequel potential
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The nicest person on this forum
are all "simple cash grabber games" but astral chain which tries to be a "real game"
What exactly makes Astral Chain "not real game"? It has fantastic and unique combat and great boss fights, so I don't exactly understand what makes it "not real game"?


In my opinion if Sony makes game about "flying sausage that drops nukes" and it is only released on ps4, does it make it "an IP"? No, it is just some random game by Sony.
IP stands for "Intellectual Property". If Sony released a hypothetical game like you described. Yes, it would be a new IP. Because it's an Intellectual Property owned and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Regardless of quality, scale, or whether it gets sequel. It still counts.

I think that one big thing is that IP should have more than one game to become some kind of classic game that is connected just to that console.

And it is not easy to make characters like mario or crash bandicoot, if it would be, there would be more of them.

Which is why you gradually build on IPs with potential into key franchises. You don't just make an instant pop culture Icon from nothing on the first try, you have to work your way up to that status.

Mostly it is just that these "IPs" you listed have no soul, they are just like an artist with one big hit and then it is forgotten. They have simple idea and thats about it, made to make cash and not to be remembered.

Most of these I listed have "soul" in the sense you describe. ARMS for example, has a suprising amount of lore to it that still has potential to be explored. Splatoon as well. Ring-Fit Adventure is an ambitious project with clearly a lot of love and attention put into creating a cohesive theme and gameplay motif. Astral Chain as well.

And yeah, most of them are almost as simple as some damn flash games, which is of course typical for Nintendo, but still are you seriously calling "sushi striker" to be anything but some game that most wont even remember in few years? They go in the same category with all forgotten "IPs".

Flash games!? LOL. It's obvious you haven't played any of these. They may be more pick-up-and-play than your typical AAA title, but they're not overly simple either.
I think a lot of the problem Nintendo have with this image is that they don't go straight to big budget, AAA exclussives with new IP, as Sony do and Microsoft used to, and hopefully will again next gen.

Instead they seem to prefer a scattershot approach of lots of smaller to niche titles that will get expanded on and built up in sequels, and only if they're a breakout success.

This was definitely the case with Splatoon, and even with Luigi's Mansion, even if it did take a hell of a long time to get that expanded second game.

Another example was Fire Emblem, a game that was very much a low budget B tier series until Awakening blew the barn doors off.

Since then it's been given more and more funding and promotion as it's finally found a formula that resonates with a large audience.

It's an approach that leaves a lot of good ideas getting abandoned, quite probably because it never received the money, time and manpower required to realise it properly, but it also avoids embarrassing big budget failures like The Order 1886 and Quantum Break, so I understand why Nintendo take this path.


On what is supposed to be an enthusiast gamer forum, the ignorance of Nintendo's contribution to gaming in recent times is "really sad" to quote my avatar.

It seems incredible that between BOTW, SMO, MM, MK8, SSB and a host of others, Nintendo has a first party lineup which is the envy of Sony - they wish they could hit such constant critical and sales successes. MS aren't even in the argument since they didn't have a first party until 6 months ago.

And then to accuse Nintendo of lack of innovation when they have innovated both successfully and unsuccessfully both on software and hardware with the N64, GCN, Wii, Wii U, Switch, and major gameplay adjustments in their first party mainstay franchises. Other companies would hide behind their couches at the thought of taking beloved franchises and changing them in such fundamental gameplay affecting ways rather than playing it safe with endless plodding sequels. Yet Nintendo do this time after time and succeed.

I mean I love Sony, but lets be honest the outrage over TLOU2 because of its story line without a hint of gameplay discussion is exactly why Sony can't innovate. Their 1st Party rely so heavily on story driven games these days, it overshadows gameplay. We're not gonna see a TLOU 2d platformer anytime. Nintendo isn't so wasteful with its properties.

Nintendo have managed to take the franchises and characters people love and fit them into new gameplay styles. That is something no one else has achieved as consistently. They've taken risks on hardware and haven't always been successful but they tried.

A gamer dismissing Nintendo is like an English literature student dismissing Shakespeare. You simply can't claim to be an aficionado of videogames and not recognise Nintendo's achievements. That doesn't mean you have to like the games - it does mean you have to respect the impact of those games on the medium.


What frustrates me the most about Nintendo is their amount of talent being seemingly restricted by an overly conservative business philosophy that precludes their fullest potential, except when it is allowed to be applied to decades old IPs. Then their ambition and talent truly shines, yet it is always under the same coat of paint, and frankly, I can only nail that triple jump in Mario and hear him yell "wahoo!" so many times before I just want something new. Which I have, for YEARS now. I'm bored to death of their mainstays. Mario, Zelda, Kart, Smash, Tennis, Brawl, sigh. I don't care how different their gameplay is, creativity in this medium isn't solely restricted to gameplay innovation, it also involves world building, new characters, music, lore and the like. I value those things just as much as mechanical innovations. It's why I play games....to experience new worlds.

I desire new games, not old games with new gameplay. You can have both at the same time, and while Nintendo makes new IPs, it is not nearly to the degree of their mainstays which is where I believe this sentiment of their new IPs "not counting" stems from. I'm not talking the budget of the GTAs, RDR2 and ACs of the industry, I don't believe that would be sustainable for them, but certainly more than the mobile tier attempts they oft love to do. They could, for one example, afford to back a game such as Ori for a new 2D Metroid, yet after years of pleading with them we get a low budget attempt that looks 15 years old and half-assed. These attempts are beneath Nintendo, they are arguably the best developer on the planet, and their talent should be accorded the proper budgetary allocations to enable it......not just for their proven properties. They should also pay accord to their legacy titles, even if they don't sell that well, because these games don't exist as products by themselves so their success shouldn't be judged as such.

As an aside and all due respect to the man, even since Iwata took the reigns at Nintendo, I feel they've fallen far and I've largely lost interest in them. Their ambition feels to have lessened, they've adopted this "we're not good at competing" defeatist mentality, their new games, while still creative, feel to have fallen victim to a degree of corporate meekness, and they seem to want to shrink back into the corner, insulate themselves, and toss out little experiments alongside their main legacy games. They've never been more uninteresting as a company to me as they are currently.

I hate to say it, but they way Nintendo runs itself almost comes off as....obligatory. They are creative, but there lacks a feeling of a fire under their ass driving them that existed in their golden years.
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I'm pretty sure Nintendo make more new IPs than anyone else in the industry bar Sony, and Sony don't have nearly the same amount of gigantic historical IPs they're expected to make new games for either.

I think people also tend to forget that Nintendo have a specific design philosophy where they start from a central gameplay mechanic or system and build their entire games around that. This means that everytime they want to make a new IP they have to find a new gameplay hook like Splatoon's inking and squidmorphing systems or ARMS spring limbs. It's harder to be consistently creative with this mindset because it's not simply a matter of taking essentially the same gameplay structure and giving it a new coat of paint by changing the setting, characters and story.
I kinda disagree with the OP. I actually think Nintendo gets defended to the point where it becomes annoying. I mean, they released a cardboard box and Nintendo fans went ape shit for it. I do have a switch, I think it’s an awesome little console but I would like to see some new original IPs for it. It’s not to say I don’t like Zelda and Mario but something new would be cool.


As someone who has owned every Nintendo handheld and console sans Virtual Boy, it saddens me to see the company resting on its laurels as much as it does. How many times can someone get excited for a new Mario, Zelda, or Donkey Kong? Their odd narrative of no longer competing directly with Microsoft and Sony does them no favors either.
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