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Why is prepping for coronavirus being mocked?


Golden Boy
People are freaking out because of a new type of flue by panic buying masses of toilet paper.
Seems pretty ridiculous to me.

Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly, dont touch your face, and avoid masses, but continue with your live.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
People are freaking out because of a new type of flue by panic buying masses of toilet paper.
Seems pretty ridiculous to me.

Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly, dont touch your face, and avoid masses, but continue with your live.
I touch my face all the time but my hands are washed. But yeah it goes without saying you shouldn't dig for boogers, stick a finger in your ear ("get that finger out of your ear, you don't know where that fingers been!"), touch your mouth, stick your digits in your poop chute or in your girl's vajayjay or use unwashed hands to shoot yours or a significant other's load.
There is pretty much no chance that countries will collapse and there will be no food and drinking water for months on end. China is getting through it slowly. The worst case scenario is if there is a coronavirus lock down AND a massive natural disaster like an earthquake.

Why did I move from LA to SF again? I’m pretty sure the homeless on market street will start eating people if the big one hits during the outbreak and we’re overdue.


ITT people who think Covid-19 is 'just the Flu Bro'

Currently one of the biggest differences between seasonal influenza and COVID-19 is the incubation period – that is, the time from exposure to development of signs and symptoms. For seasonal influenza, the incubation period ranges from one to four days, but in some instances, people may be contagious a day before symptoms appear and as long as five to seven days after symptoms start. COVID-19’s incubation period ranges from 2-14 days, which is up to three times longer than influenza.
Also, COVID-19 is more contagious than seasonal influenza. The average person, even with mild symptoms, is likely to spread the disease to more than two people. By contrast, the seasonal flu’s rate is roughly half.
Another significant challenge with influenza and COVID-19 is that they both can have mild infections. People with more mild disease are less likely to seek diagnosis and care, but are still considered infectious and able to transmit the disease person to person.
The death rate of the seasonal flu varies year to year but is about 0.1%, compared to about 2% for COVID-19. The disastrous 1918 influenza epidemic, known as the “Spanish flu,” had a death rate of about 2.5%.
Finally, one of the biggest concerns for COVID-19 is asymptomatic infections. People who are infected with the virus may be able to transmit the infection, and yet they themselves don’t have any signs or symptoms of disease. This represents a challenge because it would be difficult to identify persons that need to be tested for the disease since they have no signs or symptoms, but their ability to transmit the disease would allow for amplification in a naive, or uninfected, population.

TL: DR Highly contagious, Long incubation period whilst contagious and is notably deadlier than seasonal flu by a factor of 20 or so. Sure it might (so far) pose the greatest threat to the elderly, but not only can that change as it mutates but some of us have elderly relatives we actually care about (we can't all be Alt Account Edgelords).

Should that mean you should rush out and buy a years supply of TP? No, but in all likelihood, it's not unlikely that as the global spread increases many of us are going to face the reality of a sustained quarantine period whilst the infection runs its course.

Personally I'd like to think even at this stage it can be contained, however, there's every possibility that this disease could be here to stay and just like the actual flu becomes something we have to contend with annually. :messenger_neutral:
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I always keep enough food at home to last me two weeks, mostly canned food (tuna, vegetables, etc.), frozen meat and fish, and dry food like rice and pasta. Not because of coronavirus but because any eventuality.

I had a bad case of tonsillitis a year ago, the antibiotics worked but I was left almost without energy for about a week, I had the sensation I was going to faint if I walked more that 10 meters. I live alone and I ran out of food, I almost collaped at the supermaket when I went to get something to eat.

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I am basically forced to hoard toilet paper, because... other kooks out there are hoarding toilet paper.
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TL: DR Highly contagious, Long incubation period whilst contagious and is notably deadlier than seasonal flu by a factor of 20 or so. Sure it might (so far) pose the greatest threat to the elderly, but not only can that change as it mutates but some of us have elderly relatives we actually care about (we can't all be Alt Account Edgelords).

Should that mean you should rush out and buy a years supply of TP? No, but in all likelihood, it's not unlikely that as the global spread increases many of us are going to face the reality of a sustained quarantine period whilst the infection runs its course.

Personally I'd like to think even at this stage it can be contained, however, there's every possibility that this disease could be here to stay and just like the actual flu becomes something we have to contend with annually. :messenger_neutral:
Corona is all fun and games when you can still hook up the few infected on breathing machines. The moment when the number of infected with double pneumonia exceeds the number of these machines (which our country has a few dozen) THEN you will see some serious shit happening.


It's mocked because there's no god damn need to be stockpiling unless you live in the back of beyond and rarely get to the supermarket. People are utter morons, period.


ITT people who think Covid-19 is 'just the Flu Bro'

TL: DR Highly contagious, Long incubation period whilst contagious and is notably deadlier than seasonal flu by a factor of 20 or so. Sure it might (so far) pose the greatest threat to the elderly, but not only can that change as it mutates but some of us have elderly relatives we actually care about (we can't all be Alt Account Edgelords).

Should that mean you should rush out and buy a years supply of TP? No, but in all likelihood, it's not unlikely that as the global spread increases many of us are going to face the reality of a sustained quarantine period whilst the infection runs its course.

Personally I'd like to think even at this stage it can be contained, however, there's every possibility that this disease could be here to stay and just like the actual flu becomes something we have to contend with annually. :messenger_neutral:

It still amazes me how people still think this is "just the flu", despite all evidence to the contrary. The worst affected are kids and the elderly like with most viruses, but there have been young, healthy people that have died from this too that didn't have any outward existing issues.

Also, the ironic thing about the assholes making fun people who are preparing (within reason) is that they will probably be the ones caught with their asses out if they end up getting it and aren't prepared. It's kind of hard to get stuff you need if you end up infected, in quarantine and don't already have what you need.. unless you want to be a douche that knowingly goes out in crowded places like stores, knowing you're infected. That's exactly why people are preparing now.

Buying shelfs worth of stuff like toilet paper is getting into the ridiculous, but stocking up on just enough necessities like food and basic supplies to last a good month or so just in case is just being smart considering the situation.
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Lil’ Gobbie
Sorry, have to point out this misinformation you are spreading. Children typically have significantly milder symptoms than adults with this virus.

Thank you. The point is those "preppers" most going out of their way to buy stupid shit like toilet paper (these are the people getting mocked, not people who are doing sensible preparations, that which you should always be doing...) are doing so to gain some sense of control, because truthfully they have no idea what's going on lol


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Lol what are you talking about? I didn't even mention power...
If you are quarantined you can't go to the shop for food...
So why do you need dried or tinned food if you will have a working freezer and fridge?


Sorry, have to point out this misinformation you are spreading. Children typically have significantly milder symptoms than adults with this virus.
Only thing I've seen regarding that is that they are less likely to contract, based on number of cases. To be fair, apparently there's nothing to say their more susceptible to COVID19 either though, so I probably was wrong there. Children (especially infants/toddlers) are still more susceptible to certain viruses, like the flu though.


You should always have a 2 week supply of canned and dry goods on hand for each member of your household, a proper first aid kit, and some form of water purification solution like a lifestraw plus bottled water. That isn't prepping, that is just being reasonable. You don't need a decade's worth of toilet paper though.


Gold Member
You should always have a 2 week supply of canned and dry goods on hand for each member of your household, a proper first aid kit, and some form of water purification solution like a lifestraw plus bottled water. That isn't prepping, that is just being reasonable. You don't need a decade's worth of toilet paper though.

That's a hell of a virus if it knocks out my plumbing


bro it's like a deadly disease finna kill us all. look into it. and look into the earth being flat man. crazy. btw alex jones super male vitality really works. just a couple lil juicy redpills for ya.


Unconfirmed Member
You should always have a 2 week supply of canned and dry goods on hand for each member of your household, a proper first aid kit, and some form of water purification solution like a lifestraw plus bottled water. That isn't prepping, that is just being reasonable. You don't need a decade's worth of toilet paper though.
When it all ends our currency is gonna be TP.


That's a hell of a virus if it knocks out my plumbing

Not for the virus. Just in general. When I was a kid in Des Moines, IA, our water plant was flooded and we had no running water for a few months. Shit happens.

Also yeah, if no one can go to work to run the water purification systems, then it will knock out your plumbing.
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Gold Member
Not for the virus. Just in general. When I was a kid in Des Moines, IA, our water plant was flooded and we had no running water for a few months. Shit happens.

Also yeah, if no one can go to work to run the water purification systems, then it will knock out your plumbing.

Then where does the toilet paper go?


Unconfirmed Member
All women are fuckable by incel standards aka the retards that buy this shit.
Incels hate women and would never buy stuff from them! You are confusing them with beta orbiters v2 and this guy.


Incels hate women and would never buy stuff from them! You are confusing them with beta orbiters v2 and this guy.
They just can't get laid. I guess we should just call them simps instead. I forgot that's the new meme word of the week.



Unconfirmed Member
I haven't heard somebody use the word simp since 1999.
Sippin' on some siz-erp, sip, sippin' on some, sip
Sippin' on some siz-erp, sip, sippin' on some, sip
Sippin' on some siz-erp, sip, sippin' on some, sip


Man, mock all you want: you don't live in a third world country.

One asshole with the disease takes a road trip through my corner of the earth and I spend the next decade paying for it in taxes.

I saw a freaking newspaper headline over the weekend not long ago they found a dumping ground for dead babies next to a major hospital. I mean Jesus Christ. Our ability to deal with an outbreak is like, 1/50th of whatever nation you're living in.

...however, I don't get the toilet paper thing.
I have noticed a lot lately that people are mocking and making fun of people stockpiling food and supplies incase of a further outbreak. Realistically are these people not more intelligent/aware for preparing for the worst?

An example being, today my work advised that if you have access to work from home please feel free to do so for the next couple weeks as well as extending the roles that can work from home and providing laptops. All work from home people are also able to take a second monitor to connect to make it easier. This email was openly mocked by several people, all younger than 30 in general and with no kids/families.

For my country, i find this attitude very odd as all of us here either grew up in the soviet union or their parents grew up in it with all its food shortages, at least with families i know its very common to grow your own food during summer and store it for as long as possible. My wifes parents have a large property and have three potato fields each aprox 1 acre, they usually rest two a season and grow on one but since Ukraine happened they grow on two and rest on one. This means they have a large excess of potatos and they store them in their root celler with any family member who wants being able to take a few buckets if needed. Aswell as preserving other foods as well as smoking meats.

I have stocked up on canned food, smoked meats and we have an additional freezer usually filled with meat that i have also put more in than usual

It's even worse that i see for the foreigners im friends with on facebook, basically all UK and Ireland people are posting about how dumb people who prep are.

But why is it not better to be prepared and not need it than need it and not be prepared, i really dont understand.
I completely agree. I have two young girls. Ine gets really sick a lot. I'm worried and have reason to be.


None of these silly preparations will help you if you get sick that’s why it’s being mocked. It’s fucking stupidity on a massive scale. The world isn’t suddenly going to run out of food and even if it did a couple of weeks isnt going to save you if that happened.

It’s corona not judgement day. Even if the entire world got sick it would amount to a week off from work for the whole world. This corona shit is beyond dumb at this point.


I get the water hoarding, if you catch it and it’s the same symptoms as the flu, it’s fucking hard work getting out of bed & going downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink of water ( at least it was with the regular flu for me) so being able to have the small plastic bottles of water in your room nearby your bed is handy especially if you live alone, it’s not a necessity but it helps. You probably don’t need pallets of it though.

Toilet Paper though I have no idea does it give you diarrhoea ?

You know, you can refill the plastic bottle?


I am basically forced to hoard toilet paper, because... other kooks out there are hoarding toilet paper.

The only valid reason to hoard toilet paper is to resell at profif when the real panic sets in.

Fuel for the generator, a sack of rice, and a dozen tins of various vegetables on the other hand ...
is something you should ALWAYS have at home in case the next cyclone will shut down the roads and leave you isolated for a week without power and the roads flooded.
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Its actually the smart thing to do now. The world's economy is in turmoil because trading from China has been virtually halted. If we see more cases like China and Italy this could be a global economic disaster. Medical supplies will probably be hit the hardest for the US.
I'm stocked with food, medicine and toilet paper lol. I had a stash for Brexit anyway.

I agree that panic-buying is stupid but the problem is, when people start doing it, it doesn't matter how illogical it is or how reasonable and mature you may be, you still need shit-tickets and pasta and they will be as much out of stock for you as they will be for everyone else.

As a single person you can probably deal with that but when you've got kids, you can't allow that situation to develop.
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You know, you can refill the plastic bottle?

You’ve had the actual Flu, Not just a regular cold?

I think we all have at some point.

So you’d know you have barely any energy to go to the taps several times a day, the Flu when I had it, really fucked me up that I didn’t feel like getting out of bed and going up & down the stairs more than once or twice a day and I certainly needed more than 2 lots of water.
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Election year, big virus. Best bet is just dont go to big tourist areas and if you live in a big tourist area be careful just like with Ebola, swine flu, west nile etc.
By all accounts the UK is getting properly stuck into panic buying now in many areas.

I would suggest everyone has enough supplies on hand to last two weeks.

You probably won't need them but better to have them and not need then than need them and not have them. You don't want to be driving round garages looking for somewhere that is still selling Ginster's pasties (or regional equivalent) so you can feed your spouse and kids, if you have them.


Because it's a flu with the addition that it is contagious.

So far everyone who died from it, is pretty much either really old/young and/or has no proper functioning immune system.
These people would die from a regular flu too.

I don't mock it, but I do think its highly exaggerated

That's because you're ignorant of what the real threat is.

It isn't about a direct comparison with the flu. If the flu just showed up today it would be a mess too. Just take a moment to think about what percentage of people have flu antibodies(most adults?) already compared to how many have covid-19 antibodies(nobody)? You might know a couple people who get the flu every year. Practically everybody you know will get covid-19 this year.

It's not about how many people it kills, it is about a significant portion of the population being sick at once because instead of the flu where relatively few people get infected each season most people will get infected this first season of covid-19. It's going to overwhelm our healthcare system. It's going to deal a massive blow to the economy. It's going to disrupt basic services most people take for granted.

I don't mock people prepping for covid-19, I do mock the ineffective ways some of them are going about it.
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