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Why Nintendo.... ? Why ????/ ( Nintendo DS and GB/GBC backward-compatibility related)


I might feel more strongly about this if it wasn’t for that fact that almost every time I see non-hardcore gamers talking about the GBA, they think it doesn’t work with GB\GBC games anyway.


And even i am moderately surprised
Pana , just to get you on record about something, if the PSP does turn out to have very limited batterly life, but can be resolved by carrying around the spare battery pack, would you then consider the PSP too unweildy for your tastes? I ask as it seems that you don't want to be carrying to much stuff around with you.

And how many GB/C games do you play? There are 1500+ carts worldwide released on the GBA ;) Also, if it's that much of a pain, you might want to consider buying a flash and just sticking your GB stuff on the GBA-based emulator.


Sorta off topic, but...do we know wether Nintendo DS will be able to be used as a GBA connectivity controller for GAMECUBE games like 4 Swords? Because I have a GBA & a GBA sp, but it would suck if the ability to use the Nintendo DS for this game is there, but isn't exploited 'cos they made it impossible to hook up the link cable or made it not work on purpose. Oh well, I'm still buying one on it's own merrits, but it be nice if they put some thought into that so that us (without 4 GBA's) could add another player to games like FF:CC & 4 Swords...
DCharlie said:
And how many GB/C games do you play? There are 1500+ carts worldwide released on the GBA ;) Also, if it's that much of a pain, you might want to consider buying a flash and just sticking your GB stuff on the GBA-based emulator.

No GBC support though.
DrGAKMAN said:
Sorta off topic, but...do we know wether Nintendo DS will be able to be used as a GBA connectivity controller for GAMECUBE games like 4 Swords?

Most likely yes. As long as there is a GBA link port it will work.


DrGAKMAN said:
Sorta off topic, but...do we know wether Nintendo DS will be able to be used as a GBA connectivity controller for GAMECUBE games like 4 Swords? Because I have a GBA & a GBA sp, but it would suck if the ability to use the Nintendo DS for this game is there, but isn't exploited 'cos they made it impossible to hook up the link cable or made it not work on purpose. Oh well, I'm still buying one on it's own merrits, but it be nice if they put some thought into that so that us (without 4 GBA's) could add another player to games like FF:CC & 4 Swords...

no it is not possible, I think.


o_O @_@ O_o
Matt said:
I might feel more strongly about this if it wasn’t for that fact that almost every time I see non-hardcore gamers talking about the GBA, they think it doesn’t work with GB\GBC games anyway.

This needed to be repeated.

I have to explain this to customers at least once every other day at my store, and I don't even work in the media/games department.

As for the merits of the discussion, I agree w/ Pana on pretty much every point he made. Especially the part about using software emulation to play games more than a generation old. Unfortunately, Crazymoogle is absolutely right on his end about the need for a voltage switch to run the legacy games at 5v.

I'm thinking this may be another headphone jack issue, and I'm not talking about cost efficiency. From what I've been told, the major reason the headphone jack was missing from the SP was not cost (although, of course, it was a factor) but a lack of physical space in the SP shell itself. Mind you that's second-hand information, albeit from a trusted source.


Me: I want, I want I want, I want.
Nintendo says no.
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch.
It likely won't matter in the end for their sales numbers.

Edit: I may as well make my stance on the next-gen consoles clear too.
PS3 = PS2 backwards compatible only (no PSone) = I can live with this
Revolution = GC backwards compatible = It better be
Xenon = no backwards compatibility = no purchase until multiple price drops, probably 1-2 years down the line

Basically, unless there is a major shift in storage media, or some other large paradigm shift in how games are manufactured/played, I expect all future consoles to, at the very least, offer backwards compatibility with the previous generation. Compatibility beyond that is wanted, but is, ultimately, gravy.

Last edit, I swear: If everyone followed Sony's lead and produced a well-made miniaturized version of their hardware, sold at a low cost, towards the end of it's lifecycle (i.e. the PSone), I'd be able to completely forgive/ignore backwards compatibility with more than one generation (i.e. the PS3 side-discussion)


GAF's Pleasant Genius
DCharlie said:
Pana , just to get you on record about something, if the PSP does turn out to have very limited batterly life, but can be resolved by carrying around the spare battery pack, would you then consider the PSP too unweildy for your tastes? I ask as it seems that you don't want to be carrying to much stuff around with you.

I was already planning to carry the battery pack.

PSP (with battery back) + DS is already quite a bit of stuff... if you add the GBA we get to a bit too high point.

I am not sure how well FLash carts for GBA will work on the DS either and I do not like the idea of carring tons of ROMs even though I own the video-game.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
ghostface said:
So you're willing to carry arounf 3 pieces of hardware, just as long one of them is not a GBA? How small do you think an add-on would be compared to the tiny GBAsp? I don't get this.

And why the hell would you want to carry both systems with you at all times? By what you've posted so far, it seems you wouldn't be satisfied unless you'd also carry around all the games for each system, which I'm sure you have/will have plenty of. i don't know of anyone who does this.

me = confused.

I think you're just bickering/in need of some attention. :p

And Kiriku, you would only have to carry the GBA and the DS to play the games you mentioned, no?

I expect the add-on to be very small.

Darn, we are talking about a Z80 and some circuitry (a ultra tiny voltage transformer)...


I fail to see how this is a big deal for anybody, but leave it to Pana to make a mountain out of anybody but Sony's mole-hill.


ghostface said:
And Kiriku, you would only have to carry the GBA and the DS to play the games you mentioned, no?

Uh yeah, that was my whole point. "Only" for you might be one handheld too many for other people.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
firex said:
I fail to see how this is a big deal for anybody, but leave it to Pana to make a mountain out of anybody but Sony's mole-hill.


You do not have a good memory, I have complained in the past about Sony stuff and you see that I will bitch quite a bit if PlayStation 3 does not play PSOne software.


Panajev2001a said:
I expect the add-on to be very small.

Darn, we are talking about a Z80 and some circuitry (a ultra tiny vopltage transformer)...
What about this part, then:
And why the hell would you want to carry both systems with you at all times? By what you've posted so far, it seems you wouldn't be satisfied unless you'd also carry around all the games for each system, which I'm sure you have/will have plenty of. i don't know of anyone who does this.
Will you also carry around all your games, too? Your complaints about the DS would be irrelevant if you won't.


Pana, it's not as simple as adding a voltage switch and extra traces to the Z80 processor. If hardware design was as simple as software design, we'd still be using analogue circuits with 15V operational amplifiers. You can't just "switch" to another box in the same way you can abstract class functionality in software.

Considering the size of the DS, adding the Z80 would probably require increasing the width of the wiring, using transistors that can operate at both 5V and 3.3V, and adding circuitry to a screen that may not even support 5V input voltage. Yes, Sony uses the PS1 as an I/O processor for the PS2, but I can't imagine Nintendo using the Z80 in a similar fashion simply because it's a general-purpose CPU for embedded systems (the Genesis used it for audio processing, but I'm sure that's already being handled by the ARM7 in the DS).

Personally, I'd like complete backwards compatibility, but if it means that I have to deal with a bigger chasis, pay more for the internals, and get a potentially crappier screen, screw it.


GAF's Pleasant Genius

I was talking about (in my last post) an add-on, a cart that you plug in the GBA port.

I am aware (even if I half-slept through my EE classes till Senior year I would get at least a hunch that something ultra simple it is not) about the difficulties in the practical approach to designign the chipset, they can be resolved.

Could it be done (maybe emulating the 2D Hardware graphics engine with the GBA's one) ? I think so.


And even i am moderately surprised
i don't get it Pana.

You are all over the PSP - which is possibly going to need you to carry a battery pack withit (hence bulky) and offers ZERO backwards compatability (that might not be *strictly* true i guess , especially once it's inevitably hacked) - yet you will give up on the DS because you were TOO LAZY to finish the games you should have finished over 5 years ago ? ;)

But seriously :

PSP - no backward compatability , carrying an extra battery pack, short battery life (still unknown but rumoured) , expensive , Sony = Oh yeah!

DS - backwards compatability with one system, no extra battery pack, average battery life (still unknown), relatively inexpensive, Nintendo = OH NO!

I know it's all convenience, but hell - as the PSP offers none of your beloved BC, why not just not bother and then you can carry a DS and GBA instead? ;)

Or actually - if you just want to play GBC games sooooo much that it's a deal breaker, just don't get the PSP *OR* the DS!!!!


GAF's Pleasant Genius
DCharlie said:
i don't get it Pana.

You are all over the PSP - which is possibly going to need you to carry a battery pack withit (hence bulky) and offers ZERO backwards compatability (that might not be *strictly* true i guess , especially once it's inevitably hacked) - yet you will give up on the DS because you were TOO LAZY to finish the games you should have finished over 5 years ago ? ;)

But seriously :

PSP - no backward compatability , carrying an extra battery pack, short battery life (still unknown but rumoured) , expensive , Sony = Oh yeah!

DS - backwards compatability with one system, no extra battery pack, average battery life (still unknown), relatively inexpensive, Nintendo = OH NO!

I know it's all convenience, but hell - as the PSP offers none of your beloved BC, why not just not bother and then you can carry a DS and GBA instead? ;)

Or actually - if you just want to play GBC games sooooo much that it's a deal breaker, just don't get the PSP *OR* the DS!!!!

PSP = advanced 3D games, portable UMD movies, MEmory Stick support for music and movies, etc...

It is a new portable, the first SCE has made and thus there is no justification for backward-compatibility.

I am not asking the DS to be compatible with the NES or the SNES as I did not ask the GBA to be compatible with the SNES or to the GBC to be compatible with the NES.

It is not a deal breaker as I will get the DS eventually, I just would have probably gotten it sooner if I could have traded in my GBA.

I am bitching, but probably I will still pick the DS at launch: I am just shouting "please make an add-on for the DS that can allow me to play GB/GBC games on the DS".

Why ?

I feel more comfortable carrying an add-on for the DS than a GBA as with the GBA I have to worry about the screen not getting scratched.

See, the PSP was in this house's head when it was announced as PlayStation 3 was.

PSP was going to be coming out with us even with the battery pack.

Again, I feel more comfortable carrying around the PSP battery pack than a GBA ( to answer this question: "why if I carry a battery pack, don't I want to carry a GBA to play GB/GBC games ?").


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
While playing GBC games would be nice, I will not lose sleep over this. I have a GBA SP, GBA, and GBC for the rare occasion I want to play Oracle or Dragon Warrior. I would guess most others would agree with me.


Will start substantiating his hate

> MEmory Stick support for music and movies, etc...

Piracy. How Sony sells its systems.

> is a new portable, the first SCE has made and thus there is no justification for
> backward-compatibility.

It's a PlayStation. It's in the name: PlayStation Portable. Hell the PSP logo uses the same font as the PS2 logo.

DS OTOH is an entirely new product.

> It is not a deal breaker as I will get the DS eventually, I just would have probably
> gotten it sooner if I could have traded in my GBA.

Do you often carry around your entire game library with you?

> I am bitching, but probably I will still pick the DS at launch: I am just shouting "please
> make an add-on for the DS that can allow me to play GB/GBC games on the DS".

Wouldn't be practical. Wouldn't sell.

> I feel more comfortable carrying an add-on for the DS than a GBA as with the GBA I
> have to worry about the screen not getting scratched.

Get a GBA SP then.

> PSP was going to be coming out with us even with the battery pack.

And you worry about the GBA's screen?!

Sho Nuff

The Z80 was VARY powerful!!! I don't think that the DS could properly emulate a chip of that caliber!

Remember: Nintendo can do no wrong


I'd actually be very surprised if ps3 plays ps2 games but not ps1 seeing as 100% of ps2 games use the IOP chip (basically the ps1) to handle all cd access, pad reading and sound

If they left out the IOP no ps2 game would run.


The Faceless Master said:
wtf is going on here, didn't reggie mention that it only plays GBA games at e3?
i mean, that was the impression that i got about GB/GBC from him anyway...

He did. I think the decison has nothing to do with hardware however.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
ninge said:
I'd actually be very surprised if ps3 plays ps2 games but not ps1 seeing as 100% of ps2 games use the IOP chip (basically the ps1) to handle all cd access, pad reading and sound

If they left out the IOP no ps2 game would run.

See ninge... you would understand my outrage if they bothered to emulate the I/O CPU of PlayStation 2 (they technically could leave out the GTE and the MDEC amulation from it, but that would be lazyness as they already have the emulator technology for it), but not to enable PSOne software backward-compatibility.


They... Need... Money... From... You... To... Buy... GB Classic... Updated... Rerelease... For NDS...

It's Nintendo! It's obvious! Take a chill pill...

Never ever throw your old Nintendo consoles away (even if it's another Virtual Boy)! I did it once and regret it...


GAF's Pleasant Genius
cybamerc said:

> MEmory Stick support for music and movies, etc...

Piracy. How Sony sells its systems.

I do not know what you are talking about.

Get bent again... I plan to take the music we bought from Sony Connect and the CDs (converted to ATRAC3+) we bought and the CDs we made with music we bought from iTunes (over 300 songs).

I was not planning for illegal movies either, but use legal content like I do with music.

> is a new portable, the first SCE has made and thus there is no justification for
> backward-compatibility.

It's a PlayStation. It's in the name: PlayStation Portable. Hell the PSP logo uses the same font as the PS2 logo.

DS OTOH is an entirely new product.

No... [cybamerc]it has "Nintendo" in the name, it should be backward-compatible with all Nintendo products[/cybamerc].

Your argument is one of the most glaring examples of a "straw-grasping" argument as you could find, perhaps it could be used as an example for the definition of the saying "grasping at straws".

> It is not a deal breaker as I will get the DS eventually, I just would have probably
> gotten it sooner if I could have traded in my GBA.

Do you often carry around your entire game library with you?

For the GBA yes.

> I am bitching, but probably I will still pick the DS at launch: I am just shouting "please
> make an add-on for the DS that can allow me to play GB/GBC games on the DS".

Wouldn't be practical. Wouldn't sell.

Says you.

> I feel more comfortable carrying an add-on for the DS than a GBA as with the GBA I
> have to worry about the screen not getting scratched.

Get a GBA SP then.

I really do not like Vertical designs (I am more of a GameGear raised portable owner, I like 'em wide).

> PSP was going to be coming out with us even with the battery pack.

And you worry about the GBA's screen?!

Yes, because to add the GBA to the happy bunch (which already has the PSP and the DS nicely shielded and protected) I would have to carry the GBA in a similar cushioned container (I have the Nintendo GBA carrying case).


Are you aware that the Nintendo DS wasn't suposed to be backward compatible in the first place?

Nintendo: «Alright Panajev, here's the delicious meal we cooked for you. I know we never advertised about our exquisite wine cellar, but we decided to offer you a very fine 10 years old red wine on the house...»



Will start substantiating his hate

> I do not know what you are talking about.

Of course you don't.

> I was not planning for illegal movies either, but use legal content like I do with music.

So you're buying a PSP to watch trailers and amateur shorts?

> Your argument is one of the most glaring examples of a "straw-grasping" argument as
> you could find, perhaps it could be used as an example for the definition of the
> saying "grasping at straws".

Seriously, take your double standards elsewhere. What it comes down to for you is that the NDS is a Nintendo system and as such is judged differently from the PSP which is a Sony system.

The NDS is a new product for Nintendo. It's not a Game Boy. Yet you want it to be compatible with the entire Game Boy line of products? Why stop there? Why not make it compatible with Virtual Boy or Pokémon mini?

The PSP on the other hand, which is a PlayStation, doesn't need to be compatible with previous PlayStation generation, according to you, because of some arbitrary technical BS.

> For the GBA yes.

How many games is that? I also noticed that you conveniently left out GB/GBC.

> Says you.


> (which already has the PSP and the DS nicely shielded and protected)

Well the PSP is only shielded if you put it in a carrying bag.

> (I have the Nintendo GBA carrying case).

Then what is the problem?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Laurent said:
Are you aware that the Nintendo DS wasn't suposed to be backward compatible in the first place?

Nintendo: «Alright Panajev, here's the delicious meal we cooked for you. I know we never advertised about our exquisite wine cellar, but we decided to offer you a very fine 10 years old red wine on the house...»


Porto ? Man, you have poor taste... :p.


No, I was hoping that since the DS were backward-compatible with the GBA (deduced it from its early specs) it would also play GB/GBC titles.
Screw you Nintendo!! Why doesn't the NDS play my 1989 version of Tetris? YOU FUCKHEADS. Now I have to KEEP my GBASP! God damn you!

And while I'm at it, a big FUCK YOU to all DVD manufacturers that don't support backwards compatability for my old VHS tapes!



GAF's Pleasant Genius
cybamerc said:

> I do not know what you are talking about.

Of course you don't.

No, I do not.

You first have to prove the clear and malicious intention of Sony in using piracy to sell their consoles.

Then you have to prove, as you were suggesting, that piracy is the reason why I am interested in the PSP multi-media functionality.

> I was not planning for illegal movies either, but use legal content like I do with music.

So you're buying a PSP to watch trailers and amateur shorts?

Or downloadable music videos from official web-sites, or content I captured from my TV.

Last I knew, time shifting is still legal.

> Your argument is one of the most glaring examples of a "straw-grasping" argument as
> you could find, perhaps it could be used as an example for the definition of the
> saying "grasping at straws".

Seriously, take your double standards elsewhere. What it comes down to for you is that the NDS is a Nintendo system and as such is judged differently from the PSP which is a Sony system.

Cornered cat reaction ?


You are the one making the ridiculous argument that "hey, it has the PlayStation name... well why doesn't it play PSOne and PlayStation 2 games ?".

Take it like a man and do not come out all enraged and furious.

> For the GBA yes.

How many games is that? I also noticed that you conveniently left out GB/GBC.

GB/GBC games travel with the GBA software and the GBA in the GBA carrying case.

> Says you.


Whoa, what a powerful argument there.

> (which already has the PSP and the DS nicely shielded and protected)

Well the PSP is only shielded if you put it in a carrying bag.


> (I have the Nintendo GBA carrying case).

Then what is the problem?

PSP carrying case + DS carrying case + GBA carrying case is worse than
PSP carrying case + DS carrying case with GB/GBC backward-compatibility accessory.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Red Dolphin said:
Screw you Nintendo!! Why doesn't the NDS play my 1989 version of Tetris? YOU FUCKHEADS. Now I have to KEEP my GBASP! God damn you!

And while I'm at it, a big FUCK YOU to all DVD manufacturers that don't support backwards compatability for my old VHS tapes!


Whoa, you made such an original point there, I think I am moved.



Will start substantiating his hate

> You first have to prove the clear and malicious intention of Sony in using piracy to sell
> their consoles.

As the saying goes: the proof is in the pudding. It's no coincidence that Sony has made some of the easiest to pirate consoles. Even Sony will admit that the widespread piracy has helped them.

> You are the one making the ridiculous argument that "hey, it has the PlayStation
> name... well why doesn't it play PSOne and PlayStation 2 games ?".

How is it more ridiculous than demanding that a system that has nothing to do with the Game Boy plays Game Boy games?

> GB/GBC games travel with the GBA software and the GBA in the GBA carrying case.

So you have a handful of games then? You can't decide which ones to play before you leave your home?

> PSP carrying case + DS carrying case + GBA carrying case is worse than
> PSP carrying case + DS carrying case with GB/GBC backward-compatibility accessory.

I don't see the problem. You're gonna need a bag for all that shit anyway. A GBA won't make much of a difference.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
cybamerc said:

> You first have to prove the clear and malicious intention of Sony in using piracy to sell
> their consoles.

As the saying goes: the proof is in the pudding. It's no coincidence that Sony has made some of the easiest to pirate consoles. Even Sony will admit that the widespread piracy has helped them.

Same goes for Dreamcast and Xbox ? Purposely made to be pirateable ?

Do you have a quote from a Sony executive that they enjoyed the help they gained from piracy ? Also do you have the followup in which they reveal that they never really wanted to work against piracy in the first place ?

If you have paid attention to PSP technical discussions as you had with other stuff, you would have seen that a tons of resources have been used to make sure that pirated copyrighted content does not play on PSP. A whole R4000i used purely as the MEdia Engine doing also tons of DRM related jobs (music is handled by the VME sound DSP and video is handled by the AVC decoder). The Media Engine is also not user-programmable, but only reconfigurable through Firmware and you will probably need OpenMG (either in SonicStage 2.x or wioth Real Player One) to transfer music and video to the Memory Stick (check-out process).

> You are the one making the ridiculous argument that "hey, it has the PlayStation
> name... well why doesn't it play PSOne and PlayStation 2 games ?".

How is it more ridiculous than demanding that a system that has nothing to do with the Game Boy plays Game Boy games?

Well, for starters neither PSOne is a portable gaming system nor is PlayStation 2.

Second, the DS bothered with GBA backward-compatibility: a completely isolated third-pillar is not, I do not think I will ever be completely sold to that theory.

> GB/GBC games travel with the GBA software and the GBA in the GBA carrying case.

So you have a handful of games then? You can't decide which ones to play before you leave your home?

I can stuff it pretty nicely and no, sometimes I just cannot decide.

> PSP carrying case + DS carrying case + GBA carrying case is worse than
> PSP carrying case + DS carrying case with GB/GBC backward-compatibility accessory.

I don't see the problem. You're gonna need a bag for all that shit anyway. A GBA won't make much of a difference.

It is the proverbial straw (you should be familiar with such an object) that broke the camel's back.

PSP carrying case + DS carrying case + GBA carrying case is worse than PSP carrying case + DS carrying case with GB/GBC backward-compatibility accessory.


Will start substantiating his hate

> Same goes for Dreamcast and Xbox ? Purposely made to be pirateable ?

Xbox, yes. DC was probably more a case of Sega underestimating what it takes.

> Do you have a quote from a Sony executive that they enjoyed the help they gained
> from piracy ?

Not offhand.

> If you have paid attention to PSP technical discussions as you had with other stuff, you
> would have seen that a tons of resources have been used to make sure that pirated
> copyrighted content does not play on PSP.

And Xbox had "military grade security".

> Well, for starters neither PSOne is a portable gaming system nor is PlayStation 2.

But they're PlayStations - like PSP.

> Second, the DS bothered with GBA backward-compatibility

Because they found a use for the GBA CPU. Sounds familiar?

> I can stuff it pretty nicely and no, sometimes I just cannot decide.

Your indecisiveness is not Nintendo's problem.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Dreamcast and Saturn were much easier systems to pirate than PSX or PS2 (sadly). I don't think Saturn piracy was a big deal, though, but the DC was probably hurt by it.

Actually, I don't see how you could accuse Sony of making "easy to pirate systems" but not Sega when Sega's systems are much MUCH easier to crack. The exception here is not Sony, it is Nintendo. They are the only console company that has been generally very successful in preventing serious piracy (especially with Gamecube). Sega, Sony, and MS all have systems that can be easily pirated...with Sony systems being the most difficult of the bunch.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
cybamerc said:

> Same goes for Dreamcast and Xbox ? Purposely made to be pirateable ?

Xbox, yes. DC was probably more a case of Sega underestimating what it takes.

Uhm... sweeter tooth for Sega ?

Microsoft, sure they always push for that... look at their Xbox 2 design... even more pireatable :rolleyes.

> Do you have a quote from a Sony executive that they enjoyed the help they gained
> from piracy ?

Not offhand.

How convenient and you also selectively quoted me :).

> If you have paid attention to PSP technical discussions as you had with other stuff, you
> would have seen that a tons of resources have been used to make sure that pirated
> copyrighted content does not play on PSP.

And Xbox had "military grade security".

Users were left with all the access they needed: user programs had access to every chip (they were almost all user-programmable) and were running in ring 0 which means top priviledges.

PSP certainly does not look as a system purposely designed to be insecure and full of pirated content.

Will it be cracked ? Of course it will.

Was the GBA designed to be easily full of pirated content too ?

> Well, for starters neither PSOne is a portable gaming system nor is PlayStation 2.

But they're PlayStations - like PSP.


Here you found what you were grasping at.

> Second, the DS bothered with GBA backward-compatibility

Because they found a use for the GBA CPU. Sounds familiar?


> I can stuff it pretty nicely and no, sometimes I just cannot decide.

Your indecisiveness is not Nintendo's problem.

I am a previous Nintendo products customer and I am sure nation wide I am not the only one who would enjoy having his opinion listened to by a manufacturer of goods who wants to later sell me those goods.

Customer's problems are the problems of succesful companies.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
firex said:
hahahaha, jesus fuck, i needed a reminder of how idiotic fanboys can be.

Whoa... what a nice comment.

Insulting other people makes you feel better about yourself ?

If saying what you really think is being a fanboy, well I guess we need more of this kind of people and less of the "truth must conform to and help our console of choice" kind of fellas.


Wait a min, so this means DS is actually compatible with GBA titles ?
This means i might be playing astroboy and the likes on a screen which can actually hold its own against my mobile's tft ?
I think this isn't new, but it's great news for me.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
eso76 said:
Wait a min, so this means DS is actually compatible with GBA titles ?
This means i might be playing astroboy and the likes on a screen which can actually hold its own against my mobile's tft ?
I think this isn't new, but it's great news for me.

I know that the DS screen is bigger, but the screen format is also different.

I hope they will allow GBA games to keep the Widescreen-like aspect ratio using blakc bars on the top and the bottom of the screen instead of stretching the picture.

Aside that, I think the DS screens are front-lit as the GBA SP is, but if they are also improoved in terms of contrast and black levels then I will be the first one to say "thank you, Nintendo".


Panajev2001a said:
Aside that, I think the DS screens are front-lit as the GBA SP is, but if they are also improoved in terms of contrast and black levels then I will be the first one to say "thank you, Nintendo".

While trying to use my gba on the beach yesterday i was just thinking i would be more than happy to spend 150$ on nothing else than a GBA with a GOOD tft.
Now, if DS can actually play Gba titles and the screen contrast and black levels are better/adjustable i'll buy one right away...front lit though...hmmm....


GAF's Pleasant Genius
eso76 said:
While trying to use my gba on the beach yesterday i was just thinking i would be more than happy to spend 150$ on nothing else than a GBA with a GOOD tft.
Now, if DS can actually play Gba titles and the screen contrast and black levels are better/adjustable i'll buy one right away...front lit though...hmmm....

You are talking about the GBA and not the GBA SP... I understand, I have a regular GBA too.

The jump from GBA to DS is even better for people that jump from the regular GBA and not the GBA SP as it is the first time you have front-lit screens.
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