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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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beje said:
Just small DVDs spinning counterclockwise if I'm not mistaken.
They're not spinning backwards, but it's CAV (constant angular velocity), just like Sega's GD-rom format back in the day. Blu-rays and DVDs are typically CLV (constant linear velocity). CAV drives always rotate at the same RPM, no matter if they're reading data on the inside or the outside of the disk. You can therefore achieve very high transfer speeds by padding the data. Basically, you put less time critical stuff like videos or music (or even unused junk) on the inside, and the actual game assets on the outside of the disk. Voila, faster load times. Also, noise levels always stay constant no matter where the laser is positioned, and the drives are more robust.

I could see Nintendo keeping their Nintendo Optical Disk CAV format, but with a 405nm (Blu-ray) laser.


Really wow! ok not going to be that lol.

I hope they have a custom cart system that can go up to 32GB :)

p.s I love cartridges :)
NeonZ said:
I think the idea isn't to receive a large number of third party exclusives. The exclusives will come from Nintendo itself, like usual. They probably just want to keep a constant software supply for the new system, something that Nintendo can't do by itself. The rumors that it can receive easy 360 ports seem to follow that idea.

The biggest third party franchise this gen, and most third parties games in general, aren't even exclusives this time anyway.

Exactly. The first party Nintendo titles are enough of a draw as far as exclusives. Many people buy consoles just for these games. However, if it can also get the latest COD, Madden, Assassin' Creed, Burnout, FF, etc. alongside the PS3/360, it lessens the need for an additional machine.


joshwaan said:
Really wow! ok not going to be that lol.

I hope they have a custom cart system that can go up to 32GB :)

p.s I love cartridges :)
I love disks because they're cheap and take up less space. Carts are expensive.


ganbareneopokekun said:
oh wow.. controller leaked


It's ridiculous Nintendo, what's it supossed I do with that thing?


I find it laughable that people doubt that if Nintendo sets out to increase third party support on their console, they will get it.
TunaLover said:
It's ridiculous Nintendo, what's it supossed I do with that thing?

make coffee or tea. it's called the Cafe for a reason

joshwaan said:
Really wow! ok not going to be that lol.

I hope they have a custom cart system that can go up to 32GB :)

p.s I love cartridges :)

carts can go far pass 32GB. they don't need a custom one to do that. (but carts are still expensive)
Seraphis Cain said:
You do know that's just a joke, right? :lol
The joke is that the console is the one that looks like that. Not the controller like the guy tryied to joke about.
Woffls said:
If you had used the glove you'll know the fingertips will burn anyway :D
From The Dust said:
except teapot handles don't get hot. you never used one, have you? :p

You've caught him out! Goddamn coffee fanboys pretending they've used a teapot to score nerd points - next I suppose he'll be saying that the teapot "has no games"...

Log4Girlz said:
Ok, minimum acceptable specs time:

Heavily tweaked 4770 GPU
1 GB RAM (perhaps 256-512 MB of modern 1TSRAM)
Blu-Ray drive
4 GB flash storage
Expandable storage (hopefully through hard drive)

Flash is $2 a gig. The system should have enough built-in flash for a lifetime worth of saves, but DLC should be the providence of expanded storage.
wsippel said:
They're not spinning backwards, but it's CAV (constant angular velocity), just like Sega's GD-rom format back in the day. Blu-rays and DVDs are typically CLV (constant linear velocity). CAV drives always rotate at the same RPM, no matter if they're reading data on the inside or the outside of the disk. You can therefore achieve very high transfer speeds by padding the data. Basically, you put less time critical stuff like videos or music (or even unused junk) on the inside, and the actual game assets on the outside of the disk. Voila, faster load times. Also, noise levels always stay constant no matter where the laser is positioned, and the drives are more robust.

I could see Nintendo keeping their Nintendo Optical Disk CAV format, but with a 405nm (Blu-ray) laser.

Except when the laser motor is really loud. Remember playing Eternal Darkness? On the cutscenes you could hear the laser mount moving back and forth rapidly because of the trick SK used to fit all that data on one disc.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
AceBandage said:
Pretty much.
A steady stream of popular games, even multiplatform ones, would have done wonders for the Wii.

Sadly Nintendo is too kiddy for the edgy people. It's a stigma even back then in the old days of Sega.
BMF said:

Flash is $2 a gig. The system should have enough built-in flash for a lifetime worth of saves, but DLC should be the providence of expanded storage.
You can bet there will be an optional hard disk option for the system. Nintendo wouldn´t dare to fall in the "including a hard disk" trap. They would supplement a good amount of flash storage.

In terms of the flash storage i would prefer if they give a way an SD card. The thought of the flash memory failing at some stage in time and the console not working is too big for me to bear. Even if it take some years.
Ookami-kun said:
Sadly Nintendo is too kiddy for the edgy people. It's a stigma even back then in the old days of Sega.

making the games themselves? maybe. publishing? they are getting better. inticing third parties to bring them over to the Cafe? they will do it in a heartbeat
BMF said:
"Ok, minimum acceptable specs time:

Heavily tweaked 4770 GPU
1 GB RAM (perhaps 256-512 MB of modern 1TSRAM)
Blu-Ray drive
4 GB flash storage
Expandable storage (hopefully through hard drive)"


Flash is $2 a gig. The system should have enough built-in flash for a lifetime worth of saves, but DLC should be the providence of expanded storage.

I find your ideas interesting and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
My dreamland specs:

- 6000/7000 series Radeon architecture, custom video card solution drawing ~80-90W. Roughly on par with 5870 cards in raw performance.
- 4GB GDDR5 unified memory pool.
- Quad Core, low draw AMD CPU.
- 500GB hard drive standard with every model.
- Blu-ray drive that is faster than the one in the PS3.
- Full steamworks integration; use of steamworks mandatory for online-games.
- Cures cancer.
devildog820 said:
Except when the laser motor is really loud. Remember playing Eternal Darkness? On the cutscenes you could hear the laser mount moving back and forth rapidly because of the trick SK used to fit all that data on one disc.

Yeah but a couple of loud "bvvvvts" is still way better than one long "whrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR".

That's my scientific opinion, anyway.


Sadist said:
Personally I think Nintendo's goal is to get normal and sufficient third party support instead of exclusives.
I never quite understood what was wrong with the 2nd party system. It seems to be a broken relationshiop with Nintendo & Microsoft.

Even if they weren't 100% reliable, surely the cost wasn't so high that it would be worthless to pursue.


Ookami-kun said:
Sadly Nintendo is too kiddy for the edgy people. It's a stigma even back then in the old days of Sega.

Edgy people like Nintendo products. It's the acne-ridden teenagers "only mature-rated games for hardcore gamers such as myself" and for extension, those whose brain got stuck at that age after turning 18 and didn't mature at all (see the majority of the gaming "journalism" for the best example) the only ones who find Nintendo products kiddy.

ThoseDeafMutes said:
My dreamland specs:

- 6000/7000 series Radeon architecture, custom video card solution drawing ~80-90W. Roughly on par with 5870 cards in raw performance.
- 4GB GDDR5 unified memory pool.
- Quad Core, low draw AMD CPU.
- 500GB hard drive standard with every model.
- Blu-ray drive that is faster than the one in the PS3.
- Full steamworks integration; use of steamworks mandatory for online-games.
- Cures cancer.

- Those would be overkill for a closed box. Don't want to think about power consumption and refrigeration. Also expensive as fuck for a console GPU.
- Overkill again, and not in the line of Nintendo of using several types of memory to combine extremely quick ST1RAM with normal RAM
- Feasible
- Would drive up the price for no reason, as very few people would get advantage of it. Better get 8GB of flash, enough for a lifetime of saves and a handful of eShop games. Besides, it would add noise, heat and take a fuck ton of space. Still give the option if someone ever wants to use it.
- Feasible
- Not surprising, but highly unlikely
- :lol:

You're probably looking at a $800 console the size of a MicroATX PC box there.
JGS said:
I never quite understood what was wrong with the 2nd party system. It seems to be a broken relationshiop with Nintendo & Microsoft.

Even if they weren't 100% reliable, surely the cost wasn't so high that it would be worthless to pursue.
Nintendo has been publishing quite a bit of 2nd party games lately

The Last Story
Pandora's Tower
Span Smasher
Mystery Case Files: Dust to Dust
Fatal Frame 4
Fatal Frame II remake
Zangeki no REGINLEIV
and more


From The Dust said:
Nintendo has been publishing quite a bit of 2nd party games lately

The Last Story
Pandora's Tower
Span Smasher
Mystery Case Files: Dust to Dust
Fatal Frame 4
Fatal Frame II remake
Zangeki no REGINLEIV
and more

What? When did this happen?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Ookami-kun said:
Sadly Nintendo is too kiddy for the edgy people. It's a stigma even back then in the old days of Sega.
RE4 and Red Steel sold extremely well on Wii, despite the fact that the latter was a piece of shit.
The Wii third party situation was a whole mess of factors, but reduced to a simple chain basically "third parties think Wii won't do that well (a perfectly understandable assumption) -> third parties invest in PS360 -> Wii takes off -> Third parties go "shit...all of our eggs are in the HD basket"


ThoseDeafMutes said:
My dreamland specs:

- 6000/7000 series Radeon architecture, custom video card solution drawing ~80-90W. Roughly on par with 5870 cards in raw performance.
- 4GB GDDR5 unified memory pool.
- Quad Core, low draw AMD CPU.
- 500GB hard drive standard with every model.
- Blu-ray drive that is faster than the one in the PS3.
- Full steamworks integration; use of steamworks mandatory for online-games.
- Cures cancer.

they wont go blu-ray and neither will microsoft. giving money to sony is not in their interests. they'll most likely use a custom format with larger storage capacity. most likely HD-DVD but SD is getting very cheap. 8GB cards are only a couple of bucks now so i imagine they're under a dollar to make. still costs more than a dvd but its a viable alternative thats only getting cheaper.

EDIT: Fatal Frame II remake

didnt even know that was happening. it better come out here.


Electronic Arts
Public Company; ERTS; Computer Games industry
August 2010 – October 2010 (3 months)

Developing audio support for an unannounced title on an unannounced Nintendo platform.
Just badly worded, or did EA really have specs or even early devkits nine months ago?


From The Dust said:
Nintendo has been publishing quite a bit of 2nd party games lately

The Last Story
Pandora's Tower
Span Smasher
Mystery Case Files: Dust to Dust
Fatal Frame 4
Fatal Frame II remake
Zangeki no REGINLEIV
and more
That's true. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of the Western/European developers like the relationships they had with SK. They could really fill out a roster of they spent 10% of their disappointing earnings on exclusives made by people who work on stuff they don't.

There realy is no excuse for a drought of software at all exceopt for the limited manpower they have as a company. They are stretched thin and other companies can take care of the rest since they obviously have the money to do it.

It seems like the exclusives they get kind of mirror what they do such as Epic Mickey.
big_z said:
they wont go blu-ray and neither will microsoft. giving money to sony is not in their interests. they'll most likely use a custom format with larger storage capacity. most likely HD-DVD but SD is getting very cheap. 8GB cards are only a couple of bucks now so i imagine they're under a dollar to make. still costs more than a dvd but its a viable alternative thats only getting cheaper.
I know this was a big deal back in the day, but is DVD playback going to be imprtant at all? I'm only asking because standard DVD's aren't the preferred viewing method anymore (Although they are still the more popular for now).

It would seem that Blu-Ray would be the primary way to go for that if that's something people want in their console.
wsippel said:
Just badly worded, or did EA really have specs or even early devkits nine months ago?

Where did that come from? And the rumour mill says that major third parties like EA have had kits for "months", and there's even talk of Nintendo having been shopping a Wii successor around since 2008, IIRC.


big_z said:
they wont go blu-ray and neither will microsoft. giving money to sony is not in their interests. they'll most likely use a custom format with larger storage capacity. most likely HD-DVD but SD is getting very cheap. 8GB cards are only a couple of bucks now so i imagine they're under a dollar to make. still costs more than a dvd but its a viable alternative thats only getting cheaper.

EDIT: Fatal Frame II remake

didnt even know that was happening. it better come out here.
You know it was Sony that helped create DVD as well right?

If the costs are reasonable, I don't see why MS wouldn't include blu-ray, it would actually be more cost effective for MS to use blu-ray than some custom disc format.
JGS said:
That's true. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of the Western/European developers like the relationships they had with SK. They could really fill out a roster of they spent 10% of their disappointing earnings on exclusives made by people who work on stuff they don't.

There realy is no excuse for a drought of software at all exceopt for the limited manpower they have as a company. They are stretched thin and other companies can take care of the rest since they obviously have the money to do it.

It seems like the exclusives they get kind of mirror what they do such as Epic Mickey.
if they do the same thing with western third parties as they are doing with the japanese, then the Cafe can be a powerhouse of core and casual games.

big_z said:
they wont go blu-ray and neither will microsoft. giving money to sony is not in their interests. they'll most likely use a custom format with larger storage capacity. most likely HD-DVD but SD is getting very cheap. 8GB cards are only a couple of bucks now so i imagine they're under a dollar to make. still costs more than a dvd but its a viable alternative thats only getting cheaper.

what they will prolly do is cop the disc style but use their own format like with the GCN and Wii optical discs. they will get all the space of the blu-ray and pay none of the royalties (also, Sony isn't the sole owner of Blu-ray)

Big One

big_z said:
they wont go blu-ray and neither will microsoft. giving money to sony is not in their interests. they'll most likely use a custom format with larger storage capacity. most likely HD-DVD but SD is getting very cheap. 8GB cards are only a couple of bucks now so i imagine they're under a dollar to make. still costs more than a dvd but its a viable alternative thats only getting cheaper.
I don't think you know what you're talking about. HD-DVD is a dead standard, aka going to be nonexistant soon. Secondly Bluray is the new standard, and people are really undermining it's popularity and place right now. If Nintendo doesn't go Bluray, then they're going to be left one generation behind again, and I'm sure that isn't what they want. Microsoft will probably adopt Bluray too next gen. And no, it wouldn't involve giving Sony money
How many GBs are heavy graphics PS3/XBOX360 games?

Aren't there already some games which had to come on several DVDs (on xbox) because one DVD couldn't fit all the data? FF being one of it, if I remember correctly.

I think it wouldn't be wise when Big N uses normal DVDs. Even the high capacity DVDs (DVD9?) "only" fit around 8 GB and Flipper DVDs are useless as they would need a special drive(not available atm) to use them without ejecting and changing the side.

So, I'm really curious what they have up thier sleeves.

man, a cadridge based console would be so badass. Sadly they would be way to expensive, right?


Big One said:
I don't think you know what you're talking about. HD-DVD is a dead standard, aka going to be nonexistant soon. Secondly Bluray is the new standard, and people are really undermining it's popularity and place right now. If Nintendo doesn't go Bluray, then they're going to be left one generation behind again, and I'm sure that isn't what they want. Microsoft will probably adopt Bluray too next gen. And no, it wouldn't involve giving Sony money
HD-DVD and Blu-ray use the same lasers. Nintendo will use neither Blu-ray nor HD-DVD, but they might use their own format using the same 405nm lasers.

Big One

wsippel said:
HD-DVD and Blu-ray use the same lasers. Nintendo will use neither Blu-ray nor HD-DVD, but they might use their own format using the same 405nm lasers.
Didn't deny that, it'll probably be a Nintendo standard based around Bluray


Big One said:
Didn't deny that, it'll probably be a Nintendo standard based around Bluray
I just meant to say that "based around Blu-ray" and "based around HD-DVD" are exactly the same thing in this case. It doesn't really matter which of those two formats won the war and which one is dead, as Nintendo won't use either format, but possibly the same components as both.
Glass Joe said:
Maybe, but the capacity might burn them in the long run. A 1.5 gig GameCube disc probably seemed like plenty to them during the design phase (the standard at the time was a 700 meg CD). But with PS2/XBox1 both using the DVD format, I think there were some important games like GTA3 the GameCube missed out on since they couldn't fit. And with the PS3 having Blu-Ray, getting ports down the line may require more room than a DVD can handle.
It wasn't because of the 1.5GB discs that they didn't release GTA on GameCube. Both GTAIII and VC are below 1.5GB, so that's definitely not the reason at all.
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