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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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AceBandage said:
In FFCC it was used as a controller, and an inventory screen and a map.
In Wind Waker, you used it to waste all of your friend's money by bombing him to death
We apparently didn't play the same Wind Waker.


HUD-lessness is one of the lamest fads in gaming, "visual cues" are ambiguous and messy which is why precise meters are used in the first place. I can kind of see how it would be more immersive to some though. Also fuck moving the HUD away from the screen and onto the controller, that's just dumb and it always sucks unless it's on DS where the screens are next to each other.

And thank goodness Nintendo would never allow Metroid to look as ugly as that fanart.


-PXG- said:


It's kinda nice.


artwalknoon said:
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Also scanning was how you learned all the back story and context of what the space pirates were doing and all their experiments. I thought it was a great narrative tool that made the player feel like they were actually investigating. It also cut down the need for movie scenes which add to the game's isolating feel, at least in prime 1.

bioshock took the same idea and improved it. nintendo probably wasn't able to fit in that much audio, and unwilling to pay that much for voice acting, but at least bioshock let me play the game while it gave me info.
AniHawk said:
bioshock took the same idea and improved it. nintendo probably wasn't able to fit in that much audio, and unwilling to pay that much for voice acting, but at least bioshock let me play the game while it gave me info.
I like the fact that you can ignore the story in both. I mean I got the general gist in Prime but I didn't really care, same for Bioshock.


Jealous Bastard
many of the logs in METROID PRIME that were reports or written in language very matter-of-fact and technical in nature would seem very silly with voice acting. think specifically of what read like manifests or reports from the front about samus arriving, tests with morph ball devices with space pirates, etc.

Eteric Rice

Amir0x said:
i really liked the idea of using the controller screen for messages to pop up from your friends (if you allow it) so you won't have to stop playing your game to read them

that's one of those 'hey you know yeah' kind of ideas

Or playing co-op and teleconferencing with your friend.

Would be pretty neat.


Dandy said:
HUD-lessness is one of the lamest fads in gaming, "visual cues" are ambiguous and messy which is why precise meters are used in the first place. I can kind of see how it would be more immersive to some though. Also fuck moving the HUD away from the screen and onto the controller, that's just dumb and it always sucks unless it's on DS where the screens are next to each other.

And thank goodness Nintendo would never allow Metroid to look as ugly as that fanart.
Sometimes a HUD is a necessary evil, but when it gets to Zelda-levels it's probably time to figure out something new.
AniHawk said:
bioshock took the same idea and improved it. nintendo probably wasn't able to fit in that much audio, and unwilling to pay that much for voice acting, but at least bioshock let me play the game while it gave me info.
But Bioshock didn't take the idea from Prime. System Shock games were always like that. Prime 1 its an exellent game, the only real non metroid thing about it its the stupid artifact hunt and some idiotic sequence brake blocks. Prime 3 is a bastardized abomination though.
Branduil said:
Sometimes a HUD is a necessary evil, but when it gets to Zelda-levels it's probably time to figure out something new.
This can´t be said enough. How could Nintendo be so f*cking bad at HUD design. Almost anyone with game experience can come up with better solutions. At least put a transparency slider to attenuate that ugly spots on the screen.

Nintendo´s shamelessness reached all time high levels with the SkyWard Sword HUD.
Branduil said:
Sometimes a HUD is a necessary evil, but when it gets to Zelda-levels it's probably time to figure out something new.

Absolutely agree. Nintendo get a free pass because they have geniuses working in design, and always will - but theres absolutely no reason for some horrendous design elements when better more fitting alternatives exist in their competitor products.
Anybody else notice in the new IGN article it says that the analog sticks on the controller are apparently not staggered? I haven't heard this before, and I don't really like it. It sounds like Nintendo is going for more of a Playstation type layout with the analog sticks, while I much prefer the GC like layout.
One thing that no one has mentioned at all is whether or not we'll get voice chat with the damn thing. I'd love wireless voice chat with the ability to stream movies on the Cafe controller while in party chat with my friends. I want that kind of functionality more than anything else in the next gen.
Have had zelda four swords for years and always put it off after thinking it wasnt a "true" zelda game. I needed a zelda fix and decided to give it a go and fuck me was I wrong this game is awesome. Please nintendo launch cafe with an HD isometric four swords. Obviously the controller is made for this and im sure co-op would be a blast.
The Lamp said:
Andrex has been banned? 8(
That Wii name thread may have done him in, I'm not sure

I think bumpers just look more modern. Slapping a Cafe logo on the game just might not look good.

Aw who am I kidding I don't know what I'm talking about
Joey Fox said:
Can Zelda continue to not have voice acting in an HD world?

I think Link will remain silent, but that the series will get full VA in the Cafe game (if it doesn't in SS).

SolarPowered said:
One thing that no one has mentioned at all is whether or not we'll get voice chat with the damn thing. I'd love wireless voice chat with the ability to stream movies on the Cafe controller while in party chat with my friends. I want that kind of functionality more than anything else in the next gen.

I'm betting the controller has a built in mic for that. Just a hunch.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
AceBandage said:
I think Link will remain silent, but that the series will get full VA in the Cafe game (if it doesn't in SS).

I'm betting the controller has a built in mic for that. Just a hunch.

I think Nintendo could get away with a narrator at the least. It is just difficult accepting any HD game with letters of colorful text and grating chimes.

The Lamp

Joey Fox said:
Can Zelda continue to not have voice acting in an HD world?

I'm hoping they do something like either Banjo Kazooie (everybody speak incomprehensible Hylian) OR everybody speaks except for Link (like *usually* Mario, and recent un-Other-M-Metroid-games)


Shikamaru Ninja said:
I think Nintendo could get away with a narrator at the least. It is just difficult accepting any HD game with letters of colorful text and grating chimes.

I actually like the idea of a narrator.

Say somebody in the future is telling an ancient legend. I think that would be pretty nice.
The Lamp said:
I'm hoping they do something like either Banjo Kazooie (everybody speak incomprehensible Hylian) OR everybody speaks except for Link (like *usually* Mario, and recent un-Other-M-Metroid-games)
I just went through HL2 which used a silent protagonist with acted NPCs. Keep that shit away from Zelda please.

I would be cool with a narrator.


Big One said:
Why not just abandoned the concept of a bumper and just go with the Cafe logo on the front box or some shit? Like this:

Marketing. Your idea looks nicer, but the brand doesn't stand out enough.
AceBandage said:
I'm betting the controller has a built in mic for that. Just a hunch.
This is decent, but I'm hoping for a solution with an earpiece. It would make the whole thing a lot easier on everyone and it makes parties more manageable when there are 4+ people talking and giving instructions at the same time. A shooter would be kind of hard to play when people can only communicate through a mic that has to compete with stereo and surround sound.


Truth101 said:
I actually like the idea of a narrator.

Say somebody in the future is telling an ancient legend. I think that would be pretty nice.

"And while Link was listening to the beautiful Zelda, Link though about all the crap he had to do... and how she never said Thanks a single time... His thought of vengeance started to grow, but they could wait... wait for the right time. Where it would hurt the most."

Yeah... No. I like Link, Gordon and all that. I mean, its Nintendo. I learned English playing Zelda and Mario 64. Reading is important for kids, and I seriously think that they should not give that up.
Didn't Aonuma say sometime last year that Skyward Sword wouldn't feature voice acting, that they didn't want to take the series in that direction? I don't have a source but I swear I saw an interview about that.

Count me in the narrator camp, though. That would be a great fit for the series and much less risk of various characters getting terrible VA.


Here's hoping for a next-gen nunchuck and Wiimote that unplug from the sides of a tablet.

What we get will probably be more like an iPad with buttons. Maybe some kind of sliding design, but that's quite a toss-up.


Rubius said:
"And while Link was listening to the beautiful Zelda, Link though about all the crap he had to do... and how she never said Thanks a single time... His thought of vengeance started to grow, but they could wait... wait for the right time. Where it would hurt the most."

Yeah... No. I like Link, Gordon and all that. I mean, its Nintendo. I learned English playing Zelda and Mario 64. Reading is important for kids, and I seriously think that they should not give that up.

I don't mean a narrator for every thing, but say have the narrator come in after you beat a temple or something of that sort.


Truth101 said:
I don't mean a narrator for every thing, but say have the narrator come in after you beat a temple or something of that sort.

I don't think Zelda would benefit from a narrator. But I would be cool with VA for all the npcs but not Link himself. I think having a narrator come in after a temple or something like that takes you out of the experience. Imagine if in MM there was a narrator telling you: 'And now there is only one day left!" or "And thus the moon was returned to the sky and the day was saved". I would prefer not.
Will Nintendo have my full attention come E3, I'm legitimately excited about this. I haven't been this excited about a Nintendo related product since the GameCube.
JimWood27 said:
Count me in the narrator camp, though. That would be a great fit for the series and much less risk of various characters getting terrible VA.

There are risks associated with every aspect of game design. Why even make the game if there's a chance it could be terrible?

Voice actors aren't picked out of a hat. A good casting director and voice director all but guarantee quality performances. It simply comes down to whether Nintendo wants to increase the production budget.

artwalknoon said:
But I would be cool with VA for all the npcs but not Link himself.

I 100% agree with this.

The Lamp

CoffeeJanitor said:
I just went through HL2 which used a silent protagonist with acted NPCs. Keep that shit away from Zelda please.

I would be cool with a narrator.

They already know how to pull it off.

In TP there was much more dynamic acting and characterization of everyone. Everyone moved and talked around Link and asked him rhetorical questions that were designed to keep the narrative moving without Link actually having to say anything.

It would work fine if Nintendo did it, I'm sure.
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