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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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If anybody cares, the latest EA investor call was framed around EAs shift to what is eventually in their eyes an all-digital future. This was framed as an eventuality which would be dealt with, not one of many futures. If Nintendo is talking shop with publishers who are thinking like that, it may influence their thinking re storage.


"All digital future" can fuck itself right off a cliff.
I dont want that, at all

Kyzer said:

N6 does in fact only support up to 1080i, but it will not connect to a TV at all, only stream to the controllers, and it will be glorious, in all its haptic glory.

No way this will happen.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Kyzer said:

N6 does in fact only support up to 1080i, but it will not connect to a TV at all, only stream to the controllers, and it will be glorious, in all its haptic glory.

Not only is this a dreadful idea, but would guarenty me losing nearly all interest in buying the system until it was lower in price.

Handheld gaming is for handheld systems. If I cant plug my console into the TV there's no point having it.


Sadist said:
I suppose there won't be any major leaks. Or a third party needs to "leak" a trailer by mistake.
Even if there won't be leaks, I kinda expect Nintendo to announce something prior to E3. Possibly their online partner/ subsidiary, assuming whoever is responsible for this stuff in the future also had a hand in the May 3DS update.


Kyzer said:
Amir0x. While I agree with your disdain for the casualtard trend that Nintendo strayed off into, I think its a safe bet that it was just temporary. Remember the entirety of the "Blue Ocean" strategy. It was to pull them in. Turn them into gamers. Now their next step is to "blur the line between casual and hardcore", if they're to be believed.

I agree. Nintendo goes through stages. I fully expect they'll go through another period where they're just about the best thing ever, like they did with Gamecube and SNES imo.

Kyzer said:
N6 does in fact only support up to 1080i, but it will not connect to a TV at all, only stream to the controllers, and it will be glorious, in all its haptic glory.

What would even be the point of having a console then? Why even "stream" then? There's no point to Streaming if it's not even going to work on a tv dude.

You don't have access to true handheld capabilities since you won't be able to leave your crib, and you won't have access to true console capabilities since you won't be able to play on your tv. It'd be the worst of all worlds, an unmitigated disaster of $600 DOLLARSUUUU11!! proportions. As a concept, this actually doesn't even make a lick of sense.

I'm actually among the crowd that thinks 'streaming' to play console games off your tv around the house is a pointless feature as is - there has never been a single time when I had a console game that I wanted to wander about the house and play on a smaller screen than my tv and there's never been a time I am so obsessed with a console game that I absolutely must drag it into the shitter with me - but this would like amplify that pointlessness to maximum :p

I think we can safely say this prediction is wrong! ;)
Amir0x said:
I agree. Nintendo goes through stages. I fully expect they'll go through another period where they're just about the best thing ever, like they did with Gamecube and SNES imo.

Son, I am shocked. The GC was a beautiful disaster (expecially in terms of a few 3rd party gems), but an high point in Nintendo's history?


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Hereupon I predict N6 will not have a gpu, but will actually leech gpu resources from all PC and CE devices around the house, and onto full-HD 1080p glory.

There, I said it.


VisanidethDM said:
Son, I am shocked. The GC was a beautiful disaster (expecially in terms of a few 3rd party gems), but an high point in Nintendo's history?

I don't give two shits about hardware sales. I am a gamer, not a Nintendo stockholder. I find it incredibly sad that anybody would care about sales more than quality games as a metric in this regard, but that is your prerogative. I won't hold it against you.

As a gamer, Nintendo was at a creative height during the GCN era. Virtually everything they put out, sans Animal Crossing (which was technically a terrible holdover from their horrible N64 days) and maybe Star Fox, was something that in my opinion represented a high in one way or another. Even the much maligned Super Mario Sunshine is a game I hold very high esteem for.

I play more GCN games on my Wii then I play Wii games on my Wii.


Neo Member
VisanidethDM said:
Son, I am shocked. The GC was a beautiful disaster (expecially in terms of a few 3rd party gems), but an high point in Nintendo's history?

Second that.

I absolutely loved my Gamecube and it actually was my only console, being a student in that console generation. Didn't really regret it (although I really would have liked to have all three) but IMO there never was as much doom and gloom around Nintendo as in the GC-era. Every E3 (before Reggie) was a painful confirmation that something had to change as quickly as possible for Nintendo to maintain a foothold on the home console front.

The only reason why it maybe could have been a high point for Nintendo is because it was such a financial slap in the face that they made the Wii afterwards.

EDIT: To be clear. I looooved my Gamecube and its games. But it's the sales that point to the future for the company.


Graphics Horse said:
That was more like a low point in Sega's downfall. Reduced to making Nintendo games, the shame!

Nah, that was a high. They made a Nintendo game better than Nintendo could. No wonder we haven't got a new home console one since.


Amir0x said:
I don't give two shits about hardware sales. I am a gamer, not a Nintendo stockholder. I find it incredibly sad that anybody would care about sales more than quality games as a metric in this regard, but that is your prerogative. I won't hold it against you.

As a gamer, Nintendo was at a creative height during the GCN era. Virtually everything they put out, sans Animal Crossing (which was technically a terrible holdover from their horrible N64 days) and maybe Star Fox, was something that in my opinion represented a high in one way or another. Even the much maligned Super Mario Sunshine is a game I hold very high esteem for.

I play more GCN games on my Wii then I play Wii games on my Wii.
My thoughts exactly.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
VisanidethDM said:
We're talking software or hardware here?

Software I can somewhat agree, but hardware wise, the GCN was ten thousands shapes of wrong.

Aside from the handle, of course.
It does not help the discussion when you don't name at least one of those shapes of wrong. Many people, me included, think the cube was the best hw last gen all around. So I'm curious to hear your arguments.
Amir0x said:
I don't give two shits about hardware sales.

Here I should give you a patronizing "Son if the console doesn't sell you won't see software on it" speech, but I get what you mean and I'm sure you don't need one.

I am a gamer, not a Nintendo stockholder. I find it incredibly sad that anybody would care about sales more than quality games as a metric in this regard, but that is your prerogative. I won't hold it against you.

I've lurked the forums enough to know you've got an insult first, discuss later approach, but I think you're missing my point here. The approach Nintendo took with the GCN hurt the console in the long run. Their approach to software was great, but we're talking about literally a handful of games. It's not about being a stock holder, it's about seeing a console that gives you bliss for a moment and dies a moment later.

As a gamer, Nintendo was at a creative height during the GCN era. Virtually everything they put out, sans Animal Crossing (which was technically a terrible holdover from their horrible N64 days) and maybe Star Fox, was something that in my opinion represented a high in one way or another. Even the much maligned Super Mario Sunshine is a game I hold very high esteem for.

That's great, and Sunshine aside, I fundamentally agree, but are you seriously overlooking how soon Nintento (*Nintendo*) pulled the plug on the GCN?


We're looking at 4, 5 great first party games. Heck, I play my GCN more for the third party effort (Capcom on the GCN was godlike) than Nintendo's stuff.
The GCN was a console sent to die.

I play more GCN games on my Wii then I play Wii games on my Wii.

That's a sentiment I share, and I'd add that I play SNES games more than Wii games too. The fact that the Wii has been terrible for "core" fans doesn't make the GCN a miracle either. I know repetition is boring, but I think the definition "beautiful disaster" fits perfectly.


Electivirus said:
Wind Waker. Metroid Prime. Resident Evil 4.

That's all it needed to be my favorite console that gen.

I'd take out Metroid Prime and add in Paper Mario: TTYD

Still though, I don't buy the whole "Nintendo was at a creative highpoint during the GameCube days" stuff..

I can't see how you could put the GameCube above the Nintendo 64 to be completely honest.. I don't want to get into a list war but which games coming from Nintendo were really that more creative? To me the major creative effort from Nintendo in the GameCube era was Pikmin but not a whole lot more shouts out at me as particularly special from a creative stand point.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Amir0x said:
As a gamer, Nintendo was at a creative height during the GCN era. Virtually everything they put out, sans Animal Crossing (which was technically a terrible holdover from their horrible N64 days) and maybe Star Fox, was something that in my opinion represented a high in one way or another. Even the much maligned Super Mario Sunshine is a game I hold very high esteem for.

Yeah, maybe. Or maybe not. Prime, F-Zero GX and Pikmin 2 are my most memorable from the GCN era. Otherwise I'll take either Galaxy over Sunshine, Twilight Princess over Wind Waker (though not visually), Mario Kart Wii over Double Dash, and Brawl over Melee (though that's a personal taste, and I'd probably call Melee better designed). Throw in DKC:R and Excite Truck (my favourite racer of this generation) while you're at it.

I had tons of fun with the GCN, but I'm not going to pretend that Nintendo are in some creative ditch with the Wii, at least one significantly lower than the GCN era. Okay, maybe in terms of original work, since the GCN era did give us Pikmin and Prime, but not in terms of quality. The Wii's very best matches the GCN's very best in my opinion.
blu said:
It does not help the discussion when you don't name at least one of those shapes of wrong. Many people, me included, think the cube was the best hw last gen all around. So I'm curious to hear your arguments.

Timing, performance, disc format, online policy, we could discuss a load of aspects, but the core point to me is that it was released way too late in the console generation it was meant to compete in to stand a chance, it wasn't powerful enough to stand in that position at that time, with a set of proprietary features that turned away third party investors very soon (see the online and disc format).

I don't want to come off bashing the GCN itself, because I think it's a really great console (one of the best pads ever), but its release was ill-timed to say the least. A problem the Cafè may share.

We're risking an offtopic here, but we're talking about a Nintendo console that ended up selling less than 25 million units and whose production was halted one year after release. If that's not a marketing disaster I don't know what.


I also think that the gamecube era was a second golden age for nintendo. Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, DK Jungle Beat, Smash Bros Melee, Pikmin/2, Fire Emblem, Paper Mario, SMS, and F-Zero GX are all AAA titles, and that's just first party. Then they had the great capcom games, some solid sega offerings, etc.

In addition to that, they were also supporting the glorious GBA. It will be easier to evaluate more fairly a few years after the Wiis time, but for now GC >>>Wii >>>> 64.


VisanidethDM said:
Here I should give you a patronizing "Son if the console doesn't sell you won't see software on it" speech, but I get what you mean and I'm sure you don't need one.

And yet I saw the most magical Nintendo software ever on it. I miss my GCN-era Nintendo. We were fucking boys back then!

VisanidethDM said:
I've lurked the forums enough to know you've got an insult first, discuss later approach, but I think you're missing my point here. The approach Nintendo took with the GCN hurt the console in the long run. Their approach to software was great, but we're talking about literally a handful of games. It's not about being a stock holder, it's about seeing a console that gives you bliss for a moment and dies a moment later.

Well since I never insult people, I take offense to your bs commentary about my posting style. Being somewhat abrasive and being definitive in my defense of my opinions does not an insult make. And if you're insulted by such showing of self-confidence, then I can't help you there. Let's not derail a topic with that crap. Reply to the points. If you cannot do that, then we're not going to have a conversation.

Literally a handful? I have a good fifteen games that I consider among the best games ever made. Ten of them are in my top 30 games of all time. Shit, even PS2 doesn't have that many games on my list and I think PS2 is probably the greatest platform overall in gaming history.

GCN lasted the entire era. I never once had a problem finding a game I wanted to play and loving it. I've made expansive GCN appreciation posts before so I won't bore you with lists, but the simple fact is GCN-era Nintendo was fantastic. If Stream is even seventy five percent as great as GCN we are in for a treat.

VisanidethDM said:
That's great, and Sunshine aside, I fundamentally agree, but are you seriously overlooking how soon Nintento (*Nintendo*) pulled the plug on the GCN?


We're looking at 4, 5 great first party games. Heck, I play my GCN more for the third party effort (Capcom on the GCN was godlike) than Nintendo's stuff.
The GCN was a console sent to die.

Again, I disagree. Up until the end I was playing stuff like Chibi Robo (one of the greatest games of all time), Odama, Jungle Beat (phenomenal) and the Baten Kaitos games.

The fact that you didn't like the GCN era is something I cannot muster a lot of care for considering how amazing the entire generation was for them. I respect your opinion since you're entitled to it, but after GCN we came to the Wii which was fucking abysmal. Every fucking thing they released was a creative pitfall or some other limiting garbage that was tied to the barely function motion control gimmick. If it weren't for Super Mario Galaxy and the bulk of games they released that were Gamecube games anyway that were held over on development (Super Paper Mario, Fire Emblem and Twilight Princess) the system would have been a complete failure.

VisanidethDM said:
That's a sentiment I share, and I'd add that I play SNES games more than Wii games too. The fact that the Wii has been terrible for "core" fans doesn't make the GCN a miracle either. I know repetition is boring, but I think the definition "beautiful disaster" fits perfectly.

So, let's review.

1. I don't give two shits about sales.
2. Nintendo released almost nothing but amazing games non-stop during the GCN era.
3. Therefore, it is nothing but a beautiful success to me. There is nothing disasterous about it since the only metric I care about is game quality. Therefore, GCN-era Nintendo is one of the best Nintendo eras.
Caramello said:
I'd take out Metroid Prime and add in Paper Mario: TTYD

Still though, I don't buy the whole "Nintendo was at a creative highpoint during the GameCube days" stuff..

I can't see how you could put the GameCube above the Nintendo 64 to be completely honest.. I don't want to get into a list war but which games coming from Nintendo were really that more creative? To me the major creative effort from Nintendo in the GameCube era was Pikmin but not a whole lot more shouts out at me as particularly special from a creative stand point.

The Resident Evil remake was also excellent, as was Eternal Darkness and a lot of 3rd party software. It's sort of crazy how one of the least successfull Nintendo consoles was also possibly the one you could think of buying for non-Nintendo exclusive software.


VisanidethDM said:
Timing, performance, disc format, online policy, we could discuss a load of aspects, but the core point to me is that it was released way too late in the console generation it was meant to compete in to stand a chance, it wasn't powerful enough to stand in that position at that time, with a set of proprietary features that turned away third party investors very soon (see the online and disc format).

I don't want to come off bashing the GCN itself, because I think it's a really great console (one of the best pads ever), but its release was ill-timed to say the least. A problem the Cafè may share.

We're risking an offtopic here, but we're talking about a Nintendo console that ended up selling less than 25 million units and whose production was halted one year after release. If that's not a marketing disaster I don't know what.
Your dates are all off. It released in 2001, the ps2 released in 2000 and the Xbox in 2002. It was still being manufactured in 2004 when the digital a/v port was removed.
blu said:
It does not help the discussion when you don't name at least one of those shapes of wrong. Many people, me included, think the cube was the best hw last gen all around. So I'm curious to hear your arguments.
1. Custom Disc format with terrible storage capacity
2. Terrible controller design choices (only 3 shoulder buttons, Z button placement was retarded) Coupled with the overall small size of the controller and the terrible C-Stick
3. SNES Video out. They used the same video connection like the SNES used. (in europe that was basically the only option you had, along with no progressive scan)
4. Weird GPU that no 3rd party sans Capcom actually used

To name a few.

The GC was dissapointing for me. The only reason I liked that console was because Nintendo had to deliver their absolute A game to stay in the console race. 3rd party games were allways just ports from the technical inferior PS2 versions and lacked all additional features.
I loved Gamecube to death. To this day, it remains one of my favorite systems of all time.

boris feinbrand said:
1. Custom Disc format with terrible storage capacity
2. Terrible controller design choices (only 3 shoulder buttons, Z button placement was retarded) Coupled with the overall small size of the controller and the terrible C-Stick

3. SNES Video out. They used the same video connection like the SNES used. (in europe that was basically the only option you had, along with no progressive scan)
4. Weird GPU that no 3rd party sans Capcom actually used

To name a few.

The GC was dissapointing for me. The only reason I liked that console was because Nintendo had to deliver their absolute A game to stay in the console race. 3rd party games were allways just ports from the technical inferior PS2 versions and lacked all additional features.
I had absolutely no problems with the first two, and actually prefer them the way they are...especially the controller.


Neo Member
EatChildren said:
Yeah, maybe. Or maybe not. Prime, F-Zero GX and Pikmin 2 are my most memorable from the GCN era. Otherwise I'll take either Galaxy over Sunshine, Twilight Princess over Wind Waker (though not visually), Mario Kart Wii over Double Dash, and Brawl over Melee (though that's a personal taste, and I'd probably call Melee better designed). Throw in DKC:R and Excite Truck (my favourite racer of this generation) while you're at it.

I had tons of fun with the GCN, but I'm not going to pretend that Nintendo are in some creative ditch with the Wii, at least one significantly lower than the GCN era. Okay, maybe in terms of original work, since the GCN era did give us Pikmin and Prime, but not in terms of quality. The Wii's very best matches the GCN's very best in my opinion.

I agree. The Nintendo games from the GC-era were mostly glorious refinements of their revolutionary designs in the IMO not so terrible N64-days. It were mostly the second and third parties (read: Capcom and little bit of Sega) that made the GC shine. Nintendo threated me well in that era, but not enough to not feel sorry about missing out on the other two consoles.
Amir0x said:
Well since I never insult people,

Yeah right... have you recovered yet from getting dumber after reading my post?

Seriously, you might not intend on insulting people, but you sure come across as insulting on a lot of occasions.


leroidys said:
I also think that the gamecube era was a second golden age for nintendo. Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, DK Jungle Beat, Smash Bros Melee, Pikmin/2, Fire Emblem, Paper Mario, SMS, and F-Zero GX are all AAA titles, and that's just first party. Then they had the great capcom games, some solid sega offerings, etc.

In addition to that, they were also supporting the glorious GBA. It will be easier to evaluate more fairly a few years after the Wiis time, but for now GC >>>Wii >>>> 64.

I don't think so. GC and GBA games have been doing fine, but for example with GC games, a global complain was the lack of content and the lack of perfection.
You indirectly pretend that Sunshine was great, but Super Mario 64 was a major breakdown in video game history, just like Ocarina of Time because those games left major design ideas to all the industry. Sunshine isn't even playing at the same level of Galaxy. And to rest with Mario games, the GBA only got remakes.

Sure there is another conclusions depending on franchises, for example Metroid return on GC was great, and the Zelda franchise have done a lot of things during the GC area, but when it comes to a generational fight, there is no way that GBA-GC surpass DS-Wii in a single way. Mario is huge on both DS and Wii, it's not only Galaxy but New SMBs and Paper Marios, 27M of Mario Kart Wii and counting, etc... And a great Donkey Kong Country Return.


boris feinbrand said:
Yeah right... have you recovered yet from getting dumber after reading my post?

Seriously, you might not intend on insulting people, but you sure come across as insulting on a lot of occasions.

Here is an insult:

You are a retard

Here is not an insult:

GCN is fucking amazing and I cannot see how anyone can think otherwise.

Being definitive with an opinion is not an insult. If you lack the confidence in your own viewpoints so much that you view strength of conviction as insulting then you are on your own.

Now, stop derailing the thread with this crap. We're having a good discussion that needs not be destroyed by this whining bullshit.
abstract alien said:
I loved Gamecube to death. To this day, it remains one of my favorite systems of all time.

I had absolutely no problems with the first two, and actually prefer them the way they are...especially the controller.

Oh don't get me wrong, personally, the controller was fine for me. I have pretty small hands so I was right at home with the controller, but a lot of my buddies have giant bear sized hands. Playing Timesplitters 2 with them was allways a problem for them, cause the controller was too small.
Still the Zbutton placement was crap, and it simply felt wrong to press it. I liked the analog/digital triggers though. An interesting concept that was used pretty nice in some games (accelleration-speed boost in Rogue Squadron for example)
I was going to rail against Amir0x, but actually, he's right. Straight up pound-for-pound, the GCN had higher quality game designs in the major lineup than Wii, even accounting for the fact I like the Wiimote.

I know this is heresy, but I thought Nintendo's designs in the N64 era were dull as fuck compared to GCN.


Jackano said:
I don't think so. GC and GBA games have been doing fine, but for example with GC games, a global complain was the lack of content and the lack of perfection.
You indirectly pretend that Sunshine was great, but Super Mario 64 was a major breakdown in video game history, just like Ocarina of Time because those games left major design ideas to all the industry. Sunshine isn't even playing at the same level of Galaxy. And to rest with Mario games, the GBA only got remakes.

Sure there is another conclusions depending on franchises, for example Metroid return on GC was great, and the Zelda franchise have done a lot of things during the GC area, but when it comes to a generational fight, there is no way that GBA-GC surpass DS-Wii in a single way. Mario is huge on both DS and Wii, it's not only Galaxy but New SMBs and Paper Marios, 27M of Mario Kart Wii and counting, etc... And a great Donkey Kong Country Return.

I will take refinement in games over "break throughs" in design virtually every single time.

I prefer Wind Waker to Ocarina of Time. Better combat, no framerate problems, better graphics, way better overworld. I liked the dungeon designs too, although dungeon design in Ocarina is clearly better. But because everything else in Wind Waker is superior I always go back to Wind Waker. Although I have also beat Ocarina of Time 30 times, that is one of the only games alongside Majora's Mask that I can still stomach from the N64 era. I used to list Ocarina of Time ahead of Wind Waker on my lists because of the impact it had in the industry, but in recent years I dropped that pretense when I realized I play Wind Waker more and enjoy it more.

I prefer Sunshine to Super Mario 64. I can't even play SM64 anymore. It's no surprise why - better gameplay, more refined, better graphics. The acrobatics in Sunshine, aided by FLUDD, were to me the natural expansion of the SM64 ideals but brought to the next level. The controls felt better, the momentum and Mario "feel" felt more solid and all around next tier. I always thought it was truly innovative the "vacation" theme Nintendo stuck to for the entire game. You cannot imagine how bored I am of LAVA, GRASS, DESERT, WINTER themed levels all the time in my Mario games.

As a general rule, you can expand this position to my love of anything. I will always prefer refinement over "innovative' breakthroughs that are otherwise dying for refinement. That is partially why I rejected Wii - even above and beyond their wasteland of software, it was forwarded by a controller that to this day is basically screaming to be refined into something superior. And because we have so many better controllers, regular games suffered most of the times if they were not purely pointed oriented.

edit: gotta go to work


Neo Member
Can't we just agree that sales-wise the GC was a troubling era for Nintendo?

I think nobody will dispute that the Gamecube gave birth to lot of beautifully realised, refined and revolutionary games.
while you guys are talking GCN that was my favorite console design I think

what I would want next is something more round




= ?

maybe only Apple can pull off the odd shape I am thinking of but calling something Project Cafe and giving people another square box is well annoying to think about :(

Why can I only CD walkman in a round shape? Everything else is the same old flat rectangle its 201
Amir0x said:
And yet I saw the most magical Nintendo software ever on it. I miss my GCN-era Nintendo. We were fucking boys back then!

And didn't it break your heart when the plug was pulled? And the magic ended also as soon as it started?

What I'm trying to say is that I want a GCN2, not a Wii2, but I'd like Nintendo do make a GCN2 that sells, so I can get that kind of Nintendo software for an entire generation.
I think a GCN2 could perfectly work, but Nintendo is making the same kind of mistakes it did with the GCN (releasing a non-next gen console more or less at the end of the generation it's meant to be part of) and that makes me pessimist.
GCN software was fantastic, both first party and third party. The CONSOLE and it's marketing was a problem.

Well since I never insult people, I take offense to your bs commentary about my posting style. Being somewhat abrasive and being definitive in my defense of my opinions does not an insult make. And if you're insulted by such showing of self-confidence, then I can't help you there. Let's not derail a topic with that crap. Reply to the points. If you cannot do that, then we're not going to have a conversation.

I doubt you meat ill (as you say, it's a posting style), you've just labeled me as a sad guy who puts sales above quality, and that's nowhere near to what I'm saying. Now I could go back at you saying I'm taking offense in being labeled something I'm not because you're failing to understand what I'm saying, but I'm sure none of us want to fling poo at each other, also because I feel we actually agree on the core point. I won't try to discuss the thing you've taken offense for, because I know you'd rebutt and I don't think anyone else is interested in that. Just know I meant no offense, and it probably came out in an harsher way than I wanted, but I still think you sometimes cross the line between abrasive and judgemental. I've got no problem in seeing you post your opinion in the most flamboyant and self-confident way possible (I do the same), it's how you adress mine that may offend me. But really let's avoid this crap. I'm sorry if I offended you.

Well since I never insult people, I take offense to your bs commentary about my posting style. Being somewhat abrasive and being definitive in my defense of my opinions does not an insult make. And if you're insulted by such showing of self-confidence, then I can't help you there. Let's not derail a topic with that crap. Reply to the points. If you cannot do that, then we're not going to have a conversation.

Literally a handful? I have a good fifteen games that I consider among the best games ever made. Ten of them are in my top 30 games of all time. Shit, even PS2 doesn't have that many games on my list and I think PS2 is probably the greatest platform overall in gaming history.

First or third? If you're doing 1st+3rd party, sure, I agree. As I said, GCN had crazy, crazy good third party software on top of the first party one. I was making a point on how long the support lasted. Once again, Nintendo felt the console was doomed one year after release.
I almost 100% agree with this part of your post tho, and once again, my entire point is that what I want is Nintendo to approach the software like they did on the GCN avoiding all the suicidal mistakes in terms of hardware and marketing.

GCN lasted the entire era. I never once had a problem finding a game I wanted to play and loving it. I've made expansive GCN appreciation posts before so I won't bore you with lists, but the simple fact is GCN-era Nintendo was fantastic. If Stream is even seventy five percent as great as GCN we are in for a treat.

My experience was that of having a couple years of bliss and then quite a lot of dread, but I'm a peculiar Nintendo fan in many ways, and I don't dig EVERYTHING they do. I'd just want them to succeed enough with the next console to go and dare again, because we're not getting games if this new thing bomb as hard as the GCN did. What was sustainable in 2003 may not be sustainable today.

The fact that you didn't like the GCN era is something I cannot muster a lot of care for considering how amazing the entire generation was for them.

Really, what am I supposed to answer to this? I said "beautiful disaster" and you painted me in a corner covered in 12 thousands labels that don't fit me at all.

I respect your opinion since you're entitled to it,

Was I petty I should answer that it honestly looks like you don't really give a damn about my opinion but you're ranting against some imaginary guy who said something I didn't. I hope my opinion is clearer now. The GCN was fantastic, my issue is with how it was sent to die.

but after GCN we came to the Wii which was fucking abysmal.

Bro, we're *exactly* on the same page.

Every fucking thing they released was a creative pitfall or some other limiting garbage that was tied to the barely function motion control gimmick. If it weren't for Super Mario Galaxy and the bulk of games they released that were Gamecube games anyway that were held over on development (Super Paper Mario, Fire Emblem and Twilight Princess) the system would have been a complete failure.

Absolute agreement here.

So, let's review.

1. I don't give two shits about sales.
2. Nintendo released almost nothing but amazing games non-stop during the GCN era.
3. Therefore, it is nothing but a beautiful success to me. There is nothing disasterous about it since the only metric I care about is game quality. Therefore, GCN-era Nintendo is one of the best Nintendo eras.

1. Ok, if Nintendo thinks the GCN was cool and they're willing to lose millions and give us another, then preach on, I'm in for that. To break down: "beautiful" = the console was great, the software was excellent, "disaster" = it was a monstrous bomba and it may have changed Nintendo's policies forever, as I doubt they want to repeat it. My hope: keep the beautiful, avoid the disaster. I perceive a strong disconnection between this opinion and the arguments you're raising against it.
2. I disagree on the nonstop, but it's a matter of opinion. Some of the 2nd party software you listed I didn't exactly love, so we'd be discussing opinion, but I'm fine with the quality of the GCN software.
3. If that's your approach, then yes, there's little to discuss; we're talking about the Cafè here tho, and dismissing the GCN's commercial failure when discussing our hope that the Cafè will be anything like it seems somewhat superficial to me.
neoanarch said:
Your dates are all off. It released in 2001, the ps2 released in 2000 and the Xbox in 2002. It was still being manufactured in 2004 when the digital a/v port was removed.

2001 in Japan, 2002 in other markets, with a demented GPU archytecture that didn't incentivate third party in any way. Before the end of 2003 Nintendo halted production because the thing wasn't selling at all.


In retrospect GameCube is a great console.

But when it was on the market there was always like 6 months between great games. Many games were some of the best of last generation but they were few and far between. That was not great.
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